[Johnny Lee][演示Wii遙控器]JohnnyLee_2008
1.So, as researchers, something that we often do is use immense resources to achieve certain capabilities, or achieve certain goals. 做為一個研究人員,我們經常用極大的資源 來實現一些特定功能、或目標。2.And this is essential to the progress of science, or exploration of what is possible. 這對科學進步和可行性探索是必要的。 這對科學進步和可行性探索是必要的。3.But it sort of creates this unfortunate situation where a tiny, tiny fraction of the world can actually participate in this exploration 但是,這種方式造成了一個不幸的情形, 就是只有世界很小很小的一部分人, 可以參與這個探索,4.or can benefit from that technology. 或從科技中獲益。5.And something that motivates me, and what gets me really excited about my research is when I see simple opportunities to drastically change that distribution, 一個激發我, 讓我對自己的研究充滿了熱情的原因, 是當我看到了很簡單的機會 可以顯著改善這種分布不均的局面,6.and make the technology accessible to a much wider percentage of the population. 讓更多人接近科技。 讓更多人接近科技。7.And I"m going to show you two videos that have gotten a lot of attention recently that I think embody this philosophy. 我準備播放兩段視頻, 最近很多人關注它們, 而且它們也體現了我之前的觀點。8.And they actually use the Nintendo Wii remote. 它們其實用的是任天堂遊戲機Wii的遙控器,9.Now, for those of you who aren"t familiar with this device, it"s a 40 dollar video game controller. 如果你不熟悉這個小玩意的話, 它是一個40美元的遊戲機控制器。10.And it"s mostly advertised for it"s motion sensor capabilities, so you can swing a tennis racket, or hit a baseball bat. 它最出名的地方就是它的運動感測器。 你可以像這樣揮一個網球拍,或者是棒球棍。11.But what actually interests me a lot more is the fact that in the tip of each controller is a relatively high-performing infrared camera. 但其實更讓我感興趣的, 是這個遙控器頂部的 一個比較高性能的紅外照相機。12.And I"m going to show you two demos of why this is useful. 我這就做兩個演示來告訴你為什麼它很有用。13.So here I have my computer setup with the projector, and I have a Wii remote sitting on top of it. 這是我的電腦,連著投影儀, 我把一個Wii遙控器放在上面。14.And for example, if you"re in a school that doesn"t have a lot money, which is probably a lot of schools, or if you"re in an office environment, 比如說,一所學校, 沒有很多錢,大概大部分的學校都是這樣, 或者是辦公室,15.and you want an interactive whiteboard, normally these cost about two to three thousand dollars. 如果你想有一個互動式電子白板, 一般要花上2000到3000美元。16.So what I"m going to show you how to do is how to create one with a Wii remote. 而現在我就要演示, 怎麼用一個Wii的遙控器來做一個電子白板。17.Now, this requires another piece of hardware, which is this infrared pen. 這還需要另外一個硬體, 一個發射紅外線的筆。18.You can probably make this yourself for about five dollars with a quick trip to the Radio Shack. 你自己做一個只需要5塊錢, 元件可以在Radio Shack(美國電器公司)買到。19.It"s essentially got a battery, a button and an infrared LED, and it turns on -- you guys can"t see it -- but it turns on whenever I push the button. 它是由一節電池,一個開關和一個紅外發光二極體組成的。 按開關可以讓它發射紅外線,當然肉眼是看不見的, 但是我一按開關它就會發射。20.Now, what this means is that if I run this piece of software, the camera sees the infrared dot, and I can register the location of the camera pixels 這就意味,如果我運行這個軟體, 紅外照相機就可以看見這個紅外線的點, 軟體把紅外攝像機的像素位置對應到投影儀的像素位置。21.to the projector pixels. And now this is like a whiteboard surface. 現在它就變成了一個電子白板。22.(Applause) So for about 50 dollars of hardware, you can have your own whiteboard. (掌聲) 所以只用50美元的硬體,你就可以做自己的電子白板了。23.This is Adobe Photoshop. 這是 Adobe Photoshop(著名圖形軟體)。24.(Applause) Thank you. (掌聲) 謝謝。25.(Laughter) Now, the software for this I"ve actually put on my website and have let people download it for free. (笑聲) 我把這個軟體放在了我的網站上, 大家都可以免費下載。26.And in the three months that this project has been public it"s been downloaded over half a million times. 在這個設計面世3個月里, 已經有50萬人下載了。27.So teachers and students all around the world are already using this. 