
Russia banned from Winter Olympics


Murad Ahmed in London, Max Seddon in Moscow

穆拉德·艾哈邁德 倫敦 , 馬克斯·塞登 莫斯科

翻譯: 何黎

Russia has become the first country in sporting history to be banned from sending athletes to an Olympic games for doping, in a move the Kremlin has argued represents a western conspiracy to humiliate the nation.


On Tuesday, the International Olympic Committee, the games organisers, responded to revelations of 「systemic」 doping by the country』s sportspeople by barring the Russian Olympic Committee from attending the Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in February next year.


The decision means that no athletes will be permitted to compete under the Russian flag and the country』s officials will not be allowed to attend.


In an attempt at compromise, the IOC said Russian athletes deemed to be 「clean」 would be able to appear — but only under a neutral banner. This means Russia』s 「uniform, flag and anthem」 will not appear at the event.


Russia deputy prime minister Vitaly Mutko, a close ally of Mr Putin and the former minister for sport, has also been banned from participating in all future Olympics. Mr Mutko is helping to orchestrate the football World Cup taking place in Russia next year.

俄羅斯副總理、前體育部長維塔利·穆特科(Vitaly Mutko)還被禁止參加未來所有奧運會。身為普京親密盟友的穆特科正幫助策劃明年在俄羅斯舉行的世界盃足球賽。

The IOC』s decision came late on Tuesday night in Russia but even before the announcement Russian officials had threatened to boycott the event if its sportspeople were forced to compete as neutrals.


Thomas Bach, IOC president, said Russia』s doping programme represented 「an unprecedented attack on the Olympic Games and sport」.

國際奧委會主席托馬斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)表示,俄羅斯的興奮劑計劃代表著「對奧林匹克運動會和體育的前所未有的攻擊」。

「This is a proportionate sanction for the manipulation and failure of the [doping] system.」


Mr Bach said: 「An Olympic boycott has never achieved anything … and I don』t see a reason for a Russian boycott because we allow the clean Russian athletes to participate [in order] to show there are clean athletes in Russia.」


The IOC made its decision after an investigation into Russian involvement in doping found the country had failed to clean up its sporting system.


In recent years, the country has faced revelations that its anti-doping officials helped athletes take performance-enhancing drugs, while government and security officials assisted in the cover-up of failed tests.


Russia』s ban had been considered inevitable in Olympic circles over the past few weeks.


Last month, the World Anti-Doping Agency rejected an appeal by Rusada, Russia』s anti-doping authority, to be reinstated into the world body and deemed compliant with global testing standards. That decision meant Wada believed Russia could not be trusted to properly test its athletes.


The IOC also corroborated the findings of a Wada investigation, led by Richard McLaren, a Canadian law professor, unravelling years in which Russian anti-doping officials helped athletes to take performance-enhancing drugs, with the strategy directed by government ministers.

國際奧委會還肯定了世界反興奮劑機構一項調查的結果,該調查由加拿大法學教授理查德·麥克拉倫(Richard McLaren)領導。調查發現,俄羅斯反興奮劑官員多年幫助運動員服用體能增強藥物,這方面的戰略由政府部長級官員統籌。

The extraordinary findings even suggested that the FSB, Russia』s secret service and successor to the Soviet-era KGB, worked to remove the caps from urine sample bottles which were previously thought to be tamper-proof, in order to swap dirty samples for clean ones.


Russia has strongly disputed the findings, questioning the legitimacy of information provided by whistleblower Grigory Rodchenkov, who ran Moscow』s anti-doping laboratory during the Sochi winter games in Russia in 2014. Mr Putin had wanted to use the Sochi games as a coming-out party for the nation, spending a reported $51bn to stage the event.

俄羅斯對調查結果表示強烈異議,質疑舉報人格里高利·羅德琴科夫(Grigory Rodchenkov)提供的信息的合法性;羅德琴科夫在2014年俄羅斯索契冬奧會期間是該國反興奮劑實驗室主任。普京曾希望把索契冬奧會當作國家的「登場派對」,據報道支出了510億美元舉辦那場賽事。

Last month, the IOC backed Mr Rodchenkov — who has gone into hiding in the US as part of a witness-protection programme — by describing him as a 「truthful witness.」


Before the 2016 summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the IOC declined to impose a blanket ban on Russian athletes, leaving it to individual sports federations to decide whether the country』s competitors were clean. This meant 271 of Russia』s original 386-strong team were able to compete.



前所未有 俄羅斯因興奮劑醜聞被禁止參加2018冬奧會

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