
清明節的習俗是豐富有趣的,除了講究禁火、掃墓,還有踏青、盪鞦韆、蹴鞠、打馬球、插 柳等一系列風俗體育活動。相傳這是因為清明節要寒食禁火,為了防止寒食冷餐傷身,所以大家來參加一些體育活動,以鍛煉身體。因此,這個節日中既有祭掃新墳 生別死離的悲酸淚,又有踏青遊玩的歡笑聲,是一個富有特色的節日。

The custom of the qingming festival is richinteresting, in addition to pay attention to the fire, the grave, and outing,swing, a game called cuju, play polo, inserted liu and so on a series ofcustoms sports activities. This is because tomb-sweeping day to people from thefire, in order to prevent a cold buffet injury body, so everyone to take partin some of the sports activities, and to exercise. Therefore, this festivalboth JiSao new born from the grave don"t dead BeiSuan tears, and visit outinglaughter, is a rich characteristic holiday.


But, as a clear festival, and pure solar termand different. Solar term is our country phenology, seasonal change of theorder of symbol, and the festival is contains certain custom of commemoration.


Ching Ming festival is a traditionalChinese festival, is also the most important sacrifice holiday, is the day ofworship their ancestors and the grave. The grave commonly known as ShangFen,the sacrifices of the dead an activity. The han nationality and some minorityare mostly in the ching Ming festival the grave.

按 照舊的習俗,掃墓時,人們要攜帶酒食果品、紙錢等物品到墓地,將食物供祭在親人墓前,再將紙錢焚化,為墳墓培上新土,折幾枝嫩綠的新枝插在墳上,然後叩頭 行禮祭拜,最後吃掉酒食回家。唐代詩人杜牧的詩《清明》:「清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人慾斷魂。借問酒家何處有?牧童遙指杏花村。」寫出了清明節的特殊氣 氛。

According to the old tradition, the grave,people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the cemetery,will be food for offering in the tomb of loved ones, then the deadincineration, grave earthed up new soil, fold a few branches of the 60-footgreen inserted in a grave, and then KouTou worship salute, finally eatespecially home. The poets in tang dynasty DuMu poem "painting" :"time.though rain in succession, pedestrian rains fall heavily as qingmingcomes JieWen restaurant where you have. The most ambitious almond flowers?Village." Write the tomb-sweeping day special atmosphere.



這 是我國古代清明節習俗。鞦韆,意即揪著皮繩而遷移。它的歷史很古老,最早叫千秋,後為了避忌諱,改為鞦韆。古時的鞦韆多用樹椏枝為架,再栓上彩帶做成。後 來逐步發展為用兩根繩索加上踏板的鞦韆。打鞦韆不僅可以增進健康,而且可以培養勇敢精神,至今為人們特別是兒童所喜愛。

This is our country ancient qingmingfestival customs. Swing, meaning clench leather string and migration. Itshistory is very old, and the first call century, in order to avoid after taboo,to swing. Swing of the old tree YaZhi multi-purpose for frame, then switch tomake the ribbons. Thengradually developed for use two rope and pedal swing.Play not only improves the health swing, and can cultivate the brave spirit, tonow is people, especially children"s favorite.


Gamecalled cuju


A ball is bowed, ball with leather skinmade, the ball inside with wool plugged. A game called cuju, which is withenough to play football. This is ancient tomb-sweeping day"s favorite when a game.Legend has it that the invention of the yellow emperor, original purpose isused to train warrior.




And that spring outing. That old TanChun,XunChun, etc. During march, spring warms the earth, nature become a vibrantpicture everywhere, it is the good old days for an outing. Our country folk tokeep for a long time the habit of clear outing.




Clarity around, ChunYang ZhaoLin, ChunYangZhaoLin, spring rain FeiSa, planting trees survival rate high, grow fast.Therefore, since the ancient times, our country is clear the habit of plantingtrees. There are some called the qingming festival "Arbor Day".Planting trees customs has been spread until now. In 1979, the NationalPeople"s Congress standing committee regulations, 12 March each year for ourcountry Arbor Day. The mobilization of the people of all ethnic groups inmotherland green actively carry out activities, has the extremely vitalsignificance.


Flya kite


Qingming dayis enjoyed by people of activities. Every qingming day, people not onlyBaiTianFang, also put on at night. The night wind or stability in kite hung astring of arrows color small lanterns, like the shining stars, called "theabsolute being light". In the past, some people put a kite the blue sky,then cut matchmaking, let the wind put them sent to the ends of the world, itis said that this can except disease disaster, bring you good luck.



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