《屏幕錄像軟體》(xvidcap for veket)1.1.6 中文版[安裝包]


精華資源摘要: 發行時間:2009年製作發行:http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/語言:簡體中文時間: 2009/12/2 發布 | 2009/12/3 更新分類:軟體多媒體類統計: 20010次 瀏覽 | 306次 收藏



詳情 1.5MB全選 1.5MB中文名:屏幕錄像軟體英文名:xvidcap for veket資源格式:安裝包版本:1.1.6 中文版發行時間:2009年製作發行:http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/地區:大陸語言:簡體中文簡介:

軟體類型:系統工具軟體性質:免費軟體操作系統:veket應用平台:veket-2/veket-3/lucky8k-veket-1/lucky8k-veket-2網站鏈接:http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/在veket-2.39上測試通過,它錄像的時候可自由選擇錄像的區域,默認是保存在/root目錄下,可以用播放器打開觀看。注意:這軟體官方沒有提供中文翻譯,搜索在這裡:代碼http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/softstorage/show.php?content=1用veket自帶的解壓縮程序可以直接解開rpm包。找到中文漢化,只將新版本的辭彙添加進去。其它信息保持完整。vidcap 是一個可將屏幕上的操作過程錄製下來並保存為視頻的小工具。對於需要製作產品演示和教學的朋友來說,這個屏幕錄像機十分實用。Xvidcap 支持生成 avi、mpeg、asf、flv、swf、mov 等視頻格式,可以應用在各種場合。錄製的區域也可以隨意選擇,顯得非常方便。現在啟動 Xvidcap,在首選項中對視頻進行設置,如所採用的視頻格式及編碼器,保存文件名稱等。如果需要錄製聲音,也可對音頻部分進行相應配置。然後選擇需要錄製的區域,注意有紅色的方框指示。點擊 Xvidcap 控制欄中的紅色按鈕就可開始視頻的錄製過程了。錄製結束後,可以用相應的播放工具播放。點吸管圖標可以選擇抓取範圍,點桌面就是抓取全屏,點紅點按鈕開始錄製,方塊按鈕停止右鍵點擊可以設定選項,比如生成的文件的名字,格式等。Xvidcap FAQ中文翻譯(ZT)出處:http://hi.baidu.com/chinsung/blog/item/b9d...af9.html轉載,原文連接看上邊:足足花了一個晚上搞定的東西,翻到後面自己都變得懶了。Xvidcap FAQXvidcap常見問題General Questions一般問題What is xvidcap?什麼是Xvidcap?Xvidcap is a tool that can capture movement on an X11 display. It works in two distinct modes: It can capture to single frames (like a number of jpeg images) or it can encode the captured frames to a video on-line.Xvidcap是一可抓取X11屏幕運動的工具。它有兩種工作方式:單禎抓取(比如一組jpeg圖片)或是將所抓取的禎實時編碼成視頻格式。It is intended to be a standards-based alternative to tools like Lotus ScreenCam for UNIX platforms. On-line encoding is done through FFMPEG and also allows for audio grabbing on OSS compatible systems.我們打算將它製作成類似UNIX平台上Lotus ScreenCam的標準替代工具。即時編碼通過FFMPEG完成,同時可通過OSS兼容系統捕獲音頻。Can I capture the mouse pointer?我能抓取滑鼠嗎?Yes ... provided some prerequisites are met.當然,不過得有些先決條件。X11 alone doesn"t appear to support a generic way to determine the shape of the current mouse pointer. To achieve that, there is the Xfixes extension. If that is present during build-time and when you run xvidcap, you will get your mouse pointer in the right position and shape. If the Xfixes extension is not available, the only thing xvidcap can do in order to capture mouse movement to video is to determine the position of the mouse at the time a frame is captured and paint a dummy mouse pointer arrow to the corresponding position in every frame. That will still allow you to see a mouse pointer in the resulting video. However, if your application changes the shape of the mouse pointer (like e.g. Gimp does ist for most tools), you will not get those changed shapes in the video. You will always get the standard dummy mouse pointer.X11自身並不運行某種一般途徑以決定滑鼠的當前形狀。為實現這一點,可利用Xfixes擴展工具。如果您運行xvidcap的時候Xfixes也正在執行,您將會得到滑鼠的正確形狀和位置。如果Xfixes不可用,為了能在視頻中添加滑鼠的位置,xvidcap唯一能做的便是判斷某一禎抓取時滑鼠所在的位置並在那裡給出一個摹擬的滑鼠形狀。在最終的視頻中您依然可以看到滑鼠。但是,如果您的程序改變了滑鼠的形狀(比如Gimp就可以實現這一點),您將不能得到已改變的滑鼠形狀,而只能得到標準的摹擬形狀。Can I record audio along with the video?我能撇開視頻而單獨錄製音頻嗎?Yes.可以。Since 1.1.2 you can, provided you have (a) an OSS compatible system and (

