


Give me a "for instance". 比如說?/ 舉個例子。I got a job. 我找了份工作。Why are you so tanned? 你怎麼曬得那麼黑?I really wanted to thank you. 我真的得感謝你。I thought we were happy. 我以為我們很快樂。Spit! 吐出來。Thank you for giving it to me. 謝謝你把它送給我。Thank you for giving it back. 謝謝你把它還給我。Why is she in the title? 為什麼她會有份?She gets a credit. 她把功勞都搶走了。Any nausea? 想嘔吐嗎?I don"t want to be involved in this thing. 我不想卷進這件事。Isn"t that amazing? 很神奇吧?What are we supposed to be seeing here? 我們要看什麼?Tilt your head to the left. 頭向左邊移。You"re gonna be an aunt. 你要當姑姑了。It was a cheap shot. 陰招。/ 賤招。We should do it again. 我們得再做一次。

Since when? 什麼時候開始的?Relax your hand! 手放鬆。Give it to me. 把它給我。Don"t think of it as a cigarette. 不要把它當成香煙。I feel complete. 我感到滿足。That"s ridiculous! 那太荒謬了!What did they do to you? 他們對你怎樣了?There"s five hundred extra dollars in my account. 我的帳戶上多了500美元。Keep it. 你留著吧。We"re with you. 我們支持你。/ 我們站你那邊。You"ve been so good, for three years! 這3年來你表現很好。


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