
【國際財經時報】媒體評選出美國第一夫人米歇爾·奧巴馬十大時尚時刻。圖為2011年1月19日,米歇爾與美國總統奧巴馬在華盛頓白宮為來訪的中國主席胡錦濤舉辦國宴時,穿著紅色晚禮服迎接貴賓。【IBTIMES】Top 10 fashion moments of US First Lady Michelle Obama. U.S. President Barack Obamaand first lady Michelle Obama wait for China』s President Hu Jintao as he arrives for a State Dinner in hishonor at the White House in Washington, January 19, 2011.

【國際財經時報】周三,中國外交部在回應有關中國將支持法國財政部長拉嘉德競逐國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)新總裁一職時表示,無論將來誰擔任IMF總裁,都應該透過民主協商的程序選舉產生。圖為拉嘉德在巴黎出席國會召開的政府質詢會。【IBTIMES】China』s Foreign Ministry on Thursday said that any decision on who should head theInternational Monetary Fund 「should be made through democratic consultation.」 France』s Finance andEconomy Minister Lagarde attends the questions to the government session at the National Assemblyin Paris.

【每日藝術】2011年5月15日,修復拉薩西郊哲蚌寺的西藏工人正在畫龍。哲蚌寺修復工作開始於2009年,中國政府表示,為保護和修復西藏歷史遺迹,過去30年已投入了近13億元人民幣(合1400萬歐元)。【Artdaily】Tibetan worker draws the dragon as he repairs the temples of the Drepung Monastery inrural Lhasa city, Tibet, China, 25 May 2011. The Drepung Monastrey repair began in 2009. The Chinesegovernment said they have invested near 1.3 billion yuan(14 million Euro) to protect and repair theTibetan historical relics over the course of 30 years.

【美國國防部】2011年5月22日,美國卡爾·文森號航空母艦戰鬥群抵達香港,開始進行為期四天的訪問。【DOD】Color guard members U.S. Navy Seaman Kimberly Simmonds, left, Seaman Jorge Santanaand Petty Officer 2nd Class Andrew Rowe prepare to shift colors as the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinsonanchors in Hong Kong, May 22, 2011.

【每日藝術】方力鈞雕像作品在京展出#2:2011年5月24日,在北京品畫廊舉辦的孬畫展上,藝術家方力鈞創作的雕刻頭像裝置作品極為引人注目。【Artdaily】BEIJING.- A view of a sculpture installation of sculpted heads by Chinese artist Fang Lijun ondisplay as part of the Bad Exhibition in Pin Gallery of Beijing China, 24 May 2011.

【每日藝術】方力鈞雕像作品在京展出#1:2011年5月24日,在北京品畫廊舉辦的孬畫展上,參觀者正在欣賞藝術家方力鈞創作的雕刻頭像裝置作品。【Artdaily】BEIJING.- Visitors view a sculpture installation of sculpted heads by Chinese artist Fang Lijunon display as part of the Bad Exhibition in Pin Gallery of Beijing China on 24 May 2011.

【每日藝術】香港國際藝術展開幕#3:從2011年5月26日至29日,第四屆香港國際藝術展在香港會議展覽中心舉行,圖為大理石雕像作品《大理石臂》。【Artdaily】HONG KONG.- Back for its fourth year, ART HK 11 – Hong Kong International Art Fair willtake place from 26 – 29 May 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). Amarble sculpture entitled 『Marble Arm』 is seen at ART HK 11.

【英國每日郵報】奧巴馬在英國國會發表演說#3:2011年5月25日,美國總統巴拉克?奧巴馬在倫敦威斯敏斯特宮向英國國會議員發表講話,他否認中國、印度等新興國家的崛起將終結英美在全球的影響力,稱兩國的領導正當其時、不可或缺。【Dailymail】President Barack Obama addresses the members of Parliament in Westminster Hall inLondon on Wednesday, May 25. In an address to British Parliament on Wednesday, President BarackObama sought to counter critics who assert that U.S. and British influence in world affairs is waning asrising powers like China and India assert themselves. To the lawmakers seated at majestic WestminsterHall, Obama declared: 「The time for our leadership is now.」

【MSN】奧巴馬在英國國會發表演說#2:2011年5月25日,美國總統巴拉克?奧巴馬在倫敦威斯敏斯特宮向英國國會議員發表講話,他否認中國、印度等新興國家的崛起將終結英美在全球的影響力,稱兩國的領導正當其時、不可或缺。【MSN】President Barack Obama addresses the members of Parliament in Westminster Hall in Londonon Wednesday, May 25. In an address to British Parliament on Wednesday, President Barack Obamasought to counter critics who assert that U.S. and British influence in world affairs is waning as risingpowers like China and India assert themselves. To the lawmakers seated at majestic Westminster Hall,Obama declared: 「The time for our leadership is now.」

【MSN】奧巴馬在英國國會發表演說#1:2011年5月25日,美國總統巴拉克?奧巴馬在倫敦威斯敏斯特宮向英國國會議員發表講話,他否認中國、印度等新興國家的崛起將終結英美在全球的影響力,稱兩國的領導正當其時、不可或缺。圖為奧巴馬在英國下院議長約翰?伯科和上院議長海倫?海曼女男爵陪同下步入會場。【MSN】President Barack Obama addresses the members of Parliament in Westminster Hall in Londonon Wednesday, May 25. In an address to British Parliament on Wednesday, President Barack Obamasought to counter critics who assert that U.S. and British influence in world affairs is waning as risingpowers like China and India assert themselves. To the lawmakers seated at majestic Westminster Hall,Obama declared: 「The time for our leadership is now.」 U.S. President Barack Obama is escorted toaddress both Houses of Parliament in London on Wednesday, May 25. Flanking Obama are Speaker ofthe House of Commons John Bercow, left, and Speaker of the House of Lords Baroness HeleneHayman.

