帝皇:羅馬開發日誌#2 | 6/4 遊戲地圖開發

帝皇:羅馬開發日誌#2 | 6/4 遊戲地圖開發


牧游社 牧有漢化翻譯

Imperator - Development Diary #2 - 4th of June 2018

Johan, EVP Creative Direction

Hello everyone, and welcome to the second development diary for Imperator! This time well talk about our map!


This is arguably the biggest and most detailed map we have had made for a game ever. More is not always better though, as of which the original release of HoI3 is a great example. We have taken good care into making a game where you can have interesting situations both while playing a small state, and while playing a vast empire.

這無疑是我們曾為一款遊戲所製作的最大和最詳盡的地圖。事實上,「多多未必益善」, HOI3的初始版本印證了這一點。我們致力於打造的是這樣一款遊戲,在其中無論你遊玩的是一個小邦國還是一個大帝國,都能感到饒有興味。

In various games before, weve worked with organising entities on the maps in various ways, with States being groups of provinces tracing back to Vicky1. In Imperator weve been designing the game from the ground up with having 2 layers of interaction. The smallest part of a map is what we call a city, which corresponds to about a province in previous games. A city holds a city (or village, or metropolis), a bunch of pops, produces a trade-goods and may have a few buildings. A Province is a group of cities all belonging to the same country. A province is usually about 10 to 12 cities, and this is the entity you interact with to control trade and assign governors to.


Let us quickly compare how Sicily have been depicted in our previous games, as this is where well take a look today.


Eu2 had 2 provinces.


CK2 has 5 provinces.


Eu4 has 3 provinces.


HoI4 has 9 provinces.


In Imperator, Sicily has 23 cities (provinces in previous games), and 4 impassable mountain range areas.


This creates a much more interesting military campaign, and also more variety in your peacetime activities.


Of course, as you would expect from a game with Rome in its title, we have the entirety of Mare Nostrum covered, but there is far more of the world in the game than just that area. And with those words Ill hand over the keys to @Arheo & @Trin Tragula, our research team!

當然,正如你能對一個冠名為羅馬的遊戲所抱有的期待那樣,我們的地圖完全覆蓋了地中海(我們的海Mare Nostrum)地區,但是遊戲中的世界遠遠比這片區域來得大。關於這些事項我就得把發言權交給@Arheo@Trin Tragula,我們的研究團隊了!

One of the major reasons behind our choice of start date, aside from being a particularly interesting period in Roman history, is the state of the successor kingdoms in the east. Well go into depth about those in another development diary, however, it is worth noting that many of our decisions to include certain territories were down to their relevance within the hellenistic world, as being fascinating in their own right.


Britain made up a sizeable portion of historical Roman conquests, and played an important part in the tin trade throughout the bronze age, into the iron age. Data on pre-roman Britain is scarce, particularly for the period preceding 150 BC, and some liberties have therefore been taken regarding the extrapolation of tribal territory as known to Caesar.


The inclusion of southern Scandinavia, despite it being the epitome of all modern civilization (enough of that now - Editor), was a calculated decision. Our start date of 304 BC places us during the migration (not to be confused with the Migration Period, which occurred as of the 4th century AD) of the original Germanic tribes from modern-day Scandinavia, into northern and central Germany. The displacement of the native inhabitants (about whom very little is known), and latterly some of the celtic tribes, occurred over the course of the next several hundred years. As with Britain, very little concrete data exists on the exact nature of the locations and names of tribal groupings towards the beginning of this period.

將南部斯堪的納維亞納入遊戲是個深思熟慮的決定,儘管該地是所有現代文明的縮影(夠了快住嘴——編者按)。由於我們將遊戲開局設定為304BC,這使得我們處於原始日耳曼部落從現今斯堪的納維亞地區遷徙到北部和中部德意志地區的時期(不要和民族大遷徙時代Migration Period搞混了,那發生在公元4世紀)。日耳曼人對當地土著居民(難以得知他們是何許人)以及後來的一些凱爾特部落的取代發生在接下來的幾百年間。和不列顛的情況一樣,關於這個時期開始時部落集群的確切地點和名稱,鮮有現存的具體資料。

The recorded history of the Ethiopian region extends back far further than our timeline, however, none of the contemporary sources we were able to discover, were particularly detailed regarding location data or political situation. Even now, structures built by the Dmt kingdom around 700 BC still stand, a testament to the advanced civilizations out of which the contemporaries of our start date grew. The Nile has always been the lifeblood of north-eastern africa, and we felt it was worthwhile including as much of it as possible.

衣索比亞地區有記錄的歷史比我們的時間線還要往前延伸得更遠,然而我們能夠發現的現存資料沒有一個是關於地理位置或政治情況的具體詳細資料。直到當代,由達莫特王國Kingdom of D』mt在700BC建起來的建築依然屹立,這是我們設定的開局時間已經繁衍起來的文明之外仍有先進文明的證據。尼羅河一直是東北非洲的生命線,我們認為應該儘可能多地將該地區的內容納入遊戲中。

The inclusion of the Indian subcontinent is something we considered as vitally necessary to complete the world that was relevant to the Hellenistic era. A state of conflict had already existed for some time between the recently established Mauryan Empire, and Seleucus Nicator, self-proclaimed King, by the time we begin. Greek traders had long-since been visiting west Indian trading ports, trading in fabrics, gemstones and spices, and indeed, many of the ancient names we have for these locations appear also in Greek, or show Greek influence.

為了完整囊括與希臘化時代相關的世界,我們認為有必要將印度次大陸包含進遊戲中。在我們設定的遊戲開局時,新近成立的孔雀帝國Mauryan Empire和自稱為王的塞琉古一世「勝利者」Seleucus Nicator(塞琉古帝國)已經處於衝突中有一段時間了。希臘貿易者從很早就開始造訪西印度的貿易港口,貿易織物、寶石和香料,並且確實我們在該地區發現的一些古代名字取自希臘語,或者受到了希臘化的影響。

Last of all, since we only have one start date, we have wanted to include as many interesting things as possible in it. This means that we have also tried to identify interesting states that can reasonably start as subjects of others, rather than directly owned by governors, both to better cover the political realities of far off regions like northern Anatolia or Judea, and to allow the player the choice of taking over the reins of many unique polities in these regions.


Over the course of development, we have used a great number of sources, texts and maps in order to craft what we believe, is an immersive, living world, which is as close to history as is possible. One invaluable reference tool for our Roman areas which deserves special mention, is the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire, compiled at Lund University, using data from the Pelagios Project.

在開發過程中,我們使用了大量的資料來源、文本和地圖來製作一個我們認為是充滿沉浸感和真實感的世界,儘可能地貼近歷史。值得特別提及的關於羅馬地區的寶貴參考工具,是羅馬帝國數字地圖集Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire,由隆德大學繪製,使用了伯拉修斯項目的數據資料。

Additional sources include (but are far from limited to):


The Schwartzberg Historical Atlas of South Asia


An Atlas of Ancient Indian History - Habib & Habib

古印度歷史地圖集(Irfan Habib和Faiz Habib著)

Perseus Digital Library


Pelagios Project


Pleiades Gazetteer


It should be noted that while these have been great resources we have sometimes had to take liberties to create as full a map as possible. As such, any errors are likely to be ours and the reference materials we have used should not be faulted.


If there are any significant reference materials you believe might be relevant, we always welcome suggestions from our posters.



校對:三等文官猹中堂 萬豪頓





羅馬景點攻略:羅馬競技場 (Rome Colosseo)
尋師問築:溯源之旅 從羅馬到巴黎

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