
If you could hop in a time-travelling spacecraft, go back three billion years and land any place in our solar system, where would you want to end up? Earth, with its barren continents and unbreathable atmosphere? Or Mars, a chillier version its big brother? Wait, what about Venus?


Did Venus (left) used to be Earth-like? Models suggests it』s possible. Image: Wikimedia


Venus has a rep for being a toxic hellscape, but three billion years ago, it may have been the best piece of real estate our solar system had to offer — or at least, a close second to Earth. This hypothesis has been around for years, but it』s gaining traction thanks to climate models developed by researchers at NASA』s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and elsewhere.

金星常被人形容為一個地獄般的場所,但三十億年前,它可能是我們太陽系提供的最好的一方樂土 - 或者至少環境能接近地球。這個假設已經存在多年,但得益於NASA戈達德太空研究所(NASA』s Goddard Institute for Space Studies)以及其他地方研究員開發的氣候模型,人們才逐漸開始關注它。

Those models show that for two billion years, Venus could have had balmy, Earth-like temperatures and liquid water oceans, despite getting dosed with 40 per cent more solar radiation than Earth is today. But it depends on whether the Venus of bygone days spun as slowly as modern Venus does.


「If Venus was spinning more rapidly, all bets are off, 」 Michael Way, lead author of a new study that has been submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters told Gizmodo. But, under the right conditions, 「you get temperatures almost like Earth. That』s remarkable.」

「如果金星轉的速度很快,那麼所有的一切就不成立,」已在《地球物理學研究快報》提交出版的一項新研究主要作者,Michael Way告訴Gizmodo。但是,在適當的條件下,「它的溫度幾乎接近地球。那就是了不起的發現。「

The habitability of Earth and Mars have changed throughout the lifetime of the solar system. Geologic evidence suggests that Mars was much wetter in the distant past, although whether the Red Planet had liquid water oceans or was frozen under a mantle of ice is still a matter of debate. Earth, meanwhile, has swung from hothouse to icehouse and back, all the while accumulating oxygen in its atmosphere and becoming a more favourable place for complex life.


But what about Venus? The past habitability of Earth』s nearest neighbour has received scant attention compared with that of Mars. Our bias may stem from the fact that modern day Venus is so forbidding, with its impenetrably thick atmosphere, toxic thunderclouds and atmospheric pressure nearly 100 times higher than that of Earth. When a planet turns spacecraft after spacecraft into a puddle of goo within seconds, it』s only natural for people to get frustrated and turn their attention elsewhere.


Still, just because Venus is weird and awful today doesn』t mean it always was. The entire surface was reworked by volcanic activity some 700 million years ago, and we have no idea what Venus looked like before that. But measurements of the hydrogen isotope ratio in Venus』 atmosphere imply that the planet used to have much more water — maybe enough to support oceans.

不過,現在金星的怪異和可怕並不意味著它以前也一直也是這樣。整個表面在7億年前因火山活動而被重塑,所以我們沒法知道金星之前長什麼樣。但通過測量金星大氣中的氫同位素的比值,這個星球曾經可能有過更多的水 - 也許足以生成海洋。

Taking a first stab at the question of whether Venus was once habitable, Way and his colleagues combined a global topographic dataset collected by the Magellan spacecraft with water and solar radiation estimates for past Venus. All of this information was plugged into global climate models, similar to those used to study climate change on Earth today.


The initial results were encouraging. Despite the fact that ancient Venus would have received much more sunlight than modern Earth 2.9 billion years ago, Way』s models predict an average surface temperature of just 11C. By 715 million years ago, the surface would have only warmed up four degrees — meaning Venus could have had a temperate climate for at least 2 billion years.

初步結果令人鼓舞。儘管古代金星在29億年前比現在的地球獲得更多的陽光,Way的模型預測其表面平均溫度只有11攝氏度。 截至7.15億年前,其表面溫度也只上升四度 - 這意味著金星可能有至少20億年的溫帶氣候。

Recent research suggests that a powerful 『electric wind』 on Venus could have helped strip water vapour out of the planet』s atmosphere. Image: NASA


There is, however, a catch: Those numbers are entirely dependent on past Venus having similar topography and orbital characteristics to modern Venus. When Way re-ran his models but gave 2.9 billion year-old Venus a facelift to look like modern day Earth, surface temperatures rose considerably.


