



撰文 | 湯 楠(北京生命科學研究所研究員)

責編 | 葉水送

知識分子為更好的智趣生活 ID:The-Intellectual

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2015年,美國胸科協會一些醫生和肺幹細胞專家注意到了網上和新聞里有很多未經批准和有潛在危險的「肺幹細胞」治療。同年4月,在美國胸科協會的一本雜誌上,多名專家呼籲全球要對未受管制的幹細胞治療呼吸疾病的案例採取行動 [1]。

2016年7月,世界範圍內的共19個肺癌、呼吸和胸腔協會以及患者宣傳團體在國際幹細胞研究學會(ISSCR) 的網頁上發表「對未經證實的肺幹細胞干預的聲明 (Statement on Unproven Stem Cell Interventions for Lung Diseases),強調了他們的核心使命之一,就是要將新的科學研究信息轉化為對患者的科普教育。



Paolo Macchiarini是一名外科醫生。2008年,其首次在一名巴塞羅那的年輕女子Claudia Castillo身上創造了「奇蹟」。他採集到已故供者的氣管,並通過化學的方法去除了供體氣管內的細胞; 並向殘留的氣管支架中接種從Claudia自己的骨髓中提取的幹細胞。根據Macchiarini 的理論,Claudia的幹細胞能夠發育分化成正常的氣管組織,如此,她便不需要使用任何有風險的免疫抑製藥物,另外Macchiarini認為Claudia自己的細胞也可以很好地找到自己應該發揮作用的器官。

當時無數的新聞報道了這個氣管幹細胞移植案例,例如,在NBC紀錄片「信仰的飛躍」(Leap of Faith)中,稱這個案例是醫學的突破和信仰的飛躍,「想像一個世界,任何受傷或患病的器官或身體部位都被一個新的人造器官替代。Macchiarini也被稱為「再生醫學的先驅」、「超級明星外科醫生」、「創造奇蹟的再生醫學科學家」,他的工作被譽為將再生醫學領域的夢想變成現實。

2010年,Macchiarini由於其「傑出」的工作,被招聘到世界最負盛名的醫學機構之一瑞典的卡羅林斯卡研究所工作。從這裡開始,Macchiarini不再使用供者的氣管作為支架,而是製作了塑料氣管支架。自此之後,Macchiarini先後在世界各地包括瑞典、義大利、英國、俄國、美國等國家至少治療了16名患者,並且還在著名的醫學雜誌《柳葉刀》上多次發表論文[2] 。

然而,事情後來的發展並不完美。最初,最早接受Macchiarini治療的Claudia遭受了嚴重併發症,卻一直沒有人關心, 也沒有相關的報道。自2012年開始,Macchiarini的一些病人開始陸續死亡。雖然,同時期一些醫生也在包括《柳葉刀》等各種雜誌上表達了質疑,但卡羅林斯卡研究所一直對Macchiarini保持支持。一方面,因為氣管修復領域是一個很專業的領域,卡羅林斯卡研究所很少有人對Macchiarini的專業有深入的了解;另一方面,媒體上也在拚命地圍繞著氣管再生進行炒作,這或多或少地影響了大家的決策。

直到2016年,瑞典國家廣播公司(SVT)在其製作的一部紀錄片中揭露Macchiarini在俄羅斯對至少一名沒有生命危害的病人進行了氣管移植手術並造成了患者早期死亡,才引起人們的高度重視。後來,隨著各種調查的深入,人們發現他在發表的文章、個人簡歷甚至病人死亡的原因上都存在造假行為。Macchiarini 用幹細胞治療帶來的不良後果遠比人們想像的殘酷。在其治療的17名患者中,至少有11位死亡,剩下的病人也存在著各種併發症 [3]。2017年,Macchiarini 被卡羅林斯卡正式解僱,後續還會追究其刑事責任。諾貝爾生理學或醫學委員會秘書Urban Lendah和Harriet Wallberg,以及卡羅林斯卡研究所副所長 Anders Hamsten被迫辭職。




2015年,Nature雜誌發表的兩篇文章都試圖找到這種細胞,Frank Mckeon實驗組聲稱在流感病毒損傷的小鼠肺中,他們發現了一群表達KRT5+P63+的基底細胞可以遷移到肺泡並參與肺泡的修復和再生[4]。但在同期雜誌上發表另一篇文章的作者Harold Chapman 卻認為KRT5+P63+基底細胞細胞並不能參與肺泡再生。在流感病毒損傷的肺泡部位表達KRT5+的細胞是由另一群在遠端氣管的細胞生成的。Chapman研究組謹慎地稱這群細胞是「不明族系的細胞」 [5]。

