





[00:16.24]你幹什麼 Hey, what are you doing?

[00:22.14]天哪 Jesus!

[00:23.73]你看清肇事的車了嗎 Did you get a good look?

[00:24.56]只看到是輛藍色豐田佳美 Blue Toyota Camry, it"s all I saw.

[00:26.82]是沃頓家的狗 It"s the Wharton"s dog.

[00:28.67]-天哪 -他撐不了多久了 - Oh, man. - He"s not gonna make it.

[00:30.99]去看看他們在不在家 Go see if they"re at home.

[00:44.43]沒事了 It"s ok.

[00:48.98]痛苦分兩種 There are two kinds of pain.

[00:51.33]一種讓你變得更強... The sort of pain that makes you strong...

[00:53.39]另一種毫無價值 or useless pain...

[00:55.47]只是徒添折磨 The sort of pain that"s only suffering.

[00:58.70]我對沒價值的東西也沒耐心 I have no patience for useless things.

[01:03.34]這種時刻 需要有人採取行動 Moments like this require someone who will act...

[01:06.98]或做一些不好的事 or do the unpleasant thing,

[01:09.85]但也是必要的事 or the necessary thing.

[01:16.62]好了... There...

[01:18.25]痛苦結束了 No more pain.

[01:22.35]肇事逃逸 我很遺憾 It was a hit and run, I"m awfully sorry.

[01:24.99]他肯定又自己跳出了庭院 He must have jumped over the fence again.

[01:27.05]史蒂夫會就肇事車信息報案 Look, Steve"s gonna file a report on the car,

[01:29.37]他會派下屬去處理 he"ll put his people on it.

[01:30.38]我們會找到那個司機的 We"ll track him down.

[01:52.47]你真是光彩照人 You"re stunning.

[01:54.73]我們走吧 Shall we?

[01:55.38]三...二...一... Three two...one...

[01:57.46]新年快樂 Happy New Year!

[02:06.48]當選總統 加勒特·沃克 Oh, President elected Garrett Walker.

[02:09.13]我喜歡他嗎 不 Do I like him? No.

[02:10.45]我信任他嗎 這不是重點 Do I believe in him? That"s beside the point.

[02:12.46]任何一個能獲得七千萬選票的政客 Any politician that gets 70 million votes

[02:14.72]他所象徵的含義早已超過了自身 has tapped into something larger than himself,

[02:16.80]當然也超過了我 儘管我不願意承認 larger than even me as much as I hate to admit it.

[02:19.29]看那勝者的笑臉 那些信任的眼神 Look at that winning smile, those trusting eyes.

[02:22.22]我一早便抓住了他 並扮演了重要角色 I clung to him early on, and made myself vital.

[02:25.12]在國會待了22年 After 22 years in congress

[02:27.07]我能嗅到風頭的走向 I can smell which way the wind is going.

[02:29.91]吉姆·馬修斯 尊敬的副總統閣下 Jim Matthews, his right honorably Vice-President.

[02:32.53]前賓夕法尼亞州州長 Former Governor of Pennsylvania.

[02:34.44]他幫總統拿下了賓州 He did his duty in delivering the Keystone State.

[02:36.76]上帝保佑他 Bless his heart.

[02:37.83]現在他們想讓他退休了 And now they"re about to put him out to pasture.

[02:39.78]但他看上去挺開心的 不是嗎 But he looks happy, now doesn"t he?

[02:42.30]在有些人看來 就是椅子大點罷了 For some, it"s simply the size of the chair.

[02:48.12]琳達·瓦斯奎茲 沃克的幕僚長 Linda Vasquez, Walker"s chief of staff.

[02:50.61]是我找來了她 她是個女人 I got her hired. She"s a woman, check.

[02:53.01]又是拉丁裔 And a Latina, check.

[02:54.30]但更重要的是 她像一塊廉價牛排一樣堅韌 But more important than that, she"s as tough as two-dollar steak.

[02:57.69]樣樣都符合標準 Check, check, check.

[02:59.54]要入住白宮 When it comes to the White House,

[03:00.45]你不僅要揣好鑰匙 you not only need the keys in your back pocket.

[03:02.77]還需要一個看門人 You need the gatekeeper.

[03:04.53]而我 我只是卑微的眾議院多數黨黨鞭 As for me, I"m just a lowly house majority whip.

[03:07.34]我維持這個被瑣事 I keep things moving in a Congress

[03:09.06]和倦怠堵塞的眾議院的運轉 choked by pettiness, and lassitude.

[03:11.36]我的工作就是疏通管道 讓污泥流動 My job is to clear the pipes, and keep the sludge moving.

[03:14.68]但我這水管工要退休了 我盡了職責 But I won"t have to be a plumber much longer. I"ve done my time.

[03:17.33]我支持了對的人 I backed the right man.

[03:22.11]付出與索取 Give and take.

[03:23.72]這就是華盛頓 Welcome to Washington.

[04:49.33]第一季 第一集


[04:55.25]導演 大衛·芬奇

[05:04.13]你該理髮了 You need a haircut.

[05:05.89]是嗎 You think?

[05:07.21]稍修剪一下 A little trim.

[05:10.83]你準備穿什麼 What are you gonna wear?

[05:12.46]-去會面嗎 -正式宣布的時候 - You mean for the meeting? - For the announcement.

[05:14.54]我準備穿海軍藍 帶細條紋的那套 I"m wearing my navy blue, the one with the pinstripes.

[05:17.40]很好 Good.

[05:18.55]那套西服很襯你 You look handsome in that suit.

[05:22.08]難說他們會不會在你的董事會前宣布 I don"t know if they will announce it before your board meeting.

[05:24.35]只要這筆捐款保證能拿到就行 Well, as long as I can say the donation is coming.

[05:26.65]一正式宣布 桑科公司就會給你支票 As soon as it"s official, Sancorp will write you the check.

[05:33.67]今年對我們將會是重要的一年 This is going to be a big year for us.

[05:58.49]哪一個委員會 Community of what?

[05:59.72]我猜是移民 銀行或者教育 但是... I would say immigration, banking or education, but...

[06:02.93]但我常規的聯絡人都無法確認 None of my regular sources can confirm that.

[06:04.35]那... Because...

[06:05.60]他們是不知道 還是不願說 They don"t know, or because they"re not talking?

[06:07.62]他們不知道 Because they don"t know.

[06:08.62]繼續查 挖點東西出來 Keep at it, get me something.

[06:12.30]對不起 真抱歉 漢默施密特先生 Sorry, I"m so sorry Mr. Hammerschmidt.

[06:15.17]我是佐伊... Zoe...

[06:17.28]-巴恩斯 -嗯 - Barnes - Right.

[06:22.61]他當年也過了一年才記住你是誰嗎 Did it take him a year to remember your name?

[06:24.51]不止 Longer.

[06:25.77]早上好 盧卡斯 Good morning, Lucas.

[06:28.03]有什麼事嗎 佐伊 What can I do for you, Zoe?

[06:31.92]我受不了費爾法克斯的郡議會了 I am sick of the Fairfax county council.

[06:34.06]-你每天都這麼說 -讓我做網路報道 - You tell me everyday. - Move me online.

[06:36.47]讓我開博客 My own blog.

[06:37.60]第一人稱 主觀視角 五百字篇幅 First person, subjective, 500 words.

[06:39.84]-沒門 -我去挖掘秘密 - Not gonna happen. - I"ll go underground.

[06:41.88]幕後消息 甚至去翻夜壺 backrooms, the urinals!

[06:43.69]去爭取國會的人 I"ll win over staff members on the Hill.

[06:45.49]他們也需要發泄 They need a place to vent.

[06:46.46]-八卦專欄 -不 是事實真相 - A gossip column? - No. We"ll lift the veil.

[06:48.85]現在到底怎麼回事 What"s really going on.

[06:50.51]這裡是《華盛頓先驅報》 佐伊 This is the Washington Herald, Zoe.

[06:51.90]不是...名人消息網 It"s not...TMZ.

[06:53.46]你知道有多少人瀏覽名人消息網嗎 Do you know how many people who watch TMZ?

[06:55.23]我一點也不關心 I couldn"t care less.

[06:56.13]所以報刊新聞業在衰落 Which is why print journalism is dying.

[06:58.10]那也不失體面 至少這份報紙是如此 Then it will die with dignity. At least with this paper.

[07:00.30]你還活在20世紀吧 盧卡斯 You are stuck in the 20th century, Lucas,

[07:02.22]缺乏想像力 you lack imagination.

[07:03.55]也許吧 但我現在不需要想像力 Maybe so, but right now I don"t need imagination,

[07:05.91]我需要報道 I need copy.

[07:07.43]你自己的時間隨意支配 Your nights and weekends are yours,

[07:08.74]你想做什麼我都沒意見 I applaud whatever you want to do,

[07:10.40]但不能佔用工作時間 as long as its not on my time.

