

Customer Declaration Card(海關聲明卡)

Part A - All travellers (must live at the same homeaddress)(A部分,全部的旅遊者,必需居住在同一個地方)

Last name,first name, and initials(姓、名、縮寫名)

Date of birth(生日)


Home address - Number, street(家庭地址,號碼、街道)


Province or state(省或州的名稱)


Postal/Zip Code(郵政編碼)

Arriving by:Airline Flight No.(搭乘飛機的航班號)

Purpose of trip:Study,Personal,Business(旅遊的目標:學習、個人原因、商務)

Arriving from:U.S. only,Other country direct,Other country viathe U.S.(從那裡來:從美國、直接從其它國家來、其它國家途徑美國來)

I am/we are bring into Canada:(帶入加拿大的物品:下面的內容都選否)

Firearms or other weapons, Yes/No(武器)

Goods related to my/our profession and/or commercial goodswhether or not for resale(e.g.,samples,tools,equipment)(和我的職業或和商業有關的商品,如:工具、設備等)

Animals,birds,insects,plants,plantparts,soil,fruits,vegetables,meats,eggs,dairyproducts, livingorganisms,vaccines(動物、鳥類、昆蟲、植物、泥土、水果、蔬菜、肉類、蛋、乳製品、有機物、疫苗)

Articles made or derived from endangered species(用瀕危物種製作的物品)

I/we have shipped goods which are not accompanyingme/us.(有非隨身攜帶的海運物品)

I/we will be visting a farm in Canada within the next 14days.(我在14天之內會訪問一個加拿大的農場)

Part B - Visitors to Canada(B部分,加拿大的訪問者)

Duration of stay in Canada(days)(在加拿大停留的時間)

Full values of each gift over CAN$60(全部價值超越60加元的禮物)

Special quantities:Alcohol,Tobacco(特殊限定的數目,酒精、煙草)

Part C - Residents of Canada(Complete in the same order as PartA)(C部分,加拿大的居民,這部分不用填)

Part D - Signatures(age 16 and older)(簽名,歲數在16歲或以上)



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