從2015年到2018年,包括Harold Chapman、Jason Rock、Barry Stripp、Edward Morrisey 和Wellington Cardoso在內的5個研究組,對KRT5+P63+這群細胞做了認真細緻的研究。5個研究組得出了一個同樣的結論:KRT5+P63+的基底細胞並不能參與肺泡的再生和修復[6-11]。所以到目前為止,科學家還沒有在成年人的肺臟中找到一個可以既參與氣管又參與肺泡再生的「超級幹細胞」。








研究發現,在嚴重流感病毒感染後,大量肺泡上皮細胞死亡,一群KRT5+P63+細胞出現在嚴重受損的肺泡部位,將受損嚴重的肺泡基底膜部位蓋住,但這些細胞並不能建立正常的肺泡結構[6-11]。而且這些細胞的產生並不利於肺功能的恢復,通過抑制Hypoxia/Notch signal,阻止這群KRT5+P63+細胞產生的時候,小鼠肺功能恢復得會更快更好[6]。目前科學家們還在研究如何讓肺泡幹細胞能成為我們想要他們去分化的細胞類型,希望未來幾年能夠有一些突破。







通常負責任的幹細胞臨床試驗有一些關鍵特徵:a)有非常可靠並且被學術界承認的臨床前數據來支持被幹細胞治療可能是安全有效的;b)由諸如審查委員會或醫學倫理委員會這樣的獨立組織進行監督,以保護患者的權利;c) 在許多國家幹細胞治療是由國家管理機構評估和批准,例如歐洲藥品管理局(EMA )或美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA);d)接受幹細胞新療法的人群需要和多組對照組進行比較。比如,接受幹細胞治療的人群同時又接受著傳統的治療,那麼如何來客觀地評價幹細胞的治療效果是一個需要認真考慮的問題。很多慢性肺病病人的肺功能指標波動性大,不同的肺疾病肺功能數據複雜,分析指標完全不同。所以對幹細胞治療效果的評價一定是需要非常有經驗的肺科醫生的認真分析。

讓我們再回到Macchiarini的案例中,從2014年開始,一名比利時的外科醫生和四名卡羅林斯卡研究所的醫生一直都試圖提出疑問,以引起卡羅林斯卡研究所高層和病人的警惕,但媒體報道的光環一直圍繞著Macchiarini [12]。如果能夠早期公正客觀地對Macchiarini的幹細胞治療進行評價,那麼Macchiarini幹細胞治療造成的悲劇和損失可能會少很多。





1. The Global Emergence of Unregulated Stem Cell Treatments for Respiratory Diseases. Professional Societies Need to Act. Ikonomou L, Freishtat RJ, Wagner DE, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, Weiss DJ. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Aug;13(8):1205-7. doi: 10.1513/ Annals ATS. 201604-277ED.

2. https://ki.se/en/news/the-macchiarini-case-timeline

3. https://forbetterscience.com/2017/06/16/macchiarinis-trachea-transplant-patients-the-full-list/

4. p63(+)Krt5(+) distal airway stem cells are essential for lung regeneration. Zuo W, Zhang T, Wu DZ, Guan SP, Liew AA, Yamamoto Y, Wang X, Lim SJ, Vincent M, Lessard M, CrumCP, Xian W, McKeon F. Nature. 2015 Jan 29; 517(7536): 616-20. doi:10.1038/nature13903. PMID:25383540

5. Lineage-negative progenitors mobilize to regenerate lung epithelium after major injury. Vaughan AE, Brumwell AN, Xi Y, Gotts JE, Brownfield DG, Treutlein B, Tan K, Tan V, Liu FC, Looney MR, Matthay MA, Rock JR, Chapman HA. Nature. 2015 Jan 29;517(7536):621-5. doi:10.1038/nature14112. Epub 2014 Dec 24. PMID: 25533958

6. Rare SOX2+ Airway Progenitor Cells Generate KRT5+ Cells that Repopulate Damaged Alveolar Parenchyma following Influenza Virus Infection. Stem Cell Reports. Ray S, Chiba N, Yao C, Guan X, McConnell AM, Brockway B, Que L, McQualter JL, Stripp BR. 2016 Nov 8;7(5):817-825. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.09.010.

