






Are investment banks so complex that the head is not aware of the risks? (2008)

What do you think of the banking business model? (2002-2008)

You』ve recently invested in Goldman Sachs and GE. Is the financial sector a good buy right now? (2009)

How did you decide to invest in Salomon? (1998)

Is it true that Salomon almost caused a global financial crisis? (2006)

General Electric and Goldman Sachs: GE has a history of trying to manage earnings. Do you regard GE and Goldman as attractive businesses or attractive securities? (2009)

Are investment banks so complex that the head is not aware of the risks? (2008)


翻譯: 王志寬

校對: Zzz8zzz

WB: Exceptionally good question. The answer is probably yes in most places, though there are a few CEOs I respect a lot. Gen Re had 23,000 derivative contracts. I could have worked full time on that, and I probably still couldn』t have gotten my head around it all. And we had exposures that I thought were possible and heads of business units didn』t — I don』t want slim, I want none. I am Chief Risk Officer at Berkshire. If something goes wrong, I cannot assign it to a committee.


I think big investment banks and big commercial banks are almost too big to manage effectively in the way they have elected to run their business. It will work most of the time. You may not see the risk. A 1-in-50-year risk - it won』t be in the interest of a 62-year-old executive who is retiring at 65 to worry about it. I worry about everything. Many CEOs say they didn』t know about what was going on. It』s easier to admit he doesn』t know what』s going on than to admit that he knew what was going on and let it go on.


I』ve been asked for advice on regulation. Somehow, the press hasn』t picked up on this too much. OFHEO [Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight] supervised Fannie [Mae] and Freddie [Mac]—their activities had a public element, and were semi-regulated. For 200 people [at OFHEO] it was their sole job to examine the books. They were two-for-two with two of the biggest accounting scams in the history of the world. The person at the top must have it in their DNA to see risks. In many ways, there are firms that in terms of risk are too big to manage. If too big to fail, there are interesting policy implications.

有人向我徵求關於監管條例的意見。不知何故,媒體對此並不關心。OFHEO [聯邦住房企業監督辦公室]監督房利美和房地美——他們屬於公共事業,並被半監管。對於OFHEO的200多號人來說,監管兩房幾乎是他們唯一的工作。然而,史上最大的會計醜聞卻在發生在兩房。高管必須把風險管理意識刻在骨子裡。某種程度上,一些公司因為規模太大而難以管理風險。所謂的「大到不能倒」,確實是個有趣的政策議題。

CM: It is crazy to allow things, which are run with knavery, to get too big to fail. As an industry, there is a crazy culture of greed and overreaching and overconfidence, trading algorithms. It is demented to allow derivative trading such that clearance risks are embedded in the system. Assets are all 「good until reached for」 on balance sheets. We had $400 million of that at General Re, 「good until reached for」. In the drug business, you must prove it is good. It is a crazy culture, and to some extent, an evil culture. Accounting people really failed us. Accounting standards ought to be dealt with like engineering standards.


WB: Salomon [Salomon Brothers during the 1991 scandal] was trading with Marc Rich who had fled the country. They said they wanted to keep trading with him. Only by total directive could we stop it. I think the Fed did the right thing with Bear [Stearns]. They would have failed on Sunday night, and walked to a bankruptcy judge. They had $14.5 trillion of derivative contracts — not as bad as it sounds, but the parties that had those contracts would have been required to undo the contracts to establish the liability from the estate. With the $400 million at Gen Re, we had 4-5 years. At Bear, it would have been 4-5 hours. It would have been a spectacle.

