

This article is by Baizhu Chen, a professor of clinical finance and business economics at USC Marshall School of Business. He is also senior researcher at the Institute of Finance and Banking at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, chief economist of Sino-Century Capital, a venture capital firm in Shanghai, and former president of the Chinese Economists Society, and he is academic director for Marshall』s Global Executive MBA program.


Once upon a time there were a buyer and a seller. The seller insisted on selling her product at a lower price. The buyer, strangely, was upset about paying such a low price. In fact, he was so furious that he threatened to take legal action against the seller if she refused to sell her product to him at a higher price.


Have you ever experienced such a situation at a store? I haven』t. As a buyer, I would love to see a shop insisting on selling merchandise to me at a lower price. I have been looking for such a shop my whole life, and I am still searching. The whole premise of buyers insisting on paying higher prices is nonsensical to a rational person. If people believed in paying more rather than less, all the books of modern economics would have to be thrown out the window.


China and America have become exactly such a seller and buyer. China, the world』s biggest seller, sells cheap Christmas ornaments, cheap iPhones, cheap Gap shirts, and cheap Nike shoes to America. All Chinese know that the same pair of Nike shoes costs less in the U.S. than in China. That is why Gap stores, Nike outlets, and Apple stores in the U.S. are all a must stop for Chinese tourists, even though their products are all made and available in China.


We in America, on the other hand, are very unappreciative buyers. We are apparently angry at China for selling us cheap products. We accuse China of selling us cheap this and cheap that, and most of all, we are angry at China for selling us its cheap currency, called renminbi, or yuan. The United States Senate, which represents tens of millions of American consumers, recently passed a bill to pressure China to sell its currency more expensively so that we as buyers in America would have to pay higher prices for Chinese-made products.


The argument is that this is good for the U.S. economy because cheap Chinese products take away American jobs. Really? A bit of history might help. Thirty years ago, Japan was accused of taking away American jobs, because of the undervalued Japanese yen. The yen has since appreciated from 250 yen per dollar to 80 yen today. Jobs have not returned.


Three years ago, right after the U.S. presidential election, one American dollar could buy approximately 7.5 Chinese renminbi. Today, it gets less than 6.4. If we wanted to punish China for taking away our jobs with its undervalued currency, we should have done so three years ago, when the renminbi was 15% cheaper than today. Why did we have to wait three years, as the renminbi became more expensive, to pass a bill at a time when the next election is entering campaign stage? That is election year politics, plain and simple.


Our senators tell us that making Chinese currency more expensive will be good for China. China currently consumes only 35% of the goods and services it produces annually, while America consumes more than 70%t of U.S. gross domestic product. Forcing China to appreciate its currency, the argument runs, will enable the Chinese to consume more beef, corn, and gasoline, and the Chinese will be happier. To be honest, I am confused here. I thought elected officials were supposed to represent my interests and the interests of millions of American families trying to make ends meet by relying on inexpensive Chinese products. I didn』t know U.S. Senators were supposed to represent the interests of Chinese consumers. It is up to the Chinese government to make the Chinese happier. When billions of Chinese jump forcefully onto the consumption wagon, the prices of goods will become higher for struggling American families. Senators, be careful of what you wish for.


I am an economics professor at a great American institution, and I was educated at great American universities. Watching Washington making policies based on 「Washingtonomics」 really makes my head spin. Sometimes I wonder if I should check into an economics re-education camp to retrain myself. But as an American buyer, I really like China. I wish all economics textbooks could be rewritten so that all buyers and sellers would behave exactly like America and China. That would be a wonderful world!




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