三八節 快到了,贊一下女人:漂亮的叫美女,不漂亮的叫有氣質; 有才氣叫才女,沒才氣也不要緊叫淑女;瘦了叫苗條,胖了叫豐滿;高的叫

三八節 快到了,贊一下女人:漂亮的叫美女,不漂亮的叫有氣質; 有才氣叫才女,沒才氣也不要緊叫淑女;瘦了叫苗條,胖了叫豐滿;高的叫Translation: Chinese ? English

三八節 快到了,贊一下女人:漂亮的叫美女,不漂亮的叫有氣質; 有才氣叫才女,沒才氣也不要緊叫淑女;瘦了叫苗條,胖了叫豐滿;高的叫亭亭玉立,矮的叫小巧玲瓏;脾氣好的叫溫柔,脾氣不好的叫潑辣;愛傻笑那叫青春,綳著臉那叫冷艷;活潑的叫顧盼生輝,矜持的叫穩重大方, 化妝叫嫵媚動人,不化妝則是清水芙蓉;穿得整齊叫莊重華美,穿得隨意則叫瀟洒自如;年輕叫青春靚麗,年長則叫成熟動人;追的人多叫眾星捧月,沒人敢追叫傲雪寒霜;掙錢的叫追求獨立,不掙錢的叫犧牲為家;多生孩子叫做母親偉大,不生孩子叫響應國家計劃。天天在家不出門的那叫賢惠,天天出去不回來的那叫女權;從不離婚的叫感情專一,經常離婚的叫追求幸福;嘮嘮叨叨叫循循善誘,貶損欺壓叫野蠻女友;偏要和男人一樣那叫不讓鬚眉,偏要男人讓著那叫女士優先;長的像女人那叫有女人味,長的不像女人,更沒關係啦,那叫超女,預祝所有的女士節日快樂

38 is coming, praise a woman: beauty called beautiful, not beautiful temperament has called; talented called Polydora, no talented lady called, does not matter; thin called slim, fat plump the call; called high arch, short small and the call; good temper called gentle, forceful call bad temper; love smirk called youth,綳著臉called冷艷; lively called stare Shenghui, modesty is called prudent generous, make-up called charming and moving, do not make-up is the hibiscus water; dress neatly solemnly called China and the United States, casual dress is called smooth; young youth called beautiful, sophisticated older are called touching; recover many of the people called眾星捧月, no one called up, proud of Snow frosted; money is called the pursuit of independence, not to make money is called to sacrifice for the family; many children the mother is called great, not a child is called to respond to national plans. Do not go out every day at home called virtuous, every day do not come back out called feminist; never divorce called emotional specificity, often a divorce is called the pursuit of happiness;嘮嘮叨叨motherhood called, derogatorily called Sassy Girl bullying; precisely and Man called from the same profession, they will want to allow on TV drama series called Man Ms. priority; long as women have called the feminine, not as long a woman, but no matter啦, called Super Girl, I wish all of the holiday, Ms. Happiness

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