[07:11.72]-你是讓我去幹活兒嗎 -沒錯 - You"re telling me to go back to work? - I am.

[07:14.78]但你實際上是叫我滾蛋 What you"re really telling me is to fuck off.

[07:16.65]兩者都有 I"m telling you both.

[07:22.02]普羅旺斯基金的查普曼先生在等你 It"s Mr. Chapman already, from Provence Trust.

[07:31.79]不要接進電話 克里斯蒂娜 Hold my calls, Christina.

[07:35.59]亨利 Henry.

[07:37.40]見到你真好 It"s good to see you.

[07:38.76]-到這兒幾天了 -今天剛來 - How long are you in town for? - Just today.

[07:40.55]那你一定得來看就職典禮 What? You gotta come back down for the inauguration.

[07:42.91]我可以幫你聯繫一下 I can hook you up.

[07:44.32]不如幫我聯繫一下 How about you hook me up with

[07:45.16]你答應會修改的分區法吧 the zoning laws you promised to get changed?

[07:47.47]為了一塊不能建房的空地 We got 12 millions sitting in escrow

[07:49.07]我們一千二百萬被託管 for an empty lot we can"t build on.

[07:50.83]我知道 但你要明白 I know, but you gotta understand...

[07:52.94]這是地方政府的問題 It"s a local municipal issue.

[07:54.74]我不能隨便打個電話就... I can"t just pick up the phone...

[07:55.97]你不能了嗎 You can"t?

[07:56.77]你求我們捐款五萬的時候 Because that"s not what you lead us to believe

[07:58.32]可不是這麼說的 when you begged for 50 grand in donations.

[08:00.34]嗯 我 Right, I...

[08:02.49]稍等片刻 Just one second.

[08:04.65]克里斯蒂娜 我說了不要轉接 Christina, I said no calls,

[08:05.67]我和查普曼先生會面時不接電話 not while I"m meeting with Mr. Chapman.

[08:09.97]當選總統 The President-elect?

[08:14.41]-你不介意吧 -不 接吧 - Do you mind? - No, go ahead please.

[08:16.86]把電話接進來 克里斯蒂娜 Put him trough Christina.

[08:22.28]當選總統先生 Mr. President-elect?

[08:27.19]謝謝 Thank you.

[08:28.03]是的 我們很高興以兩位數優勢勝出 Yes, we were pleased to win by double digits.

[08:32.89]當然 樂意效勞 Absolutely, anything you need.

[08:34.63]我需要你把你濕長靈活的舌頭 I need you to put your long, wet, talented tongue

[08:38.22]伸入我兩腿之間 between my tights

[08:39.71]讓我像莫妮卡·萊溫斯基那樣尖... and make me squeal like Monica Lewin...

[08:43.64]我也是 Me too.

[08:45.00]我也是 Me too.

[08:47.08]好的 謝謝您 先生 Okay, thank you, sir.

[08:50.29]非常抱歉 I"m so sorry...

[08:52.17]剛才說到哪了 where were we?

[08:55.17]沃克 Walker...

[08:57.10]他什麼樣 what"s he like?

[09:11.79]當選總統遲到了嗎 The President-elect running late?

[09:13.63]不 他來不了 我會跟他彙報的 No, he couldn"t make it. I"ll brief him, though.

[09:17.46]好的 Okay.

[09:18.75]這是我起草的備忘錄 This is the memo, I"ve drafted,

[09:20.22]關於我們在商討的中東政策 on our Middle East policy we"ve been developing.

[09:22.17]我想借用里根的說法 Now, I want to borrow from Reagan.

[09:23.57]造個新詞 叫"滴入式外交" I"d like to coin the phrase "Trickle-down diplomacy".

[09:26.79]-這樣 -弗蘭克 我得打斷你 - That way... - Frank. I"m gonna stop you there.

[09:29.95]我們不打算提名你為國務卿 We are not nominating you for the Secretary of State.

[09:32.82]我知道他向你承諾過 I know, he made you a promise,

[09:34.48]但現在情況有變 but circumstances have changed.

[09:36.38]所謂承諾 琳達 The nature of promises, Linda,

[09:37.93]就是不論情況如何變化也不受影響 is that they remain immune to changing cicumstances.

[09:41.11]加勒特已經深思熟慮過了 Garrett has thought long and hard about this.

[09:43.73]他認為我們需要你留在國會 And he"s decided we need you to stay in Congress.

[09:47.17]這是什麼時候的決定 When was this decision made?

[09:49.49]為什麼我沒參與商討 And why wasn"t I part of a conversation?

[09:51.18]我很抱歉 弗蘭克 如果由我決定 I"m sorry, Frank, if it been up to me,

[09:52.54]我也不會等到現在才告訴你 I wouldn"t have waited this long to tell you.

[09:54.13]那你早就知道要這麼做 So you knew, you were going to do this.

[09:56.62]我們的確談了很久 It has been an evolving discussion.

[09:59.84]這就是懦夫的做法 It"s a chicken-shit move.

[10:02.06]-弗蘭克 -我都做過審查了 - Frank... - I was vetted.

[10:03.38]-那都是晃我嗎 -不是的 - Was that a ruse? - No.

[10:04.64]我們打開天窗說亮話 Let"s be absolutely clear,

[10:06.21]沒有我 你們贏不了 you wouldn"t have won without me.

[10:07.71]你說的沒錯 但我們現在執政了 You"re right, but now we have to lead.

[10:09.81]所以得做出艱難的決定 And that means making tough choices.

[10:12.57]你知道 教育是我們的重中之重 As you know, education is a top priority for us.

[10:15.31]要進行徹底的改革 A complete federal overhaul.

[10:16.83]但不僅僅是教育 弗蘭克 But it"s not just the education, Frank,

[10:18.26]國會已經分裂了 Congress has split.

[10:19.51]我們更需要你待在國會 而不是國務院 We need you there, more than we need you in the State Department.

[10:24.16]是我找你來的 琳達 I got you hired, Linda.

[10:27.64]我知道 I know.

[10:28.30]捐款 博取公開支持 Donations, endorsements.

[10:29.87]我為競選寫了整套外交綱領 I wrote the campaign"s entire foreign policy platform.

[10:33.53]我把外事委員會多年來... I bring years of Foreign Affairs Committee...

[10:35.73]弗蘭克 Frank.

[10:36.87]請別這樣 Please.

[10:40.95]我要單獨和沃克談 I want to speak to Walker personally.

[10:43.41]已經決定了 The decision is made.

[10:49.33]我們需要你 弗蘭克 We need you, Frank.

[10:51.92]你會支持我們嗎 Will you stand beside us or not?

[11:03.95]當然了 如果這是總統所願 Of course, if that"s what the President wants.

[11:06.32]很高興聽到這話 I"m very glad to hear that.

[11:10.78]我很好奇 I"m curious.

[11:13.19]你們選了誰 If not me then who?

[11:16.64]邁克爾·科恩 Michael Kern.

[11:17.86]邁克爾·科恩 Michael Kern?

[11:21.26]嗯 Well...

[11:23.15]真是絕妙的選擇 that is an excellent choice.


[11:29.33]這樣清楚嗎 Do you think it"ll look clear?

[11:30.65]我可不想讓這看著像 I just want to make sure it doesn"t look like

[11:32.15]我們在忽略國內... we"re neglecting out domestic...

[11:33.87]不不不 我會說 No, no, no, no... I"m gonna say

[11:35.82]-我們在拓展業務 -好的 - that we are expanding our mission. - Okay.

[11:38.50]我們會啟用新的組織幫助我們 And we"re bringing on a new organization to help us.

[11:41.30]決定好用哪家了嗎 They know which one yet?

[11:42.32]我還在定奪 但是 I"m still looking into a few options, but, um...

[11:45.47]我們之前說定要招幾個新人 Tell me, what did we agree on that we could hire how many new people.

[11:48.35]-六個嗎 -六七個吧 - Six? - Six, maybe seven.

[11:50.82]人手足夠的 We"ll have enough.

[11:52.52]真激動人心啊 Ooh, it"s exciting. Huh?

[11:54.23]向著新方向前進 This, uh, new direction we"re heading.

[11:57.93]我只是不知道要怎麼安置那些人 I just don"t know where we"re gonna fit all the people.

[12:00.12]你覺得我們地方不夠用嗎 Well, do you think we"ll have to look into additional space?

[12:02.01]不不 我會想辦法 No, no. I"ll find a way.

[12:03.95]好 去修改PPT Okay, so make the changes to the power point.

[12:05.69]-兩點半開會 -好的 - And let"s meet again, at 2:30. - Okay.

[12:19.92]是我 It"s me.

[12:21.15]我像傻子一樣給你留言 打給我 I feel like an idiot leaving messages like this. Call me back.

