【水瓶座】 蘇珊米勒2012星座運勢英文原版(照書打...


概述 2012年是轉變之年,對你來說,情況開始大大改觀。你最有機會發展感情生活,這將為你帶來近年來幾乎未曾見過的幸福。這個轉變——來自於木星的禮物,將於6月開始,並一直持續到2013年6月。 想從木星那兒收穫最大的幸運,你得完成你的功課,向世人展示你想愛與被愛的願望。如果你單身無約,你必須開動起來。你可能認為自己知道最想遇見什麼樣的人,但可能稍後驚覺自己的愛情完全非你所想。為了大大加速你的職業發展,你要更加開放並願意接受與土星的互動。11月13日的日月食非常友善,到2012年即將結束的時候,你很有可能到達全新的位置。 親愛的瓶子,你有太多的事要慶祝了。回首往事,那些舊時光還不夠好,對吧?幾年來幸運之神從不眷顧,但現在它就要來了。新生活開始了,帶來全新的機遇和向世界展示自我的機會。你已別無所求! 水瓶座 2012將為你帶來萬分驚喜!這將是不平凡的一年!行星們最——終(長音)將各就各位,為你帶來真正的進步和超多的歡樂。幾年來職業和財務問題佔用了你大量的時間,生活緊緊巴巴而且毫無趣味。你可能沒有太多時間或精力來思考給生活加點料,回歸浪漫。讓人高興的是,現在所有的事都將改變。 多虧了木星罕見且有益的活動,接下來的這一年將帶給你絕好的機會來發展讓你滿意、超有感覺的私人生活。首先,你有個好機會來揮灑創意,安排生活方式,使之完全符合你長久以來的希望。之前你一直沒做,一定是有原因的。可能因為你沒有時間或金錢來安排家庭事務。現在,天時地利人和,帶來幸運的突破。無論買/賣/翻新/更新/修繕或改變你所處的空間,木星都讓其成為絕好的時機。木星主管花草,當這個慷慨的行星出現在金牛座的時候,正是開展廣闊庭園設計的大好時機。木星如此之近,這意味著庭園會相當美麗。現在開始四處看看,做做預算,目標是四月下旬火星離開後開始實施計劃。 你第四宮的相位相當漂亮,它主管來自雙親的幫助。現在看來,你還會得到相當多的家庭支持喲。如果你需要租房,或是交買房的首付款,看來你的父母想幫你。在這個全球經濟困難的時期,某些瓶子住在(父母)家裡,看來你的家人充滿愛心,善解人意,真心歡迎你的歸來。 你可能會搬家,翻新房屋,或者只是做些修繕,清理雜物,粉刷,或是添置幾件漂亮的新傢具,使你的家吸引力大到讓人不想離開!你希望自己的家成為安寧之所,準備好再次自由呼吸吧。趕緊的,四月底五月初這一動向會最閃亮! 處理好家宅事務後,6月中旬,你將步入近年來最浪漫的時期之一。愛情最美滿的時期將驚人的持續十二個月,直到2013年6月。你有好多年沒有過讓人目眩神迷的經歷了!你可能認為當這一相位結束時,你的愛情也會隨之終結。不,親愛的瓶子,宇宙可不是這樣運作的!這些轉動是燃點,在接下來的數年間,會帶來大的多的作用。 去年,雙子-射手宮內的新日月食助你重新思考自己的感情狀況。今年,這些宮內還將出現三次日月食(2013年5月還會有一次),它們會推動你一直進行中的思考和討論。如果你單身無約,但希望改變,準備好尋求機會開始交往。看來你有真正的動力找到生活的平衡點。如果你曾不知情歸何處,你很快就不用迷惘了——你會為人所需,頗受矚目並且樂在其中。 如果你懷疑月老牽錯了紅線,日月食會為你做出所有你不能為自己做的事。換句話說,日月食會讓事態如水晶般透徹,很快就是解決問題或是離開的時候了。如果你認為沒有希望,不要為無法發展下去的感情所困,不和諧的感覺只會讓你更加灰心喪氣。日月食帶來現實和事實。不單單是日月食,你還有木星呢。木星在雙子的真愛宮內給你帶來好運,幸福和很多的選擇,所以你的情況會很快由暗轉明。真的真的,木星與奇蹟有關,所以千萬別放棄。 在某一系列的日月食中,每次日月食都是基於在發生前呈現給你的那些消息。這一系列的日月食中的第一次發生在2010年12月21日,接下來是2011年的四次(6月1日,7月15日,11月25日和12月10日)和今年的三次(5月20日,6月4日和11月28日),最後一次將在2013年5月25日。