




A river runs through it






New treaty negotiations will test the health of Canadian-American relations


THE last time Canada and the United States sat down to hammer out a deal over controlling the flow of the Columbia river, Dwight Eisenhower was president and John Diefenbaker prime minister. In those days, the two governments were eager to work together: they built the St Lawrence Seaway and set up the joint North American Aerospace Defence Command around the same time. Public acrimony like the insults Donald Trump has hurled at Canadian negotiators—he has called them 「very difficult to deal with」 and 「spoiled」 for refusing his demands for changes to the North American Free-Trade Agreement—would have been unthinkable.

上次加拿大和美國坐下來敲定一項關於控制哥倫比亞河流量的協議時,德懷特·艾森豪威爾是美國總統,約翰·迪芬貝克是加拿大總理。在那個年代,兩國政府渴望合作:他們建造了聖勞倫斯航道,並在同一時間建立了北美聯合北美防空防天司令部。而現在,唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)公開對加拿大談判代表辛辣地諷刺著,他稱加拿大談判代表「非常難以處理」,且「被寵壞了」,並因此拒絕修改北美自由貿易協定的相關要求。

The result of their talks was the Columbia river treaty, signed in 1961 and ratified three years later. The pact required Canada to construct three dams on the 1,954km (1,214-mile) long river. It also allowed the reservoir behind a dam that would be built in Montana in 1975 to extend into Canada.


In exchange, the United States agreed to pay $64.4m to Canada for improved flood control—in 1948 a flood had wiped out Vanport City, Oregon—and to return half of the additional electricity made possible by the smoother flow of the river. From 1973 to 2003, American utility companies bought back that power, called the 「Canadian Entitlement」. Since that deal expired, they have sent the electricity instead, worth anywhere from $120m-335m a year.


Not everyone benefited: the creation of one reservoir in Canada forced an estimated 2,500 people to move. On the whole, however, both sides have been pleased with the treaty. Whether it will remain in effect is up to Mr Trump—who in the past year has withdrawn from the Paris climate agreement and the nuclear deal with Iran.


The river treaty』s current rules extend only until 2024. And in 2014, both sides gained the ability to terminate it outright with a ten-year notice period. As a result, following years of preparation, discussions began on May 29th to revise it.


Even before Mr Trump took office, the United States planned to seek a reduction of the Canadian Entitlement. The American side says that Canada has already been paid enough for building the dams, and that the deal raises electricity costs in north-western states. In 2013 America also said it wanted the treaty to have ecosystem protection as a third aim, alongside power generation and flood management. That could force Canada to do costly work on its dams to allow fish to pass.


The Canadians politely disagree. They note that the treaty delivers myriad benefits to America, such as more predictable river navigation and supply of fresh water, and inflicts costs on Canada. Frequent adjustments of water levels reduce fish and bird populations, erode waterfront land and cause dust storms when reservoir bottoms are exposed. 「We never know whether we』ll have a swimming area,」 says Karen Hamling, the mayor of the village of Nakusp, who wants her town』s reservoir level fixed and compensation paid to its 1,600 residents. The formula used to calculate the entitlement does not take account of these effects. As for migrating fish, Canada argues that America had already blocked them with a dam built in 1942, and should thus have to pay for their reintroduction.

加拿大人禮貌地拒絕了這些提議。他們指出,該條約給美國帶來了無數好處,比如更可預測的航道和淡水供應,並給加拿大帶來成本。頻繁調整水位會減少魚類和鳥類的數量,侵蝕河道周邊的土地,並在水庫底部暴露時引發沙塵暴。納庫斯普村的鎮長凱倫?哈姆林(Karen Hamling)表示:「我們永遠不知道我們這塊是否會被水淹。」水庫利潤計算的公式沒有考慮到這些影響。至於遷徙的魚類,加拿大認為,美國已經在1942年建造了一座水壩來阻止他們,因此,他們應該為他們的再引進這些魚類買單。

The floodgates will not open if the talks fail. If no changes are made, Canada』s automatic flood-management duties would end in 2024. Afterwards, it would only have to act to prevent flooding if America requests aid, proves that its own storage facilities are full and provides compensation. If either party does pull out, the withdrawal could not take effect before 2028.


Nonetheless, if Canada and the United States can no longer work together on river management, the prospects for collaboration on more contentious subjects look dim. Just as talks on the original Columbia river treaty, which began in 1944, marked the beginning of a warm era in their relations, so too might those on a successor deal indicate the end of one.







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