[12:37.00]什麼事 佐伊 What is it, Zoe?

[12:38.62]我知道你在白宮會很忙 所以 Um, I knew you"re gonna have your hands full at the White House. So,...

[12:43.46]如果你需要誰來做調查 或者 If you need someone to do research, or...

[12:45.64]-寫背景資料 -我沒問題 - Or punch out background. - I think I"ll be fine.

[12:48.45]如果實在忙不過來 需要幫助的話... Well, if things get hectic, and you need any help...

[12:50.91]你好寫博客說跟大人物打過交道了嗎 So you can blog about rubbing shoulders with the big boys.

[12:56.53]盧卡斯跟你說了什麼 Wh... What did Lucas tell you?

[12:59.76]無意冒犯 佐伊 Look, no offence, Zoey,

[13:01.02]但我沒時間教菜鳥 But I don"t have time to be anyone"s training wheels.

[13:03.52]我只是想 I just thought...

[13:06.53]我只想幫幫你 No, I was just actually offering to lend a hand.

[13:09.28]-僅此而已 -知道了 - That"s it. - I got it.

[13:10.74]謝謝 Thanks.

[13:24.39]克萊爾 你在哪

[13:52.48]-卡萊爾 -你沒打電話 - Claire. - You didn"t call.

[13:54.36]-我... -你沒打電話 弗蘭西斯 - I was... - You didn"t call me, Francis.

[13:57.83]九小時 沒一個電話 Nine hours, you don"t not call me.

[14:00.11]這可是天大的事 Not when it"s this big.

[14:01.78]是的 You"re right.

[14:02.88]我們什麼時候逃避過對方了 When have we ever avoided each other?

[14:08.02]我想先想個辦法出來 I wanted a solution first.

[14:09.92]-想到了嗎 -還沒有 - Do you have one? - Not yet.

[14:13.41]這對我也有影響 弗蘭西斯 This affects me too, Francis.

[14:16.22]我不是為錢的事生氣 And it"s not the money I"m upset about.

[14:18.42]而是我們該共同面對 It"s that we do things together.

[14:21.52]你不告訴我 我們就完了 When you don"t involve me we are in free fall.

[14:23.83]我該打給你的 可我沒有 I should have called you and I didn"t.

[14:26.50]發生了什麼 What Happened?

[14:29.34]她說他們得把我留在議會 She says they needed to keep me in Congress.

[14:31.66]-琳達說的嗎 -沃克都沒在場 - Linda said that? - Walker wasn"t even there.

[14:34.26]這是最讓我生氣的 That"s what really get"s me,

[14:35.17]他都沒膽直視我的眼睛 he didn"t even have the courage to look me in the eye.

[14:37.45]你不該信任那女人的 I knew you shouldn"t trust that women.

[14:38.92]我不信任她 我不信任任何人 I didn"t. I don"t. I don"t trust any one.

[14:40.76]那你怎麼沒預料到呢 Then how could you not see this coming.

[14:44.75]我沒想到他們敢這麼做 I never thought they were capable.

[14:47.52]你很少低估別人啊 弗蘭西斯 You don"t usually underestimate people, Francis.

[14:50.08]我知道 I know.

[14:52.72]狂妄 Hubris...

[14:54.31]-野心 -你該覺得憤怒 - Ambition ... - You should be angry.

[14:56.25]-我都氣瘋了 -那我怎麼不覺得 - I am livid. - Then where is that I don"t see it.

[14:59.02]你想讓我怎樣 大吼大叫嗎 What do you want me to do, scream and yell?

[15:01.23]-大發脾氣嗎 -我想看你有所表現 - Throw a temper? - I want more than I"m seeing.

[15:03.01]你不止這點出息 弗蘭西斯 You"re better than this, Francis.

[15:04.18]我很抱歉 克萊爾 很抱歉 Well, I"m sorry, Claire. I am sorry.

[15:07.52]不 我不接受 No, that I won"t accept.

[15:09.45]-什麼 -道歉 - What? - Apologies.

[15:14.74]我丈夫從不道歉 My husband doesn"t apologizes.

[15:17.02]即便對我 Even to me.

[17:05.02]你起來多久了 How long have you been up?

[17:06.36]好幾個小時 Hours.

[17:10.75]我知道該怎麼做 I know what I have to do.

[17:12.84]很好 Good.

[17:14.53]我們將度過很多這樣的夜晚 We"ll have a lot of nights like this.

[17:17.24]制定計劃 Making plans.

[17:19.29]沒時間睡覺 Very little sleep.

[17:20.88]這我知道 I expected that.

[17:23.37]我不擔心這個 It doesn"t worry me.

[17:34.81]我得去忙了 I"d better get to work.

[17:37.46]我在樓上給你準備了一套西服 I laid a suit out for you upstairs.

[17:40.91]海軍藍那套 The navy blue one.

[17:48.55]我愛那個女人 I love that woman.

[17:49.97]甚於鯊魚愛鮮血 I love her more than sharks love blood.

[17:55.68]當選總統加勒特·沃克 The President-elect Garrett Walker...


[17:57.37]你說他們為什麼選他 Why do you think they went with him?

[17:59.56]我們太好了 他們需要我們在國會的支持 We are too good, they can"t afford to lose us in Congress.

[18:02.96]他整過容 He"s had work done.

[18:04.40]可能收過下巴 頭髮絕對是染的 Chin tuck probably. Definitely dyes his hair.

[18:08.88]-我們要說什麼嗎 -千萬別 - Do we say anything? - No. God no.

[18:11.10]-除非他提起來 -南茜 - Not unless he brings it up. - Nancy?

[18:14.78]-9點20分 -全都取消 斯坦普你進來 - 9:20... - Cancel everything. Stanford, you"re with me.

[18:18.47]聽著 Now, look...

[18:21.38]他們幫了我們一個大忙 道格 They"ve done us a great favor, Doug.

[18:24.15]我們不必再忠於他們 不效忠任何人 We are no longer bond by allegiances. We serve no one.

[18:28.20]今後我們只有一條準則 We live by one rule, and one rule only

[18:30.46]絕不再陷入如此境地 never again will we allow ourselves to be put in such a position.

[18:34.87]沃克和瓦斯奎茲 Walker and Vasquez?

[18:35.99]所有人 他們都跑不了 All of them. I hold them all accountable.

[18:39.00]-報復嗎 -不 不對 - Retribution? - No, no!

[18:41.78]不止 It"s more than that.

[18:44.28]退後一步 Take a step back.

[18:46.78]統觀全局 Look at the bigger picture.

[18:49.28]我明白你什麼意思了 I can see what you"re getting at.

[18:51.74]先拿科恩開刀 Kern first?

[18:52.51]吞噬鯨魚就要這樣 道格 That"s how you devour a whale, Doug.

[18:54.56]一口一口來 One bite at a time.

[18:56.30]你想要誰 Who would you want?

[18:57.67]-做國務卿 -給我列個候選人表 - For Secretary of State. - Give me a list of choices.

[18:59.97]不管我們打算怎麼做 得找個中間人 And, however we do this, we"ll also need a buffer.

[19:03.54]找個傀儡嗎 You mean an errand boy?

[19:04.43]是的 一個完全受我們控制的人 Yes, someone we control completely.

[19:08.34]-好 我會留意的 -好 - Okay. I"ll keep my ear to the ground. - Good.

[19:11.78]我一天沒吃東西了 I haven"t eaten since yesterday.

[19:33.27]我都快不忍心了 I almost pity him.

[19:34.55]他也不想做我的盤中肉 He didn"t choose to be put on my platter.

[19:37.03]等到我把他剁碎了喂狗 When I carve him up and toss him to the dogs,

[19:39.86]他才會承認那殘忍的不可避免的真相 only then will he confront that brutal inescapable truth.

[19:43.44]上帝啊 My God!

[19:45.22]原來我不過是一盤豬腸 All I ever amounted to is chitterlings..

[19:48.69]自卑的必升為高 "And he that shall humble himself, shall be exalted."

[19:55.94]馬太福音 第23章 第12節 Matthew, Chapter 23 verse 12.

[20:00.18]感謝上帝 Thanks be to God.

[20:03.47]今天我想講的是 I"d like to speak today on the subject of

[20:06.59]謙遜 humility.

[20:09.16]你們大部分人剛剛贏得了改選 Well, a lot of you have just won re-election.

[20:11.99]否則 大概也不會坐在這兒了 If you hadn"t, you might not be sitting here.

[20:15.54]我們當然應該享受成功並心懷感激 And of course we should enjoy our success and be grateful for it.

[20:20.67]但千萬不要讓感激變為 But never let your gratitude sour into

[20:24.45]驕傲 pride.

[20:26.23]接下來的幾年 你們會面對很多挑戰 You will have many challenges ahead over the next couple of years.

