新概念辭彙隨身聽 第一冊Lesson75:我喜歡穿牛仔褲

1. [w]ago[/w]

We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don"t have any now.一個月前我們有這樣的鞋,但是現在沒有了。

The last bus left an hour ago.最後的公車一個小時前就離開了。

The story took place many years ago.故事發生在很多年前。(本句音頻有漏詞)

2. [w]buy[/w]

But my sister bought this pair last month.但是我姐姐上個月買了一雙這樣的。

I need to buy a new radio.我需要買部新的收音機。

What have you bought?你買了什麼東西?

3. [w]pair[/w]

There are several pairs of dancers in the hall.大廳里有幾對舞蹈演員。

Do you know where I put that pair of glasses?你知道我的眼鏡擱哪兒了嗎?

4. [w]fashion[/w]

They were in fashion last year and the year before last.這些在去年和前年時興。

Her dress is the latest fashion this year.她的裙子是今年的最新款式。

What hat is in fashion now?現在流行哪種帽子?

5. [w]uncomfortable[/w]

They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!的確很不舒適,可是女人們總是穿不舒適的鞋子。

He feels very uncomfortable in his new coat.他穿著新大衣覺得很不舒服。

It"s uncomfortable in the car.在車裡很不舒服。

6. [w]wear[/w] (wore, worn)

But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!但女人們總是穿不舒適的鞋子!

She is wearing her new shoes now. 她正穿著新鞋子。

I like to wear jeans.我喜歡穿牛仔褲。



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