
Critical Rhetoric and Pedagogy: (Re)Considering Student-Centered DialogueCritical Rhetoric and Pedagogy: (Re)Considering Student-Centered Dialogue.As it relates to a critical approach to teaching, particularly with a large number of students, critical rhetoric can be conceived of as a way to foster the development of critical consciousness on the part of students when critical dialogue is ...閱417轉9評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:32Knowledge, Competence And CommunicationLINGUISTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCEI shall show that because of the significant incompatibility between Chomsky』s and communicative views of language, the communicativists should not employ communicative competence as a legitimate basis to helping students produce target language, effectively.Chomsky』s views of ...閱959轉17評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:27Multiple Intelligences Theory and English Language TeachingMultiple Intelligences Theory and English Language Teaching.Plan a variety of activities from different resources (including the use of internet, too) for specific lessons or classes with multiple intelligence theory in mind (e.g. focus on diversity, learning process, and the transferring of learning to life beyond th...閱3494轉45評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:24The Use of Body Language in Middle SchoolsThe Use of Body Language in Middle SchoolsThe Use of Body Language in Middle Schools.閱1466轉45評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:22Brief Analysis of Chinese Students』 Errors in English ReadingTherefore, in order to decode those graphic designs, a reader must be equipped with both the knowledge of language and of the world, just as Scott (1984) says" reading is essentially a 』top-down』 process, whereby the reader samples the text visually, a teacher may take these two things into account: one is that...閱1233轉38評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:18A Comparative Study of the Standard Cloze Test and the Multiple Choice Cloze TestA Comparative Study of the Standard Cloze Test and the Multiple Choice Cloze Test.1.2 Forms of Cloze Tests.There are two possible ways to score cloze tests.The following parts will be focused on the effects of the standard cloze tests (S cloze) and the multiple-choice cloze tests (M-C cloze), in which an experiment is...閱1031轉19評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:16培養中學生的英語口語表達能力培養中學生的英語口語表達能力。教學實踐表明,有時在學生"卡殼",即發生表達障礙時,如果馬上救助,常常會是學生產生以來心理,導致注意力不集中,難以獨立地完整地表達.教師要培養學生自我完整表達,首先應了解學生,熟悉學生的知識水平,輕易不要開口相救.可以多檢查,提問,隨時引導他們集中注意力,漸漸養成獨立完整表達的習慣.只要循序漸進...閱994轉52評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:15跨文化交際與中學英語教學2.無意歧義與交際教學按照語言交際教學的觀點,語言是用來交流思想的,而無意歧義則是由於語言使用者本身或語言結構自身的缺陷,而導致交流受損的語言現象。在幫助學生樹立了這一觀念後,教師可以系統的從紛繁蕪雜的歧義現象中總結出一些避免歧義、消解歧義、排除歧義的方法,幫助學生掃除語言交際中的障礙。3.蓄意歧義和交際教學雖然無意歧義...閱353轉25評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:12Language and ThoughtLanguage and Thought.Language and Thoughtby Dan Slobin of the University of California, BerkeleyNo one would disagree with the claim that language and thought interact in many significant ways.Proponents of linguistic determinism argue that such differences between languages influence the ways people think--perhaps th...閱424轉23評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:09論英語閱讀諸變數對閱讀的影響論英語閱讀諸變數對閱讀的影響。在英語閱讀過程中,存在著若干變數( variables),這些變數無疑都會對閱讀理解產生影響。閱讀變數主要有三:1)讀者變數(reader variables);我在英語閱讀教學中注意研究了影響英語閱讀的諸變數,做到了有的放矢、採取了有效措施克服這些變數給閱讀理解帶來的負影響,收到了較好效果:但是我們可以在浩如煙...閱401轉19評0公眾公開06-05-13 22:07認識第一語言和第二語言習得過程中的差異本項研究旨在運用心理學理論,尤其是各種有關語言習得的心理學理論,對比第一語言和第二語言(外語)習得過程中的差異,探討提高中學英語聽說能力的條件,並進而在心理學理論指導下,在總結多年英語教學的基礎上提出若干教學策略,以提高英語教學水平。課堂教學是提高學生英語水平的主戰場,創設最佳的語言環境,教師只有充分利用課堂時間,給...閱962轉47評1公眾公開06-05-13 22:06英漢習語文化差異及翻譯如果字面意義或形象意義與隱含意義在翻譯時由於文化的差異出現矛盾,字面意義或形象意義應當服從隱含意義。由於人們在感情,在對客觀事物的感受及社會經歷等方面會有相似之處,英漢習語中有少量相同或近似的習語,這些習語字面意義,形象意義相同或近似,隱含意義相同,也就是說,此類習語的字面意義和形象意義所傳達出的文化信息是相同的,可...閱879轉118評2公眾公開06-05-13 22:02


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