





正文 本月將有兩個主題:渴望長途旅行,這完全有可能並你會去做,同時伴隨著對職業和金錢的關注。聽起來好像完全衝突,是嗎?歡迎來到六月,充滿高反差和意外的迂迴曲折,但最終,你會沐浴在陽光中,微笑吧。這將會毫無疑問的過山車般發生在每個人身上,所以不用覺得孤單。 6月3日本月閃亮登場,在木星(禮物和運氣的給予者)和強大的太陽星座之間有非凡的信號,後者在你的第八宮掌管他人錢財宮。可能你在某種程度上會收到一張支票,會是獎金、傭金、版稅、專利使用費、保險理賠、遺產、退稅的形式,還可能是銀行貸款、按揭、助學貸款或獎學金。不論是哪種方式,金錢正朝你撲來,看起來還是很大的一筆。 這必須是好消息,因為你好像有好多賬單需要付。6月9日滿月發生在你的第二宮收入宮看起來會有一定的現金流短缺。土星將於滿月聯合,建議你寫好所有能想到的支票來避免債務方面的麻煩。很可能你所指望的他人錢財,別人欠你的,因為好些原因不會來的那麼快——你的前任缺少現金,不能給撫養費;或在發薪發的日子你正好外出。或者在你生命中的某個女性——一個親戚或好朋友——需要你金錢方面的幫助,而你可能是唯一能夠幫助她的人。另一種可能性涉及到你這個月的旅行(在那之後),你會在旅行中買一些東西,而沒有認識到價格的高昂直到收到賬單才知道,可能會遇到金錢短缺。 如果這些都發生本月金錢方面的事情已經足夠多了。僅僅幾天之後,還會有金錢方面的消息,不大可能是好消息。 6月14到15日土星會與太陽直接對沖,在180度的位置,再一次你會感覺到錢花光光。轉自星.座運勢.網.我認為你應該研究一下節流或者資金資助來挽回一下損失。如果你的生意依賴於風險資本,在第一周開始跟投資者的商業計劃,而不是資金短缺之後。 如果你自己創業,在六月的第一周申請一系列貸款,因為有如此甜蜜的金融相位。看一下銀行是否批了貸款,這樣即使收不到回款你也有錢付給相關人員。一個客戶可能因為破產而幾個月換不了錢。如果你從信用卡借錢來維持,又太昂貴了。看起來你需要一個財務應急計劃。如果這些都失敗了,打電話給爸爸媽媽吧。 在書里我聽過客戶不付款各種各樣的理由。「會計部在粉刷,所有電腦和桌子都搬走了。大概要三周才能弄好」(真的嗎?在這段時間裡他們就無法付款了嗎?)我們以前有個神經病助理,每個月都扔所有的賬單,最後不得不解僱她。你知道的,你最終會解僱她?你和她一樣是個瘋子。這是我所聽過最有創意的借口。還有一個:「發送了賬單給我們?什麼賬單?可能在信箱里丟了」(不,我寄給你了,你這個榆木腦袋。我有你的簽收簽名) 還有些其他的借口:「我們唯一的會計病的很厲害——醫生的名字可以給我嗎?她正在看痘痘呢」(什麼?)「會計休假一個月」如果沒人付錢,為什麼還有人上班——你怎麼還在工作?在20世紀90年代,下述借口很流行「主機爆炸了」現在看起來是很可疑的借口。我們被賊偷走了所有的錢,電腦數據也被鎖了。我們付不了500美元的贖金。非常奇怪,沒在新聞上聽過。還有一個同樣無法置信的:會計辭職了,直到新的人到崗,付不了款。我不知道怎麼操作電腦簽支票。讓我說什麼,你沒有筆嗎? 6月23日新月之後,你可能會再次旅行,這次旅行將會是鼓舞人心的,可能還是很浪漫的。 我還聽說過在廣告攝影中,攝影師和團隊受委派從早到晚工作。廣告商會說「我們收到了發票和75頁收據,謝謝。我們暫停了付款,因為還有個疑問,有個助理在工作日午餐買了罐蘇打水」蘇打水1.25元。 還有其他更奇葩的「我們有規定不能每月付款,每三個月付款」你怎麼做生意的?你的員工應該每天出門就尖叫吧?或者他們每天每時每刻在桌邊工作時,都會登錄社交網站告訴全世界這是一家多麼爛的公司?最後,最糟的狀況是那些完全沒有借口,不管寫信還是電話,從來不回應,幻想著因為百萬美元不得不上法庭,在庭審中和你的精神病醫師幫你搞清楚為什麼你一開始要和他們合作。 坦白說在21年的在線占星業務中我聽過以上所有介面。你不可能編造。這些介面都是真的,每次都會聽到或者下一次。哎,親愛的蠍子,如果你自己創業,早晚你都會聽到一些荒謬的借口,有些會比另外的有創意。如果你有個好借口我還沒聽到過,請tweet我。我說了這麼多,你需要信用額度或者能借給你錢的親戚,晚些時候可以還回去。 還有些可取之處:木星在天枰座將通知火星和冥王星,同樣他們都是你的守護星(是的,你有兩個)。有點機緣巧合,木星可能會幫你反敗為勝。木星在你星圖的幕後,所以可能會有個成功的高層人員悄悄的幫助你。更多的好消息:木星自從二月初開始逆行,在6月9號接管,所以更強的木星也會幫助你。你會看到現金流的改善,木星正在你的收入宮。 從6月7日到17日避免工作簽合同或者給出最終答覆,因為這些困難方面的DNA(包含在滿月中)將會在未來工作或冒險經歷中體現。我加了些日子空間。如果可能的話,同樣也不要在接近中旬的時候。 不要讓這些影響到你——這次的財務碾壓是暫時的或者至少是可確定的。有個朋友曾對我說「如果問題是錢,就不是個問題。又不是孩子死了,蘇珊」我立即說,開玩笑,「哦,對你來說很容易,你有錢」(實際上,她也很有錢)她笑了。