
Marriage Is Yard Work經營婚姻,如同照管花園

On a recent Thursday evening, the United States Navy notified Ryan Benoit that instead of tracking the $150 million overhaul of the Essex, an 844-foot-long air and amphibious assault ship, he should probably drink a couple of gin and tonics with his wife and water the drooping lettuce in his planter.

最近一個星期四的晚上,瑞安·伯努瓦(Ryan Benoit)接到了美國海軍的通知,通知上並沒有讓他監督一艘造價1.5億美元(約合人民幣9.1億元)、長達844英尺(約合257米)的兩棲攻擊艦——埃塞克斯號(Essex)的檢修工作;而是讓他或許陪妻子喝上幾杯金湯力(gin and tonics),再給院子里快要蔫掉的萵苣澆澆水。

This being the year of the Great Congressional Sequester, the next day was Furlough Friday. And Mr. Benoit, a 37-year-old civilian port engineer and a lieutenant commander in the Navy Reserve, would be spending the accidental holiday in the garden.


「I』m being told not to answer the phone,」 Mr. Benoit said. This slackness was a shock to his routine. 「I』m always doing something. I very rarely get to relax.」


Orders are orders. But there was work to be done at home, too: a renovation of the yard that is almost as ambitious as the warship』s and only a little less reliant on industrial supplies. For the last four years, Mr. Benoit and his wife, Chantal Aida Gordon, 30, have been creating the quintessential outdoor room, a couple of blocks from the surfers』 paradise known as Windansea Beach in this city』s La Jolla section.

命令還是得遵守。不過在家裡也是有活要乾的:庭院需要重新裝修,其工程量絲毫不亞於維護戰艦, 只不過它對工業設備的依賴度沒有那麼嚴重。過去四年來,伯努瓦和現年30歲的妻子尚塔爾·阿伊達·戈登(Chantal Aida Gordon)一直在打造優雅的戶外空間。幾個街區以外就是衝浪者的天堂——位於拉霍亞(La Jolla,一個富裕、多山的海濱度假勝地社區,位於南加州聖迭戈市北部——譯註)的溫丹希海灘(Windansea Beach)。

The house? A two-bedroom, one-bath rental. A little over 750 square feet for $2,200 a month. Speak of it no more.


As for the yard? This will be a place to host dinner parties and screen Chargers games and stash a shortboard and shower off and plant cactuses and harvest guava and blend cocktails and sleep off a hangover and catch up on back issues of The New Yorker. You know, that kind of space.

至於庭院,他們將在這裡舉辦晚宴,放映聖迭戈閃電隊(San Diego Chargers,美國橄欖球聯盟最初的八支球隊之一——譯註)的球賽,存放衝浪用的短板,曬日光浴,種植仙人掌,收穫番石榴,調製雞尾酒,酣睡一場以解宿醉,閱覽《紐約客》(The New Yorker)的過刊。你明白的,總之就是這樣一個場所。

It will also be a place to blog. As of this spring, the design project has turned into a new garden-and-style site, TheHorticult.com. The yard is now a backdrop for photographing D.I.Y. delphinium garlands and Wellington boots by Le Chameau.

另外,此地還將成為一個博客話題。今年春天,這個設計項目衍生出了一個新的園藝與時尚類網站:TheHorticult.com。這座庭院已成為一處用來拍攝自製的飛燕草花環和Le Chameau牌威靈頓雨靴(Wellington Boots)的布景了。

It』s a lot to ask of a 55-by-44-foot, concrete-covered lot. And to the extent that the couple is building practically every piece of furniture and planting every container, it』s a lot to ask of themselves. You might say that Ms. Gordon and Mr. Benoit are not transforming the garden so much as the garden is transforming them.


