


As a woman, do not torture yourself for anyone or anything. For many changes, others can see them even you do not mention.


One will meet many people in the whole life. Someone loves you, someone envys you, someone regards you as precious, someone takes you as nothing. When you are hurt, tired, or lost, there is nothing to do with others, for your future, it is you who needs to be responsible.


No one is better than you, because there is no other one exactly like you in the world. Do not feel inferior; you are better than you think forever.

偶爾對自己好些,偷個小懶,抽點小瘋,不算傷天害理 。

Be good to yourself occasionally. Be lazy for a while, be crazy for a time, which is not a big deal at all.


Learn to appreciate yourself and smile to yourself. Thus a happy life is around the corner. In the life, there is unexpected warm, and perennial hope. Generally speaking, the luck of girls who love to smile is not bad.


The best way to love a person, is to manage yourself well and be a good lover. That you are good to a person is not meaning that he will love you back with all his heart.


Do not be a woman who needs a man, be a woman whom a man needs. Those who miss you will look for you automatically; those who love you will do anything to reach to you. Young Merry Real, wishes you to be the most beautiful self!


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