仍然,我想著她說的話,過了好幾年,我知道她是對的。錢的問題可以解決。 我想給你個樂觀的提示。自從2014年12月——2015年新年幾天前大概兩年半之前——土星進入射手座並進入你的收入區,使你很難獲得好的收入增長。如果你確實經歷過那段日子(現在還是),這是因為你願意跟上司積極爭取來支持和批准你的升職。土星是一個讓我們改進且它的測試不容易通過。好消息是土星將在今年12月20日離開你的收入區, 在那之後,錢回來的容易些,土星將不會再回來直到2044年。是的,2044。 如果你仍在讀我的六月報告,你是個善良的人。謝謝,現在我有些重要的消息通知你,作為支持我的獎賞。火星,你的守護星之一,6月4日將進入你的翟九宮外國友人和地區,會待到7月20日。預示著你會去國外或者很快會去。你會渴望收拾行裝出發,即使你沒錢逃離小鎮,你的老闆也會讓你去的。經歷些新東西會讓你有些必須的挑戰,會有些新東西去看和做。一些在巨蟹座的天體正在移動,開始遷移至你的旅行宮,而火星已經在那兒了,你將張開翅膀飛翔。如果目的地靠水,就更好了,因為巨蟹座是個水相星座,像你一樣,親愛的蠍子。 6月23日的新月像糖一樣甜,它即將抵達巨蟹座,3度,加入已經在那兒的火星。那時你會有太陽,火星,水星還有新月。海王星和火星形成很好的角度,預示著你的旅行會是激動人心的,可能還會是浪漫的。即使你在六月早起已經旅行了(6月3日,美好的一天),在六月底你會再次旅行,像以前一樣,這次旅行會讓你在各方面都高興的。我這樣說是因為天王星,現在在白羊座下旬的角度,將會發出占星家稱為外三角(天王星和新月和太陽之間120度,可能是最和諧的角度)。你的旅行會充滿意外驚喜。 浪漫將會是另一個進展順利的領域,因為金星將會進入你的義務關係宮——婚姻——雖然6月6日到下月4日都在金牛座。在滿月的影響下,儘管金錢方面需要謹慎,金星和火星將會製造閃亮的,極其浪漫的時刻,無論你的婚姻狀態是什麼。在6月24到25日周末結束,在周五滿月之後,6月23,金星和冥王星(你的守護星)將同時還和火星,海王星一起靠近製造一個夢幻旅行。 如果在6月23日之後沒有旅行,其他方面的福利會補償你,同樣也會以出人意料的方式出現。這有張單子列出可能會有的福利:新月照亮第九宮,可能會在學術,工作獲得學位或者認證方面有好消息。你將會在進出口創意、貨物或服務,和國際關係方面受益。如果你需要解決移民問題(身份、護照、簽證、綠卡或避難城市),在6月23日後開始預約吧。同樣這天也可以開始法律行動,無論是法庭案件還是簡單的商標或專利文件簽署,或者對自己來說,如遺囑或其他文件。 概要 你看起來要經歷暫時的財務困境。在過去6周有很多花費,但是有很多標誌顯示你著手解決債務且同時找到戶頭存有更多錢的方法來儲蓄或投資。上個月的新月,5月25日,對你的財務困境很有幫助,所以你可以看到信號花費在下降,如果你是自己創業,還可以開拓新的領域。如果你是打工的,可以找到兼職或加班來獲得更多的錢。六月的第一周是賺錢的最好日子——留意6月2,3,4。 你仍需要熬過較為陰鬱的滿月,6月9日,與土星聯合,預示著你會有些經濟壓力。它是暫時的,所以保持微笑,不管發生什麼。如果你嘗試建立儲備金——可能你會去做——天王星,未知發展星,將和土星一起幫助你一點點實現。保持樂觀你僅有一個障礙然後幾天之後就會回復的。 對所有人不僅是你最難的日子是6月15日,更早的6月14日會感覺到,當土星和太陽糾纏在一起,在180度分離。金錢仍讓你鬱悶,暫時的處境,在工作中你會遇到很難解決的困難或批評。運用一切真相你聽到的想到的來改善業績,讓其他的不要玷污你的羽毛。,每個人在月中都會感到困難,因為太陽使你的名望第十宮的守護星,在那天你會遇到職業挫折或其他你認為需要維護威望的事情,如果僅僅是較小的程度。這不是世界末日,但在6月15日的十分鐘內,你可能認為那就是。但一旦過了6月15日之後的1到2天,你的遠景會被點亮和改善,且如果解決現在的處境的電子也會出現。不要在6月15日進行重大的面試或在這天簽署合同,在6月9日或任何其它的日子——在這天前後留出餘地。 在本月第三周就會感到好多了。那是太陽進入巨蟹座,跡象顯示與你的相位相處良好。在6月23日,新月也會在巨蟹座出現,你渴望逃離,且你必須這麼干。來到八月,那時會有兩個日食,你會有重大的職業消息和機會,你可能會考慮換住所。現在你可以休假了,在六月或七月的前三周。轉自星.座運勢.網.選擇海邊衝浪或者小村莊觀賞湖泊。如果你需要護照才能計劃的旅行,就會更有趣了。(加拿大和墨西哥,我的美國讀者們,同樣有很多漂亮的湖泊)。現在就去而你的旅行星座正在發出耀眼的光輝忽悠你放鬆。 火星整月都極好的待在在巨蟹座的蠍子星象,從6月4日直到7月20日,同樣也會幫助到你,因為守護星在一個和諧的角度是個極大優勢。火星在巨蟹將會提升你的性需求,同時,金星——火星的愛人——會在金牛座,另一個混合的極好的星象。金星將會在你的長期關係宮,所以有愛人的蠍子們將會享有額外的時間和關注來獲得長期關係。親愛的蠍子們,當愛情來時,好像都包含在6月了。


