Yantara Jiro訊息:五個行星+朱諾行星逆行,伴隨新月的強大能量









-Yantara Jiro

Five Planets Retrograding:

Mars, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto. one Asteroid Juno retrograding. Last such happenings were about 10 years ago. Big energies with New Moon coming up. Very interesting combination forcing people out of comfort zone and into new ways of looking at things. Values and Egos aside trusting the Universe having new installations for your life. Juno also highlights on inequality, fairness, marriages and infidelity.

A good time to re-examine and adjust the share and develop "balance" in relationship. Jupiter retrogrades may hit on people having to use money to learn lessons on life. Once Jupiter turns direct from 9 May, "reality" will kick in and highlight important aspects of life to be acted upon. People are encouraged to take positive actions forward, it will highlight upon your strengths and ask you to take charge of your dreams now.

Mercury retrogrades may cut body, cut communications and is asking you to speak clearly, slowly and kindly. Patience is the key. Mars retrograde often cause breakdown in technical electronic parts, transportation. It also causes an emotional simmering in the heart making you feel internal boils that both highlights your passions and your frustrations. Be aware of what drives you passionately and drives you crazy. :)Try to breathe and relax while communicating, while observing the happenings around, you may be more irritable than usual, leave your critical judgments aside and try to guide and appreciate the good side. It will serve you and others better in this way. Saturn retrograde tears down the house and rebuild your foundation, anything that do not serve for your greater vision shall come crumbling down, including your own belief systems and stubbornness.

Take time to review your plans, projects and look into long sustainable relationships - be it family and friends, business or personal. Pluto retrogrades love to tickle you on your dark shameful secret side of you. Are you embracing every aspect of yourself? It stirs our shadows and seeks to reveal the jewels of your darkness. Utilise your skills for good rather than being destructive and critical. This when developed properly can become a good skill to manage yourself and work. Mercury ends 22 May, Saturn ends 13 August, Mars ends 29 June, Pluto ends 26 Sept, Jupiter ends 9 May, Juno ends 22 June

-Yantara Jiro

Yantara 行星補充:1、土星逆行時,是要打翻你全部基礎,因此土星逆行時常常要回顧自己的基礎狀況。重新建造你的基礎,從基礎開始做你要做的事情。包括重新打造你的信念系統,累積的生活習慣等等。2、火星在逆行時,交通工具會容易壞。比如車子,火車,高鐵的零件容易壞。火星在逆行期間人的行動力會減弱,想做又沒有力氣做。有時候又像打火機,火力會變大或者變小。內在會有一些不安。3、冥王星:是我們內在陰影和羞恥部分的影響。讓我們如何接受自己內在陰影部分。比如有些慾望不敢承認,或者羞恥,害臊,不敢做等等。4、木星:跟我們財富,運氣,一些事情做的順利有關。如果之前功課做的好,大部分事情都會順利容易進行。如果還沒準備好,可能金錢上會縮小。可能你在做某些事情上多三思,不願意花錢,或者會被影響花一些錢,後來才發現這些錢不用花。或者是用金錢去交換學習一些經驗課題,可能付一筆錢學習業力的東西。5、朱諾小行星是跟我們公平有關,跟我們付出的時間,力氣,知識等有關。我們給別人的分享付出與回報是否平等。這個時候讓我們看到自己付出時間,價值與回報,會做調整,我們付出的與收穫如何調整讓雙方都舒服。這個也和婚姻,愛情,關係有關,是否讓你感覺你付出太多,對方付出太少,因此做調整,等等。



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