[20:29.87]一個人的品行 And a person"s character

[20:31.65]不取決於這人如何享受勝利 isn"t determined by how he or she enjoys vitory

[20:35.54]而在於這人如何忍受失敗 but rather how he or she endures defeat.

[20:40.99]沒什麼比信仰更能支撐我們度過艱難時光了 Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.

[20:48.08]克萊爾 Claire.

[20:49.81]-你好 費莉希蒂 -你好嗎 - Hello, Felicity. - How are you?

[20:51.67]-很好 你呢 -很好 - Good, how are you ? - Good.

[20:53.78]我很遺憾 這根本就沒道理 I"m sorry, it"s just not right.

[20:56.98]我和查爾斯根本無法理解沃克是怎麼想的 Charles and I can"t understand what Walker was thinking.

[20:58.67]你真是太貼心了 Oh, that"s very sweet.

[21:00.47]可是實事上 只跟你說 But, really, between you and me,

[21:01.73]我覺得弗蘭西斯如釋重負 I think Francis is relieved.

[21:04.27]他在國會更如魚得水 He just feels much more at home in Congress.

[21:07.44]在這之前 我敢壓一百萬賭他們選你 I would"ve bet a million dollars they were gonna pick you.

[21:09.77]幸好你不差這一百萬 Well, it"s good thing you have a million dollars to spare.

[21:13.39]但你顯然是唯一人選啊 But you are by far and away the only choice.

[21:16.23]謝謝你這麼說 I appreciate you saying that.

[21:17.49]邁克爾只有一半的經驗... I mean, Michael? Come on, he"s got half the experience...

[21:20.15]加勒特是個聰明人 他心裡有數 Garrett is a smart man, he knows what he"s doing.

[21:23.32]弗蘭克 你可比我強 You"re a better man than I, Frank.

[21:56.70]你 You...

[21:58.02]想要點紅酒嗎 You want some of that wine?

[22:01.16]好啊 當然 Yes, definitely.

[22:09.69]這酒還真不錯 你哪弄來的 Man this is some good shit, where did you get it?

[22:12.68]我其實是 I kinda lifted it...

[22:14.89]從議長節日派對的貴賓室偷的 from the VIP room of the speaker"s holiday party.

[22:17.93]真了不起 I"m impressed.

[22:19.68]波爾多20年陳釀 Bordeaux twenty years old?

[22:22.25]這酒和你很般配 It seemed about right for you.

[22:25.29]-這話什麼意思 -我快30了 - Why would you say that to me? - I"m almost thirty.

[22:27.52]就你而言算很老了 Pratically ancient in your book.

[22:28.95]我不介意年齡啊 I don"t discriminate when it comes to age.

[22:30.54]是嗎 你什麼時候雇過40歲的員工 Really? When was the last time you hired a 40 years old staffer?

[22:34.03]-不代表我不會雇 -只要她床技了得 - Doesn"t mean I wouldn"t. - As long as she"s good in the sack.

[22:36.19]-拜託 -我說錯了嗎 - Come on. - That"s true, isn"t it?

[22:39.46]你這是唱的哪一出 Where is this coming from?

[22:43.43]你不會為哪個剛從瓦薩學院畢業的小騷貨 You are not gonna just toss me aside for some sluts

[22:46.75]把我扔一邊吧 straight out of Vassar?

[22:48.51]原來是為這個 So we"re having that conversation.

[22:50.55]已經六個月了 不再是玩玩而已了 It"s been six month. It"s not a little office fling any more.

[22:53.17]你想讓我說那三個有魔力的字 You want me to say those three magic words.

[22:56.70]其中一個還以L開頭 One of which starts with an L.

[22:58.45]-不是 -好吧 - No. - Okay.

[23:00.17]我要說了 I"ll say it.

[23:02.49]克里斯蒂娜·蓋拉格 Christina Gallagher,

[23:06.21]舔我蛋 lick my balls.

[23:08.10]你個混蛋 You"re a bastard!

[23:10.32]我愛你 I love you.

[23:12.51]我愛你 克里斯蒂娜 I love you, Christina.

[23:15.41]我也愛你 I love you.

[23:24.65]現在能舔我的蛋了嗎 Now will you lick my balls?

[23:38.83]我想知道 So I"m curious,

[23:40.01]我們算資助人 捐助者還是討厭鬼 are we patrons, benefactors or lepers?

[23:43.35]不管你信不信 我們是天使 Believe it not, we"re angels.

[23:52.54]我要出去假裝打電話 I"m gonna go outside and pretend to use my cell phone.

[23:54.70]去吧 Go.


[24:05.48]我能借你的外套嗎 Could I have your jacket?

[24:49.86]你要來睡覺嗎 Are you coming to bed?

[24:51.22]我一會兒就上去 I"ll be up in a bit.

[24:53.40]-別熬通宵了 -不會 我馬上就去 - Don"t stay up all night. - No, I"ll be right there.

[25:05.84]非常感謝 回頭給你打電話 Thanks so much. I"ll call you.

[25:09.14]等等 你玩得不開心嗎 Wait... I thought you had a good time?

[25:12.30]開心 我很喜歡 我從沒去過那兒 Oh I did, I loved it. I"ve never been before.

[25:15.44]或許我能上去坐坐 Well, maybe I could come up.

[25:20.12]布萊恩 你人真好 Brian, you"re so sweet, really.

[25:23.96]但如果我要上你 你會知道的 But if I was gonna fuck you, you"d know.

[25:27.15]非常感謝 Thank you so much.

[26:32.02]想要別人瞧得起你 就別只穿條丁字褲

[26:40.35]國會議員弗蘭西斯·安德伍德 眾議院多數黨黨鞭


[27:00.32]-她來了 -讓她進來 - She"s here. - Send her in.

[27:01.92]總統的幕僚長可極少親臨國會 It"s quite rare for a president"s chief of staff to climb the Hill.

[27:05.31]無疑是表示尊重 A gesture of respect no doubt,

[27:06.97]或者是出於絕望 or desperation.

[27:08.55]我猜她會提名唐納德·布萊斯負責教育改革 I"m guessing she"ll say Donald Blythe for education.

[27:14.15]看看我說的對不對 Let"s see if I"m right.

[27:17.31]早上好 琳達 Good morning, Linda.

[27:19.12]非常感謝你走這一趟 Thank you so much for making the trip up.

[27:21.35]不客氣 Of course, my pleasure.

[27:23.04]教育 Education.

[27:24.59]先說重要的 First things first,

[27:25.99]這是就職典禮的座點陣圖 the seating chart for the inauguration.

[27:28.38]你和克萊爾坐這兒怎麼樣 How do these two work for you and Claire?

[27:31.46]還附贈傑弗遜舞會的入場券 They come with a complimentary set of tickets to the Jefferson Ball.

[27:34.38]克萊爾會非常高興的 Claire would be over the moon.

[27:36.11]那真是太好了 Good, I"m so glad.

[27:38.44]那麼 教育改革 So... education.

[27:41.28]我們讓唐納德·布萊斯擬草案 We have Donald Blythe drafting the legislation.

[27:43.59]唐納德·布萊斯 天啊 Donald Blythe? Jesus.

[27:45.12]我知道 I know.

[27:46.95]你想要個比馬克思還左的法案嗎 So you want a bill just two steps left of Karl Marx.

[27:50.23]我向當選總統提過反對意見 I advised the President-elect against it,

[27:52.31]但唐納德是教育界代表人物 but Donald is the face of education.

[27:54.63]他為促成改革奮鬥25年了 He"s been pushing reforms for 25 years.

[27:56.72]你想讓我把他往中間引 You want me to guide him to the middle?

[27:58.20]我們需要一部能通過的法案 We need a bill we can pass.

[28:01.06]我在這事上有絕對自主權和決定權嗎 Do I have absolute autonomy and authority on this?

[28:04.11]不止如此 There"s more.

[28:06.12]加勒特想在就職百天內對法案進行投票 Garrett wants the bill on the floor in the first 100 days.

[28:09.83]他想在就職演說中做出承諾 He wants to make a pledge in his inaugural address.

[28:13.39]那... Ah, that"s...

[28:16.72]真是非常有雄心 琳達 That"s very ambitious, Linda.

[28:18.21]我們能做出承諾嗎 Can we make that pledge?

[28:23.28]一百天嗎 A hundred days?

[28:26.35]我可以實現 I can deliver.

[28:32.56]保持聯繫 Keep me posted.

[28:33.42]我會找唐納德談 這周晚些時候和你聯繫 I"ll talk with Donald, I"ll check in with you later in the week.

[28:35.88]好極了 Terrific.

[28:37.00]你聞到了嗎 Did you smell that?

[28:38.88]裝模作樣 假意順從 The smugness? The false deference.

[28:41.17]她以為兩張票就能收買我 She thinks I can be bought with a pair of tickets.

