馬來西亞失蹤飛機處理方式激怒中國– 鐵血網


雙城市 2014/3/18 10:22:44 收藏 分享> 73 71052

http://news.*******.com/malaysias-handling-lost-plane-irritates-china-102650959.htmlMalaysia"s handling of lost plane irritatesChina


[ 轉自鐵血社區 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]

BEIJING (AP) — The search for a missingjetliner with Chinese travelers aboard has revealed the limits of Beijing"sinfluence in its own backyard and left communist leaders facing outrage fromtheir public. 北京(美聯社)——失蹤飛機的搜尋表明北京對自己後院的影響力是有限的,也使得GCD領導人不得不面臨國內民眾的憤怒。

Beijing has demanded Malaysia do more tofind the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner. But despite sending nine ships tohelp in the search, China appears to have little leverage over its far smallerSoutheast Asian neighbor. 於是北京方面要求馬來西亞做出更多的努力。但是儘管北京派遣了9艘船參與救援,可是對比自己小得多的這個東南亞鄰國來說北京似乎沒有多大影響力。

The situation is especially uncomfortablefor Chinese leaders because part of the ruling Communist Party"s claim to amonopoly on power is that it is best qualified to look after the public"sinterests. The rise of social media and the increased willingness of China"spublic to assert its rights adds to the pressure to find the 154 Chinese amongthe 227 missing passengers. 這種情況對中共領導人來說是特別不舒服的,因為GCD專權的部分依據就是其可以為人民取得最大的利益。社交媒體的崛起以及中國公眾越來越大膽的表達自己的想法,使得北京方面在搜尋失蹤者方面的壓力越來越大。

There is "very likely a lot morepressure from the domestic community in China on Beijing to make sure thatChinese nationals are being protected," said MarcLanteigne, research director at the New Zealand Contemporary China ResearchCentre at Victoria University of Wellington. 「國內方面會給當局施加壓力以確保中國公民能夠得到保護,」惠靈頓維多利亞大學紐西蘭當代中國研究中心的研究室主任Marc Lanteigne如是說。

"Some of the information released bythe Malaysian government and airline turns out to be true, some turns out to befalse," said Nan Jinyan, a woman from Shanghai whose brother-in-law wasaboard the flight. "I believe they are still deciding which information torelease and which isn"t convenient to release right now." 「馬來政府和航空公司發布的有些信息是真實的,有些信息則是不實的,」來自上海的南金燕女士如是說,他的姐夫就在這個航班上。「我認為他們任然在決定哪些信息可以發布,而哪些信息現在不方便發布。」

[ 轉自鐵血社區 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]

China has the world"s second-largestmilitary budget, at $114 billion last year, and has spent heavily on expandingthe ability of its navy to project power farther from its shores. But thesearch that began in the Gulf of Thailand on the edge of the South China Sea,which China claims as its territorial waters, has relied heavily on expertisefrom the United States and Britain on the other side of the globe. 中國軍費預算世界第二,去年達到了1140億美元,在遠海軍海軍軍力的提高上尤其花費重金。但是在此次靠近南中國海(中國方面聲稱是自己的領海)的以泰國灣為開端的搜尋工作上,很大程度上依賴於美國和英國的專業知識。

China is the biggest trading partner formost of its Asian neighbors, buying tens of billions of dollars" worth of rawmaterials and components from them annually. Yet despite such incentives forcooperation, countries from Vietnam to Australia are uneasy about China"sambitions, which has hampered its efforts to acquire influence. 中國是大多數亞洲鄰國的貿易夥伴,每年都從這些鄰國進口大量的原材料和部件。雖然與中國合作可以帶來很多好處,可是包括越南和澳洲等國家對中國的雄心還是感到擔憂,也就阻撓了中國在該地區獲取影響力。

Beijing has resorted to taking the unusualstep of publicly haranguing Malaysia"s government, a sign that whateverpressure it is applying in private is failing to produce results. 北京方面採取了非同尋常的手段:開始公開斥責馬來西亞政府。這表明北京私下底無論對馬來西亞施壓何種壓力都沒有產生任何效果。

Jay 6 minutes ago 0 2 ""Given today"s technology, the delaysmacks of either dereliction of duty or reluctance to share information in afull and timely manner," Xinhua said."