7. Persistent Pathology in Influenza-Infected Mouse Lungs. Kanegai CM, Xi Y, Donne ML, Gotts JE, Driver IH, Amidzic G, Lechner AJ, Jones KD, Vaughan AE, Chapman HA, Rock JR. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2016Oct;55(4):613-615. PMID: 27689795

8. Local lung hypoxia determines epithelial fate decisions during alveolar regeneration. Xi Y, Kim T, Brumwell AN, Driver IH, Wei Y, Tan V, Jackson JR, Xu J, Lee DK, Gotts JE, Matthay MA, Shannon JM, Chapman HA, Vaughan AE. Nat Cell Biol. 2017 Aug;19(8):904-914. doi: 10.1038/ncb3580. PMID: 28737769

9. Regeneration of the lung alveolus by an evolutionarily conserved epithelial progenitor.

Zacharias WJ, Frank DB, Zepp JA, Morley MP, Alkhaleel FA, Kong J, Zhou S, Cantu E, Morrisey EE. Nature. 2018 Mar 8;555 (7695):251-255. doi:10.1038/nature25786. PMID:


10. Spatial-Temporal Lineage Restrictions of Embryonic p63+ Progenitors Establish Distinct Stem Cell Pools in Adult Airways. Yang Y, Riccio P, Schotsaert M, Mori M, Lu J, Lee DK, García-Sastre A, Xu J, Cardoso WV. Dev Cell. 2018 Mar 26;44(6):752-761.e4. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2018.03.001. PMID: 29587145

11. Basal Cells in Lung Development and Repair. Morrisey EE. Dev Cell. 2018 Mar 26;44(6):653-654. doi:10.1016/j.devcel.2018.03.004. PMID: 29587138

12. http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/how-an-nbc-news-producer-was-wooed-by-the-extreme-form-of-a-con-man/281183

製版編輯:斯嘉麗 |






知識分子為更好的智趣生活 ID:The-Intellectual




2013-05-14 03:08閱讀:378

胚胎幹細胞療法的陰暗面(節選) 斯蒂芬·巴雷特醫學博士

幹細胞療法肯定是一個有前途的研究領域。幹細胞可以在機體內產生許多專門化的細胞。某些類型的幹細胞已經被用於某些癌症患者的高劑量化療後期的造血、免疫功能恢復後,其潛在應用非常廣泛,可用於進行修理或更換受損的器官的細胞和組織的產生。如果科學家們可以掌握如何控制幹細胞轉化成新的成熟細胞,醫生將可能治好許多目前無法治癒的疾病[1,2]。然而,商業發起人提出的要求已經遠遠超出什麼是可能的,並應該被視為極端可疑。主要的商業來源就是烏克蘭的胚胎組織中心,墨西哥的美利堅幹細胞(原名稱為Medra公司),加州的腦治療診所(以前稱為恢復健康醫療中心和腦細胞治療診所),巴貝多的Vita Nova診和北京市石景山區西山神經再生和功能重建研究所。

烏克蘭胚胎組織中心(EmCell)似乎是最早的商業胚胎幹細胞機構。它的領導人,Alexander-Smikodub博士,和阿列克謝·卡爾片科博士(自稱國立醫科大學教授)。在EmCell網站聲稱:該中心的科學家已經做了13年的胚胎幹細胞移植,[3]診所使用的細胞「不具有抗原特性,排斥反應是不可能的。」 [5]沒有負面效果[4]。「胚胎幹細胞移植在許多疾病的療效遠遠超出其他任何現代方法。」 等等 這些說法可信程度如何?細胞是如何準備的?所採取的方法,能否確保他們沒有感染性?如何確定患者有沒有副作用?Smikodub和卡爾片科是否發表了他們的結果?他們的理論和方法是否合理? ALS療法發展基金會一直在調查「胚胎幹細胞注射防止肌萎縮性(脊髓)側索硬化症(盧伽雷氏症)」的真偽。其網站稱,兩位美國醫生(米切爾GHEN,DO和丹·科斯格羅夫,MD)在用一個「新的和未經檢驗的方法治療患者,」但至今沒能證明其有效性。基金會還指出:(一)有些患者已經歷了類似流感的癥狀,(B)三個病人有深色尿,可能意味著溶血性貧血和/或腎損害,及(c)目前尚不清楚是否幹細胞實際上尚存有足夠長的影響[10,11]。 2003年3月,美國食品藥品管理局查獲記錄在GHEN的診所和科斯格羅夫說,他已經停止了提供治療[12]。

ALS基金會還調查了與員工醫生交談,發送詳細的後續問卷調查,並跟幾個前患者的細胞治療診所。該基金會的報告指出:EmCell在某些領域拒絕透露重要細節,如他們如何過濾艾滋病或肝 炎病毒。眾多的問題集中在他們如何能夠報告治療獲益者的情況。 我們沒有找到任何數據表明使用EmCell的方法是科學合理的。