[28:43.43]我是個戰後柏林的妓女嗎 What am I a whore in post-war Berlin

[28:45.85]眼饞那點免費長襪和巧克力 salivating over free stocking and chocolate?

[28:49.15]她想要的東西 代價要高得多 What she"s asking will cost far more than that.

[28:54.07]-費格森 -太老了 - Ferguson. - Too old.

[28:56.66]-威利斯 -太蠢了 - Willis? - Too stupid.

[28:59.53]-博伊德 -太基了 - Boyd. - Too queer.

[29:02.84]不是吧 Really?

[29:05.30]他都結婚 育有三子了 He"s married with three kids.

[29:06.77]他們肯定要傷心死了 And wouldn"t they be devastated.

[29:08.25]好吧 All right.

[29:10.02]凱瑟琳·杜蘭特呢 What about Catherine Durant?

[29:12.48]凱茜·杜蘭特 Cathy Durant ...

[29:14.48]她曾公開反沃克 She was vocally anti Walker.

[29:16.28]她有經驗 She"s got the experience.

[29:19.34]替我安排會面 Set up a meeting.

[29:28.43]桑科公司的捐款 The donation from Sancorp...

[29:30.89]那筆錢得另想辦法了 The money will have to come from somewhere else.

[29:33.86]天哪 怎麼回事 God, what happened?

[29:35.22]我看了13年的預算 I"ve looked over the budget for fiscal 13

[29:37.39]其中160萬是員工工資 and we"ve allocated 1.6 million for salaries.

[29:40.82]我們要把這項支出減半 We need to cut that in half.

[29:43.38]-什麼 你是說 -伊芙琳 - What, you"re suggesting... - Evelyn,

[29:44.80]我們要裁員 we"re going to let some people go.

[29:47.45]裁掉一半嗎 That would be half of our staff?

[29:49.03]我們必須騰出些位置 We have to carve out some room.

[29:51.12]但這樣就得裁掉些從一開始 But you"ll have to fire some essential people

[29:53.91]就跟著我們的老員工啊 who have been with us since the beginning.

[29:55.65]我們是慈善機構 We are a charity,

[29:57.35]但不服務於職員 but not for our employees.

[29:59.63]克萊爾 要知道一直以來 You know, um, Claire, I have held my tongue

[30:01.68]我沒對國際化的事發表意見 about this whole international thing for a while.

[30:04.58]但我想不通 But, I don"t get it.

[30:05.98]為什麼要放棄現有熟悉的業務 I mean, we"re really good at what we do,

[30:07.96]轉而做一些我們不在行的事情呢 why do we have to try and be something we"re not?

[30:10.33]因為發展到了瓶頸 伊芙琳 Because we"ve plateaued, Evelyn,

[30:11.99]這個機構 現在應當... and it is time for us, for our entire organisation...

[30:14.88]去非洲挖井嗎 我們對此一無所知 But digging wells in Africa? We don"t know anything about that.

[30:18.24]因此我們需要僱傭新員工 Which is why we have to bring in new people.

[30:22.47]這是我向董事會提出的規劃 This is the plan that I"ve proposed to the Board

[30:24.45]董事會也接受了 and we are moving forward with it.

[30:27.75]記得給我名單 I"d like a list of names, please.

[30:31.66]克萊爾 不能再斟酌一下嗎 Claire, can we just think about this?

[30:33.95]我已經想過了 I have thought about it.

[30:35.60]這是斟酌再三的結果 I"ve put a lot of thought into it.

[30:37.17]-但是我覺得我們真的 -伊芙琳 - Yeah, but I think that we can really... - Evelyn ...

[30:39.63]你是辦公室主任 You are the office manager.

[30:41.54]你得相信 我心裡有數 I need you to trust that I know what I"m doing.

[30:44.01]所以 請儘快給我那份名單 So please, get me that list, as soon as possible.

[30:57.32]-女士 您不能 -抱歉 - Oh, ma"am. You can"t go... - I"m sorry, I just ...

[30:59.46]-我只有一個問題 -不行 - I just have one question... - No.

[31:01.04]先生 抱歉 這位女士 Sir, I apologize this woman...

[31:02.35]-議員 -小姐 請您退後 - Congressman. - Miss you need to step away from him.

[31:03.75]-我只打擾一會 -請退後 - If I could just have one second. - You step away from the...

[31:07.39]你是誰 Who are you?

[31:08.44]我是佐伊·巴恩斯 《華盛頓先驅報》記者 My name is Zoe Barnes, I"m a reporter at the Washington Herald.

[31:13.89]現在已經過了晚上十點半 而且這是我家 It is after 10:30 at night and this is my home.

[31:16.85]我不允許任何... I do not allow any...

[31:17.66]你我彼此欣賞 We are part of a mutual admiration society.

[31:24.50]你喜歡交響樂 You"re a fan of the symphony.

[31:26.94]比起音樂 更喜歡觀眾 One more for the people watching than the music.

[31:31.88]沒事了 史蒂夫 巴恩斯小姐 請進 It"s all right, Steve. Come on in, Miss Barnes.

[31:50.27]這酒很烈 It"s strong.

[31:51.49]你想要淡一些的 You prefer weak?

[31:53.13]不 越烈越好 No, the stronger the better.

[31:58.75]看看沒什麼 There"s no harm in looking.

[32:00.91]低級的把戲 It"s a cheap ploy.

[32:02.73]低級卻有效 It"s cheap but effective.

[32:06.33]我洗耳恭聽 Well, you certainly have my undivided attention.

[32:09.45]好 我來這裡的原因 Good. The reason I"m here...

[32:11.21]前戲這就結束了 Oh, is foreplay over?

[32:14.50]我聽說肯尼迪撐不過3分鐘 I read somewhere that JFK never lasted more than three minutes.

[32:17.64]所以呢 The point been?

[32:19.23]時間很寶貴 Time is precious.

[32:20.72]身居高位之人無暇前戲 Powerful people don"t have the luxury of foreplay.

[32:23.44]那說說你的目的吧 巴恩斯小姐 Okay, so why are you here, Ms. Barnes?

[32:26.93]我要找能說話的人 I need somebody I can talk to.

[32:29.18]我們就在說話 你想說點什麼 We"re talking. Tell me what we"re talking about.

[32:33.39]我會為你保密 你說什麼我都發表 I protect your identity. I print whatever you tell me.

[32:36.02]而且絕不亂問問題 And I"ll never ask any questions.

[32:37.93]那你憑什麼認定 And what makes you think

[32:38.83]我沒有和你的同行 I don"t already have such an arrangement

[32:40.56]達成了類似協議呢 with one of your colleague.

[32:41.66]那樣你就不會讓我進門 Because if you did, you wouldn"t have let me through the door.

[32:45.59]在我漫長 成功的事業里 I"ve led a very long, very successful career

[32:48.29]我一直避免與媒體打這種交道 avoiding this sort of intrigue with the press.

[32:50.67]我現在也沒覺得有什麼好處 I can"t see any advantage in starting now...

[32:52.83]-那有什麼壞處呢 -至少不謹慎 - But is there any disadvantage? - Sloppiness, for one.

[32:55.96]我會絕對謹慎小心的 I promise you absolute discretion.

[32:58.08]那就涉及到信任了 So, we"re talking about trust.

[33:00.86]隨便你怎麼說 Use whatever words you like.

[33:02.44]怎麼說很重要 巴恩斯小姐 Words matter very much, Ms. Barnes.

[33:04.61]做你這行 對措詞更當注意 You should care more about them, given your profession.

[33:07.59]那麼 是的 Then, yes...

[33:09.11]我想獲得你的信任 Your trust.

[33:11.14]那我要信任哪個佐伊·巴恩斯呢 So, which Zoey Barnes am I to trust?

[33:14.03]報道消防員娶開停車罰單女警的記者 The one who wrote about the fireman that married the meter maid?

[33:17.42]還是那篇格外精彩的 Or the one who authored a very fine article

[33:19.94]石溪公園新慢跑路線的作者 on a new jogging path in Rockcreek Park?

[33:22.72]別太得意 我什麼都讀 Don"t be flattered, I read everything.

[33:24.62]我能寫的遠超過他們讓我寫的 I"m better than what they have me doing.

[33:29.68]你也深有體會 You know what that feels like.

[33:31.10]是嗎 Do I?

[33:32.51]如果你當選國務卿 一定能做得很好 You would"ve made a great Secretary of State.

[33:39.45]你到底想問什麼 巴恩斯小姐 How exactly may I help you, Miss Barnes?

[33:43.80]你一定知道新政府的立法議程 You must know the administration legislative agenda.

[33:46.63]-第一項是什麼 -我可能知道 - What"s coming up first? - I may.

[33:49.88]-可以告訴我嗎 -你覺得是什麼 - Will you tell me? - What would be your guess?

[33:55.46]-教育 -為什麼 - Education. - Why?