Is China a technologically advanced countryor not? Why are they blaming other countries for their own failure andincompetence right in what they are claiming to be their own backyard. Does theSouth China Sea belong to China or not? I guess they have answered thatquestion with their broadcasted reliance on US and British expertise. Collapse Replies (1) Reply 「依靠如今的技術,馬來西亞方面的拖延不是失職就是不願意及時完整的分享信息,」新華社說。中國是個技術先進的國家嗎?在自己所主張的後院中辦事不力還敢指責其他國家。南中國海到底還屬不屬於中國了?從新聞中所說的主要依賴於英美專業技術這一點,我看這個問題的答案就已經出來了。

T 6 minutes ago 0 0 I guess it"s clear now that the countriesand people of southeast Asia need maintenance-level intervention for the UnitedStates? And surely, it will come. Get your checkbooks out !!! More (回復樓上)既然東南亞國家和人民都需要美國的介入,那答案難道還不是顯而易見的嗎?美國肯定會來的。把你們的支票簿準備好!!!

[ 轉自鐵血社區 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]

Glenn 23 minutes ago 0 2 A stinging commentary by China"s officialXinhua News Agency accused Malaysia and the United States of dragging theirfeet."Given today"s technology, the delay smacks of either dereliction ofduty or reluctance to share information in a full and timely manner,"Xinhua said. It said Malaysia "bears inescapable responsibility."

Technology China does not apply well enoughto contribute materially to the investigation. While the modern democraciesapply cutting edge forensics and engineering to investigate the crash, China isdoing what? Besides some fat kid throwing an attention tantrum for more sweets,I see China is the last to be told what is getting done, because they are notcontributing to actually doing any of it. If Nobody, and I mean NOBODY busyactually working likes you enough to tell you what is going on - - - what doesthat tell you about the manner in which you are asking?. Collapse Replies (2) Reply 中國新華社發表了言辭激烈的文章,譴責了馬來西亞和美國在拖他們的後腳。「依靠如今的技術,馬來西亞方面的拖延不是失職就是不願意及時完整的分享信息,」新華社說。還說馬來西亞負有不可推卸的責任。、技術上說,中國在這次的調查中並沒有提供多大的物質幫助,反而是現代的民主國家提供了先進的鑒定和工程技術支持。既然沒什麼幫助,在知情權上,中國應該最後一個被告知。還有,中國詢問問題的語氣也太沖了。

T 21 minutes ago 0 1 Absolutely correct. More 樓上的說得對啊。

NobodyCare 8 minutes ago 0 0 110% Agreed. With all the technologies thatthey have stolen from the West and USA they absolutely lack of expertise -which cannot be gained by stealing. More 完全同意樓上上的說法,中國雖然從西方和美國竊取了大量的技術,可是他們缺乏這方面的專業知識——而這些不是靠偷就可以偷來的。

******* user 1 minute ago 0 0 Can you tell me up to this minute who hasthe expertise and technologies to locate the missing plane. Has it been found yet? More 目前為止,你能告訴我哪個國家有這方面的技術和專業知識來鎖定這架飛機嗎。找到這架飛機了嗎?

