標普將中國房產行業評級前景降至負面 S&P downgrades China property sector as cash restrictions bite

2011年06月16日 07:03 AM標普將中國房產行業評級前景降至負面S&P downgrades China property sector as cash restrictions bite英國《金融時報》 吉密歐 北京報道 評論[58條]

Standard & Poor』s has downgraded its credit rating outlook on China』s property sector to negative, pointing to worsening borrowing conditions and a likely slump in sales volumes.

評級機構標準普爾(Standard & Poor』s)已將對中國房產行業的信用評級前景調降至負面,理由是借款條件惡化,銷售量可能下滑。

The rating agency downgrade came as analysts warned of a potential price war among developers starved of cash by Beijing』s efforts to rein in the residential property sector.


「In the near term, what worries us most is the liquidity position of developers, who are facing very tight lending controls,」 said Bei Fu, an analyst at S&P in Hong Kong. 「In this situation, developers really need to rely on their own sales but this is a highly uncertain prospect given government attempts to suppress the market and the fact sales volumes have already started to come down.」


Residential property sales in China grew 17.7 per cent last month compared with the previous year, in terms of total area sold, after falling more than 10 per cent in April, according to government figures.


But analysts said the apparent rebound in sales in May was mainly due to a very low base in May 2010, the month after Beijing first announced a range of restrictions on housing sales.


Most analysts expect volumes to decline further in the coming months, forcing developers to cut prices to maintain sales in the face of cash shortages.


「Developers will start cutting prices more aggressively in the second half and we expect this to cause sales volumes to dry up further as people don』t want to catch a falling knife,」 said Du Jinsong, a real estate analyst at Credit Suisse. 「We believe the worst is yet to come for China』s property sector.」

「今年下半年,開發商將開始採取力度更大的降價措施,我們預計,這將導致銷售量進一步下滑,因為人們不希望在房價下跌時購房,」瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)房地產分析師杜勁松表示,「我們認為,中國房地產行業的最糟糕階段尚未到來。」

Moody』s rating agency cut its outlook for China』s property developers from stable to negative in April.


With oversupply in a cooling market an increasingly likely scenario, some analysts believe cash-strapped developers are poised for a price war that could lead to drops in property prices across the country.


「We believe the prospect of a price war is currently limited, but the situation could change quickly due to uncertain credit conditions and property sales,」 S&P said on Wednesday.


An average property price drop of more than 30 per cent could be devastating for the Chinese economy because of the importance of land sales to local government finances and of housing construction to the overall economy.




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