

The aim of Idol Producer, which wrapped up April 6, is to find the final line-up for a new nine-member boy band.電視真人秀《偶像練習生》6日落下帷幕,這檔節目最終要挑選9名成員組成一個全新的男子組合。

It quickly became a hot topic of discussion following its Jan 19 debut on iQiyi, with tens of millions of fans feverishly voting for their favorite idols, despite accusations that the show is a just copy of South Korean TV program Produce 101.1月19日在愛奇藝首播後,《偶像練習生》迅速成為公眾熱議話題。數千萬粉絲為自己喜愛的偶像瘋狂投票。儘管該節目被指是韓國電視節目《Produce 101》的翻版。

Take a look at Idol Producer"s top nine contestants and see if you can spot some common traits.來看看《偶像練習生》前9名選手,你是否發現一些共同特徵。

They are all young, sporting flawless skin and big, bright eyes, with makeup carefully applied to enhance the beauty of their doll-like faces.他們年紀輕輕,都擁有牛奶皮膚、閃亮的大眼睛,精緻妝容讓他們的娃娃臉更漂亮。

But it"s not just their appearance that"s helped the boys win the hearts of fans, it"s their personalities as well.不過,這群男孩不僅是靠外表收割粉絲的心,他們的性格也很吸粉。

Take 16-year-old Justin, the show"s youngest contestant, for example. Thought of as hopelessly cute and mild-mannered, the baby-faced performer"s puppy eyes and smooth cheeks have won him a host of self-proclaimed "mom" and "sister" fans.以《偶像練習生》中最年輕的參賽者,16歲的Justin為例,他舉止溫和有禮,可愛到無可救藥,頂著一張娃娃臉,一雙小狗眼和光滑的臉蛋,吸引了大批自稱「媽媽粉」、「姐姐粉」的支持者。



A xiao nai gou is loyal and considerate, making an ideal companion for his girlfriend, who is usually several years older.「小奶狗」因忠誠、體貼而被視為姐姐們(大幾歲)的理想男友。

Take Cai Xukun, the most popular of the contestants, for example. He has been praised for his good manners, both toward the judges" panel and to his fans through his frequently shows of gratitude.比如《偶像練習生》中人氣最高的選手蔡徐坤。他經常對評委和粉絲表達感謝,因而被贊彬彬有禮。

Though still young, these boys have mastered various tricks to flirt with the fans who love them.儘管這些男孩還很年輕,但他們已經掌握了各種各樣的撩粉技能。

Shows like Idol Producer seem to reflect an aesthetic shift in China"s popular culture toward effeminate men, or "flower boys".《偶像練習生》這類節目似乎折射出,中國流行文化的審美轉向了「花美男」。

This aesthetic, first celebrated in the leading men of South Korean pop music, does not prize traditionally masculine attributes.這種審美不再標榜傳統男性特徵,最早體現在對韓國流行音樂的男性領軍人物的追捧上。

Instead, these men must get in touch with their feminine sides to win women"s hearts, as noted by a guest speaker on the talk showRoundtable Party (Yuan Zhuo Pai).脫口秀節目《圓桌派》中的一位嘉賓指出,這些男性必須展現自己女性化的一面,以贏得女粉絲的愛。

"I noticed recently that older women in Japan adore a skater called Yuzuru Hanyu, whose body looks much like that of a female," linguistic scholar Xu Zidong said while talking about the pop idol industry.語言學者許子東在談論偶像產業時表示:「我發現,最近日本的中年婦女很推崇一個叫羽生結弦的花滑選手,他的身體就像是個女人一樣。」

This observation incurred criticism from fans and led to a wide-ranging online discussion about aesthetic preferences.這一觀點遭到粉絲抨擊,在網上引發了關於審美偏好的廣泛討論。

Our aim today isn"t to judge who"s right or wrong in the discussion, but instead to consider why the "flower boy" trend has emerged.我們今天不是要評斷這場論戰中誰對誰錯,而是思考為什麼會出現「花美男」審美趨勢。

Economic empowerment經濟地位提升

Compared to decades ago, more women now have access to education and employment, which has lead to their economic empowerment.與幾十年前相比,如今越來越多女性有機會讀書和工作,這讓她們獲得經濟權力。

With more money to spend and fewer constraints on the decisions they make, they can choose to invest in the male stars they"re crazy about and in turn, become their idols" economic bedrock.女性在做決定時,可支配的資金更多,受到的限制更少,她們可以給自己喜愛的男星投資,從而成為這些偶像的經濟支柱。

An aesthetic shift


This could be the result of centuries of male-dominated image making. But now, more young girls are free to publicly express their love for beautiful men and judge a man"s charisma from his appearance.出現這種審美改變可能是因為,幾世紀以來都是以男性為中心塑造審美的。但現在,更多年輕女孩可以隨意公開表達她們對漂亮男性的喜愛,並評判一個男性的外在魅力。

This deconstruction of traditional definitions of masculinity enables women to enjoy male beauty based on their own preferences.顛覆了男性氣概的傳統定義,女性就能根據自己的喜好欣賞男性美。

Good-looking men certainly attract attention, and lots of women surely like them.好看的男生當然引人注目,也肯定有很多女生喜歡。

A kind reminder一個善意的提醒

This new female-centric aesthetic sends out an important signal for all the single young men out there: girls are getting pickier about men"s appearance, so pay more attention to your image.這種以女性為中心的審美給所有單身男青年發出了一個重要信號:女生對男生的外表更挑剔了,所以男生要更注意自己的形象。

In everyday life, one needs not dress up like an idol, but he might take care to keep neat and tidy.日常生活中,男生沒必要打扮得像個明星,但要注意保持乾淨整潔哦。

編輯:焦潔 董靜 許雅寧




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