雙語:中國超3成富豪已移民 美國成首選目的地

A new report shows that 64 percent of Chinese millionaires have either emigrated or plan to emigrate—taking their spending and fortunes with them. The United States is their favorite destination.最新報告表明,中國有64%的百萬富豪已經移民或有移民打算,美國是其最受歡迎的移民國家。The report from Hurun, a wealth research firm that focuses on China, said that one-third of China"s super rich—or those worth $16 million or more—have already emigrated.中國財富研究公司胡潤研究院報告稱,中國三分之一頂級富豪(身價1600萬美元以上)已經移民。The data offer the latest snapshot of China"s worrying wealth flight, with massive numbers of rich Chinese taking their families and fortunes overseas. Previous studies show the main reasons rich Chinese are leaving is to pursue better educations for their kids, and to escape the pollution and overcrowding in urban China.此數據展現了中國富豪紛紛移民的現狀,大量富豪帶家人漂洋過海。此前的研究表明,中國富豪移民的主要原因是為孩子追求更優質的教育,以及遠離中國都市的污染和擁擠。But analysts say there is another reason the Chinese rich are fleeing: to protect their fortunes. With the Chinese government cracking down on corruption, many of the Chinese rich—who made their money through some connection or favors from government—want to stash their money in assets or countries that are hard for the Chinese government to reach.但分析師稱中國富豪移民有另外一個原因:那就是保護資產。由於中國政府加大反腐力度,許多借職務之便獲取錢財的中國富人倍感壓力,他們想把自己的財產轉化為中國政府難以觸碰的海外資產。According to WealthInsight, the Chinese wealthy now have about $658 billion stashed in offshore assets. Boston Consulting Group puts the number lower, at around $450 billion, but says offshore investments are expected to double in the next three years.據倫敦財富諮詢機構WealthInsight,現在中國富豪的海外資產有6580億美元。波士頓諮詢公司調查出的數字4500億美元左右相對較小,但他們說在接下來的3年中海外投資將翻倍。A study from Bain Consulting found that half of China"s ultrawealthy—those with $16 million or more in wealth—now have investments overseas.貝恩諮詢公司的研究發現,中國半數超級富豪(資產值1600萬美元以上)已經在海外投資。The mass millionaire migration out of China is also hitting luxury companies hard. Hurun said China"s luxury sales last year fell 15 percent—the biggest drop in over a half a decade. Spending on gifts, which made up a sizable portion of luxury sales, fell 25 percent.大批中國富豪移民海外對奢侈品公司來說是個沉重的打擊。胡潤報告稱,去年中國奢侈品行業銷售下降了15%,為近五年來最大跌幅。在奢侈品銷售中佔有重要地位的禮品支出,則下降了25%。Bentley Motors last week said that its sales in China slowed last year in part because of "the migration of high net worth individuals from China."賓利汽車公司上周稱去年在中國的銷售不太樂觀,部分原因是「中國上層富裕人士移民海外」。In other words, it isn"t that wealthy buyers in China are spending less—they"re just disappearing.換句話說,並不是中國富裕消費者購買力降低了,而是他們正慢慢地在中國消失。Most are looking for permanent residences, Hurun said. The United States was their top destination, which any real estate agent in San Francisco, Seattle or New York can confirm. Europe is their second favorite destination, followed by Canada, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong.胡潤表示大部分富人在尋求長期定居海外,美國是他們的首選,這一點得到舊金山、西雅圖、紐約任何一家房地產代理商的證實。歐洲是第二選擇,其次是加拿大、澳大利亞、新加坡和香港。正文已結束,您可以按alt+4進行評論(滬江英語網)


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