來自:Joyce Lau 悠然 木小鳥@sugr.fm





你最近正遭遇現金流危機,過去六周你是不是花銷過大?天象表明你正在想辦法承付款項並增加現金流。上個月底25日的新月給你財力支持,你應該看到花銷減少的跡象,如果你是自主創業應該能看到業務在增加。如果你為別人工作,你或許有兼職收入的機會。六月初的2-3-4日是最佳生金日。 昏暗的滿月發生在6月9日,它連接土星,仍然給你保持財務壓力。這是暫時的,不管發生什麼,保持微笑。如果你正在創造些什麼,帶來驚喜的天王星會和土星一起讓你慢慢達成目標。一定保持樂觀,因為你只有幾天的困難時期需要克服。 本月最難的日子(不光是天蠍)是15日,亦或14日就到達,因為木星和太陽對角。你的財務依然十分緊張,同時事業上你會遇到一個檻或者批評。請平常心對待,認真吸收每個善意的批評,並努力吸取教訓和提高,其他的不要放在心上。每個人在月中都是易生氣的,恰恰太陽又是掌管你的榮譽和美名的。這天你的事業可能會受阻,或者你需要為自己的名譽辯護。放心,這不是世界末日,但可能有那麼一會確實很像(世界末日)。過幾天後,你的視角將會打開,你會找到開解的方法。記得,9-15日這幾天不要做職業訪談,也不要簽約,15日後也適當放緩。 進入第三周將大為好轉,因為太陽轉入與你相合的巨蟹座。23日的新月發生在巨蟹座,同時水星、火星、太陽和新月同時點亮你的第九宮,你會飛翔。此時的兩個重要日月食會給你帶來事業上的好消息和好機會,同時你可能考慮換住處。六月末或七月初也是休假良機,請選擇有水的地方,如果能出國就更好。你的旅行星為你大放異彩。 整個月火星都在你的給力夥伴巨蟹座,直到7月20日,你的統治星在你的夥伴星座是件給力的事情。這會增加你的性引力,同時火星愛侶金星在金牛座,雙星輝耀你。金星關照你的伴侶,天蠍的你有機會跟伴侶享受好時光。這個月是愛的月份!

