

今天看到多家美國媒體報道,美國將對中國赴美攻讀科技工程類研究生的學生簽證進行調整,有效期改為一年, 見下面的標題:


In a policy change set for next month, the Trump administration is moving to shorten visas for Chinese students in fields like tech and engineering. While most visas are issued for the longest possible length of time under law, the new policy will allow U.S. officials to put a one-year cap on visas for Chinese graduate students who are 「studying in fields like robotics, aviation and high-tech manufacturing,」 according to the Associated Press.

A State Department official told The Hill that 「Although the large majority of visas issued to Chinese nationals are issued for the maximum validity, consular officers may limit the validity of visas on a case-by-case basis」 under the new rules.

Beyond the student limits, U.S. consulates and embassies reportedly received instructions that any Chinese citizen applying for a visa will need to secure additional special permission form the U.S. if they work in research or management for any company the U.S. Commerce Department lists as an entity 「requiring higher scrutiny.」



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