FFMPEG libraries that have audio capture support compiled in (which is normally the case if you use the version of ffmpeg bundled in xvidcap).從1.1.2版開始,如果您擁有OSS兼容系統以及編譯進了支持音頻抓取的FFMPEG庫(如果您使用的是以ffmpeg為解碼器的xvidcap,則通常都是如此)。As far as (a) is concerned, I know that Linux systems are usually OSS compatible and Solaris systems are not. I"m not sure about the other platforms that have been reported to run xvidcap (like HP-UX for one). Feel free to comment about your experiences on other platforms.據我所知,Linux操作系統通常都兼容OSS,而Solaris則不是。雖然有人聲稱能其他系統(如HP-UX)能夠運行xvidcap,但我並不能確定其對OSS的兼容性。歡迎您與我分享在其他操作系統上的體驗。About (

: 1.1.2 will assume you have OSS, if you use pre-existing libavcodec and libavformat libraries. More recent versions check for the audio_init() function to determine the real status of audio support. If you use FFMPEG as included with xvidcap, the build system will determine the correct status from the included ffmpeg source tree.支持FFMPEG即意味著兼容OSS。You"re saying FFMPEG needs OSS for audio capture. Will ALSA work, too?您講到FFMPEG需要OSS支持以錄製音頻,用ALSA可以嗎?I"ve found it to work fine on all of my machines. ALSA provides OSS compatibility which worked out-of-the box for me.在我的所有機子上都是可以的。ALSA提供了與OSS類似的兼容性。For more information on ALSA"s OSS emulation, see here.要了解兩者的相關信息,請到以下地址:http://alsa.opensrc.org/home/w/o ... ?title=OssEmulationRecording sound does not work (or it only works for the microphone, not application output)不能錄製聲音(或者只能用麥克風,不能利用程序的音頻輸出)It does!肯定能!The thing is: This is completely depending on your mixer settings!關鍵是:它取決於您的混頻器設置!What typically causes problems here is that alsa starts all volume controls set to zero. Desktop environments typically set the controls to sane or user-defined values on startup for playback. For recording that often needs to be done manually by the user. How this can be done depends on the platform and desktop system you"re on, or even the audio hardware you"re using.問題出在alsa初始將所有的聲音控制器設為0。桌面環境通常將控制器設為恬當值或是用戶定義值。而在錄製的時候通常需要人工設置。而這通常又取決於您的操作系統和桌面系統甚至你使用的音頻硬體。Here"s an example for alsamixergui:這裡是一個alsa混頻器gui例子:- bump up "Mic"向上推「Mic」- activate "Mic" as an input source (red dots instead of white dots)選中"Mic"使之作為一種輸出源(將白點變為紅點)- select "Mic Boost (+20db)" (light green instead of white speaker symbols)選中"Mic Boost(加大麥克風音量20分貝)"(將白點變為綠點)For the gnome volume control there are two sample screenshots here:The proven strategy for testing this is using the most simple audio recording application available to eliminate errors in the configuration of the more complex applications (read: xvidcap). For example using rec and play from the sox application:可用通過最簡單的音頻錄製程序來排除設置上的錯誤,例如可利用sox程序來錄製和播放音頻:rec -d /dev/dsp test.wavThen talk into the microphone or capture the output of the application you"re trying to record, hit CTRL-C and play the recorded audio file.接著對著麥克風說話或是抓取你想要的程序音頻輸出,而後鍵入CTRL-C並播放音頻文件。play test.wavAre there plans to port xvidcap to Windows?有將xvidcap移植到Windows的計劃嗎?No.沒有。Well, not that I wouldn"t think such a port worthwhile, but it"s so far at the end of the priority list that it will probably never happen, unless a skilled Windows programmer wants to join the project for explicitly that reason.