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數字習語翻譯之我見作者:顧 磊 文章來源:網路 點擊數:565 更新時間:2008-5-17 唐代詩人張志和曾寫過一首十個一的描寫江景的數字詩:   一蓑一笠一扁舟,一丈長竿一釣鉤   一拍一歌又一笑,一身獨佔一江笑   此例中數字如何翻譯,對我們來說可能比較棘手,尤其漢語一些習語中經常含有的數字,怎麼翻譯,怎樣做到既形似又神似,很值得探討,數詞在漢語習語中佔有相當的行量。下面就一些常用數詞的漢英習語作一比較。   習語中的數詞有些具有實質意義,如「一箭雙鵰」中的數詞量詞「一」、「雙」都是實指其數,是實義。有些則是虛指,如「五」和「十」是虛義,並不是指五種光和十種顏色,「五」和「十」表示多的概念。而有些原義就不表示數量之多少,如「張三李四」、「五大三粗」,此類習語中的數詞也屬虛義。相對而言,漢語習語中為數的虛義現象較英語中的同類情況多,特別是最後一種現象。      二、完全對應:指的是漢英兩種習語中的數字完全吻合,一對一,二對二。      1.Boy is a boy,two birds with one stone.(一石二鳥)   2.An oak is not falled at one chop.(一刀砍不倒一棵樹,一鍬挖不成一口井。)   3.Have two strings to one』s bow.(一弓應備二弦)作好兩手準備。   4.Between two stools one falls.(腳踏兩隻凳會跌倒)腳踏兩隻船,早晚會落水。   5.Every march of a thousand miles begins with one step.千里之行,始於足下。   6.Fifteen buckets being hurriedly lawered into a well for water —Eight going down while seven were coming up.十五個吊桶打水,七上八下。   7.The friendship will last for 10000 years and still be forever green.友誼萬古長青。   8.A fall into a pit,again in your wit.吃一塹,長一智。   9.Let a hundred flowers bloom,a hundred schools contend.百花齊放,百家爭鳴      三、部分對應:此類漢英習語中都包含有數詞,但數字並不吻合或不完全吻合。如:      1.Two heads are better than one.三個臭皮匠勝過一個諸葛亮。(一腦難敵二人。)   2.It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.狡兔三窟(再差勁的老鼠也不止一個窩。)   3.As like as two peas in a pod.(像一條豆莢里的兩顆豌豆一樣)一模一樣   4.It takes two and sevens.亂七八糟,七上八下。   5.In two minds三心二意   6.Sweet seventeen(甜蜜的十七歲)二八年華   7.The first step being taken,the rest is easy.(邁出第一步以後就順當)萬事開頭難。   8.Six of one and half a dozen of the other.(六和半打)半斤八兩   9.Twenty ti one十有八九   10.By ones or twos三三兩兩   11.In two twos立即,轉眼間      四、不對應:就習語里的數字來說,有時英有漢無,有時漢有英無,以下習語則小、屬於這類情況。如:      1.新官上任三把火。A new broom sweeps clean.(新掃帚掃得乾淨)   2.五十步笑百步。The pot calls the kettle black.(鍋嫌壺黑)   3.小洞不補,大洞叫苦。A stitch in time saves nine.(一針不補,十針難縫)。   4.鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。Two dogs strive for a bone and the third runs away with.(兩隻狗爭一根骨頭,結果卻被第三隻狗叼了去)。   5.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。A burnt child dreads the fire.(燒傷的小孩見火就怕)   6.不經一事,不長一智。You can』t gain knowdge without practice wisdom comes from experience.   7.竹籃打水一場空。Draw water in a bamboo basket.   8.劉雨生回到鄉政府,把老謝的話,一五一十,告訴了鄧秀梅和李月輝(周力波《山鄉巨變》)。   When Liu Yusheng got back to the wenship government,told everything LaoXie had said in detail to Deng Xiumei and Li Yue hui.   9.一不怕苦,二不怕死。Fearing neither hardship nor death.   10.一瓶子不響,半瓶子晃蕩。Empty vessels make the most noise.   11.寶蟾心裡也知十之八九了,也就半推半就(《紅樓夢》)。Well awared of what he wanted,she only made a show of resisting.   這裡十之八九譯為「well awared of what he wanted」   半推半就譯為「Only made a show of resisting」   12.習語「丟三落四」翻譯為We』ve forgotten this and the other.   13.在田徑運動中   Decathlon代表(男子)十項全能   Pentathlon代表(女子)五項全能   Heptathlon代表(女子)七項全能      五、漢有英無      1.顛三倒四incoherent,disorderly.(不連貫,亂七八糟)   2.五體投地Admire sb from the bottom of one』s heart.(從心底欽佩某人)   3.舉一反三Draw inferences from one example.(從一個例子得出推論)   4.費九牛二虎之力Spend an immense amount of energy.   5.一言難盡Be a long story.(是個長故事)   6.雙鳥在林不如一鳥在手。A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.   7.三人知,天下知。When three know it,all know it.(要想保守秘密,決不能讓第三個人知道)   8.貓有九命A cat has nine lives.   9.朝三暮四Blow hot and cold.   10.隨後我睡著了,直到日高三丈方才醒來。And then I fell asleep and only woke at broad way.   這裡at broad way翻譯為「日高三丈」   11.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.一不做,二不休   12.By the skin of one』s teeth人死一生,幸免於難   13.Like a chicken with its head cut off.四處碰壁   14.Tweedledee and tweedledom半斤八兩   15.Birds of a feather一丘之貉   16.As poor as the church mouse一貧如洗   總之,英漢數字習語浩如煙海,內涵極其深廣,中西文化傳統生活習俗,價值觀念千差萬別,因此,了解習語中的數字的實指意義與虛指意義對於正確理解和掌握英漢數字習語至關重要。      參考文獻:   [1]毛榮貴.譯諧譯趣.中國對外翻譯出版公司,2005.   [2]喻雲根,呂瑞昌.漢英翻譯教程.陝西人民出版社,1983.   [3]郭著章.英漢互譯實用教程.武漢大學出版社,2003.   [4]張培基.英漢翻譯教程.上海外語教育出版社,1980.   [5]朱原.朗文當代高級英語詞典.商務印書館,1998. http://www.ryedu.net/syy/yywh/200805/7301.html 本篇文章來源於 外語愛好者網站(http://www.ryedu.net) 轉載請以鏈接形式註明出處 網址:http://www.ryedu.net/syy/yywh/200805/7301.html


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