巴菲特:所羅門在1991的醜聞中,曾經和逃亡他國的Marc Rich(嘉可能公司創始人,擅長商品交易,經歷複雜)一直保持著交易關係。我們用命令的方式才制止了相關的交易。我認為美聯儲在貝爾斯登事件上做了正確的事情,貝爾斯登本可能會在星期日晚上破產(美聯儲兜底300億,幫助摩根大通公司收購了貝爾斯登)。他們有14.5萬億美元的衍生品合同——雖然聽起來不那麼糟糕,但一旦破產,(貝爾斯登)的對手方會撤銷那些合同並建立新的債務關係。我們有4-5年的時間去處理通用再保險的問題資產。而在貝爾斯登,只有4-5小時。如果真的能處理完,這會是一場奇觀(暗示不可能)。

Two of the witnesses at the testimony said, 『we understood we couldn』t borrow unsecured, but we didn』t understand we couldn』t borrow secured.』 The world does not have to lend you money. If they don』t want to lend you money, an extra 10 basis points won』t make a difference. It depends on people』s willingness to lend you money, which comes down to how other people feel about you. If you are dependent on borrowed money, you have to wake up every day worried about what the world thinks of you.


Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2008 Boodell Notes

來源: 2008年伯克希爾股東大會Boodell筆記

What do you think of the banking business model? (2002-2008)


翻譯: 虹坤宇

校對: david

Banking is a good business - many banks earn high returns on tangible equity


「Charlie and I have been surprised at how much profitability banks have, given that it seems like a commodity business.」


Underestimated how sticky customers are and how unaware they are of fees banks charge them


WFC - $4.00 per share after full taxes on $15 of tangible equity


If you have a well run bank, you don』t need to be the #1 bank in an area


Bank ROA is not highly correlated to size


You may have to pay 3x tangible equity to buy a bank


Only problem with banks is that sometimes they get crazy and do dumb things...』91 was a good example

銀行業唯一的問題是他們會時不時變得瘋狂,做一些蠢事。1991年就是一個很好的例子 。

If a bank doesn』t do dumb things on the asset side, it will make good money


Source: Buffett Vanderbilt Notes

Time: Jan 2005





Weve been somewhat surprised at how well banks have done. Some have generated 20% or greater returns on tangible equity over many years, though this is in part due to increasing leverage.


[CM: "We misdiagnosed it and, even worse than that, we havent changed."


Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2002 Tilson Notes

Time: 2002



Banking, if you can just stay away from following the fads and making bad loans, has been a remarkably good business. Since WW II, ROE for banks that have stayed out of trouble has been good. Some large well-run banks earn 20% ROE. Ive been surprised that margins in banking havent been competed away.


[CM: What youre saying is that we screwed up, because banking has turned out to be better than we thought. We made a few billion [dollars] from Amex while we misappraised it. My only prediction is that we will continue to make mistakes like that.]


Its pretty extraordinary that institutions competing against each other without real competitive advantages can all make high returns. Part of it is higher loan to value ratios than in past years. Some banks get into trouble making bad loans, but you dont have to.


Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2003 Tilson Notes

Time: 2003



Financial companies are more difficult to analyze than other companies. They can report whatever earnings they want – it』s an easy game to play. For banks, earnings depend on loans and the reserves set aside. It』s easy to change and manipulate the reserves.


With a company like WD-40 or a brick company, the financials are easy to analyze. But with financial [companies] it』s tough, especially when you throw in derivatives.


There were very high grade, financially sophisticated people who were on the boards of the GSEs [Government-Sponsored Enterprises, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] and they were not negligent, but it』s very tough [to detect the shenanigans that went on].


Charlie and I were on the board of Salomon and Charlie was on the audit committee, and [it』s just impossible to evaluate thousands of transactions]. You』ll just have to accept that with insurance companies, banks and other financial companies – it』s just a more dangerous field to analyze.


With GEICO it』s easier because the statistics are quite accurate – it』s short-tailed insurance. It』s not like asbestos.

對蓋可的分析相對簡單,因為相關的統計數據較為準確(車禍發生概率)——汽車保險屬於短尾保險(短尾保險,指可藉助數理模型進行較為準確度量的保險業務類別),不像石棉致病類保險 (石棉致病的潛伏期可以達到20年以上,所以石棉致病類保險難以估算潛在賠付額,且賠付周期長,屬於長尾保險)。

I wouldn』t fault the ratings agencies. Even the big-name auditors didn』t catch it.