當然,我不是說不值得那樣做,但目前在我們的安排表上,還不可能,除非有一位Windows編程高手為此想加入我們的項目。After all, there are available tools for Windows, albeit typically not for free, like: Lotus ScreenCam, Camtasia, etc.而且,Windows下已經有一些工具了,雖然並不是免費的,比如:Lotus ScreenCam, Camtasia等。Will xvidcap work on a Mac, or are there plans to port it?Xvidcap可以在Mac上運行嗎?或者你們是否有移植的計劃?I have not received any reports that it does work on a Mac. Remember, though, that the best thing it could do is capture from X11. I am not at all sure it would allow you to capture Aqua applications.我並沒有接到反饋說這個程序可以在Mac上運行。記住,不管怎樣,此程序最好運行在X11平台上。我完全不能確定它是否能抓取Aqua程序。Will there be a port? Prolly not before somebody buys me a MacBook

是不是會移植呢?如果有人給我買個MacBook的話,可以考慮下,哈哈。Why does Windows Media Player play my captured videos upside down?為什麼Windows Media Player播放我的抓取視頻的時候有些混亂?This seems to be an issue in Windows Media Player 6 and apparently fixed in version 7 ... so in typical Windows manner: Please upgrade在Media Player 6版本,可能7也有這樣的問題,於是這是Windows的問題,請升級您的播放器。Does xvidcap/gvidcap work with fullscreen applications, such as games like Cube?Xvidcap/gvidcap是否可以工作在Cube遊戲這樣的全屏程序下?It depends on exactly how the graphics are drawn to the screen. It is not the fullscreen quality or the gaming nature of the application that could make it impossible for xvidcap. There have been reports that X-Wing Alliance through WINE e. g. works just fine. Problems typically arise around hardware acceleration like OpenGL. Those often need to be disabled to allow xvidcap to caputre the display.這要看圖像是怎樣顯示在屏幕上的了。全屏質量或是遊戲本質並不能關鍵所在。有報告稱X-Wing聯盟比如通過WINE可以正常工作。問題通常出在硬體加速上,比如OpenGL模式。在進行全屏抓取時通常需要關閉這些模式。Does xvidcap get the array of pixels from the xserver or off the video card"s buffer?Xvidcap是通過Xserver還是視頻卡緩衝來得到像素點陣的?xvidcap cannot at this point in time make use of hardware acceleration!xvidcap工作時不能使用硬體加速器!xvidcap can only get a frame from the X server either using plain X11 calls or Xshm (with shared memory, which requires client and server to be on the same machine).不管是使用X11還是Xshm(利用共享內存,這要求客戶機和伺服器位於同一台計算機上),Xvidcap只能從Xserver上得到圖像信息。The thing is that once the actual bitmap is on the frame buffer, I don"t know how to get it at all, or even in a portable fashion. I"ve heard that AGP should offer ways, but then AGP slots don"t seem to be the fashion anymore these days, anyway.可即便是像素圖存在於緩衝區,我也根本不知道怎樣獲取。我聽說AGP可以提供一些途徑,可AGP插槽已經不再流行了。If you know how to get at a bitmap once it"s rendered by the frame buffer and are confident that getting at it won"t eat all the performance gain, DO TEACH ME!如果您知道怎樣獲得緩衝區點陣圖而且可以確信不會損傷性能,請一定要聯繫我!Building(build這個詞很難譯,一般理解是編譯後的可運行狀態或是版本或是到達可運行狀態的整個動作)After building xvidcap says "FFMPEG encoding not supported"build完xvidcap後提示:"不支持FFMPEG編碼"This means you didn"t correcly build FFMPEG support into xvidcap. Read the INSTALL file and note that configure without any parameters will try to build libraries for libavcodec and libavformat from the bundled version. Keep an eye on the output generated by configure. If you see any of the following lines after configure has built the prerequisite libraries, the libraries have not successfully been built:這意味著你沒有正確地將FFMPEG支持編入xvidcp。