Two themes will be dominant this month: a yen for long-distance travel, which will be entirely possible and even likely that you will do, along with a strong emphasis on career and money. This sounds like a contradiction in terms, yes? Possibly. Welcome to June, a month of high contrasts and unexpected twists and turns, but that in the end, you will land sunny side up, smiling. It』s going to be, admittedly, a rollercoaster ride for everyone, so don』t feel singled out.

The month starts off gloriously on June 3, with an extraordinary signal between Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, and with the mighty Sun, the latter in your eighth house of other people』s money. This should bring you a check of some sort, in the form of a bonus, commission, royalty, licensing fee, insurance payout, inheritance, tax refund, or through a bank loan, mortgage, student loan, or scholarship. One way or another, money is on the way to you, and it appears to be a generous amount.

This has to be good news, because you seem to have a lot of bills to polish off. A full moon in your second house of earned income on June 9 seems to bring up a cash flow shortage. Saturn will be conjunct that full moon, suggesting you will have to figure out how to write all the checks you will be expected to write to cover obligations. It』s possible that they money that you counted on, and that is due you, won』t be forthcoming for any number of reasons – your ex is short of cash and won』t send child support, or you will be out of town on the day when the checks are being disbursed to employees.

Or it could be that a woman in your life – a relative or very good friend – will need your financial help, and because you would be the only one in a position to help her, you will. Another possibility involves your travel this month (more about that later), so you might buy things on your trip, not realizing how high your expenses are mounting up until the credit card statement shows up. For one reason or another, you seem to be coming up short.

That would be enough if that would be all that would happen financially this month. Only a few days later, there will be more news about money, and again, it』s not likely to be welcome news.

On June 14-15 Saturn will oppose the Sun directly, at 180-degree position, and again you are likely to be feeling that you are running out of cash. I feel you will need to dip into savings or funds you can fall back on. If your business depends on venture capital, start creating your business plan in the first week to show to investors before you run short.

If you own a business, apply for a line of credit in June』s first week, while you have such sweet financial aspects. See if your bank will approve one for you, so that you can continue to pay people when your clients do not pay you. A client could go bankrupt or say he can』t send the money for a few months. If you borrow money from your credit cards, it』s too expensive a method to sustain. It looks like you will need a financial contingency plan. When all else fails, call your parents.

I have heard every excuse in the book when it comes to why clients don』t send payments. 「My accounting department is being painted and they moved all the computers and desks out of the room. The job will take three weeks.」 (Really? And they don』t send out checks in all that time?) 「We had a psycho-assistant who, for months, threw out all the bills each month. We finally fired her.」 (You knew about this, and you FINALLY fired her? You are as much of a lunatic as she is.) That was the most creative excuse I ever heard. Here』s another one: 「You sent us a bill? What bill? It must have been lost in the mail. (No, I messengered it to you, you little cotton head. I have a signature – yours!)

Here are other excuses: 「Our one and only bookkeeper is very sick – can you give us the name of your specialist? She is seeing spots.」 (What?) 「Our head of accounting is on vacation for a month.」 (If nobody is being paid, then why does anyone come to work – and why are YOU there?) The following excuse was very popular in the 1990』s: 「Our mainframe blew up.」 Now it』s more likely to be this dubious excuse, 「We were hacked by a band of thieves who took all our money and locked up our computer data. We couldn』t afford the ransom of $500 they were demanding.」 (That』s odd, I didn』t hear that tidbit on the news.) Here is one that sounded equally unbelievable: 「Our accountant left the company and until we hire someone new, we won』t be paying bills. I don』t know how to use the computer that writes all the checks.」 (To that I say, do you have a pen?)