之後,你會完成蛻變。去年的幾次日月食讓人很辛苦,今年的這幾次就友好的多了。因此,你會看到日月食帶來的機會。在本章的後續部分,我會仔細分析日月食。 過去的幾年間,水瓶座內超浪漫的相位極少出現,故而如果你感覺自己遊離在外,相信我,這不是你的錯——宇宙讓你矚意別事。每個月我都為你預測星座運勢。我仰望蒼穹,無論多微小的浪漫相位,都儘力找出來並告訴你。但月復一月,我能為你找到的浪漫相位,一直比其他星座要小。這總是讓我難受!現在,宇宙為你做了個大調整——你會愛這個變化的! 如果你是已經找到真愛的幸運兒,進展將會很神速,你會做出承諾,或找到將感情推至更激動人心階段的方法。宇宙不喜歡停滯不前,會送出一連串的日月食讓事態發展(日月食在某個星座里每九年都會發生,但情況更類似於十九年前。就是說,2012年要發生的這幾次日月食的主題與1993年的非常相近)。在今年的下半年,你會宣布訂婚或結婚。如果你已婚,你可能會決定要個寶寶,因為我在主管真愛的第五宮同時看到了孕育和生命(對你來說,光芒如此閃亮)。現在,寶寶可能是宇宙能為你達成所願的禮物之一了。 對你來說,這將是個超幸福的階段,充滿歡樂和嶄新、開闊的個人情感經歷。你會非常樂觀,渴望探索新域。現在,兩情相悅的眷侶可能決定買房,一起經歷意義重大的旅行,或是一起籌劃某事(除此之外或是要個寶寶)。日月食通過讓我們清晰展示想法的方式迎來進展,下半年,事情的進展會相當迅速。 5月20日友好的新月日食時,你會看到激動人性的進展。這次日月食就像是即將來訪的大人物——木星派來的發言人。今年6月11日,木星會到達你的真愛宮。五月時事情就開始有進展了,到11月28日的滿月日食時(兩者都在你的真愛宮),你的心靈將重獲新生,或許是時候在假期時宣布慶祝了。 如果你有孩子,無論你是已婚還是單親,在今年這個與你愛的孩子感情尤其親近的一年,至少有一個孩子(或所有)會讓你感到自豪和幸福。在木星造訪期間,你的孩子將受到保護。如果你現在正經歷艱辛(比如,你不得不搬到一個新城市,或者你正在辦理離婚),看來你能做好所有的事來保證你的孩子過得好,因為從你的星盤看,結果很好。他們的好成績說明,他們的調整還算容易。也可能出現這樣的情形:你的某個孩子需要特別幫助或教育,你會為孩子找到個好老師/導師的。 2012年,雙子-射手座內接連三次的日月食會加快你的個人發展。所有已婚的瓶子都會受益。6月4日的日月食更關乎友誼而非愛情,但你的感情生活也會感受到能量從一個宮涌動到另一宮時的力量,特別是在星盤中完全相對的宮位。對你最重要的日月食是5月20日和11月28日出現的那兩次,它們會馬上或在其後的一個月帶來消息。 某些日月食在稍後就會帶來消息。你可能會想先讀讀我本書中從559頁開始的的第一章——「如何應對日月食」。 你的事業也將迎來激動人心的大好消息,它們會適時的晚些到——在本年的第四季度(你可以先關注愛情和家宅/財產/家庭狀況!)。你最大的職業收穫將於十月到來,土星穿過你星盤的頂點,這種里程碑般的活動每二十九年才有一次。2012年10月5日,土星將進入你主管榮譽,獎勵和成就的第十宮,並在更好的位置待三年。土星會夯實你過去取得的職業成就,讓你準備好到達一個新頂峰,這可是你之前只在夢中常見的喲! 土星的出現預示在你的領域內,你將承載更大的責任和更多的尊敬。你可能要準備好登上領導職位或是開始新的嘗試,比如寫自己的第一本書。所有的這些都意味著很快你就會面臨新選擇,從而讓你在新舞台或以新方式證明自己。你可以選擇是接受挑戰還是婉拒,——選擇權在你自己。 如果你決定接受新職位,可能你要花兩到三年時間才能完全掌控,而且還需要孤注一擲的努力。最後你能得到的回報會相當好,值得你做出任何犧牲。在學習階段,回報不會唾手可得,直到土星離開。也就是說,到2015年9月,你會成為行業內的中堅力量。你身邊某位更年長,更有經驗的人的會幫助你學習成長,所以你不必獨自面對。雖說那位導師,指導人或老師會設定高標準,只要你能堅持到底,你也不必獨立完成項目,你會超越自己和他人的期望的。 