
World』s most secure wallet comes with an alarm, GPS tracker and a security camera世界最安全錢包:報警定位攝像三合一龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com糊塗蟲有救了!日前眾籌平台上一款新發明吸引了大家的眼球——永不丟失的錢包,可以感知距離並發出警報,可以全球定位,還有前置攝像頭可以拍下小偷的臉。快來看看這款智能錢包的神奇功能吧!龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com龍騰網

Armenian-based startup Volterman has recently unveiled a smart wallet that takes security to the extreme. It comes with a built-in alarm system, a GPS tracker, and even a front facing camera that takes photos of whoever tries to open it, and sends them to the owner.總部位於亞美尼亞的新興企業Volterman近日發布了一款無比安全的智能錢包,這款錢包內置有報警系統、全球定位追蹤器,甚至還有一個前置攝像頭可以拍下任何打開錢包的人的照片,並將照片發送給錢包的主人。Wallets almost seem obsolete in this digital age, but the Volterman Smart Wallet is not your average wallet. Apart from the screen, it packs about as much technology as your smartphone, including 512MB of RAM, a built-in camera, power bank, GPS tracker, alarm system, RFID protection and even Wi-FI hotspot capabilities. It may look like a simple leather wallet on the outside, but it』s a whole different beast on the inside.錢包在這個數字時代看起來似乎已經過時了,但是Volterman智能錢包可不是普通的錢包。除了沒有屏幕之外,這款錢包濃縮的技術和你的智能手機一樣多,包括512兆的內存、一個內置攝像頭、移動電源、全球定位追蹤器、報警系統、射頻識別保護,甚至無線熱點功能。也許它表面上看起來只是一個簡單的皮包,但是裡面卻大有乾坤。

One of the main features of the Volterman Smart Wallet is the distance-sensitive alarm system. Once you』ve paired the stylish card holder with your smartphone, every time the distance between phone and wallet goes over a certain threshold, an alarm will notify you, so you don』t accidentally leave it behind. The cool thing about this system is that it works both ways. If you forget your phone somewhere, the wallet alarm goes off, letting you know that its best friend is missing.Volterman智能錢包的一個主要功能就是可感知距離的報警系統。一旦你將這款時尚錢包與你的智能手機配對,每次手機和錢包的距離超過一定數值,手機就會發出警報來通知你,以免你意外遺失錢包。這個系統最酷的一點是雙向運作。如果你把手機忘在某個地方,錢包也同樣會發出警報,讓你知道它最好的朋友不見了。Then there』s the GPS tracker that allows you to locate the wallet anywhere in the world, an RFID protection system designed to prevent electronic pick-pocketing or RFID skimming. Credit cards, some passports and driver licenses now come with radio frequency identification chips that thieves can clone, but the Volterman Smart Wallet prevents that.此外,無論你的錢包去了世界哪個角落,全球定位追蹤器都能幫你找到它。射頻識別保護系統可以防止電子扒手或射頻黑客讀取數據。信用卡、部分護照和駕照自帶的無線頻率識別晶元都可能被小偷複製,但Volterman智能錢包可以防止這一情況的發生。The high-tech accessory also comes with a built-in power bank (2,000mAh to 5,000mAh capacity) which provides wireless charging on the go, Bluetooth 5.0 technology, and a built-in WiFi Hotspot, which provides Internet roaming service in 98 countries at prices 10 times less than that of standard roaming.這個高科技錢包還內置了移動電源(電池容量2000到5000毫安時),能在行走時進行無線充電。錢包配備的藍牙5.0技術和內置無線熱點可以為你提供98個國家的互聯網漫遊服務,價格比標準漫遊費低10倍。But perhaps the most unusual feature of the Volterman Smart Wallet is the built-in front-facing camera. When in 「lost mode」, the wallet will take pictures whenever someone tries to open it and send them to the owner by connecting to the internet. This feature is listed as optional, so would-be customers concerned about privacy issues needn』t be worried.不過,Volterman智能錢包最獨特的功能大概就是它的前置攝像頭了。當進入「丟失模式」後,錢包就會拍下任何試圖打開它的人的照片,並將照片通過網路發送給主人。這個功能是可選的,所以有隱私方面顧慮的潛在顧客不必擔心。

「If someone dares to open your wallet without your knowledge, the little camera will take a picture and send it to your mobile phone,」 said Azat Tovmasyan, founder of Volterman. 「We have developed a wallet, which does not get lost. Once your wallet is stolen, you will find it easily by receiving the picture of the thief.」「如果有人敢在你不知情的情況下打開錢包,小攝像頭就會拍下照片,發送到你的手機。」 Volterman公司的創始人阿扎特·托夫馬斯岩說,「我們研發出了一款永不丟失的錢包。一旦你的手機被偷,你可以通過接收小偷的照片,輕而易舉地找回來。」Volterman recently started a crowdfunding campaign for the smart wallet, on Indiegogo. They were aiming for a $45,000 goal, but, with 6 days left until deadline, the campaign has already raised over $696,000 from over 4,800 backers. The wallet is expected to start shipping in December.Volterman公司近日在Indiegogo網站上為這款智能錢包發起了眾籌活動。他們的目標是4.5萬美元,但是,在距離截止日期還有6天的時候,該活動就已經從4800名支持者那裡籌集到了超69.6萬美元。這款錢包預計將於12月發貨。Azat said that he came up with the idea for this high-tech wallet two years ago, when his daughter hid his wallet behind the stove and he spent over a month getting his lost documents reissued. That』s when he started thinking about a Bluetooth-enabled wallet, but found that they had limited tracking range. So he ended up creating what many are calling the most advanced wallet ever.阿扎特說,他在兩年前想出了這個高科技錢包的主意,當時他的女兒把他的錢包藏在了火爐後面,他花了一個多月的時間才把自己丟失的證件重新辦理好。那時候他開始考慮研發一個藍牙錢包,但發現其追蹤範圍有限。最後他就創造出了這款被許多人稱為有史以來最先進的錢包。And if the high-tech features of the Volterman aren』t impressive enough, it also has one of the cheesiest and funniest promo videos I』ve ever seen. Check it out:如果Volterman錢包的這些高科技功能還無法打動你的心,它還有一個前所未見的超級厚臉皮超級搞笑的宣傳視頻。來看看吧:


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