After the new moon June 23, you may travel again, and this trip may turn out to be highly inspirational, possibly even enchantingly romantic.

Here is one I heard when I used to be in advertising photography and the photographer and crew would work on assignments all day and through the night until dawn. The ad agency would say 「We got your invoice with all 75 pages of receipts, thank you. We held up payment because we have a question about the can of soda one of your assistants bought with lunch while working that day.」 (The soda was $1.25.)

There is another gem, 「We have a policy of not paying bills every month. We pay bills every three months.」 (How do you stay in business? Do your employees run out the door each night screaming? Or do they spend their days at their desk every second they get on social media telling the world what a horrible a place your company is to work?) Finally, the worst situation is from the people who have no excuses at all, and who never get back to you when you write or call, triggering fantasies in you of dragging them into court for millions of dollars to cover sessions with your psychiatrist who was helping you figure out why you would ever work with them in the first place.

Honestly, I have heard every one of these excuses in the 21 years Astrology Zone has been on the Internet. You can』t make this up. These excuses are real, and each one was given to me at one time or another. Alas, dear Scorpio, if you own your own business, sooner or later you will hear a ridiculous excuse, some more creative than others. If you have a good excuse that I never heard, please tweet it to me. This has been a long way of my saying, you will need a line of credit or else a kind relative who will write you a check that you can pay back later.

Seriously, though, the opposition of the Sun and Saturn on June 14 and 15 is not fun. The Sun rules your career reputation, so be very careful near June 14 and 15 to keep VIPs calm and happy. This is a very draining, exhausting aspect, so get enough sleep or you will overreact to whatever news comes up.

There is one saving grace: Jupiter in Libra will signal Mars and Pluto, and remarkably, both are your ruling planets (yes, you have two). With a bit of ingenuity, Jupiter may help you save the day. Jupiter is in the behind-the-scenes sector of your chart, so it appears a successful, high level person who does not want to be noticed by others may come to your aid. More good news: Jupiter has been retrograde since early February and will go direct on June 9, so a stronger Jupiter moving direct should help you too. You will see – cash flow will improve because in your solar chart, Jupiter rules your earned income.

Avoid signing contracts or giving your final answer on a job from June 7 to 17, as the DNA of these tough aspects (the full moon included) will be built into your future experience with that job or venture. I added a few days space when listing those dates. Do not close on a house mid-month either, if possible.

Don』t let any of this get you down – this financial crunch is temporary or at the very least fixable. I had a friend who once said to me, 「If the problem is financial, it is not a problem. A child has not died, Susan.」 I immediately said to her, joking, 「Oh, that』s easy for you to say, because you are rich.」 (Actually, she was rich.) She laughed. Still, I thought about her words then, and over the years, and I know she is right. Money problems can be fixed.

I want to give you another note of optimism. Since December 2014 – just days before the New Year of 2015 began two-and-a-half years ago – Saturn moved into Sagittarius and into your income sector, making it hard for you to get decent raises and fees. If you did get one during that period (which is still in place now), it is because you were willing to go to the mat to persuade higher-ups to support you and approve your raises. Saturn is the planet that makes us prove our worth and his tests are not easy. The good news is that Saturn is leaving the financial area of your chart this year, on December 20, 2017. After that, money will flow to you much more easily, and Saturn will not be back to this part of your chart until 2044. Yes, 2044.

If you are still reading my report for June, you are a good soul. Thank you. Now I have really great news for you as a reward for sticking with me this far!

Mars, one of your rulers, will enter your ninth house of foreign people and places on June 4, and remain there until July 20. This suggests you are either headed to an exciting location that requires a passport for entry now, or will go very soon. You』ll have a yen to pack and go, and even if you don』t have the money to flee town, you may be asked by your boss to go. Experiencing a new setting will give you a needed change of scene, and give you lots of new things to see and do. Several heavenly bodies in Cancer are on the move, starting to migrate into your ninth house of travel, with Mars already there, so chances are, you will spread your wings and off you go. If your destination is near water, all the better, as Cancer is a water sign like yours, dear Scorpio.