T 13 minutes ago 0 3 AGAIN: The United States gets blamed. This timefor not doing enough after a MALAYSIAN AIRLINER, carrying predominantly CHINESEPASSENGERS, disappears on its way from MALAYSIA TO CHINA. Where is the Chineseinfrastructure that has been purchased with the wealth generated byhard-working Chinese citizens during this time of need? I suppose that theChinese could have even more ships in the area if government officials were notso busy purchasing apartments for themselves and holding them in the names ofrelatives. This event could (almost) not be farther away from the United Statesand the Chinese government still asks for the American people to acceptresponsibility.... GO EAT ANOTHER DOG !!!! Reply 美國被指責了。這次被指責是因為一架載著大多數中國乘客的馬來航空公司飛機從馬來西亞飛往北京的途中消失了。在這關鍵時刻,中國人辛辛苦苦賺錢買來的設備哪去了?我相信如果政府官員沒有忙於以親屬名義而大量購買房產的話,那麼此時會有更多的中國船隻在相關海域上搜尋。這次事件真與美國沒多大關係,可是中國政府依然要求美國人民擔當責任。。。再去吃狗吧你們!!!!

[ 轉自鐵血社區 http://bbs.tiexue.net/ ]

B H 1 hour ago 0 0 it smells more and more like a hijack bysome of the crew members for yet-to-be disclosed reasons. Malaysian Airlinesdidn"t report the missing airliner until five hours after it went missing. Why?Maybe the hijacker(s) were negotiating with the airlines or even the Malaysiangovernment. Why all the conflicting messages from Malaysia in the followingdays? They"ve been trying to figure out how to avoid liabilities. If it"smechanic problems or a hijack by non-crew members, the financial and otherconsequences are almost nothing comparing to if it"s a deliberate action by itsown crew. Reply 這看起來越來越像是機組人員出於某種原因而發起的綁架事件。馬來航空在飛機失蹤5小時後才報告了這起事件,為什麼?可能是因為在這期間劫持人員正在同馬來航空或者馬來政府談判。為什麼接下來的幾天里馬來西亞發布的信息這麼的矛盾?可能是因為在想如何避免自己的責任。如果是飛機故障或者非機組人員劫持了飛機,那麼賠償以及其他後果相對還小,而如果是機組人員自己劫機的話,那麼賠償金額以及其他後果就非常非常大了。

Commenter 6 hours ago 2 8 Malaysian government is looking after itsown interest and bottom line. if there is a link between pilots and terrorists,the whole world will question muslim pilots who make up well over 90% of thepilots for the Malaysian airlines system (MAS). MAS is already crippled byineffeciencies and mismanagement because it is run by government appointedmalays. if people stop flying it, it is egg on the faces of the government whohave always maintained that malays are the best managers. this is too funny.despite countless other expamples of the inaptitude of malays, the governmentinsists on malays being ceos of major companies. as the malays would say, thisis "kemaluan" melayu. Expand Replies (1) Reply 馬來政府在照顧自己的利益和底線。如果飛行員和恐怖主義者有關聯的話,那麼整個世界都會質疑穆斯林飛行員,而馬來航空系統中超過90%的飛行員都是穆斯林。馬來航空系統效率低下而且管理不善,因為整個系統都是由政府指定的馬來人來管理的。如果人們不使用馬來航空系統的服務,那就等同於往馬來政府臉上扔雞蛋,因為馬來政府總說馬來人是最好的管理者。這太好笑了。儘管馬來人出現過無數次失職的例子,政府依然讓馬來人擔任主要大公司的CEO。

Jeremy 12 hours ago 2 4 I think the situation is unprecedented andhuge in dimension. Early in the briefing there were hints regarding the 4approaches of investigations. They have to verify certain facts before they canmake public. If they have zeroed in to quickly with more supporting evidenceany implications on the crew, pilots, or ground staff could back fire. This mayresult a heavy blow to the government. Remember, sometime race and religion cancome into play in such crisis situation. Some may take advantage of thesituation to cause political problem. They could have done better withprofessional help or advise in handling crisis situation. Anyway, their over cautiousness have a costand thus reflected in the dissatisfaction of the various countries involved. Reply 我認為這種情況是前所未有的和複雜的。在最開始的新聞發布會上談到了四種可能的調查方法。在公布之前,他們得對這些事實進行確認。如果他們一開始就公開說懷疑飛行員、機組人員以及地面工作人員的話,那麼可能會產生反效應。記住,種族和宗教有時候會在這樣的危機情況中開始活動。會利用這樣的問題來引發政治鬥爭。所以只有接受專業的幫助和建議的情況下才能更好的處理這樣的危機。無論如何,馬拉西亞為自己的過度謹慎付出了一定的代價,可以從各個國家的不滿意中看出這一點。