原文如下http://www.quackwatch.org/06ResearchProjects/stemcell.html The Shady Side of

Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy Stephen Barrett, M.D. Stem cell therapy is certainly a promising area for research. Stem cells have the ability to give rise to many specialized cells in an organism. Certain types of stem cells are already used to restore blood-forming and immune system function after high-dose chemotherapy for some types of cancer, and several other restorative uses have been demonstrated. The broadest potential application is the generation of cells and tissues that could be used to repair or replace damaged organs. If scientists can learn how to control stem cell conversion into new, functionally mature cells, doctors might be able to cure many diseases for which therapy is currently inadequate [1,2]. However, the claims made by commercial promoters go way beyond what is likely and should be regarded with extreme skepticism. The main commercial sources appear to be the Embryonic Tissues Center in the Ukraine; Stem Cell of America (formerly called Medra, Inc) in Mexico; the Brain Therapeutics Medical Clinic (formerly called the Health Restoration Medical Center and the Brain Cell Therapeutic Clinic) in Mission Viejo, California; the Vita Nova Clinic in Barbados; and the Beijing Xishan Institute for Neuroregeneration and Functional Recovery in Beijing, China.

The Embryonic Tissues Center The Embryonic Tissues Center (EmCell) appears to be the oldest commercial source of embryonic stem cell therapy. Its proprietors, Alexander Smikodub, M.D., Ph.D., and Alexey Karpenko, M.D., Ph.D., are described as professors at National Medical University. The EmCell Web site claims:

Scientists at the center have been doing embryonic stem cell transplantation for 13 years, have performed 2,000 transplants, and have the worlds largest clinical experience . . . in various diseases and conditions. [3] Smikodub was the first in the world to introduce schemes of treatment of many diseases of internal illnesses . . . involving embryonic cell suspensions of mesenchymal, ectodermal, and endodermal origin. [3] The cells used at the the clinic do not possess antigenic properties, making rejection impossible. [5] No negative side effects were observed [4]. Curative effects of Embryonic Stem Cell Transplantation in numerous diseases are far beyond the possibilities of any other modern method. [6] Shortly after transplantation, patients experience increased vigor, improved feeling of inner strength, belief in favorable result in treatment, absence of depression, improvement of mood and mental creativity. [7] Restored functional activity of impaired and damaged internal organs and tissues leads to steady recovery. [7] The treatment has achieved positive results in cancer, AIDS, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Crohns disease, and more than 50 other diseases and conditions [8]. Cell therapy contributes to antitumoral immunity and can be used to prevent disease as well as relapses and metastases [9]. How credible are these claims? How are the cells prepared? Are steps taken to ensure that they are not infectious? How was it determined that patients have no side effects? Does the clinic follow its patients and keep score? Have enough cancer patients to determine 5-year survival rates? Have Smikodub and Karpenko published their results? Do their theories and methodology make sense?

The ALS Therapy Development Foundation has been monitoring claims that fetal stem cell infusions might be effective against amyotropic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrigs disease). Its Web site states that two American physicians (Mitchell Ghen, D.O., and Dan Cosgrove, M.D.) have treated patients in a new and untested way, but so far no conclusions could be drawn about effectiveness. Foundation documents also note that (a) some patients have experienced flu-like symptoms, (b) three patients have had dark-colored urine that may signify hemolytic anemia and/or kidney damage, and (c) it is not clear whether the stem cells are actually surviving long enough to have an effect [10,11]. In March 2003, the FDA seized records at Ghens clinic and Cosgrove said he had stopped offering the treatment [12]. Cryobanks International, which had supplied the cells to Ghen and Cosgrove, stopped doing so after the FDA contacted them [13].

The ALS Foundation has also investigated the Cell Therapy Clinic by talking with a staff physician, sending a detailed follow-up questionnaire, and talking with several former patients. The Foundations report states:

