Just one generation ago someone like Kate Middleton would have been tasered for getting too close to the British Royal family.一代人以前,像如今的准王妃凱特米德爾頓這樣出身的人如果和英國皇室走的太近,一定會成為眾矢之的。
So when Clarence House relaxed their stun guns and let their future king propose to a "commoner", Britain awoke in a postmodern-like daze where realities became relative and class boundaries blurred.所以,當皇室放下戒備,接受他們未來的國王向一位「平民」求婚時,整個英國暈眩得似乎進入了後現代時期,現實不再那麼絕對,階級界限也漸漸模糊。
The only problem with such superb forward thinking is that the Royal Family is still very much backward and old fashioned when it comes to some matters, namely rules and etiquette.不過,雖然皇室的思想慢慢變的現代前衛,但在某些方面,其觀念仍然非常傳統,比如關於規矩和禮節。
And as the first normal woman to enter the Windsor fold, Kate will feel the changes to her life on a higher level than many past princesses.作為第一位入主溫莎城堡的平民王妃,凱特將會體驗到前人無法領略的各種巨大變化。
Here are ten things the bride-to-be will no longer be allowed to do once she walks down the Green Mile–ahem, aisle–in Westminster:當她邁入威斯敏斯特教堂後,准王妃就要和以下十件事說再見了:
1. Be referred to as "Kate" 被稱呼為「凱特」When Kate Middleton joins the House of Windsor this year, her official title will become "Her Royal Highness the Princess William of Wales". She can be addressed as "Catherine" or "Ma"am" (pronounced like "ham"). But "Kate" isn"t going to cut it anymore by Royal standards.一旦成為王妃,凱特就不再是「凱特」,而是「尊敬的威爾士威廉王妃陛下」。要麼稱呼她為「凱瑟琳」,要麼稱呼為「女士」,想一想,都木有人再叫自己的昵稱了,也挺悲涼的哦?
2. Vote 投票Technically, the Queen and other members of her family are allowed to vote, but they do not do so because in practice it would be considered unconstitutional and not in accordance with the need for neutrality.為了公正起見,王室成員一般也不再參與各種投票。想想也是,要是威廉王子投個啥票表個啥意見,還不得有一窩蜂的女同胞們跟風啊!
3. Run for political office 從政For the reasons stated above, this is also a no no.這個自然,誰當了皇室成員還會想去從政……連首相都是為乃們服務的啊!
4. Escape the scrutiny 逃離群眾視線As arguably Britain"s most dysfunctional family, the Monarchy provides the British public with a generous source of voyeuristic entertainment, and an opportunity for heartless slander.Having already been under the media spotlight for the best part of nine years, Kate has copped her fair share of criticism from the media over the most mundane and insignificant of things.英國皇室永遠都是人們茶餘飯後的談資,各種八卦各種誹謗永遠不絕於耳。在和威廉王子愛情長跑的這九年,凱特一定深有體會,有關她的啥雞毛蒜皮的小事都能被拿出來說,真可憐T_T
This scrutiny will grow existentially and extend to all aspects of her life. Did you know the Middleton family can only trace their roots back to the mid 1500s? So what were they up to in 1413 then? They must be hiding something.不過,一旦正式成為王妃,人們對她的關注只會變本加厲。這不就有人八卦,說米德爾頓家族的歷史只能追溯到16世紀中期,那麼1413年他們在做啥?一定是在遮掩什麼!真夠無聊的= =
5. Play Monopoly 玩大富翁In 2008, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, said that the Royal Family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home "because it gets too vicious". No member of the family has yet revealed what they play in its place during the Christmas holidays.2008年,約克公爵安德魯王子就曾透露,皇室成員是不能玩大富翁遊戲的,因為「那太邪惡了」。不玩大富翁,那乃們聖誕節玩神馬涅?
凱特婚後不能做的十件事作者:滬江英語采編 | 來源:Yahoo6. Say or do anything controversial 任何有爭議的舉動This includes accepting large amounts of money from "businessmen" for access to your husband and getting your toes sucked in public by your financial adviser. You know who you are, Fergs. So far she has succeeded seamlessly in this, not putting a foot wrong in any situation. Granted though, the world has only heard her speak once after her and William"s engagement and that was a heavily rehearsed affair.作為皇室代表,在公共場合行為不當是大忌,出個小糗立馬就能上報紙頭條。到目前為止,准王妃的一切舉動都非常得體,不過細想一下,她也僅僅有過一次公共發言哦,還是經過嚴格排練的,以後如何,咱們還是坐等八卦吧!
7. Eat shellfish 吃貝類British Royals are apparently never served shellfish, because of a fear of food poisoning. So if Kate can"t live without crustaceans, she will have to seek them out in her own time.皇室從來不吃貝類,因為害怕被下毒= =如果准王妃實在想吃的話,只能偷偷的吃嘍^^
8. Work 工作It is well known that Royals and careers don"t mix well. As proven when Prince Charles" plan to work part time in a factory failed. At 29 years of age Kate is the oldest spinster ever to marry a future king, and though she has a History of Art degree and years of life experience, Kate has spurned work wherever possible. This is unless you count seven months as a casual accessories buyer for clothing chain Jigsaw and a short time working for the family company, Party Pieces.眾所周知,皇室成員不工作,之前查爾斯王子就曾想去工廠幹活來著,最後被否決了。儘管這位準王妃有著大學文憑,但她還是乖乖在家挑選配飾、搭配衣服神馬的吧。對女同胞來說,表太幸福哦!
9. Sign anything unofficial 非正式文件簽名As a potential future counsellor of state if William becomes king, Kate might at some stage have to sign government papers and brings legislation into force in her husband"s place. People in this position are strictly not supposed to sign anything that could lead to their signature being copied and forged.當了王妃連簽名都不是鬧著玩的了,不然被人複製,拿去偽造什麼文件就麻煩了= =不能簽名的名人算神馬名人嘛!
10. Finish her dinner 好好吃完一頓飯If she is a slower eater than her grandmother-in-law, Kate could go hungry. In Britain, when the Queen stops eating, you stop as well, fork in hand.皇室有規矩,女王陛下就餐完畢後,不管你吃沒吃完,任何人都不能再動嘴。所以如果准王妃吃飯速度比老太太慢,那就杯具了,想好好吃頓飯都不行……傷不起啊!有木有!!
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