[CM: Where you have complexity, by nature you can have fraud and mistakes. You』ll have more of that than in a company that shovels sand from a river and sells it. This will always be true of financial companies, including ones run by governments. If you want accurate numbers from financial companies, you』re in the wrong world.]


Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2005 Tilson Notes

Time: 2005



[Q - Small regional banks - what would you look at before you buy?]


WB: It is hard to make a categorical decision about regional banks. So much depends on the character of the institution. It will be a reflection of the CEO you have. A bank can mean anything. It can be an institution that is doing all sorts of crazy things. The Bank of Commonwealth was an example. We owned a bank in Rockford, Illinois, run by Dean Aback—he would always run a super, sound bank. You should know the culture of the management and the institution before making the decision to buy a bank. We own Wells Fargo and M&T, but it doesn』t mean they are immune. But likely they are immune from institutional stupidity. There was a wise man that said there are more banks than bankers. If you think about that a while, you will get my point.

巴菲特:想要對區域性銀行作出明確的投資決策很困難,很大程度上取決於各家銀行的特性。這種特性可以反映在其CEO上。各個銀行可能會大不相同。銀行可能會做各種瘋狂的事,比如澳洲聯邦銀行。(另外有一些銀行則與之相反)我們擁有位於伊利諾伊斯州羅克福德的一家銀行,由Dean Aback管理。Dean是一位優秀的、穩健的管理者。在買入一家銀行前,你應該了解其管理層和企業文化。我們持有富國銀行和M&T的股票。並不是說這些銀行不會犯錯,但是它們存在制度性風險的可能性較小。有位智者曾說:銀行比銀行家多。如果你仔細想想這句話,就明白我的意思了。

CM: The questioner is on to something. So many large banks have cast a pall over the entire industry. You are prospecting in a likely territory.


WB: If you took the 20 largest and the 20 smallest banks in Florida, I don』t know if you could tell the difference.


CM: It is a territory that has some promise.


WB: That is a wildly bullish statement from Charlie. I may need to go start buying! [laughter]


Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2008 Boodell Notes

Time: 2008



You』ve recently invested in Goldman Sachs and GE. Is the financial sector a good buy right now? (2009)


翻譯: 富貴兒

校對: 減法君

No sector is a good buy unless you understand the business. However, I do believe that there is good value and great opportunity now in the financial sector because it is extremely unpopular. Sector』s themselves don』t make good buys, companies that are undervalued make good buys. You know how to value a business, you project the future cash flows discounted to present and buy with a margin of safety. The earnings prospects need to be greater than the current value. Anything that is unpopular is always great to look at. If I was getting out of school right now, I would take a look.


Source: Q&A with 6 Business Schools

Time: Feb 2009



How did you decide to invest in Salomon? (1998)

你是如何決定投資所羅門兄弟公司(Salomon Brothers)(巴菲特於1987年9月購買了7億美元的所羅門兄弟公司的優先股)的?(1998)

翻譯: 富貴兒

校對: 減法君

Salomon like I said, I went into that because it was a 9% security in 1987 in September 1987 and the Dow was up 35% and we sold a lot of stuff. And I had a lot of money around and it looked to me like we would never get to do anything, so I took an attractive security form in a business I would never buy the common stock of. I went in because of that and I think generally it is a mistake. It worked out OK finally on that. But it is not what I should have been doing. I either should have waited in which case I could have bought more Coca-Cola a year later or thereabouts or I should have even bought Coke at the prices it was selling at even though it was selling at a pretty good price at the time. So that was a mistake.


