

A couple summers ago, I had the pleasure of visiting the Ankor Wat temples in Siem Reap, Cambodia.一對夫婦年前的夏天,我有幸參觀吳哥寺在暹粒,柬埔寨寺廟的樂趣。 It is the most spiritual place I"ve ever visited and the most impressive ancient ruins I"ve ever seen.這是最精神的地方,我曾經訪問過和我見過的最令人印象深刻的古代遺迹。 There are over one thousand temples in the Angkor area including the magnificent Angkor Wat, said to be the world"s largest single religious monument.有一千多個,在吳哥地區,包括宏偉的吳哥窟廟宇,據說是世界上最大的單一的宗教古迹。 The temple complex was built for the king Suryavarman II in the early 12th century as his state temple and capital city.天壇是專為初為他的國家寺廟和首都12世紀國王蘇耶跋摩二世。 Below are some HDR enhanced photos from an amazing photographer, Trey Ratcliff.下面是一些來自人類發展報告一個驚人的提高照片的攝影師,賑災利夫。 These are by far the best photos of Angkor I have ever seen.這是迄今為止最好的吳哥照片我見過。

The main Angkor Wat temple.主要的吳哥窟。

Monks strolling around.僧侶閑逛的。

The temples in Angkor are smack dab in the middle of the forest.在吳哥寺廟拍擊民建聯在森林中。 This temple was unique because it was embedded in the roots of a huge tree.這座寺廟是獨一無二的,因為它是一個巨大的樹的根嵌入。

All the temples are special in their own ways, but the Bayon temple was my favorite and the spookiest.所有的寺廟都特別以自己的方式,但巴戎寺是我最喜歡和spookiest。 With huge carved faces, Imagine the kinds of shadows you would see during sunset.巨大雕刻的面孔,想像一下陰影的種類你會看到在日落。

Security is almost non-existent yet the detail of the temples is unreal.安全是幾乎不存在,但有廟宇的細節是不真實的。

Angkor is truly majectic and spiritual.吳哥是真正majectic和精神。

中國神木石峁遺址 可媲瑪雅古城

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