[33:57.55]移民問題爭議太大 Immigration is too controversial,

[33:59.56]稅收改革不夠勁爆 a tax reform isn"t sexy enough.

[34:02.63]關於孩子的能得到所有人支持 Everyone can get behind children.

[34:06.69]-是教育嗎 -怎麼想是你的自由 - Is it education? - You might very well think that

[34:09.24]我不能發表意見 I couldn"t possibly comment.

[34:11.28]給個提示吧 A hint.

[34:13.00]很晚了 巴恩斯小姐 It"s late, Miss Barnes.

[34:14.46]我們還能再見嗎 Can we talk again?

[34:15.28]請你諒解 但這些事我得想想 I hope you"ll understand that I want to sleep on all of this.

[34:18.42]我從不在深更半夜 I never make such big decision so long after sunset

[34:21.38]做重大決定 and so far from dawn.

[34:28.70]我手機號在背面 My cell phone"s on the back.

[34:31.45]巴恩斯小姐的名字記入來訪登記簿了嗎 Did you put Miss Barnes in the visitor"s ledger?

[34:33.53]-還沒 -那就別記 - Not yet. - Don"t.

[34:34.94]-不用說 -是的 - Needless to say. - Needless.

[34:36.76]你們好 Hello.

[34:38.60]克萊爾 Claire.

[34:39.85]這是《華盛頓先驅報》的佐伊·巴恩斯小姐 This is Miss Zoe Barnes of the Washington Herald.

[34:42.14]她正準備離開 She was just leaving.

[34:44.20]幸會 安德伍德太太 Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Underwood.

[34:47.67]開車小心 路面結冰了 Drive safe, there"s a lot of ice on the road.

[34:52.28]好的 I will.

[34:54.26]謝謝 Thank you.

[34:57.63]這招真的管用嗎 Does that work on anybody?

[34:59.13]什麼 Does what?

[35:00.89]魔術胸罩和V領襯衫 The push-up bra and V-neck T.

[35:03.48]據我所知不管用 Well, if it does, I don"t know who they are.

[35:13.00]沒事的 沒事 Ok, it"s all right, it"s all right.

[35:24.37]駕照和行駛證 License and registration.

[35:26.09]在儀錶板的儲物箱里 親愛的 The glove compartment, sweetheart.

[35:31.27]這不是駕照 是星巴克的卡 This isn"t your driver"s license, it"s a Starbucks" card.

[35:33.85]見鬼 抱歉 Oh, shit. Sorry.

[35:35.82]你喝了什麼嗎 先生 Sir, have you been drinking?

[35:37.01]沒有 我這個點從不喝咖啡 No, I never drink coffee at this hour.

[35:40.33]請你下車 I"m gonna need you to step out of the car.

[35:42.33]如果是超速 開個罰單就得了 Hey, I was speeding you can write me a ticket...

[35:44.23]請下車 先生 Sir, step out of the car.

[35:46.64]現在就下車 Right now.

[35:51.24]我也不想這樣 但我是國會議員 Look, I don"t wanna be a prick, but I"m a member of the Congress.

[35:55.11]你是中國國王也沒用 I don"t care if you are the king of China.

[35:57.35]中國沒有國王 China doesn"t have a king.

[35:59.20]那是共產主義寡頭政治 It"s a communist oligarchic.

[36:02.59]-瓜...寡...寡... -快下車 - Oil... oliguarch ... - Let"s go, out.

[36:05.46]-你也是 親愛的 -媽的 真難念 - You too, sweetie. - Fuck, that"s hard to say.

[36:23.76]喂 Hello?

[36:27.90]很好 Good.

[36:31.13]把他弄出來吧 Well, let"s get him out.

[37:02.37]我能坐這兒嗎 Mind if I join you?

[37:04.48]在搞什麼鬼 What the fuck is going on?

[37:06.65]-我不是要和... -不是 - I thought I was meeting with... - No.

[37:08.71]是和我見面 You"re meeting me.

[37:09.90]該死的 現在是凌晨四點 It"s four in the goddamned morning.

[37:12.32]我還要去市議會開會 I"ve got a City Council meeting...

[37:13.65]你當警察局長多久了 You"ve been Police Commissioner for what?

[37:15.96]快十年了吧 Almost a decade now?

[37:17.90]我們是來談我的簡歷嗎 We"re here to talk about my resume?

[37:20.12]把"華盛頓市長"放在簡歷里不錯吧 "Mayor of DC" would look good on that resume, wouldn"t it?

[37:24.08]我們知道你早有此意 We know that you"ve been angling to run for some time.

[37:27.15]經驗豐富是你的優勢 Experience is your strong suit.

[37:29.24]但博取公開支持和籌資 Indorsement, fund raising...

[37:31.48]你不行 they"re not.

[37:33.16]我們可以幫你 We can help with that.

[37:45.93]羅素 Russo.

[37:47.98]你可以走了 You"re free to go.

[37:51.40]喝了點酒而已 It was just a few drinks.

[37:52.70]-都被警察攔下了 -又不是醉得很厲害 - It was enough to get pulled over. - I wasn"t drunk drunk.

[37:59.07]你當時一個人嗎 Were you alone?

[38:00.36]是的 Yes.

[38:02.03]-看著我說 -注意看路 - Say it to my face. - Watch the road.

[38:03.39]看著我說 Say it to my face!

[38:04.82]是的 Yes.

[38:06.25]我一個人 I was alone.

[38:10.80]你不能再這樣了 彼得 You can not keep doing this, Peter.

[38:13.80]會讓你吃不了兜著走 It"s going to catch up with you.

[38:17.44]我知道 I know.

[38:20.91]傑弗遜舞會上 Do you think we can arrange two more

[38:22.73]我們那桌能再加兩個人嗎 at our table for the Jefferson Ball?

[38:24.68]-加誰 -霍博恩夫婦 - For who? - The Holburnes.

[38:27.15]你為什麼要找他們去 Why on earth would you want them there?

[38:28.97]凈水計劃需要她的捐款 I"m gonna need her money for the CWI,

[38:30.67]光裁員還不夠 the staff cuts were just not enough.

[38:32.70]我跟瓦斯奎茲說說 I"ll talk to Vasquez.

[38:34.52]-情況如何 -不錯 有進展 - How are we doing? - Good. Progress.

[38:36.94]鐵燒得正熱 Irons on the fire.

[38:38.60]我喜歡鐵 I like irons,

[38:40.16]但更愛火 but I love fire.

[38:57.76]好的 Yes.

[39:05.77]你這是... What are you...

[39:07.02]你的草案是一紙垃圾 唐納德 The bill is garbage, Donald.

[39:08.46]增加稅收 限制半私立學校 Tax increases, ban on vouchers,

[39:10.80]增強聯邦政府監管 federal oversight.

[39:11.66]你怎麼能指望我讓它通過... How do you expect me to get that through a...

[39:12.99]但是琳達讓我來寫 她還允諾 But Linda told me to write it, she promise...

[39:14.81]她肯定做了不少保證 I"m sure she said any number of things,

[39:16.36]把那些都忘了吧 唐納德 forget what they promised you, Donald.

[39:18.43]他們要的是你的名字 因為它份量夠重 They want your name because it carrys weight.

[39:21.34]我的想法奠定我的名聲 Well my name comes with my ideas.

[39:23.13]我能理解 但你也得講理 I understand, but you got to be reasonable.

[39:25.10]這不是廢奴問題的辯論 This isn"t the Great Debate.

[39:26.66]我們得讓好的改革法案通過 It"s about passing meaningful reform,

[39:28.81]也許與你的期望有出入 但是 maybe not everything you would"ve hope, but...

[39:30.63]與我方便 與你方便 help me, help you.

[39:33.11]我需要時間琢磨 That"s gonna take time.

[39:34.85]那些想法 我都考慮... Those ideas I"ve been developing...

[39:36.42]如果你需要時間 我可以為你爭取 If it"s time you need I will buy you time

[39:38.99]但你得保證 你下一稿 but you"ve got to promise me your next-at-bat

[39:41.09]得讓我下得去手改 is gonna give me something I can work with.

[39:44.35]好吧 弗蘭克 Okay, Frank.

[39:45.89]我會儘力試試 I"ll see what I can do.

[39:47.15]很好 唐納德 別為此難過 Good. And Donald, don"t let this get you down.

[39:48.99]你我合力 能做到 Why? Together we"re gonna do more

[39:50.29]你這25年都沒做到的事 than you"ve been able to do in 25 years.

[39:58.20]現在有兩樣無關緊要了 Two things are now irrelevant:

[39:59.73]唐納德·布萊斯和他的新草案 Donald Blythe and Donald Blythe"s new draft.

[40:02.25]最終我還是得親自出馬重新起草 Eventually I"ll have to rewrite the bill myself.