Julian Mackler, a longtime friend who photographed the couple』s wedding, has watched this change take root. 「Some people want to stay on the sidelines, and some people want to get their hands dirty,」 he said on the phone from Harlem. 「I never see people my age take such care of a garden unless they』re a straight-up hippie.」

朱利安·麥克勒(Julian Mackler)是夫婦倆的老朋友,曾為他們拍攝婚紗照。他親眼見證了這座花園發生變化的始末。「有些人只想觀望,有些人則喜歡親自動手,」 他在哈萊姆區(Harlem)接受電話採訪時表示,「我從沒見過像我這個年紀的人會如此悉心打理一座花園的,除非他們是徹頭徹尾的嬉皮士。」

Ms. Gordon moved from New York University to an editorial-assistant post in the West Coast office of Vogue. (You can see her introducing Lauren Conrad to the copy machine in the first few episodes of MTV』s docudrama 「The Hills.」) Mr. Benoit attended the United States Merchant Marine Academy, in Kings Point, N.Y. And for a couple of East Coast transplants, the quest for a classic Southern California space has inspired a shift in consciousness.

戈登從紐約大學畢業後,曾在《時尚》(Vogue)雜誌社的西海岸辦事處擔任助理編輯。她還在音樂電視網(MTV)的紀實戲劇《好萊塢女孩》(The Hills)中上過鏡,在該片的前幾集里為勞倫·康拉德(Lauren Conrad)說明影印機的使用方法。伯努瓦畢業於紐約州金斯伯因特(Kings Point)的美國商船學院(United States Merchant Marine Academy,培養海軍的精英院校——譯註)。作為一對從東海岸移居到西海岸的夫婦,兩人想讓自己的新家呈現出經典的南加州風情,這樣的訴求就激發了他們想法的轉變。

「At work, I』m in an industrial environment: no plants, no nothing, just a steel structure,」 Mr. Benoit said. 「It』s the opposite of when I come home.」


Ms. Gordon looked at her husband sympathetically. 「Don』t you think some of those old guys grow some tomatoes?」


The blog has revealed the earthy proclivities of many of their urbane friends. 「I couldn』t believe the number of people who got excited about the jacaranda story,」 she said, referring to a post about the omnipresent San Diego trees that bloom purple in late May. 「Ten years ago, I wouldn』t have been able to spot a jacaranda.」


Mr. Benoit said, 「Four months ago, I wouldn』t have been able to recognize a jacaranda.」


Ms. Gordon added, 「It just deepens your experience when you』re walking down the street and you know what a tree is.」


Before Ms. Gordon was a gardener, she was a writer. She volunteered at a community garden in East Harlem to research a coming-of-age novel, which her agent is now shopping. Titled 「The Fame and Exile of the Lotus Eaters,」 it chronicles the escapades of a 「teenage nerd」 who discovers a new lotus cultivar.

戈登在從事園藝之前靠寫作為生。當時她在東哈萊姆區的一座社區花園裡當志願者,好為自己即將出爐的一部小說做調研。小說目前正處於推廣階段,標題為《食蓮者的成名與流亡》(The Fame and Exile of the Lotus Eaters),主人公是一名發現了蓮花新品種的「書獃子少女」,故事圍繞著她的種種冒險行為而展開。

「The flower becomes an overnight hit in Manhattan, the way those things do,」 she said. 「Things go downhill when her friends start using the flower as a study drug.」 (As a day job, she works anonymously as a copywriter for a business strategist.)


Before Mr. Benoit was a gardener, he was a photographer. On his travels as a reservist, or with Ms. Gordon, he would fill up memory cards with botanical photos.


Not infrequently, he has coaxed his wife into these pictures. In botanical terms, Ms. Gordon would classify as willowy, with rufous hair and a slightly maculate complexion. Put plainly, she has the kind of looks that might stand out in a nightclub, which happens to be where the couple met.


「You』re easy to photograph, babe,」 he said.


「Thanks, babe,」 she said.