The new moon of June 23 will be as sweet as sugar, for it will arrive in Cancer, 3 degrees, and join Mars already there. By then you will have the Sun, Mars, Mercury, and the new moon. Neptune will be fabulously angled to Mars, the action planet, so this suggests that your trip may turn out to be highly inspirational, possibly even enchantingly romantic. Even if you traveled early in June (near that beautiful day, June 3), there is a good chance you will travel again at month』s end, and like before, this trip will please you in every way. I say that because Uranus, now in late degrees of Aries, will send what astrologers call an out-of-sign trine (120 degrees between Uranus and the new moon and Sun, the most harmonious angle possible). Your trip would be filled with fun surprises and unexpected happenings.

Romance should be another area that goes well for you now, for Venus will be journeying through your committed relationship – marriage – sector while in Taurus from June 6 until next month, July 4. At the full moon, although money will be on your mind, Venus and Mars will make a sparkling, highly romantic aspect that should excite you, no matter what your marital status happens to be.

Over the weekend of June 24-25, just after that gorgeous new moon of Friday, June 23, Venus and Pluto (your other ruling planet) will be in sync, and Mars and Neptune will be close enough to spin a dream of a trip.

If you cannot travel after June 23, other benefits will flow to you in other areas, and they, too, will have the benefit of things going unexpectedly, surprisingly well. Here is the list to see if any area would apply to you: The new moon will shine in your ninth house, possibly triggering good news about academia and your work toward getting a degree and your certification. You will also do well with import-export of ideas, goods, and services, and benefit from international relationships. If you need to solve an immigration matter (citizenship, passport, visa, green card, or sanctuary city), apply for an appointment that falls after June 23. The same date holds for taking a legal action, whether a court case or simply drawing up papers for a trademark or patent, or for yourself, such as a will or other document.


You seem to be experiencing a temporary cash crunch. You』ve had many expenses over the past six weeks, but there are indications you have been working on ways to meet obligations and at the same time find ways to have more money left in your checking account to save or invest. The new moon of late last month, falling on May 25, was very supportive to your financial quest, so you may see signs that expenses are calming down, and you may also be able to bring in new business if you are self-employed. If you work for others, you may get a side job or do overtime work that brings you more money. The first week of June will be your best for generating cash – watch the days June 2, 3, and 4.

You will still need to get through the rather somber full moon, June 9, which will come conjunct Saturn, suggesting you』ll feel some financial strain. It will be temporary, so keep smiling, despite what happens. If you are trying to build a nest egg – and it appears you might be – Uranus, the planet of unexpected developments, will work with Saturn and help you reach your goal bit by bit. Stay optimistic because you have only one more hurdle to get over a few days later.

The hardest day of the month for everyone, not just you, will be June 15, felt as early as June 14, when Saturn and the Sun will lock horns, standing apart at 180 degrees. Money will still be depressingly tight for you, a temporary situation, and at work you may face an obstacle or a criticism that might be hard to handle. Take any truth you can find from the words you hear to improve your performance, but let the rest roll off your little feathers. Everyone will be feeling touchy at mid-month, and because the Sun is the natural ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors, on this day you may face a career setback or else feel that you need to defend your reputation, if only on a small level. It won』t be the end of the world, but for ten minutes in June 15, you may assume it is. Once you get one or two days beyond June 15, your perspective will lighten and improve, and ideas of how to solve your situation will appear. Do not schedule big career interviews on June 15 or sign a contract on this date, on June 9 or on any of the days in between – leave a space of days after too.

The month will feel enormously better as you get to the third week. By then the Sun will roll into Cancer, a sign that is divinely compatible with yours. On June 23, the new moon will appear in Cancer too, and with Mercury, Mars, the Sun, and new moon together in your ninth house, you will have a yen to fly away, and you must. Come August, with the two major eclipses due at that time, you will have big career news and opportunities, and you may also be thinking about a change of residence. While you can take a fun vacation now, in June or in the first three weeks of July, do. Choose a seaside view of frothy surf or a cottage overlooking a placid lake or pool. If you can manage a trip to a location that requires a passport, that would make your trip even more fun. (Canada and Mexico count, my American readers, as well as many beautiful islands.) Go now while your travel stars will be twinkling brightly and coaxing you to unwind and relax.

Mars will be in the divine-for-Scorpio sign of Cancer all month, from June 4 to July 20, and that will help you too, for having your ruler in a highly compatible sign is a major advantage. Mars in Cancer will increase your sex appeal, and at the same time, Venus – Mars』 lover – will be in Taurus, another sign that blends perfectly with yours. Venus will be in your committed relationship sector, so attached Scorpios will enjoy the extra time and attention that will come your way from your one-and-only. Dear Scorpio, when it comes to love, it seems you have it all in June.



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