On Long-Term Capital that is—we have owned other businesses associated with securities over the years-–One of them is arbitrage. I』ve done arbitrage for 45 years and Graham did it for 30 years before that. That is a business unfortunately I have to be near a phone for. I have to really run it (arbitrage operations) out of the office myself, because it requires being more market-attuned because I don』t want to do that anymore. So unless a really big arbitrage situation came along that I understood, I won』t be doing much of that. But I』ve probably participated in about 300 arbitrage situations at least in my life maybe more. It was a good business, a perfectly good business.


LTCM has a bunch of positions, they have tons of positions, but the top ten are probably 90% of the money that is at risk, and I know something about those ten positions. I don』t know everything about them by a long shot, but I know enough that I would feel OK at a big discount going in and we had the staying power to hold it out.


We might lose money on something on that, but the odds are with us. That is a game that I understand. There are few other positions we have that are not that big because they can』t get that big. But they could involve yield curve relationships or on the run/off the run governments that are just things you learn over time being around securities markets. They are not the base of our business. Probably on average, they have accounted for 1?2 - 3?4 a percentage point of our return a year. They are little pluses you get for actually having been around a long time.


One of the first arbitrages I did involved a company that offered cocoa beans in exchange for their stock. That was in 1955. I bought the stock, turned in the stock, got warehouse certificates for cocoa beans and they happen to be a different type but there was a basis differential and I sold them. That was something I was around at the time, so I learned about it. There hasn』t been a cocoa deal since. 40 odd years, I have been waiting for a cocoa deal. I haven』t seen it. It is there in my memory if it ever comes along. LTCM is that on a big scale.


Source: Lecture at the University of Florida Business School

Time: October 15th 1998






How Warren Buffett Made His First $100,000?


Is it true that Salomon almost caused a global financial crisis? (2006)


翻譯: 富貴兒

校對: 減法君

It』s hard to tell what will cause a crisis: who will yell fire, how many people will rush to the exits, etc.


Look at Long-Term Capital Management, or what happened to the junk-bond market in 2002. It almost closed. It was chaos.


In mid-August 1991, when we were at Salomon, on a Sunday we were within half an hour of seeking out a Federal judge and handing over the keys and filing for bankruptcy. The lawyers were drafting the bankruptcy documents. Fortunately, [the Treasury ruling that would have forced Salomon to seek bankruptcy protection] was reversed.


But what would have happened if we』d filed? Coincidentally, Gorbachev was spirited away the same day [Monday, August 19] and the Dow was down a few hundred points. What would have happened when the markets opened in Japan if Salomon Japan couldn』t deliver securities, etc.? Plus, Salomon had a $600-700 billion derivative book.


Munger: It could have been absolute chaos. There』s a very interesting story, with an interesting moral. Nick Brady was Treasury Secretary at the time. He was a Berkshire shareholder because of his long relationship with the Chaces.

芒格:可能陷入絕對的混亂。這裡有一個有趣的故事,以及一個有趣的寓意。Nick Brady是當時的財政部長。他由於和Chaces家族的長期關係,而成為了伯克希爾哈撒韋公司的股東。

[From Buffett』s 1991 annual letter: 「Malcolm G. Chace, Jr., now 88, has decided not to stand for election as a director this year. But the association of the Chace family with Berkshire will not end: Malcolm III (Kim), Malcolm』s son, will be nominated to replace him. In 1931, Malcolm went to work for Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates, which merged with Hathaway Manufacturing Co. in 1955 to form our present company. Two years later, Malcolm became Berkshire Hathaway』s Chairman, a position he held as well in early 1965 when he made it possible for Buffett Partnership, Ltd. to buy a key block of Berkshire stock owned by some of his relatives. This purchase gave our partnership effective control of the company. Malcolm』s immediate family meanwhile kept its Berkshire stock and for the last 27 years has had the second- largest holding in the company, trailing only the Buffett family. Malcolm has been a joy to work with and we are delighted that the long-running relationship between the Chace family and Berkshire is continuing to a new generation.」]