【每日藝術】繼瑪麗和庄智博中國鼻煙壺第三部分創下佳績後,2011年5月25日,香港邦瀚斯拍賣行再傳捷報,全部142件拍品銷售一空,總成交價為港幣38,361,600 (合3,054,329英磅)。獨佔鰲頭的是圖中所示一對裝飾豪華的瓷板畫,描繪了頗為神秘的山水風景,由一位中國買家以港幣380萬元(合302,440英磅)購得(第275號拍品,估價港幣60-80萬)。【Artdaily】HONG KONG.- Bonhams Hong Kong secured another 『Golden Gavel』 triumph today (25May 2011) with the sale of the legendary Mary and George Bloch Collection of Chinese Snuff bottles:Part III. All 142 lots sold out for a total of HK$38,361,600 (£3,054,329). The top price was achieved bya pair of superbly decorated inlaid panels showing mythical landscapes, which sold to a Chinese buyerat HK$3.8 million(£302,440) (lot 275, estimate HK$600-800,000).

【華盛頓郵報】2011年5月24日,美國總統巴拉克?奧巴馬(左)和英國首相大衛?卡梅倫(右)仿效歷史上著名的中美「乒乓外交」,聯手與倫敦環球學院的學生打乒乓球。圖為倆人得分後擊掌慶祝。【WP】US President Barack Obama (L) high-fives with British Prime Minister David Cameron (R) as theyplay table tennis with students of the Globe Academy school in London, on May 24, 2011.

【華盛頓郵報】香港國際藝術展開幕#2:2011年5月25日,在香港國際藝術展上,一位參觀者走過丹麥藝術家奧拉維爾?埃利亞松創作的《YourPluralView》作品前。【WP】A visitor walks past a art work 」 Your Plural View 」 by Olafar Eliasson of Denmark at Hong KongInternational Art Fair in Hong Kong Wednesday, May 25, 2011.


【華盛頓郵報】香港國際藝術展開幕#1:2011年5月25日,美國藝術家湯姆?弗里德曼創作的《無題》亮相香港國際藝術展。此次展覽匯聚了來自38個國家的260多家畫廊的藝術作品。【WP】An art work titled 「untitled (Cosmic Bust Man)」 by artist Tom Friedman of the U.S is seen ondisplay at Hong Kong International Art Fair May 25, 2011. The fair brings together over 260 of theworld』s most celebrated international galleries from 38 countries.

【紐約時報】台灣仆街少女走紅網路#1:Jinyu(左)和Karren接受路透社記者採訪時,在台灣中正紀念堂展示仆街絕技。臉朝下橫趴在地上可能不是世界上最炫的姿式,但她倆卻在互聯網上迅速暴紅,同時希望用這種瘋狂的方式傳播正面的社會信息。這對「仆街少女」在臉譜上擁已有近10萬名粉絲。【NY Times】Jinyu, left, and Karren demonstrated planking during an interview with Reuters at theChiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan. Lying face flat on the ground may not be the world』smost glamorous pose, but the two have made a name for themselves on the Internet — and hope touse the craze to spread positive social messages. The pair have about 100,000 fans following them onFacebook.

【洛杉磯時報】北京一所郊區學校,這個孩子在課堂上頻頻搞怪。【LA Times】Beijing — A child』s concentration wanders during class at a school in the suburbs ofBeijing.

【洛杉磯時報】武漢,一條漢江的支流已經乾涸,涓涓細水流過裸露龜裂的河床,植物開始發芽。長江中下游地區遭遇50年來最嚴重的大旱,中國中部四省受災人數達989萬。【LA Times】Wuhan, China — Plants sprout as small streams of water begin to fill the cracks of thedried-up bed of a branch of the Hanjiang River. The worst drought in 50 years has hit the middle andlower reaches of the Yangtze River, affecting 9.89 million people in four central Chinese provinces.

【國際財經時報】中國最高人民法院發布最新指示,要求下級法庭不是必須判處死刑立即執行的,均依法判處死刑緩期二年執行。圖為太原第一監獄的囚犯在聆聽訓話。【IBTIMES】The Supreme People』s Court - the highest court in Mainland China - has ordered lowercourts to suspend death sentences for two years, but only in cases that does not call for 「immediateexecution.」 Inmates listen to a speech at Taiyuan No.1 prison in Taiyuan.

TVB 2011台慶頒獎禮全程精選圖集[高清大圖]

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