[40:04.51]勇往直前 這是我的作戰口號 Forward! That is the battle cry.

[40:06.43]紙上談兵那一套 Leave ideologies for the Armchair General,

[40:08.52]於我無益 does me no good.

[40:10.88]沃克剛剛提名了科恩 Walker just nominated Kern.

[40:12.90]離確認通過還早呢 It"s a long road to confirmation.

[40:15.84]科恩身家清白 Kern is a boy scout.

[40:17.23]沒人是真正清白的 童子軍也不例外 Nobody is a boy scout, not even boy scouts.

[40:21.24]-你有他什麼把柄 -什麼都沒有 - What do you have? - Absolutely nothing.

[40:25.56]那我們還有什麼好談的 Then what are we talking about?

[40:27.40]就問一個簡單的問題 Just asking the simple question:

[40:28.83]你對這份工作有沒有興趣 does the job interest you?

[40:32.63]你為什麼想要趕走邁克爾 Why would you want Michael gone?

[40:34.61]凱茜 你我是"同門" Cathy, you and I came up together.

[40:36.84]外事委員會需要一名能夠配合的國務卿 The Foreign Affairs Committee needs a Secretary we can work with,

[40:39.47]不怕站出來反駁沃克的錯誤 someone who isn"t afraid to stand up to Walker when he"s wrong.

[40:43.03]我們需要你 We need you.

[40:49.24]假設我有興趣呢 Let"s just assume I am interested.

[40:50.77]我不要假設 I do not want to assume.

[40:52.93]我要最終答案 I want to know.

[41:37.96]2 6 2, 6 ...

[41:39.29]好的 2637 Ok ... 2637.

[41:47.09]請稍等 Please hold.

[41:48.67]佐伊·巴恩斯 Zoe Barnes.

[41:52.30]地點你定 Anywhere you want.

[41:54.96]馬上就來 我回頭再找你 On my way. I"m gonna have to call you back.

[42:11.66]我很抱歉 I"m so sorry.

[42:12.99]我攔不到計程車 只能乘地鐵 I couldn"t get a cab, I had to take a train.

[42:14.75]你離開我家之前 Just before you left my house,

[42:17.07]回想一下 think back

[42:18.66]我們當時在討論什麼 what were we discussing?

[42:21.72]-總統的立法議程 -具體一點 - The president"s legislative agenda. - Specificly.

[42:25.37]教育 Education.

[42:26.74]-我說對了嗎 -你說呢 巴恩斯小姐 - Was I right? - Do the math, Miss Barnes.

[42:30.48]-他需要一份法案 -由誰發起 - He needs a bill. - Sponsored by?

[42:33.89]-你 -再想想 - You? - You"re smarter than that.

[42:39.19]-一個比較權威的人 -很好 - Somebody with legitimacy. - Good.

[42:40.85]那麼誰在教育問題上最權威 And who screams of legitimacy in education?

[42:45.09]-唐納德·布萊斯 -正確 但問題是 - Donald Blythe? - Correct, the problem is?

[42:47.49]他是支持高稅收高開支的左派 He"s an old school tax and spend liberal.

[42:50.33]沃克以溫和派競選 Walker run as a moderate.

[42:53.94]你覺得布萊斯會跟我談嗎 You think Blythe would talk to me?

[42:57.49]沒這必要 He doesn"t have to.

[43:00.88]等等 Wait.

[43:01.87]我們現在處於道德和法律的灰色地帶 We are in a very grey area ethically, legally

[43:04.97]我個人完全沒問題 which I"m okay with...

[43:06.05]我很喜歡這幅畫 你呢 I just love this painting, don"t you?

[43:10.21]我們現在是一條船上的人了 佐伊 We are in the same boat now, Zoe.

[43:12.44]當心別翻船 Take care not to tip it over,

[43:13.84]我只能救一個 I can only save one of us from drowning.


[43:44.13]他周一就要宣布教育改革計划了 He announces the education initiative on Monday.

[43:46.80]講話一半的內容是基於 Half of the address is based on...

[43:48.26]-我明白 -我們要去掉這段嗎 - I understand. - Do we need to take it out?

[43:50.27]沒問題的 琳達 We"re fine, Linda.

[43:51.23]但你才跟我說他需要從頭來過 But you just got through saying he has to start over.

[43:53.91]不是我選的布萊斯 是你選的 I didn"t choose Blythe, you did.

[43:55.80]你把他託付給我 要求我創造奇蹟 You put him in my lap and ask me to work a miracle,

[43:58.02]我會做到 有點信心吧 琳達 and I will. Now have a little faith, Linda.

[44:00.61]讓我跟唐納德來搞定它 Let me work with Donald on this.

[44:02.18]百日之內能完成 我心裡有數 I know what can be accomplished in a hundred days.

[44:05.23]好吧 弗蘭克 All right, Frank.

[44:06.52]-那就全靠你了 -很好 - We"re counting on you. - Good.

[44:11.09]我想請你幫個小忙 Now I do have a little favor to ask.

[44:13.73]傑弗遜舞會上能在我們那桌 Do you think I can get just two more tickets

[44:16.54]再安排兩個座位嗎 for my table at the Jefferson Ball?

[44:29.93]來一杯嗎 Drink?

[44:31.45]好啊 都有什麼 Sure, what do you got?

[44:32.97]調和威士忌 Whiskey, blent.

[44:34.83]恭敬不如從命 If you"re offering.

[44:37.34]那麼 So...

[44:38.92]費城那邊情況如何 How are things in the city of brotherly love?

[44:41.92]還過得去吧 We"re getting by.

[44:43.49]很好 很好 Good. Good.

[44:45.93]抱歉 我弄成純威士忌了 要我... Oh, sorry, I"ve made that neat, did you want...

[44:47.88]這樣就挺好 It"s perfect.

[44:59.23]那麼 So...

[45:00.80]你最近可有點不負責任啊 It seems you"ve been a bit irresponsible.

[45:04.56]什麼 What?

[45:05.80]別跟我裝傻 彼得 Don"t play dumb with me Peter.

[45:07.67]留著這套應付道德委員會吧 Save it for the Ethics Committee.

[45:11.29]喝乾吧 你現在需要點勇氣 Drink up, you could use a little courage right now.

[45:15.38]你不喝嗎 You"re not having one?

[45:16.43]對我來說還早 It"s a bit earlier in the day for me.

[45:21.58]是那天晚上的事嗎 This is about the other night?

[45:24.31]你是怎麼知道的 How do you know about that?

[45:25.47]我是黨鞭 職責所在 I"m the whip it"s my job to know.

[45:27.95]警察放了我 Look, they let me off.

[45:29.90]他們不會起訴我 事情都解決了 There"s no charges, it"s all taken care of.

[45:33.13]真是的 彼得 Honestly, Peter,

[45:35.05]你真以為這種事自己就能解決嗎 do you really think these things just take care of themselves?

[45:39.40]是你幫的忙 You?

[45:43.61]我就這麼一次 我向上帝發誓 I was just this one time, Frank, I swear to God.

[45:46.24]那你肯定極不尊重上帝 Then you must hold God in very low esteem.

[45:48.51]我們都知道 你在撒謊 Because we both know that"s a lie.

[45:52.07]招妓 使用禁藥 酒後駕車 Solicitation, control of substances, driving under the influence.

[45:57.61]嗜好不少啊 Got quite a long list of hobbies.

[46:01.75]你想要什麼 What is it you want?

[46:15.07]你百分百的 Your absolute

[46:17.39]無條件的 unquestioning

[46:18.98]忠誠 loyalty.

[46:20.43]一如既往 Always.

[46:21.24]別誤解我所說的忠誠 Do not misunderstand what I mean by loyalty.

[46:25.44]什麼都行 你說吧 弗蘭克 Anything. Name it, Frank.

[46:28.57]你看起來太隨意了 You seem far too relaxed.

[46:30.52]我很認真 I"m not.

[46:32.08]那就對了 You shouldn"t be.

[46:36.13]道格會聯繫你的 Doug"ll be in touch.

[46:42.45]等會兒 Hang on.

[46:43.82]你去哪了 Where have you been?

[46:45.50]我一直在給你打電話 I"ve been calling here,

[46:46.16]大家為就職典禮都忙翻了 everybody"s been working double time for the inauguration,

[46:47.68]你卻消失了 你... you just up and disappear you....

[46:50.94]再等會 Hang on.


[46:59.88]我回頭打給你 Let me call you back.

[47:05.76]-從哪弄來的 -那不重要 - Where did you get this? - Wrong question.

[47:07.65]重要的是最快什麼時能發到網站上 The right question is how quickly can we get it up on the site.

[47:11.35]我得先問過湯姆 I have to run this pass Tom.

[47:13.87]我們先諮詢一下律師 Let"s get legal on this.

[47:15.58]確定不觸犯法律 Make sure we"re not breaking any laws.