全世界的老師和學生們 都已經用到了它。28.(Applause) I want to quickly say that although it does do it for 50 dollars, there are some limitations of this approach. (掌聲) 我想說明一下,雖然50美元的硬體能滿足大部分要求, 這個方案還是有它的局限和不足。29.But you get about 80 percent of the way there, for about one percent of the cost. 但是你實現80%的功能, 只用了1%的花銷。30.Another nice thing is that a camera can see multiple dots, so this is actually a multi-touch, interactive whiteboard system as well. 另外一個優點就是紅外攝像機可以探測到多個點。 所以, 這其實是一個多點觸控的電子白板。31.(Applause) For the second demo, I have this Wii remote that"s actually next to the TV. (掌聲) 第二個演示,我把這個Wii遙控器 放在電視旁邊。32.So it"s pointing away from the display, rather than pointing at the display. 對著屏幕的反方向, 而不是面對著屏幕。33.And why this is interesting is that if you put on, say, a pair of safety glasses, that have two infrared dots in them, what these two dots are essentially going to give you 它有趣的地方是 如果你帶上一副保險眼鏡, 眼鏡上有兩個紅外發光點, 這兩個紅外發光點34.is give the computer an approximation of your head location. 可以讓電腦知道你頭部的大概位置。35.And why this is interesting is I have this sort of application running on the computer monitor, which has a 3D room, with some targets floating in it. 它有趣的地方 是在於這個電腦上運行的軟體, 一個三維的空間,有一些靶子在裡面。36.And you can see that it looks like a 3D room if you can see, kind of like a video game, it sort of looks 3D, but for the most part, the image looks pretty flat, 你可以把它看成三維房間, 就像在遊戲里的三維一樣。 但是,這個畫面看起來還是平面的,37.and bound to the surface of the screen. 它被屏幕的表面所局限。38.But if we turn on head tracking, the computer can change the image that"s on the screen and make it respond to the head movements. 但是如果我們打開頭部跟蹤, 電腦就可以改變屏幕上的畫面 讓它隨著頭部運動而改變。39.So let"s switch back to that. 換回原來的那個。40.(Laughter) (Applause) So this has actually been a little bit startling to the game development community. (笑聲) (掌聲) 這個發明小小震動了一些人, 尤其是遊戲開發的圈子。41.(Laughter) Because this is about 10 dollars of additional hardware if you already have a Nintendo Wii. (笑聲) 因為這隻需要額外10美金左右的硬體, 如果你已經有了任天堂Wii遊戲機的話。42.So I"m looking forward to seeing some games, and actually Louis Castle, that"s him down there, last week announced that Electronic Arts, 我很期待一些遊戲的推出, 其實Louis Castle,他就在下面, 上星期宣告了Electronic Arts,(美國著名遊戲公司)43.one of the largest game publishers, is releasing a game in May that has a little Easter egg feature for supporting this type of head tracking. 世界上最大的遊戲發行商之一,在5月要推出一款遊戲, 裡面有一個小驚喜的彩蛋功能 支持了這種頭部的追蹤。44.So -- and that"s from less than five months from a prototype in my lab to a major commercial product. 所以,不到5個月, 從我實驗室里的樣品,成為一個商業成品。45.(Applause) Thank you. (掌聲) 謝謝。46.But actually, to me, what"s almost more interesting than either of these two products, is how people actually found out about them. 但是其實,對於我來說,更有趣的 比這兩個產品更有趣的, 是人們怎麼發現了他們。47.YouTube has really changed the way, or changed the speed, in which a single individual can actually spread an idea around the world. YouTube(美國視頻網站) 改變了 一個個體 可以向這個世界傳播想法的方式和速度。48.You know, I"m doing some research in my lab with a video camera, and within the first week, a million people had seen this work, and literally within days, engineers, teachers and students 你知道,我不過是用攝像頭記錄了自己實驗室里的一些研究, 一個星期之內,有百萬人看到了我的工作, 在幾天之內,來自各個地方的工程師,老師,學生49.from around the world, were already posting their own YouTube videos of them using my system or derivatives of this work. 都在YouTube上傳了視頻 演示他們使用我的系統,或者是這個系統的延伸。50.So I hope to see more of that in the future, and hope online video distribution to be embraced by the research community. 我希望將來能看到更多這樣的視頻。 同時也希望網上視頻的發散 可以被研究圈子採納。51.So thank you very much. 非常感謝。
※蘋果VR頭盔專利曝光 還帶遙控器這是要鬧哪樣