
新技術:機場安檢不看指紋竟掃描耳朵http://www.sina.com.cn2010年10月15日 11:48國際在線

  You"ve heard of finger printing, passport photos and eyerecognition - but the latest airport security measures could see yourEARS being scanned to prove your identity. Researchers have discoveredthat every person has uniquely-shaped ears and have formulated a way toscan them to compare them with images already compiled in a database。


  This latest idea in biometrics could supplement other securitytechniques like iris scanning already being employed to combat thethreat of terrorism and illegal immigration。


  He explained: "There are a whole load of structures in the ear thatyou can use to get a set of measurements that are unique to anindividual. "With biometrics, a lot of the problems is what happens whenpeople get old. With facial recognition, the systems are often confusedby crows" feet and other signs of ageing. "Your ears, however, age verygracefully."The UK Passport Service has been trialling facialrecognition technology at London Stansted Airport for the past two yearsalong with retina scanning. Another problem with facial recognition isthat software can only cope with an unchanged neutral facial expressionand struggles with happy or sad faces, or even make-up。


  Researchers say ear scans are as individual as fingerprints andcould be added to biometric chips in the new generation Britishpassports However, the ear scan system is apparently 99.6 per centaccurate。



  security n. 安全;保證

  techniques n. 技術(technique的複數);方法;技巧


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Chapter 4 視頻信號(2)——模擬分量視頻
二玄社原色法帖 22《顏真卿祭侄稿》,高清掃描

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