[下面摘自巴菲特1991年的年報。Malcolm G. Chace, Jr., 現年88歲,決定今年不作為董事參加選舉了。但Chace家族和伯克希爾哈撒韋公司的聯繫不會就此終止。Malcolm三世,也就是Malcolm的兒子Kim, 會被提名取代他(進入董事會)。1931年Malcolm進入伯克希爾精紡協會工作,該協會在1955年與哈撒韋製造公司合併,組成了我們現在的公司。兩年後他成了伯克希爾哈撒韋公司的主席。1965年早期他的在任,使得巴菲特有限合夥企業能夠買到他親戚持有的關鍵數量的伯克希爾的股票,最終幫助我們實質性地控制公司。Malcolm的直系親屬一直持有伯克希爾的股票,在過去長達27年中,他們是僅次於巴菲特家族的第二大持有者。和Malcolm一起工作很開心,我也很高興Chaces家族和伯克希爾的長期關係已經延續到了下一代。]

Munger: He [Nicholas Brady] knew about us and was following the story. He trusted you, Warren, and I think that mattered.

芒格:他(Nicholas Brady)了解我們,也一直跟進此事。他信任你,沃倫,我覺得這點很關鍵。

It was terrifying what could have happened that day.


Buffett: Kim Chace, who I introduced you to earlier [at the beginning of the meeting, Buffett introduced all of Berkshire』s directors], his father introduced me to Nick Brady when I was in my 30s. [In 1991,] he was head of the Treasury and they had issued a death sentence to us [Salomon] that morning. Fortunately Nick reversed it. [Had he not, we would have filed for bankruptcy and] it would have been a case study for a daisy-chain type of panic.

巴菲特:Kim Chace,早些時候我向你們介紹過他(會議開始時,巴菲特介紹了所有的董事成員)他父親在我30來歲的時候就介紹我認識了Nick Brady。1991年的時候,Nick是財政部長,那天早上他們判了所羅門死刑,所幸的是Nick後來推翻了判決。否則我們就得申請破產,那樣的話就又多了一個連鎖恐慌的研究案例了。

That was nothing compared to what would happen now. It』s not an experiment that you would want to voluntarily conduct, let』s put it that way. [Nervous laughter]


Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2006 Tilson Notes

Time: 2006



General Electric and Goldman Sachs: GE has a history of trying to manage earnings. Do you regard GE and Goldman as attractive businesses or attractive securities? (2009)


翻譯: 富貴兒

校對: 減法君

Buffett: A very substantial fraction of American businesses over the last 15 years have managed earnings. We felt good about the quality of the businesses and the quality of the managements, but it was primarily the terms of the GE and Goldman deals that made them attractive. There were no second sources to GE and Goldman. I know the GE and Goldman CEOs quite well and am very happy with the deals. We』ve done a lot of business with Goldman over the years.

巴菲特: 過去15年里,調節盈利的美國企業不在少數(暗示調節盈利並非關鍵因素)。對於通用電氣和高盛這兩家公司,我們覺得它們的生意是好生意,管理層也很優秀 ,但最吸引我們的是這兩筆投資的條件對我們特別有利(暗示價格是主要考慮因素)。 除了伯克希爾,這兩家公司都找不到其他實力雄厚的投資者(幫助他們渡過金融危機)。 我了解這兩家公司的 CEO,並且對兩筆交易都非常滿意。多年來我們和高盛做過很多生意。

Munger: There』s been a lot of criticism of investment banking, but Berkshire has gotten help [from] investment banks. We』re comfortable with these businesses.

芒格: 雖然我們對投資銀行的批評很多,但伯克希爾得到了投資銀行的幫助。我們對這些業務很滿意。

Buffett: We』ve bought I don』t know how many wind turbines from GE.

巴菲特: 我們從通用電氣那裡購買的風力發電機不計其數。

Source: BRK Annual Meeting 2009 Bruni Notes

Time: 2009




TAG:銀行業 | 沃倫·巴菲特WarrenBuffett |