「We wanted to see what effect topography might have had on the climate state of this world,」 Way said. 「Sure enough, it had a big effect.」 The reason, he says, probably has to do with changes in the amount of reflective surface on Venus, and shifting atmospheric dynamics.

「我們想看看地形對這個世界的氣候會產生什麼樣的影響,」Way說。 「果然,它帶來很大的影響。」究其原因,他說,可能是由於金星表面的改變影響了陽光的反射,從而使得大氣層動態變化著。

Another fascinating twist has to do with Venus』 rotation. In his initial models of 2.9 billion year old Venus, Way stuck with a slow, modern-day rotational period of 243 Earth days. But when he spun Venus up to give it a 16 Earth-day period, the planet once again became a pressure cooker.


This has to do with the impact of Venus』 rotational rate on atmospheric circulation patterns called Hadley cells.


「Earth has many [circulation] cells because our planet rotates fast,」 Way said. 「But if you rotate slowly, you have one in the north and one in the south, period. That changes the atmospheric dynamics of the world by a significant amount.」

「地球上有很多種環流,是因為我們的地球旋轉快,」Way說。 「但如果你慢慢地旋轉,你只有一個北極環流和一個南極環流。這些都會對顯著改變世界上的大氣動力學「。

Specifically, slow-rotating Venus develops a gigantic cloud right at the sub-solar point, that is, where the sun』s rays are hitting the surface dead on. This basically turns the atmosphere of Venus into a giant solar reflector. When Venus rotates more quickly, this pattern doesn』t form.


While the study doesn』t actually confirm that Venus was once habitable, it does point to a plausible scenario in which Venus could have been. It』s worth noting that a planet』s rotation rate can change dramatically over time — Earth』s rotation is gradually slowing down because of the Moon — and some researchers suspect that Venus spun more quickly in the past. But there』s no easy way for us to find out. We could get indirect evidence by doing population studies on small, rocky exoplanets in Venus-like orbits.

雖然這項研究並沒有真正證實金星曾經是可居住的,但它指向了一個可信的情景,這個情景可能就是金星曾經經歷的。值得注意的是一顆行星的旋轉速度可隨時間發生顯著變化 - 地球因為月球的存在旋轉速度才逐漸減慢 - 一些研究人員懷疑,金星過去更迅速地旋轉。但對我們來說沒有簡單的方法。我們只能通過研究星族軌道來獲得間接證據,如系外類似金星的小型岩質行星。

And, if Venus was a balmy paradise for billions of years, one has to wonder what sort of apocalypse led to the present-day situation.


「We really need more data before we can say much more,」 Way said. But, he added, the study does indicate that worlds in Venus-like orbits should not immediately be deemed uninhabitable.


「In plots of the habitable zone, you typically see Venus on the outside,」 he said. 「And for modern day Venus, that』s certainly true. But, if you have a Venus-like world around a solar-type star with a slow rotation, it could be quite a reasonable place for life to exist, especially in the oceans.」

「在對可居住對象的研究中,你通常會看到金星被排除在外,」他說。 「而對於現在的金星,這麼做毫無疑問。但是,如果你發現了一個類似太陽系中的緩慢旋轉的金星,這可能是生命存在的地方,尤其是在海洋中。「

A past-habitable Venus also opens up new possibilities about the origin of life on Earth. From meteorites, we know that Earth and Mars were swapping material in the distant past, prompting astrobiologists to wonder whether the Red Planet could have seeded our world with life. But if life was just as likely to emerge on Venus, that』s one more planet to add to mix. Incredibly, we don』t know whether there are any meteorites from Venus here on Earth, because we』ve never been able to analyse a rock on Venus for comparison.


Until then, we can』t deny the possibility that our distant ancestors were actually born on that torrid acid bath next door. 「It could be that life got started on Venus, and then seeded Earth,」 Way said. 「Or vice-versa.」

在此之前,我們不能否認,我們的遠祖可能實際上出生在隔壁那個炎熱的酸浴行星上。 「可能生命開始於金星,然後播種地球,」Way說。 「或者相反。」(翻譯:楊乃漳)


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