
Chinese jet design based on stolen U.S. plans?


Former Air Force Assistant Vice Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, (Ret.), on China』s J-31 jet reportedly based on information stolen from the U.S. through cyber attacks.



Did you silly Americans think for even a moment that, after your president Clinton signed this monumental trade deal with communist China, resulting in American manufacturing jobs being sent to China on a massive scale, that this would not be the predictable and inevitable consequence? OF COURSE CHINA COPIED YOUR JET you idiot Clinton voters! That』s what China does.

Did you Americans not realize, especially after your copyrighted and trademarked materials were routinely copied by China, that they would not also copy military jets? GET REAL. You voted for Clinton TWICE – he was your 「rock star.」 Now you cry woe-is-me.

And just wait til your Obama is done with you after you rewarded him with a second term.

Those same Chinese jets may well be flying your way to bite.


Boris, it started with Nixon and his ambassador to China – Bush the elder.


what you post is utterly false. Nixon merely established dialogue and enhanced diplomatic relations with The Peoples Republic of China. This in no way compares to the mega deal brokered by Clinton. He even went on national TV to assure USA』s workers that his was good for them, that it would expand new markets for American made goods. Clinton betrayed his union supporters who pleaded with him to relent. Clinton didn』t just sign off on this deal with communist China, he aggressively promoted it.


Thank you, Boris. Someone had to destroy an idiot who might think this way.


You can』t say 「it』s an exact copy」 in one breath and then turn around and say 「they added a second engine」 in the next and have any credibility. You can』t just add a second engine to a fighter jet without a complete redesign. If they did get hold of the plans for the F-35, they only used it as a basis for a completely new design. What』s more is they made it a better jet because of the twin engine design. If you have an engine failure on a single engine jet then the best thing you can do is point it away from a populated area and punch out. With two engines, you stand a better chance of landing safely with the remaining engine. Russia has been copying our jets for decades. This is nothing new. Our enemies will take any advantage they can get.


not only that it makes them similar to rusian jet


The US jet engine success rate is 99.97%. The fail rate in this case can be neglect to accommodate for efficiency and agility. F-16 is a single engine fight jet and been in service since 1978 never had engine failure.


If one comes apart it』s gonna damage the other engine so…. LOL


How can one tell from a photograph?

Well, I do not know anything about jet propulsion, nor anything about flight/air-dynamics, nor combustion at supersonic speeds, not to mention instrumentation and navigation.

It would be magic to read these systems off from photographs!

But, I do know the Chinese Engineers speak and perhaps use English language.

So, the Chinese plans were drawn up in metric standards in English language?

So, do they look like they were stolen, or they simple better?


Yup, they copied it.

Yah, just look at the pics: It has swept wings, a pilot』s canopy, twin tails and… oops, the number of engines don』t match. Never mind that little minor discrepancy, the wings and tails nail it – perfectly – don』t they?…

Excuse me for laughing…



Too many traitors in America., and I』m not talking about the computer geek they are going to blame this 「leak」 on. The truth is after that 「fall of the soviet union」 lie in the 90s the traitors high up have been giving and selling secrets to russia and china. Add the ongoing invasion by illegals coming from all over the world including china and russia and you have a recipe for national suicide. The question is: what are YOU going to do about? Whine? Blame the other party? What are YOU willing to do to protect the Republic?


Now there』s a surprise. Chinese espionage.

These billions of people have nothing, not even a good educational system.

We, the fools that we are, allow them to come here and get educated in our best colleges.


Hello, Companies are international , they have any thing you want, and make and sell to anyone. Please get off the beer and football games.


Our good friends the communist Chinese STOLE stuff from us? SHOCKING, simply shocking!


Chinese have been stealing since one was caught stealing under the Clinton administration. He of course was a dem favorite donor to the Clinton Election.


No money for home land security . Its all spent on Americas self made wars. look people we are broken. No cash.Congress could care less About making America #1 again. They don』t seem to care that China has replaced America, Americans never get it, even after being bent over and reamed deep by the people they placed in office over the last 25 years. Washington only cares about filling their pockets with cash. But the voters have kept them in office so enjoy your fall and embrace the Communist you voted into Washington. Can you name 10 people in Washington that you voted for who did not help in removing your privacy and placing you under the dictatorship? I know you can』t. As a voter you could not be more stupid !


The liberal destroy America campaign is in full effect.

Remember when Americans had pride in their country?


We are spending far too much on homeland security while neglecting the infrastructure. Typical wrong way driving of the republican party. We are broke from fighting unnecessary war based on lies and prejudice of the former president, now we are forced to try and redeem the damage he caused.


The Bush』s fault excuse has expired.