[47:18.08]-不告訴我消息來源 -我不能 - You won"t tell me your source? - I can"t do that.

[47:20.16]好吧 不過如果有任何法律... Fine, but if legal finds even one ...

[47:22.27]我明白 估計要花多長時間 I understand. How long do you think that will take?

[47:23.88]我們最好儘快發到網上 We should get this online right away.

[47:25.79]我不能直接掃描三百頁的文件 I"m not just going to scan a 300-page document

[47:27.62]沒仔細讀過就擺到網上 and put it up before we have gone through it every...

[47:29.23]我都讀過了 I did that already.

[47:31.31]-全部嗎 -從頭至尾 - The whole thing? - Cover to cover.

[47:33.05]我把摘錄和分析 I"ve got excerpts, analysis,

[47:34.65]寫成了三千字的稿件 只等校訂了 three thousand words ready for editting.

[47:38.72]你去仔細校對一下 You start go over that.

[47:40.09]讓製圖部把表格和圖表什麼的都做好 Get graphics work and table"s charts the whole nine yards.

[47:43.99]簡寧 Janine!

[47:46.28]報道角度是什麼 What"s the angle.

[47:47.38]-用兩個字概括 -左 - Five words. - Far left of center.

[47:49.53]-那是一個字 -極左 - That"s four. - Very far left of center.

[47:51.74]這能讓沃克著急嗎 Enough to put Walker on his heels?

[47:53.06]豈止 足夠讓他如坐針氈 Fuck his heels it"s gonna put him on his ass.

[47:55.64]什麼事 What"s up?

[47:57.02]我們手上有一份教育改革議案的副本 We"ve got a copy of the administration education bill.

[47:59.68]-你幫佐伊做背景調查 -佐伊·巴恩斯 - You gonna work with Zoe, do background cover. - Zoe Barnes?

[48:02.11]在這兒 Right here.

[48:03.68]聽她吩咐 Whatever she needs.

[48:05.30]-但應該是我來撰寫 -她已經寫好了 - Shouldn"t I be writting ... - She wrote it already!

[48:07.44]我要你反覆修改 And I want you to rewrite and rewrite it again.

[48:09.73]你來協助她 You"ll help her.

[48:10.40]湯姆 我才是你的首席政治記者 Tom, I am your chief political correspondent!

[48:12.71]快去 我明天就要 Go! I want this by tomorrow.

[48:14.12]但我得集中精力報道就職典禮 But I need to focus on the inauguration.

[48:15.82]這更重要 This is more important.

[48:17.53]我們開始吧 Let"s get started.

[48:19.59]我必忠實執行 That I will faithfully execute the office

[48:21.47]合眾國總統職務 of the President of the United States.

[48:21.58]直播 總統就職典禮

[48:23.36]我必忠實執行 That I will faithfully execute the office...

[48:25.61]權力正如地產 Power"s a lot like real estate.

[48:27.36]位置是重中之重 It"s all about location, location, location.

[48:30.86]你離中心越近 The closer you are to the source,

[48:32.57]你的財產就越值錢 the higher your property value.

[48:36.03]幾百年後 當人們看到這段錄像 Centuries from now, when people watch this footage

[48:39.21]他們將看到誰在鏡頭邊緣微笑呢 who will they see smiling just at the edge of the frame?

[48:43.02]願上帝助我 So help me God.

[48:45.09]祝賀 Congratulations.

[48:55.27]直播 總統就職典禮 加勒特·艾倫沃克宣誓就任第45屆總統

[49:02.78]今天 Today ...

[49:04.50]不止關乎未來四年 is not about the next four years

[49:07.77]而是關於未來四十年 but about the next four decades.

[49:11.00]你們選擇信任我 Now, you place your faith in me...

[49:13.82]而我 and I, in turn...

[49:15.66]則將信念寄託於我們的孩子 choose to place that faith in our children.

[49:19.71]我們的孩子是國家未來的關鍵 Our children are the key to this nation"s future.

[49:25.03]因此本屆政府首先要做的 And that"s why the first order of business for this administration

[49:28.92]就是推出一項綜合教育改革法案 would be a comprehensive education reform bill

[49:32.65]調整 資助 to properly fix, finance,

[49:35.65]並鞏固我國教育 and strengthen our nation"s school.


[49:42.82]我向你們保證 And I pledge to you...

[49:45.31]我們會在新政府就任一百天內 we will have that bill on the floor of the Congress...

[49:48.33]對法案進行投票 within the first one hundred days of this administration.

[49:58.19]你能讓我們獲得邀請真太好了 It was so nice of you to make this possible.

[50:00.59]-你給我打電話時 -別這麼客氣 - When you called me... - Do not say another word.

[50:02.68]今年極限飛盤聯賽時 我會想艾爾的 I"m gonna miss Al on my ultimate frisbee league this year.

[50:06.61]不 我說真的 No, I"m serious.

[50:08.11]我們預算委員會的人 A few of us on budget

[50:09.18]跟財務委員會的人可挺叫勁的 have quite a rivalry going with the guys on Finance.

[50:12.38]比賽十分激烈 我們都動手呢 It"s fierce, we get physical.

[50:14.81]無論是誰擋在球門線前 Anybody gets between me and that goal line

[50:16.44]我都會把那傢伙幹掉 I will take that sucker down.

[50:40.00]唐納德 我正到處找你呢 Donald! I"ve been looking for you everywhere!

[50:42.69]好夥計 來 我幫你擦擦 Maestro. Here, let me help you with that...

[50:45.08]我非常喜歡你的新草案 I really like the work you done on the new draft.

[50:47.22]有很大進步 我們將一同創造歷史 It"a big step forward, we gonna make history!

[50:49.92]謝謝你的鼓勵 弗蘭西斯 Thanks for the encouragement, Francis.

[50:51.17]聽著 關於補助 我有幾點想法 Listen, I got some ideas about subsidies ...

[50:53.43]凱瑟琳 回頭再說 唐納德 Catherine! Hold on to that thought, Donald.

[50:57.07]你看起來真太美了 Don"t you look stunning.

[51:00.26]我們南方女孩脫掉超短牛仔褲 We Southern girls clean up well

[51:01.50]穿上些高檔衣服 when we get out of our Daisy Dukes,

[51:02.84]也能打扮得很好看 and enter some Vera Wang.

[51:04.25]我們南方男孩嘴笨 And we southern boys are slow with our words,

[51:05.91]但是舞步可靈活得很 but we"re fast on our feet.

[51:07.61]能有幸邀你共舞嗎 May I have the honor?

[51:09.52]當然可以 You most certainly may.


[51:36.58]-早上好 弗萊迪 -早上好 弗蘭克 - Morning, Freddie! - Morning Frank.

[51:38.99]-生意好嗎 -湊合吧 - How"s tricks? - I can"t kick.

[51:41.26]-要進來嗎 -不了 就在外頭擺一桌吧 - Want to go on in? - No, why don"t you set me up outside.

[51:44.20]外頭 可是外面很冷 Outside? But it"s freezing out here.

[51:46.26]這點冷不會凍壞的 Well, a little cold never hurt anybody.

[51:49.04]悉聽尊便 弗蘭克 Anything you say, Frank.

[51:51.21]這就上菜 It"ll be right up.

[51:53.10]我唯一饞的就是上好的肋排 My one guilty pleasure is a good rack of ribs,

[51:55.40]即使是在早晨七點半 even at 7:30 in the morning.

[51:56.55]這裡就我一人 Got the whole place to myself.

[51:57.80]弗萊迪有時只為我營業 Freddie sometimes opens up just for me.

[52:00.29]在我的家鄉 南卡羅萊納 Where I come from, South Carolina,

[52:02.36]人們窮得叮噹響 people did have two pennys to rub together.

[52:04.89]肋排已經很奢侈了 就像 A rack of ribs was a luxury, like ...

[52:08.08]極左教育法案 巨額經費流入左派議題

[52:09.95]法案顯著加強聯邦控制 文 佐伊·巴恩斯

[52:10.94]七月里的聖誕節 Christmas in July.

[52:14.11]沃克就職 承諾推行教育改革

[52:44.85]該死 Fuck...

[52:52.42]網站熱極了 The website is absolutely crazy.

[52:58.25]藍色佳美特區牌照號WJ0029 Blue Camry DC plate number WJ0029

[53:01.88]因肇事撞狗並逃逸被通緝 wanted in connection to canid hit and run

[53:04.61]國會警察報案... code 1057 file by capital...

[53:08.71]再來一份嗎 弗蘭克 Do you want seconds, Frank?

[53:10.48]還是算了 I better not.

[53:14.12]跟你說 弗雷迪 Tell you what, Freddie?

[53:15.81]我要再來一份 Yes I will.

[53:18.01]我今天格外餓 I"m feeling a hunger today.



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