11月13日的日食時,你可能將擔當新的工作職責。如果它因故未到,請在半年內即2013年5月左右保持警醒,或是一整年後的2013年11月。機會就是這樣漸行漸多,到2015年土星離開天蠍座時,你的地位提升,而你之前是不可能做到的。 在過去的兩年間,土星一直待在你的學術/出版宮 (第九宮)內,,因此你或許為了獲得更高的學位一直在大學或研究院(日班或夜校)努力學習,或是致力於完成手稿,論文,研究報告或其他設想。如果真如我所言,你很快就會發現自己的努力是值得的。現在,你會發現自己遙遙領先。 今年的前九個月,土星在你的高等教育宮內的到訪將結束。如果你在2009年或者2010、2011年年中進入大學,你很可能發現教授們要求很嚴格,但你能從他們身上學到從其他老師那兒無法學到的東西。此間你可能發現還有些事相當困難。你可能不得不離開親愛的人,或是白天上班,晚上上學。所有的這些努力都將獲得回報,到2012年10月土星離開天秤座時,你會看到回報的。 土星教會我們,珍視通過竭盡全力的努力取得的回報。對你而言,就是在選定的專業領域更加精進,更好的理解生活的全部。一旦土星離開這個宮位,你立刻就會感受到回報。如果你在讀大學,你會進入一個嶄新的王國——離開理論之國,轉入實踐之國。這就是宇宙的安排,當需要調整時,你已為其準備停當。 如果你是做創意的,今年你會閃閃發亮。木星會為你的創意工作噴洒其神奇的養分,你的收穫正如各色各類明媚的花朵,朵朵大如餐盤。請在你創意的項目中竭心儘力,2012年,你的同仁會為你所呈現的精巧藝術的作品而大大稱奇的。 說真的,從今年年中到2013年上半年,無論你從事創意工作還是其他工作,木星在雙子座內為你帶來的不僅是愛情,還有展現你豐富的創造力的方法。你可能是作家、科學家、生物學家、軟體工程師、數學家或是律師——所有的人都會從事創意思考。你可能會思量,如何採納各種完全不同的意見,想出為顧客,老闆,朋友,以及最重要的人——你自己帶來奇蹟的主意。木星通常會為它觸及的帶來益處,所以今年你可以指望實體化的創意為自己帶來財運。 對於宇宙的饋贈,我們從來都不是旁觀者。但我們必須通過掌控和引導賦予我們的能量來表明願望。請用好今年的能量,看起來特別適合你。就象如果把自己關在家裡,就不可能遇到任何人一樣,如果不嘗試,就什麼特別之物都造不出來。(其實我更想翻譯成:你不可能閉門造車)。那些聰明才智和天分都不如你的人們創造了你成長的這個世界。通過努力,你可以用與眾不同的想法改變世界。在你的職業生涯中,許多與你有關的、愛你的人都會關注你,你將擁有最好的機會,遇見適合自己的那個人。要有信心,親愛的瓶子,給你的夢想插上翅膀吧。今年是出彩的一年,一切皆有可能。 2012年6月11之前,多虧了代表好運的木星的造訪,不動產方面機會絕佳。 今年年初,喜歡用好運寵愛你的木星,將在你主管家宅和家庭的第四宮內高速運動,讓你在家宅、房產及與家庭相關的事情方面如妖精般幸運。 木星在2011年6月進入你星盤中的這個宮內,幾乎在開始逆行後(去年8月底)就馬上打開了他的袋子。如果你想搬家,或是買賣房產,由於木星在數月內的影響力一直微弱,這真讓人沮喪。值得高興的是,就在2012年開始前,(2011年)11月25日,木星回歸正軌了。如果去年你覺得不能隨心所願的解決與家庭相關的問題,你會為2012年上半年出現的改變而大受鼓舞的。 今年開始,木星準備、樂意並且能夠幫助你將你的家變成你最愛的天堂,夜夜??(需再核對英文)。2012年一季度,木星需要時間來放開腳步,回歸高速。這有點像喝醉了酒——他需要許多咖啡才能起身,回到他開始逆行之前的狀態。到4月21日的新月,兩周後,你應該準備好做出重大決定,這一決定是個與家庭相關的大動作。 4月21日新月及之後的幾周內,直到5月13日,你所有與家庭相關計劃的細節都應該各就各位了。去年你或許一直想做些重大改變,但是看來似乎總有更重要的事佔據中央舞台,你不得不擱置家宅和不動產的計劃。