閱讀安裝文檔,注意不要配置任何參數則運行庫將編譯成libavcodec和libavformat。注意配置生成的輸出,如果發現了以下內容,則編譯不成功:checking for av_rescale in -lavutil... (static?) ... nochecking for sws_scale in -lswscale... (static?) ... nochecking for avcodec_encode_video in -lavcodec... (static?) ... nochecking for av_write_header in -lavformat... (static?) ... nochecking for avcodec_decode_audio in -lavcodec... (static?) ... noThe build complains about being unable to findcommon.h編譯程序程序稱不能找到common.hThis is due to a bug in the build system for versions 1.1.2 or lower, please upgrade.這是由低於1.1.2的編譯程序BUG引起的,請升級。The workaround for the afflicted versions is: Remove all symlinks in the ffmpeg directory before trying a build with dynamically linked libavcodec/-format.Why am I getting error about an "undefined reference to `pow""?為什麼會提示錯誤「未定義到『pow』的參考」?This should only be happening with way old versions, please upgrade.版本太老,請升級。On some systems, to link to libpng you also need to link to libm. That should be guessed correctly for most systems by configure, but if you"re getting this error, the following call to configure should help:在某些系統上,鏈接到libpng的同時也需要鏈接到libm。一般默認配置都會正確,如果還有問題,試下下面的命令:LDFLAGS="-lm" ./configureInstallation安裝Why do you not provide packages for distribution XYZ?為什麼不為不同的發行版提供不同的發行包?Because I lack the time and/or the machines.我沒有足夠的時間,也沒有足夠的機子。I mainly intend to provide a good source tarball.我的主要目的是提供優秀的源文件。On Solaris pkgadd complains about "no packages found"在Solaris機子上安裝時總提示「沒有發現安裝包」The Solaris package is provided as a single file package stream (read man pkgtrans) and needs to be installed using the following commands:Solaris包是一種特殊的格式(請閱讀pkgtrans幫助文檔),請用下面的命令安裝:gzip -d <KHBxvidcap-version>.pkg.gzpkgadd -d <KHBxvidcap-version>The usual "pkgadd -d . <packagename>" will not work.常用的"pdgadd -d"命令無法工作。How do I install the Fedora RPMS and how do they differ?怎樣安裝Fedora用的RPM包?有什麼不同吧?Notes on installing the Fedora RPMS for the 1.1.3 versions, which you shouldn"t be using anymore:注意在Fedora上安裝1.1.3版本時不能同時使用以下兩個包:* gvidcap - comes with the GTK2 gui* xvidcap - comes with the X11 gui, onlyThey are conflicting packages. On Fedora go with gvidcap (xvidcap is intended for non-GTK2 OS`s).兩個包會相互衝突。在Fedora上需用gvidcap。Install the usual way:通常用如下方法安裝:rpm -i gvidcap-1.1.3-fc1.i386.rpmBoth packages require a recent version of ffmpeg (>= 0.4.8). This is easily obtainable from one of the Fedora repositories (look here, for example). If you want ffmpeg support statically linked, build the application from source.兩個包都需最新的ffmpeg(0.4.8版本以上)。在任何一個Fedora源上都很容易能夠得到。如果想得到更好的支持,請編譯源代碼。The new RPMS for version 1.1.3 now come with the audio/video sync patch included which can otherwise only be obtained from CVS, as a source patch, or from more recent versions.1.1.3版本的最新RPM安裝包已經發行,可以通過安裝源等多種方式得到。Usage使用Why does the button to capture a single image not work for me?為什麼不能抓取圖片?This is usually a usage problem. The button for recording a single frame is sensitive during a paused recording session only! This means you cannot start a recording by pressing that button. The right way of doing it is:通常是使用不當。