囧研究:幸福千千萬 單身一樣很美好(雙語)

In the United States, 51 percent of adults are single. That numberwill likely only grow with marriage on the decline and divorcerates at historic highs, although not rising as quickly as pastyears.


Single peopleoutnumberingmarried couples represents a historic moment in the United States,but the culture still stigmatizes staying solo. Out of those 128million Americans who aren』t married, surely some number of themprefer to avoid long-term relationships.


Despite the fact that we live in a society where technology isincreasingly connecting more people, plenty of folks really do justwant to be left alone. In fact, despite social norms and culturalexpectations, some singles are perfectly happy spending their livesin solitude.


People who harbor a strong fear of being single often end up inrelationships that leave them unhappy. Duringrelationshipinitiationand maintenance, those who fear being single may prioritizerelationship status above relationship quality.


Taken together, these studies suggest that not everyone is cut outfor relationships. The single life isn』t so bad afterall.



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