EmCell did not answer many of the questions, and in some areas refused to elaborate on important details such as their method for screening against the AIDS or hepatitis viruses in the cells or their method of cell extraction. We also asked . . . questions that focused on how they were able to report on patients who have benefited from the treatment. They were not willing to explain their conclusions or how they reached them. We have not found any data that suggests that the methodology used by EmCell is scientifically reasonable, or that it is helping ALS patients. Although the Foundation has not received any reports of ALS patients being harmed by EmCell, the Foundation has not received any verifiable reports of improvement following EmCell treatment either. Stem cell therapy is being pursued by a number of credible institutions around the world and ALS-TDF is working with many of theleaders in that area. EmCells $15,000 stem cell therapy bears very little resemblance to what is currently being done in leading institutions around the world. One of the main elements that makes EmCells approach different from these leading institutions is their method of delivery. EmCell is injecting fetal stem cells into the abdomen and veins of patients. This approach is similar to the therapy that has been offered in Mexico, in which they have been using bovine stem cells as a cell source. However, those who visited these Mexican clinics have not shown any measurable benefit that we know of to date. EmCell suggested to us that the number of cells does not matter since the cells will divide once they are in the body. If EmCell believes this is true, this raises a significant red flag since the effect of every credible stem cell therapy tried to date has been, in part, dependent on the number of cells injected. Dose does matter, and it indicates there is a lack of understanding on the part of EmCell about how stem cells work. EmCell suggests that these stem cells DO NOT draw the attention of the immune system. This is another red flag. It is well known that the immune system will generally eliminate any foreign cell, especially in the peripheral system where EmCell is transplanting the cells. Newly injected cells are very unlikely to live very long without some form of immune suppression. In current US stem cell experiments, immunosuppressive drugs are generally used. Most scientists . . . do not believe its plausible to inject a limited number of cells into the abdomen and have them travel into the brain in any way that would help in ALS. EmCell does not appear to have any real tracking mechanism in place to identify improvements and declines in their patients after they have returned home. After talking with several patients who visited the clinic, it is clear that no evaluation was made of their physical or neurological condition. It is suspicious that they are making claims of improvement for an entire group of people that were not followed in a manner that could generate any viable claims [14]. In August 2003, I did Medline searches to see whether Smikodub or Karpenko had published any reports about their patients in peer-reviewed medical journals. I found none that appeared relevant to the curative claims described above.

Stem Cell of America (formerly called Medra, Inc.) The chief American commercializer of embryonic stem cell therapy is William C. Rader, M.D., a psychiatrist in Malibu, California, who used to run Rader Institute clinics that specialized in treating eating disorders. For $25,000 (wired in advance), Rader will arrange for treatment at his Mexican clinic. In the past, he has also done business under the names Mediquest Ltd., Czech Foundation, Dulcinea Institute, Ltd., and Medra, Inc. A message posted to the Yahoo StemCells group indicates that before he opened his own clinic (in 1997 in the Bahamas), Rader escorted patients to the Ukraine clinic. Like EmCell, Rader has claimed that his fetal stem cell treatment is not antigenic and has no side effects. In a 1997 document, he stated:

Because fetal cells uniquely do not have antigenicity, they can be given to anyone with no reaction, no rejection, immunusuppressive drug therapy, or any side effects whatsoever. When a patient receives fetal fresh cell therapy (usually given intravenously over a few hours. . . ), the first action of cells is to stimulate the cells already present in the recipients system, making them more potent. Then they actually replace the recipients immune cells and, eventually engraft, which means they actually continually grow more fetal cells, resulting in a new and stronger immune system [15].

With respect to cancer, Rader has claimed that his treatment enables chemotherapy and radiation to continue longer and virtually eliminate their side effects [15]. Medras Factsheet claimed:

The fetal stem cell searches out, detects and then attempts to repair any damage or deficit discovered, as well as releases growth factors, which stimulate the bodys own repair mechanisms. . . .

A partial list of diseases includes:

Alzheimer』s, Anemia, Autism, Brain damage, Cancer, Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Diabetes, Diverticulitis, Epilepsy, Impotence, Immune Suppression, Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson』s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Ulcerative Colitis. . . .

Rarely has a single treatment modality offered so much promise to those suffering from some of mankinds worst afflictions [16].

Rader has also claimed that by strengthening the immune system, fetal cells offer prevention from acquiring multiple diseases, including cancer, where the fetal cells actually form an anti-cancer barrier which becomes another anti-aging factor. [13] I dont believe that. In order to substantiate such claims, thousands of people would have to be followed in a controlled trial that lasted many years. Stem cell technology has not existed long enough for any such study to have been done.

Medra, Inc.s Factsheet identified Rader as medical director and Prof. Albert Scheller, M.D., Ph.D. as chief scientific investigator. Searching Medline, I found no publications one by either of them that are relevant to the claims they made for Medras treatment. In 2011, Medra changed its name to Stem Cell of America and Raders clinic was moved from the Dominican Republic to Mexico.















要知道幹細胞和癌細胞在很多方面有極其相似的性質,由於都具有不死性和持續分裂的可能性,所以一旦用於治療的幹細胞產生突變,危險性很大。所以我們做過的工作就是通過epigenetic性質來判斷注入人體的細胞是否保持幹細胞性,是否分化成了我們需要的組織。其中有大量的quality control步驟,花費巨大。


Japanese man is first to receive reprogrammed stem cells from another person?













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