
Marianne MajerusBlue Dawn(第五屆花園類三等獎)Private garden, Cheshire, UKThe morning holds its breath for a fleeting moment before the sun rises. The photograph is about anticipation: the meeting of night and day. It was taken a few moments before the garden is transformed by sunshine and the distant mist has disappeared. This delicate balance is echoed in the interaction between the contemporary architecture and planting and the traditional parkland beyond.

Rachel WarneOld Rectory(第五屆花園類二等獎)Coombes, South Downs, UKThe remote Old Rectory has been a part of the landscape for hundreds of years. The Reeves moved in thirty-four years ago and turned it into a family home.It was refreshing to see so much colour in early spring. After scrambling up the hill, I wanted to capture the sense of spring bulbs en-mass and show the garden in its full glory.

Roger FoleyIn the Garden of the Four Seasons (第五屆花園類一等獎)Mount Sharon Farm, Virginia, USADesigned by landscape architect Charles Stick, the rose-laden pergola frames the small fountain at its end, lit up by the late afternoon sun. The garden gets its name from its Italian statues of The Four Seasons.I was inspired, as always, by the light. I loved the intensity of the highlights on the paving, and the way the fountain was lit up as if by a spotlight. In the late afternoon, the sun slanted through the overhead canopy of an immense black walnut, making a play of light and shadow. I was searching for a way to combine the architecture of this large pergola with the sense of mystery from being inside it

Colin RobertsSea thrift flowers(第四屆總冠軍)Widemouth Bay, North CornwallThe tide was out and the sun-lit flowers looked beautiful against the golden sandy backdrop. I needed the perspective of a wide angle lens to make the small cluster of flowers loom large in the foreground

Marianne MajerusAbstract Impressions of a Secret Garden(第四屆花園類一等獎)Nelly"s garden, Esch-sur-Alzette, LuxembourgAn image of images: the panes of glass, framed in lead, playfully distort the secret garden outside and create an Impressionist collage, each pane with its own unique character and hue. The nostalgic feeling is enhanced by the promise of the scented rose garden beyond. I really liked the way the garden had transformed the glass into a wonderfully intricate stained glass window, and I wanted to capture an image composed of many smaller image

Marianne MajerusLayered landscape: a moment captured(第三屆總冠軍及花園類一等獎)Private Garden, LuxembourgSunlight streams through the trees to actaea, sedums and grasses, and the layering of the mist over the fields in the distance provides a stage on which the plants perform their morning dance.Actaea simplex Atropurpurea Group, Sedum spectabileThe scene was utterly irresistible as the early morning light broke through the tree canopy and tickled the actaea.

Mark BoltonAlderman Moore"s Allotments, Bristol, EnglandAutumn morning down on the allotments(第三屆美味花園一等獎)This photograph was taken on an autumn morning, complete with mists and a lot of "mellow fruitfulness" . The location was on my allotment site in the centre of Bristol and I was probably walking towards my own site thinking about what I was about to pick

Carol SharpHome Studio, EnglandHeritage Purple podded pea(第三屆美味花園二等獎)I grew these Purple podded peas myself from seeds from Garden Organic"s Heritage Seed Library, as part of a self initiated project to find beautiful and garden worthy heritage vegetable varieties from their library. The seeds are being saved for our future biodiversity, they are our heirlooms. This was my favourite. The plant was attractive in all its stages from flower to seed pod. I painted the background and composed the shot to evoke the mood of an old masters still life painting

Carlo SilvaMelone modigliani(第三屆美味花園三等獎)Lombardy, ItalyThis is a photograph of a melon. The shot is inspired by Jeanne Hébuterne in a painting of Amedeo Modigliani. It"s an interpretation of a natural product , an exampledi of one of many original and particular gifts of the earth

Jonathan BermanTresco, Isles of Scilly, EnglandView of Abbey Garden, Tresco(第二屆總冠軍及花園類一等獎)"This is an early-afternoon infrared view over Tresco Abbey Garden, looking south, with my daughter viewing the scene. A tiny, four-day-old crescent moon is just visible. I first visited Tresco and its gardens as a child, and I remembered it as a magical place. I did not return for many years until I came for holidays with my own children. I wanted to capture in this photograph my undiminished wonder at this special place. I used infrared – with its ability to darken skies and lighten foliage – to create the fairytale atmosphere. The inclusion of my daughter added depth. I had photographed this scene on several occasions but on this occasion the cloud patterns and presence of the moon lifted it out of the ordinary

Claire TakacsEtchingham, East Sussex, EnglandSpring at King John』s Lodge(第二屆花園類三等獎)"I was visiting England from Australia, and hoping to find a few some gardens to photograph. I spent some time at Kings John』s Lodge and was immediately inspired by its beauty, which is particularly apparent in the early morning, when the light picks up and draws together the many different layers of the garden

Dee FishBasildon, Essex, EnglandFreshly picked sweet basil leaves (Basilicum)(第二屆美味花園類二等獎)"I love the smell of basil, and wanted somehow to evoke this in my image, so emphasised the deep, saturated green of the leaves

Paul DeboisStyling Abigail DoddPumpkins and squashes)(第二屆美味花園類入圍作品)"The brief for this studio photograph, taken for BBC Gardeners" World magazine, was quite simple – to give a warm, autumnal feel for a feature about pumpkins. I wanted to create a traditional atmosphere, so a hessian cloth background was the obvious starting point. As time was short, the lighting had to be simple, and one light with a reflector was perfect for a classic still life

Claire TakacsVictoria, AustraliaKenrokuen gardens, Kanazawa, Japan(第一屆總冠軍及花園類一等獎)"I find Japanese gardens so beautiful, and went to Japan specifically to visit and photograph them during the Cherry Blossom season. I researched many gardens, and Kenrokuen was classified as one of the most beautiful in Japan. I was hoping to capture this garden as best I could, and was so excited to be there while it was snowing. It was like being in a painting. People/visitors were not deterred by the snow. It was such a sight to see the colourful umbrellas passing through the gardens and over the bridges. It definitely added a whole new dimension to the garden visit

Jerry HarpurWisteria walk at Hermannshof, Germany(第一屆花園類三等獎)The Wisteria Walk (75 yards) of Wisteria floribunda 『Macrobotrys longissima』"It was a softly sunny May afternoon, one of those magical times which happen only two or three times a year and the blossom is 『au point』. The light and shade provided so many different tones, so much depth, so all that was needed was to find the best views.

