奧巴馬笑談《江南style》 或給妻子跳騎馬舞

The pop culture phenomenon known as 「Gangnam Style」 has finally reached the highest office of the United States. When asked about the craze, President Obama simply remarked, 「I think I can do that move.」

We can』t speak of President Obama』s confidence in the turnout of the 2012 election just yet, but he seems pretty secure in his dance moves. The hardest-hitting question President Obama has been asked yet was put forth by an interviewer curious as to whether or not the president had caught Gangnam fever yet.

On Tuesday, during a radio spot with WZID-FM in New Hampshire, President Obama was pressed on the issue, asked whether or not he or Michelle would eventually do a rendition of South Korean rapper PSY』s international viral hit, which has currently notched up just over 6.5 million views on YouTube.

「I just saw that video for the first time,」 Obama replied. 「I think I can do that move. But I』m not sure that the inauguration ball is the appropriate time to break that out.」

「Maybe,」 he concluded, 「I』ll do it privately for Michelle.」

「Gangnam Style」 has spawned numerous public odes and parodies across the internet including a US Naval Academy version, a Saturday Night Live mock-up, and a Late Show with David Letterman clip that superimposed GOP candidate Mitt Romney』s head on the Gangnam dancer.

Personally, I think that the inauguration ball would be the perfect venue for a re-elected President Obama to go 「Gangnam Style」 with Michelle. PSY would probably have a heart attack.大熱的《江南style》終於流傳到了美國白宮。在被問及全球掀起的這股流行文化風潮時,奧巴馬總統簡單地回答說:「我覺得我也能跳騎馬舞。」








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