Steven 2 hours ago 0 2 You"re really upset over the handling of alost plane? Get in line. Pretty sure the rest of the world is also upset overyour handling of the environment. More Reply 中國,你真的為一架飛機的處理情況而感到憤怒嗎?那全世界都為你對環境的處理不當而感到憤怒呢。

Grimbor 9 hours ago 3 19 I find it funny that certain details arereleased and then quickly discounted outright. Two Iranian men with fake passports,yet ruled out... why? The lead pilot was a politically active supporter of theMalay opposition party and the plane went missing hours after the mainopposition leader was politically locked up for sodomy which was set to causeriots if not for what has happened since. Even the opposition in Malaysia is soshocked, they haven"t made a peep. Also, unlike 99.9% of other pilots, this onejust happens to have a home built, elaborate, multi-thousand dollar jumbo jetflight simulator in his house. He could in fact practice repeatedly any flightpath and landing scenario including a 300 foot crash landing. Why was hediscounted so quickly? The co-pilot too, we are hearing from the media and hisfamily, "oh, no- those pictures of young women in the cabin were a fluke and heis actually a nice religious young man". Well, sorry, but religious takes on awhole new sinister aspect when we are talking Islam. We could have acombination of Islamic forces sympathetic to the Uighers and Malay oppositionlooking to embarrass the government. Malaysia should be embarrassed as evenZimbabwe or Haiti have never been responsible for such a monumental act ofincompetence. Expand Replies (8) Reply 一些細節被發布出來後,又馬上被否定掉,這真是很有趣。兩個持假護照的伊朗人被排除了,為什麼?那名主要的飛行員是馬來西亞反對黨的積極支持分子,主要反對派領導人因為雞姦而被政治逮捕,而飛機就是在這個事件發生的幾個小時後失蹤的,如果不是後來發生的事情,這次的事件肯定會引發暴亂。馬來西亞反對派都為之震驚,所以他們沒有出來抗議。不像其他99.9%的飛行員,這名飛行員剛好在自己的房子里存放著一個自製的、精心製作的、價值數千美元的大型噴氣式客機的飛行模擬器。他完全可以利用這個模擬器來不斷練習飛行航線以及降落,包括300英尺高的迫降練習。為什麼這麼快就排除了他的嫌疑?還有那名副駕駛,從媒體上和他的家人口中我們可以聽到這樣的說法,「哦,這些婦女在駕駛艙中的照片只是巧合,他實際上是個很好的有宗教信仰的年輕人」。但是當我們談到伊斯蘭時,宗教往往是非常危險的。所以如果有一個伊斯蘭勢力同情維族人的同時也同情馬來西亞反對黨的話,那麼為了報復中國和馬來政府,極有可能策划了這次的劫機。馬來西亞應該感到難為情才對,因為即使是辛巴威和海地這樣的國家都沒有出現過這樣不稱職的情況。

Brian 10 minutes ago 0 0 I simply don"t understand why the MH370incident has anything to do with China"s military budget, this is the mostfar-stretching article I read this year. More Reply 我真是不明白為什麼這次航班事件同中國的軍費預算扯上關係了。這是我今年讀過的最牽強的文章。


飛機失蹤吉凶占 朱雀投江噩耗來
男友失蹤我報警 才發現這是一個騙局
寵物狗失蹤7年與主人意外重逢 相擁痛哭

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