The house the pair moved into as newlyweds six years ago was virgin ground. That』s probably too generous a description. As their friend and across-the-street neighbor, David Deitch, said, 「That house, before they moved in, was a shambles.」

六個月前,這對新婚夫婦入住的新居還是一片處女地。或許這麼形容還算客氣的。據夫婦倆的朋友、街對面的鄰居戴維·戴奇(David Deitch)說,「那套房子在他們搬進來之前就是一個爛攤子。」

Ms. Gordon recalled, 「Our neighbor』s ficus was growing into the yard.」


Mr. Benoit added, 「There wasn』t much here to work with.」


Whatever the couple』s aesthetic was at that point, it wasn』t the shaggy look. They discovered an expression of their nascent style on weekend trips to Palm Springs, Calif., where they basked in spots like the Ace Hotel (rehabbed by the Los Angeles design firm Commune) and the Parker Palm Springs (by Jonathan Adler). Every room and patio seemed to showcase a different material. Ceramics and tiles butted up against leather ottomans and Navajo rugs.

無論夫婦倆那個時候的美學理念是怎麼樣的,荒草叢生的樣子都不是他們想要的。在一個周末,當他們去棕櫚泉(Palm Springs)度假,在由洛杉磯設計公司Commune重建的埃斯酒店(Ace Hotel)和由喬納森·阿德勒(Jonathan Adler)設計的棕櫚泉黎客酒店(Parker Palm Springs)曬日光浴時,發覺這些地方的陳設正符合他們心中朦朧的設計喜好。每個房間和露台都在視覺上展現出不同的質感。陶器、磚瓦與皮革軟椅、納瓦霍地毯形成了鮮明的反差。

Ms. Gordon described the style as 「a riot of different patterns and colors. You don』t think it will work, but it makes a lot of emotional sense.」


She and Mr. Benoit began to reimagine their midcentury ranch house here as it might have appeared in a 1960s photo spread from Sunset magazine. Mr. Benoit fell under the design influence of Southern California philosopher kings like Richard Neutra and Rudolph Schindler.

夫婦倆由此開始重新構想他們自己的新居。他們的房子本身始建於上世紀中葉,是一座農莊式的平房,風格類似於《日落》雜誌(Sunset,是一本居家生活類雜誌,專註於旅遊、戶外、家居設計、食譜及酒等——譯註)在20世紀60年代刊載的照片里的建築。伯努瓦的設計理念受到了理查德·諾伊特拉(Richard Neutra)、魯道夫·辛德勒(Rudolph Schindler)等南加州建築大師的影響。

「We liked the idea of being able to step outside and just have it be another living space,」 he said. Alas, there was no seamless glass membrane. 「If we owned a place ourselves, it would be nice to be able to open the space.」


Ms. Benoit said, 「So you can see straight out of the other side to the pool.」


Of course, there was no pool, either. And however much the couple appreciated the vintage furnishings in the boutiques of Palm Springs, Mr. Benoit said, 「We couldn』t afford any of that stuff.」


The furnishings the couple could afford, Mr. Benoit recalled, were junk. Specifically, industrial surplus from a warehouse near the shipyards where, he said, 「they sell stuff for just above scrap.」 This is how they ended up with a planter made out of a ship』s horn, the size and shape of a sousaphone.


Or take the outdoor bar table where Mr. Benoit was sitting. 「I call this a rolling entertainment arbor,」 he said. Over the course of a day, you could make coffee on the 41-inch-high Douglas fir tabletop, transplant a few succulents and then plug in the laptop. And it was an ideal spot for a light dinner.


At that prompt, Ms. Gordon disappeared gracefully to put together a plate of ceviche and chips, takeout from Oscar』s Mexican Seafood down the road.

聽到這個提示,戈登優雅地走進屋,端來一碟檸檬腌生魚(ceviche)和一盤薯片。兩道菜都是從街邊的海鮮店Oscar』s Mexican Seafood叫的外賣。

「Do you want any cava, babe?」 she asked.


「Yeah, babe,」 he said.


The frame for the piece came from two industrial stepladders. 「I think I bought them for a total of $60,」 he said. And the whole battlewagon rolls on eight beefy industrial casters.


