印度網友討論:為什麼很多中國人討厭印度和印度人? – 鐵血網

原文標題:Why do many Chinese dislike India and Indians?

do many Chinese dislike India and Indians?為什麼很多中國人討厭印度和印度人?

為什麼很多中國人討厭印度和印度人China is superior to India in almost every field, still if you go to websites like 「The Economist」 , 「WSJ」 etc. you would see that whenever they publish something about India, the comment section would be filled with negative comments by Chinese (even Pakistanis are less negative about India as compared to Chinese), and they always look down upon and crtiticize Indian democracy.中國幾乎在每一個領域都優於印度,如果你去的網站如「經濟學家」,「華爾街日報」等,你會發現每當他們發表的關於印度的新聞,評論部分滿是來自中國負面的評論(即使巴基斯坦對印度的負面評論都沒中國多),他們總是看不起,挑剔印度的民主。以下是印度和中國網友評論


Hi, Indian friends, I』m Chinese and I want to give you a comprehensive description of how Chinese view Indians, and India.


Indian netizens are the very antithesis of Western (or Korean) netizens, when it comes to responding to an unfortunate accident which happened in China.


We may criticize India for rape cases and we may even berate India for its caste system. But from the bottom of our hearts, we see Indians as wonderful, and sympathetic people.


I decided to be a volunteer in India because for some peculiar reason – Indians seem to be happy, are laid back, and have a great attitude towards life.


Chinese are envious of it, we are not happy people. Our national hobby is griping.


It』s true that Indian netizens are the most rational and empathetic people. I was almost moved to tears when I saw Indian netizens praying for the victims, and mourning for the dead. I checked the translated versions of Indian News websites like The Times of India, The Hindu, etc.


Most Chinese netizens are greatly encouraged by the comments by Indians on these sites.


There was no mocking, no glee, no dancing at the news, no vicious 『karma』 comment, no one associated the news with Tibet or a human rights issue. Some concerned it with Pakistan, which is understandable.


What a great contrast to the reactions from western countries! It』s like an oasis for Chinese netizens. Chinese people should be ashamed for themselves because they are unfeeling people compared to Indian counterparts! Every time an unfortunate accident has happened, and every time we read comments from India, Chinese feel moved.

和來自西方國家的反應有很大的反差!就像給中國網民提供了一片樂土。因為他們與印度相比是冷酷無情的人,中國人應該為自己感到羞恥 !每一次不幸的事故發生時,而每一次我們閱讀來自印度的評論時,中國都會感動。

Really, you guys are warm-hearted loving people. I hope Chinese netizens learn more from India!


Also the rest of world should hold India as a great example.


The other day, my classmate made a presentation showing the Indian election. My deskmate muttered 「Oh, ALL IS WELL」 when the slide showed the image of Modi with his index finger in the air… Haha, we Chinese are too obsessed with 3 Idiots.

Later our class discussed the influence of Indian election on China. Here are some our conclusions.



Indians are no slouches in IT, which is universally recognized.

India is in a state of contradiction.



The most glamorous house is in India.

Indian billionaires are richer than China.

Every Indian woman has golden bracelet or earring to flout.

India has great ability in Mars programme.

India has TATA.

The success of Bollywood puts the Chinese film industry to shame.

India has democracy with caste system still existing.

However, India has numerous slums.

Indians have to live with no electricity sometimes, even those in New Delhi, the capital of India.

Indian combat planes and some other equipment are of bad quality.

Indian women are confined by their families and the tradition of arranged marriage is still prevalent in India.

Indians are not patriotic.









印度人生活在沒有電的時代,即使是那些在新德里 – 印度的首都生活的人。




Their houses are very clean but their streets are dirty. According to my professor, his friend』s house was gorgeous and left him speechless. The family had many servants and drivers. But outside the house was a street full of rubbish.


They have corrupted government but they don』t act to combat it. My professor said that corruption in India is more rampant compared to China.


India is a democracy and yet a family ruled it for several decades. Now you can say goodbye and good riddance to the family. :P


India has territorial disputes with China. Like Indians, Chinese are not willing to concede in territory dispute. They are inseparable part of China. We want them regardless of whether they are rich in resources or not.


Indian women are beautiful and they deserve respect and care from their male counterparts.


My professor said that Indian women have limited freedom and they have very very low social status. He told us not to believe in Bollywood and recommended some documentaries to discover more. He traveled to India once. He saw a husband beat wife in broad daylight. He wanted to intervene but his indian friends told him to stay out if it.


It』s a sick mentality! It would never happen in China. Chinese are notorious for being cold-hearted towards strangers( yueyue accident) but we can』t stand a man beating a woman! I have seen wives berate and slap husbands but I have never seen a man beating a woman. Finally my professor bravely walked up to the couple and reprimanded the man in Chinese since he can』t speak English. The man was dumbfounded. The woman was shocked too.


China really wants support from India as a third world country.


We Chinese would so love to see China and India be a lovey-dovey duo when confronting America and western countries. China is raring to win the supports of African countries. Let』s not mince words. China invests in Africa and helps it to develop infrastructure not only for the sake of money but also aiming to win Africa』s favor politically. We get a little disappointed when we see the Indian government aligning itself with the West. China wants to make itself heard desperately and we want India to join us to make joint efforts and make our voice louder. In 2009, during the Copenhagen meeting, China and India dismissed the criticism from the West and you don』t know how happy we were at that time. Chinese jump with glee when we prove ourselves different from the West. But it』s daunting to do it on our own. Seriously, we want a friend to join us. India is a perfect candidate because India shares many similarities with China.

We are aware of the rise of India.





We discuss the relationship of China and India in our classes. Chinese like Modi too. Modi has visited Guangdong province almost every year. We welcomed him with red carpet when America and Britain denied his visiting because of the riot which happened in 2002. Chinese government thinks highly of him( if you can understand Chinese, you will know that China central television ( the mouthpiece of CCP) introduced him as a visionary and pragmatic leader.


Indians are very diverse – in all aspects.

We like your big eyes.

Indians are clever people.

印度人非常多樣 – 在所有的方面。



I have seen many Indians lecture in TED. They are truly inspiring and innovative. Not so many Chinese can go into TED to spread their ideology. We Chinese feel very embarrassed for ourselves when we learn that so many Indians are hired as CEO of big companies.


To conclude, the Chinese never disliked the Indians. We did hate Indians when the British commanded some Indians to help govern Chinese people. But it was in the past and no Chinese still clings to it. The majority of Chinese are too busy to hate. We are no different from Indians. We just want to make money and make more money. Yes, we are money-oriented. In China, money talks.


I want to extend my thanks to those kind Indians who showed sympathy to families involved in the terrorist attack. Your kindness made my day.



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