抓圖只有在暫停錄製時才可用!所以按按鈕是沒用的。正確的方式如下:* Press Pause 按下暫停* Press Record 按下錄製* Press Capture Single Frame 按下抓取單一禎Also note that this only makes sense when you"re capturing to single-frame images, not when you"re encoding to a video on-the-fly.同時注意只有在抓取單一禎模式下才可用,在錄製視頻時則不行。Capture fails with "Could not find audio grab device ..."因「不能找到音頻設備」而失敗That"s a message originating from FFMPEG and means there is a problem with accessing the audio grab device.消息從FFMPEG發出,意味著不能操作音頻設備。The reason is probably one of the following:可能由以下原因引起:* Your sound device is not OSS compatible (not very probable if you"re on Linux)你的音頻設備不能兼容OSS(你可能不在Linux操作系統上)。* There is no such device(沒有音頻設備)* You don"t have access permissions to that device(你沒有設備操作許可權)* You"re using 1.1.2 and trying to encode to MS_MPEG4. That won"t work with audio. Use a more recent version.(版本太舊)Is xvidcap able of capturing a running video?可以錄製播放中的視頻吧?Yes.可以。However, you need to disable hardware acceleration on your graphics adapter. Many video players make use of hardware acceleration. In such a case the individual frames of the video are not actually rendered/drawn within X11 memory. The rendering is delegated to the (faster) hardware of the graphics adapter. Xvidcap needs to capture the rendered image. Because there is no way for xvidcap to get it once it"s on the graphics adapter, you absolutely need to disable hardware acceleration.但是你需要禁用顯卡加速器。許多視頻播放器都應用了硬體加速技術。這樣的話所看到的禎就不是X11內存中的禎。Xvidcap需要抓取實時顯示的圖像。於是必須禁用硬體加速器。For mplayer e.g. you would use a command line like:對mplayer,可用如下命令:mplayer -vo x11For RealPlayer go to "Extras->Preferences". There on the "Hardware" tab deslect "Use XVideo" (i. e. remove the check!).對RealPlaer,Extras->Preferences,取消選中的Use XVideo。Why are the videos or single frames I capture always white or black?為什麼我抓取到的單禎圖像總是白色的或黑色的?Most probably you are trying to capture from an application that uses hardware graphics acceleration. Typical cases are 3D animations that use OpenGL. Xvidcap has no way of capturing that.還是顯卡加速器的問題。If you want to capture from applications like those, you need a switch to turn of the use of hardware graphics acceleration. That"s not possible with all applications out there, though ... sorry.如果硬要截取這樣的圖片,我們也只能說,sorry.If you are completely sure, this does not match your case, please submit a bug here.如果你確信不是加速器的問題,請修正一個BUG。=Running xvidcap I get an error message saying "xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"如果得到這樣的錯誤: "xvidcap: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"This is a problem with the old debian package. You could try installing libpng2 and libpng10-0:這是由舊版的debian安裝包引起的,請安裝ibpng2及libpng10-0apt-get install libpng2 libpng10-0The much preferred fix, however, would be installing a more recent version.默認會安裝最新的版本。Encoding編碼Why do my videos recorded with xvidcap play back too fast?為什麼我錄的視頻回放的時候會很快?This can have one of two reasons:可能有以下兩個原因:1. Dropped frames:1.