Dennis FratesOregon, USADesert Garden(第一屆我的花園類一等獎)"I wanted to show the stark contrast of a favourite garden and the backdrop of the dry and barren desert hills of Eastern Oregon. The dramatic contrast between these two is what caught my eye

Claire TakacsVictoria AustraliaCloudehill gardens, Olinda, Victoria, Australia(第一屆花園類入圍作品)"Cloudehill actually was what inspired me intitially to become interested in garden photography. It sparked something inside me which was the beginning of rather a long journey, one which I have been passionately pursuing for the past three years throughout the world. Located just around the corner from where I grew up, I stumbled accoss the gardens one day, and was truly blown away by the beauty of the place. There are very few gardens in Australia such as this. Over the years I have been lucky enough to have access to the property, thanks to the owner, Jeremey Francis. It has been a wonderful experience to see the garden change through the seasons and also to further develop my garden photography. I am always hoping for such fleeting moments, as caught in this photograph, which the garden truly shines.I have visited and photographed the gardens many times throughout the past three years. I know early morning light is always the most beautiful, when you also have the gardens to yourself. I organised to go there before sunrise in early Autumn when the borders are looking superb. I have found the classical, symmetrical approach to photographing these borders seems to do the most justice to them. Then it』s just a matter of being there at first light and waiting for the light to shine. It was a misty morning this time, and then some sun started to break through.

Marianne MajerusEnclosed Exuberance (第五屆美麗花園類好評作品)BelgiumThe late summer colours of persicaria, kalimeris, cosmos and helianthus punctuate the mist which shrouds the distant fields.

Abigail RexMorning Glow(第五屆美麗花園類入圍作品)The Wild Garden at The Manor House, Upton Grey, Hampshire, UKThis image was taken early on a warm June morning. This garden was originally designed by Gertrude Jekyll and restored by the current owners. Naturalistic planting includes mixed grasses and Leucanthemum vulgare. I loved the tranquillity, stillness and dreamy light within the garden. This shot enables me to remember the moment perfectly

Dace UmblijaBoat-house(第五屆呼吸空間類一等獎)Winkworth Arboretum, Surrey, UK, by kind permission of the National TrustThe old wooden boat-house sits comfortably at the end of the lake at the Winkworth Arboretum, providing atmospheric views whatever the weather or season. The view from inside the boat-house looked like four colourful framed pictures. I used flash and tripod, since it was quite dark inside

Akash Chauhan (Age 14)Colourful Leaves on a Half-dried TreeThe Beauty of Plants(第五屆少年組好評作品)Sevoke, near Siliguri, IndiaWhen I was passing by the forest near Sevoke, my eyes just went to the half-dried tree. It was the only tree there with colourful leaves and it looked beautiful near the dry forest. I had my camera with me and I asked my uncle to stop so I could take this shot

Nigel BurkittThe Walled Kitchen Garden at Claydon(第五屆慷慨的地球類好評作品)Claydon Estate Gardens, Middle Claydon, Buckinghamshire, UKIn the last six years, this two-acre kitchen garden has been returned to full productivity growing organic vegetables, fruit from heritage trees and exquisite flowers, including many unusual varieties not seen on supermarket shelves. This view across the kitchen garden is top of my favourites and I can imagine it was not so different in Victorian times. I know the position where the sun rises and sought to catch the early morning light coming through surrounding trees. A ladder against the wall gave me convenient elevation

Carol SharpMedicinal Herbs(第五屆慷慨的地球類入圍作品)Studio, London, UKMedicinal herbs including Calendula officinalis, Lavandula officinalis, Achillea millefolium, Artemisia absinthium, Borago officinalis and Urtica dioica. I was inspired by the array of different colours and textures of herbs and their medicinal powers. I gathered the herbs and arranged them in layers on sheets of glass in my studio. A soft box light was put underneath to bring out the translucent colours, and I added strong side light to accentuate the edges

Tatiana KrikovtsevaEvening in the Tool Shed(第四屆花園類入圍作品)Village in the Perm region, RussiaThe magic light of the setting sun flooded into sheds and haylofts and was making its way to homes and attics. This photograph looks like a sketch from my childhood. It was a real-life painting before me! I remember the brief moment when I pressed the shutter and the chickens, the light in the dusty air and my feelings were frozen in the picture

Claire TakacsCool Perennial Borders at Cloudehill(第四屆花園類入圍作品)Olinda, Victoria, AustraliaJeremy Francis"s perennial borders at Cloudehill are spectacular in the early autumn. Here I have focused on ornamental grasses andVerbena bonariensis. I have photographed Cloudehill countless times in the past six years and I"m always looking for new angles and views. This particular autumn morning was especially beautiful as the sun rose and I wanted to capture the depth of the borders and lead the eye to the distance. Getting to the garden before sunrise, when autumn colours were at their peak, was the first step. Next was looking for a different shot, something less obvious, but atmospheric. I opted for a shallow focus on foliage just after the foreground, with the light just right to illuminate the background.



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