Mr. Benoit rose from his stool, as if to give it a spin. Then he grabbed on to the rafters overhead and pulled himself halfway through a chin-up. 「I like garden design that』s a little bit more heavy and masculine, in general,」 he said. (He has started to post prototypes on a separate site, Ryan Benoit Design.)

伯努瓦從凳子上站起身,彷彿想把它旋轉一下。接著,他抓住頭頂的椽子,將自己吊在半空做了個引體向上。「大體上,我所喜歡的庭園設計工作是偏陽剛一點的重體力活。」伯努瓦還建了另一個網站,名為「瑞安·伯努瓦設計」(Ryan Benoit Design)。他已開始在上面發布自己的設計草案。

A feminine balance, he said, came from the plants the couple liked to install in his furniture. This is mostly Ms. Gordon』s portfolio, and she wandered over to what they call the 「living table,」 a coffee table fitted together out of $50 worth of Douglas fir two-by-sixes. A cruciform shape at the center makes an inset planting bed, rather like a sunken living room for 』70s swingers.

為給小院增添一點陰柔之氣作為平衡,伯努瓦說,他們也喜歡在他打造的傢具里種些植物,這部分工作主要由戈登負責。戈登走向一張被他們稱為「生長桌」(living table)的咖啡桌。這件傢具由總價值50美元(約合人民幣305元)、2×6規格的道格拉斯冷杉木料拼成,中心的十字形凹陷是一個花床,看起來像70年代的時髦人家裡布置的凹式客廳。

Ms. Gordon knelt down to pet a few favorite specimens. The Lithops marmorata, a clumping succulent, resembled an upside-down unicorn』s hoof. Far-fetched, perhaps, but then Ms. Gordon』s favorite plants often possess a quality of fantasy. It』s no accident, perhaps, that one of her most popular springtime blog posts cataloged the botany of the Seven Kingdoms on 「Game of Thrones.」

戈登跪下來,玩賞著幾株心愛的植物。其中有一株名叫繭型玉系生石花(Lithops marmorata),是一種塊狀的多肉植物,看起來就像倒置的獨角獸蹄。要說它很美觀,或許有些牽強,不過戈登喜歡的植物往往都比較奇特。在今年春季發布的一篇最熱門的博文中,她將《權力遊戲》(Game of Thrones)里七大王國的植物進行了歸類。或許這並不令人意外。

Desert plants are nothing if not permutations on the improbable. 「It』s like buying a little living sculpture,」 she said.


By contrast, the couple is happy to leave the food gardening to the professionals, Mr. Benoit said. 「To be honest with you, we don』t grow vegetables, because I don』t really like the way they look.」


He pointed to a silver-colored form nestled beneath the woolly rose (Echeveria Doris Taylor). The common name for this species was galvanized pipe, and the black shoot under the cap was an HDMI cable. To be clear, this was not a plant but the hookup to the outdoor projector for the 「hideaway theater.」

他指了指坐落在一株擬石蓮花(Echeveria Doris Taylor)下方的那個銀色「植物」。這一物種的俗名叫做鍍鋅管,「傘蓋」下方的黑色「花芽」就是高清多媒體介面(HDMI)電纜。說明一下,其實它根本就不是植物,而是一塊接線板,用來接通這處「隱身劇場」的室外放映機。

The screen is camouflaged, too. Mr. Benoit circled a neatly trimmed rosemary shrub and stopped at a trellis frame in the shape of a window. Reaching behind the fascia beam at the top, he pulled down a 91-inch-diagonal screen.


The rosemary released a puff of perfume where he had brushed against it. Sitting on the chaise longue, made out of wood salvaged from Ms. Gordon』s old futon, you could see the foliage shadowing the bottom inch of the screen like a movie curtain.


