CUDA9.1 Visual Studio Integration 安裝失敗問題,如何解決?
最近更新微軟2018.4的更新,也更新過397.31的NVIDIA顯卡驅動,VS的cuda程序可編譯但是找不到CUDA,並報錯。重裝cuda後發現一直卡在Visual Studio Integration Fail。如何解決呢
- 用 zip 打開,解壓到一個文件夾中
- 打開setup.exe,執行 自定義安裝
- 取消勾選 VS integration
- 安裝完成後,找到 CUDAVisualStudioIntegrationextrasvisual_studio_integrationMSBuildExtensions 複製裡面的所有文件
- 打開自己的 VS2017 的安裝目錄,比如 C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017CommunityCommon7IDEVCVCTargetsBuildCustomizations,把第四步中選中的文件複製進來即可
- 卸載當前的VS 2017。下載安裝15.4.5版本的VS 2017,再安裝CUDA 9。Installing an Earlier Release of Visual Studio 2017
- 不卸載當前的VS 2017,安裝140工具集,之後所有CUDA項目都是用140工具集,而不是141工具集。
Using the latest VS2017 Community (15.6.6) and CUDA 9.1 on Windows 10 x64 with a GTX 1050 Ti. Upon following the instructions in this thread I was able to succesfully build all the samples.
Steps (nothing new, just confirming what was already indicated above):- Install/Add "VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset for desktop (x86,x64)" using the VS Installer;
- Install CUDA 9.1 Toolkit;- Reboot;- Open "Samples_vs2017.sln" in VS2017;- For each project do update settings to Platform Toolset = "Visual Studio 2015 (v140)"; you cand select multiple projects;- Rebuild all.
其他東西不用重灌 重點是CUDA要用自訂安裝
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TAG:NVIDIA英偉達 | MicrosoftVisualStudio | CUDA |