丟禎:The hardware you"re on can"t handle what you ask for. Try making the capture selection very small and see if the problem disappears. If not, it"s probably (2), if it does, you can"t capture at the frame size, image quality, and frame rate you selected. You can play around with those parameters until you find a combination that your system can handle. Make sure you watch (2). Another way of making the capturing lighter on your system is using the XDamage extension. This may or may not work for you. The results depend a lot on your window manager and the nature of the stuff you want to capture. If you"re on a fairly conservative window manager and want to record normal application windows, chances are it will work alright and improve performance for you. Xvidcap will enable the use of XDamage by default on any window manager but compiz or beryl.你的硬體無法達到你的要求。試著減小抓取選項,看下問題是否解決了。如果還沒有,則可能是第二個問題。如果是的話,則不能抓取過大的視頻禎數,過高的視頻質量,以及過大的禎比率。試著調節參數使之達到你機器的最大承受能力。一定要看下第二個問題。另一個解決方法是利用Xdamage擴展。它可能也可能不起作用。這與你的窗口管理器和你要抓取的內容相關。如果是在一個老式的窗口管理器中錄製普通的應用程序窗口,則擴展可用並將改善性能。在除compiz和 beryl外的窗口管理器中,XDamage默認打開。Perhaps, however you need a faster system. You can see dropped frames using xvidcap with a "-v" parameter. Note however, that writing the verbose output to tty will slow down xvidcap and may actually cause dropped frames.如果要一個快速的系統。你可以通過使用-v參數來查看丟失的禎,但同時注意,使用了這個參數可減速xvidcap,並可真正的丟掉一些禎。2. Wrong frame rate:2.錯誤的禎率Some codecs don"t support arbitrary frame rates. Selecting a frame rate of 10 with MPEG1, e.g., will capture 10 frames per second but playback will use 24 fps making the video go way to fast. Read the man page for what frame rates are supported where. The current UI should enforce valid frame rates, older versions might not.有些編碼不支持所有的禎率。例如對MPEG1就選擇為10,則回放的時候以24禎每秒處理,這樣視頻自然就快了。請閱讀幫助文檔查詢相關信息。最新版的程序將強制可用的禎率,而個版則不會。How can I record videos for Windows Media Player compatibility?怎樣錄製與Windows Media Player兼容的視頻?With 1.1.2 there is only one way to do that: Chose MSMPEG4 as the video codec. Afterwards rename the file to an *.asf extension. You also must not record audio. Windows Media Player won"t be able to play ASF files with an audio stream. This is due to a limitation in FFMPEG in that version.1.1.2版時只有一種方法:選擇MSMPEG4作為視頻編碼。而後將文件後綴名改為.as。同時你不能錄製音頻。Windows Media Player不能播放帶音頻的ASF文件(???我怎麼不知道這個事?)。這是由那個版本的FFMGEG的缺陷引起的。With 1.1.3rc1 or higher you can select a video codec of MS_DIV2 in an AVI file. This will also support an audio stream. Note that MSMPEG4 has been renamed to MS_DIV3 in 1.1.3rc1.在1.1.3rc1及更高版本中你可以在AVI文件格式中選擇MS_DIV2編碼。支持音頻。值得一提的是MSMPEG4在自1.1.3rc1起更名為MS_DIV3。How do I improve recorded audio quality?怎樣增強音頻錄製質量?Watch your mixer settings. If your microphone input gain is set too high, sound will get distorted.查看你的混音器設置。如果你的麥克風輸入值設得太大,聲音可能會受失真。From the Help Forum:(出自幫助論壇)Quote:(引用)* Make sure the Recording function is on Volume (alsamixer calls it Master) if you"re recording sounds produced*確認錄音選項在聲音控制器上(alsa混頻器稱之為Master)* Set IGain at about 50% -- mine was set too high*將IGain設為50%* Set PCM at around 70% -- again, mine was too high*將PCM設為70%* After lowering the iGain (alsamixer calls it Capture), the sound quality is very close to the original.*調低iGain(alsa稱其為Capture)後,音質將非常接近原音.

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