Mr. Benoit has also found a way to backlight the hedge, with a strip of LEDs. 「I call it garden stadium lighting,」 he said. 「There』s not a lot of stylish lighting options out there. I learned to solder to do these.」


He added, 「I love bringing technology to the garden, too.」


The Horticult blog has shaped up to be something of an I.T. project as well. The beauty shots on the right rail of the front page fall under the heading 「Plants We』re Loving on Instagram.」 And for many species mentioned on the blog, the couple harvests hashtags to aggregate in Instagram galleries. Search the term #octopusagave, for instance, and The Horticult rakes up a scrapbook of undulating leaves.

小兩口的園藝博客The Horticult還逐漸形成了一個IT項目。博客頭版右側設有美圖專欄,標題為「我們所喜歡的Instagram上的植物」(Plants We』re Loving on Instagram)。對於博客上提到的很多物種,小兩口都會通過搜索標籤在Instagram的圖庫中收集美圖。比方說,搜索#octopusagave(octopus agave是章魚龍舌蘭——譯註),The Horticult就能顯示出一個剪貼簿,展示的是龍舌蘭葉翻滾的綠浪。

They call this page the Community Garden. But the phrase is somewhat aspirational. There isn』t a lot of personal horticulture going on in the community itself. Dr. Deitch, a professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, who has lived on the block for more than 20 years, guessed that only two or three families maintain their own yards.

他們將這個頁面稱為「社區花園」(Community Garden)。不過目前這個稱謂還只是個夢想。這片社區里親自料理園藝的家庭並不多。加州大學聖迭戈分校的精神病學名譽教授戴奇已在這片街區居住了20多年。他猜測這裡只有兩、三戶人家在自己打理庭院。

In La Jolla, as in so many other fashionable neighborhoods, gardening is something you pay someone else to do.

在拉霍亞(La Jolla),和許多其它時髦社區一樣,居民們都是雇別人來打理園藝的。

The last time Mr. Benoit checked Zillow, their rental property was estimated to be worth $1 million. 「Ideally, we』d like to be able to own this place,」 he said.

伯努瓦最近一次登陸Zillow(一個免費的房地產估價網站——譯註)時,發現他們租來的房產估價為100萬美元(約合人民幣609萬美元)。「如果情況理想,我們希望能買下這套房子。」 他說。

Ms. Gordon said, 「We go to open houses.」


Their friends wonder aloud, "Why are you doing all this to a yard that isn』t yours?」 Mr. Benoit said. 「In truth, 90 percent of this stuff is coming with us.」


The built-ins could be termed built-outs. Almost all the furniture is modular or sits on wheels. Everything moves: the Preway fireplace (Craigslist, $300), the outdoor kitchen with the sink and cabinets, even the deck. 「Most of this stuff I can have in the driveway in three hours,」 he said.

固定設施也可以變為可移動設施。幾乎所有傢具都是可拼裝或帶輪子的。所有東西都可挪動:無論是Preway壁爐(在Craigslist網站上賣300美元,約合人民幣1828元),還是帶水池和櫥櫃的室外廚房,無一例外,就連露天平台也是。「我可以在三小時內將這裡的大多數東西放進車裡。」 伯努瓦說。

Ms. Gordon served homemade cantaloupe ice pops, with garden mint that grows in their ammo-can herb planters. The garden lights were glowing, and bossa nova was humming from the outdoor speakers. Mr. Benoit was drinking riesling now. And the 「babes」 rolled off the tongue with a Parisian lilt, bébé.

戈登端上自製的哈密瓜冰棍,佐之以花園裡種的薄荷,種薄荷的容器是由彈藥箱改造來的香草種植盆。花園裡燈光閃爍,戶外音箱中輕柔地播放著波薩諾瓦(bossa nova)。伯努瓦正喝著雷司令(riesling)酒。「寶貝」從他的嘴裡說出來,也帶了點巴黎腔:「bébé」。

The couple has designed the yard for entertaining, sure. But at a certain point in the evening, it seemingly becomes something else: the couple』s private nightclub.


It was 1 a.m. when Mr. Benoit finally rose from the picnic table and wandered off to someplace totally unexpected. For the first time in six hours, he stepped inside the house.



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