Obama has been in since 2009 and no budget, massive expenses and no cost cutting.

The Democrats have controlled Congress during that time.

You are an idiot.


No, the blame remains on bush. He created the mess we find ourselves in and nothing can change that. No matter obstruction the republicans give can erase the truth, Bush did it.


The difference is that China has the money to build super aircrafts while the USA wastes our money giving it at will.


Obama got even by designing his policies on stolen ones from the Chinese Communist party.


And how do you suppose the Chinese were able to penetrate our computer networks so thoroughly? The NSA forcing EVERYONE to create back-doors in EVERYTHING maybe, then blackmailing & bribing the encryption programmers to build flawed random number generators so they could easily crack codes and read all secure communications?

And before all you dip$hits start blaming Snowden for blabbing about what the NSA was doing, I would remind you that it』s been less than a year since he blew the whistle, and the J-31 has been in the works for a tad longer than that.



That』s how nations that are technologically behind do things. The Russians did that all the time during the cold war.


The Chinese make poor replicas at best. They lack original thought and do what amounts to monkey see monkey do…


The Chinese have done nothing original since gun powder . . . and they probably stole that from a Tibetan monk.


Obviously stolen – we cannot hold on to secrets. Whole Country could be defeated

some day – they are always spying.


Strong economy = Strong military

China has new army

Russia too

Ours is getting old…no money, no honey.




We must immediately reduce our dependance on Communist China』s cheap labor. Immediately! We should hammer them financially using tariffs, much increased US postage and shipping costs, penalties for all products sold in America with Chinese components, etc. We should start gradually but continuously crank it up month after month.

We should also tell them it is an act of war against the US to steal our technology and/or use it in their military projects.

我們必須立刻減少我們對TG廉價勞動力的依賴了!立刻!我們可以通過關稅等金融手段傷害他們。增加美國郵資和運輸成本。處罰那些使用中國零件卻在美銷售的商品等等。我們應該逐漸開始這些手段並且就這樣堅持下去。我們應該同樣告訴他們,這對美國來說,偷竊我們的技術並且將之應用在他們的武器項目上是一種戰爭行為(這位親,你不知道中國的勞動力很多年前就已經不廉價了么 )

The irony is that the copy is going to be better than the real thing. The Chinese removed the design compromises from the F-35 design.


Silicon Valley is overflowing with Chinese spies.


Just about everything made in the Chinese military is stolen from the US or Russia…


Stolen? Sure. It』s what you get when defense contractors hire Chinese and Indian contract engineers instead of Americans to save money. The Chinese government sends engineers to the U.S. for the sole purpose of industrial espionage. Confidentiality agreements are unenforceable when the guy in in China shielded by his government. Corporate greed has once again put America』s security at risk.


Too many secrets are stolen under this administration.


This is our own fault, we open our Colleges to Chinese Computer Electronic Engineering, and Doctorate programs, during the summer brakes, when our Students having fun times on our beaches or visiting there Family』s. My question is, that our Politicians know that, and also know that any student from China has to serve the Chinese Military or still serving, before they going to a College in the US or the EU!

College Professor』s and Colleges don』t apparently give a dam hue they accepting on there Premises, and what of our secrets are given out.

And why our Politicians are onlookers and doing nothing about this, I call it treason!



It is treason.


「summer brakes」 and 「there Family』s」. Tex, it seems you skipped a couple of those English classes and went to the beach while the Chinese were studying hard.


One of many idiotic things our government actively does or permits continuously. It』s been this way for many years.


The Chinese are smart but very lazy even though they try to show the world the opposite. They really do not care about intellectual property or any governments property as well. They are like the kid in school that just cheats their way through then sooner or later they end up in a position where they hurt themselves or others. Just wait it will happen. If this was not true then how can anyone explain their carelessness of their own air quality and environment. Plus their fighter pilots are no where capable compared to our Top Guns!


Generalizing a whole nation like that is silly and inaccurate. There are very hard working Chinese and very lazy Chinese, just like in any other country. Apparently, some Chinese worked very hard to get this plane off the ground.


Is there any Chinese design that is not stolen from elsewhere?


Hey, I have an idea. How about we not connect computers with hyper sensitive, or secret, information on them to the internet! If we have to, just use a secure courier system to send that information to a different site. That would eliminate any chance of any nation trying to steal information from the comfort of their home nation. Sure it would be slower, but there would be no chance of online theft. Or, for those institutions that have to communicate too often to make that plausible, build their own intranet instead. Completely separate from the regular internet.


The Chinese have stolen over 300 BILLION dollars in military and civilian secrets and Obama has done nothing as a consequences. That is a spineless coward of a president. Or is it because America is owned by China because of America』s horrendous debts caused by socialism?




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