現在你正處於十年間的最佳行動時期。終於沒有任何理由再推遲了。 要好好利用今年木星的黃金活動,你不一定要搬家或者買/賣/翻修(房子)。如果你想要張漂亮的新桌子或沙發,你會發現某人不得已要大老遠的搬家,他會忍痛割愛,廉價出售一件幾乎全新的傢具。木星召喚時,你會變得非常幸運。 今年整整上半年,從1月1日到6月11日,木星都非常有幫助。但之後木星的黃金活動就開始黯淡了。好機會將出現,這可是及其少有的機會,下次再出現就得等到2023年5月到2014年4月了。 今年上半年,家人相當支持你的想法。如果你需要交買房的首付款,你可能想找父母幫忙。如果因經濟形勢租不起房,你可能想搬回家住幾個月直到手頭稍微寬裕一些。此時,木星正處在你星盤中的絕佳位置,你的父母很可能會歡迎你回來,尤其是你在今年上半年提出請求! 在今年這樣的一年裡,你需要警惕被我稱作「活動門」的那些日子,它們緊鄰最好的日子。看看下一部分中最好的日子,最差的日子,最值得記住的日子。你也得看看你的上升星座運勢預測。如果你的上升星座是雙魚,你在不動產方面的機會將翻兩番。 家宅方面的最佳日期:4月下旬/5月上旬,此時金星,火星和水星都逆行。 今年非常適合搬家,翻新房屋或家裝設計。但是你要避開幾個時段。 1、請避開3月12日到4月4日,7月14日到8月8日,11月6日到26日水星逆行時。7月或11月,你的星盤中有關家宅和家庭的部分乏善可陳,因此你可能買不到東西。在這些日期之後的一天也要小心,以防在你的星盤中有些東西我無法看到。 水逆時,不管是付款或是做長遠投資(房子,傢具,電器)都得留神,這一點非常重要(更多信息,請參閱我在本書第一章所述的「水星逆行」。本章從543頁開始。)。 2、請避開1月23日到4月13日火星逆行時。在運輸或挪動的過程中,家具有可能被損壞。此時也不適合開始需要大量體力的活動,比如翻修房屋或搬家。火星提供能量和動力,當它逆行時,事情看來有些缺乏活力。 3、請避開5月15日到6月27日金星逆行時。金星主管你11"111的家宅宮,因此你在此期間選擇的設計方案可能稍後會不滿意。我們的生活需要美,浴室瓷磚的顏色不對,或是起居室的地毯顏色不搭,會讓我們感覺不安的。 你在不動產方面作決定的最佳日期是: 1、4月21以及之後的兩周:新月如此特別,如果不加以利用實在是難為情!冥王星非常給力,所以如果你要拆牆/壘牆,或者重修地下室(冥王星主管的區域),都會很順利。由於火星與冥王星離得很近,也超級友好,這段時間你的經濟情況也相當好。 2、請注意本年最幸運的日子:5月12-13日;還要加上5月10-11日!這幾天,太陽和木星開年會,而且這一次他們選擇在你主管家宅和家庭的第四宮會面哦!多好的日子呀!如果你不想買/賣/租房子,這幾天也是家庭聚會或慶祝的完美周末! 現在,好日子(5月15日)剛剛過去,金星就要開始逆行了。所以我希望你在5月10、11、12或13日做出買/賣房子或添置新傢具的重要決定。在美國,太陽與木星會面的確切日期是5月12日。希望你在5月13日周日之前做好所有決定,不能再晚了。好相位之前的日子總是比之後的要好。 3、10月29日的滿月,在你的榮譽和家庭宮:但土星的位置與滿月正相對,為你在此時想做的任何有關不動產的事情增加了難度。這個月你的工作職責有所增加,所以此時可能不適合在房產,翻修房屋或買新傢具方面做重要決定。 我沒有把這次滿月排入「避開」的表中,但我真的考慮這麼做。我把選擇權留給你。我能做的就這麼多了(voered?本句是意譯不確定)。金星主金牛座,所以此時我們得看看金星想說什麼。金星將與天王星完全相對,這預示著事情會在最後一分鐘出岔子。正如你所知,今年上半年你會做得更好。這個滿月相當累人。如果你真的要搬家,你會在新住處待很久,這可能是個好消息。 海王星離開水瓶座,這是1998年-2012年14年時代的終結 海王星是沿著太陽系外緣緩慢轉動的重要大行星之一。海王星在一個星座內待的時間相當長,因為這顆重要的行星168年繞太陽轉一圈。今年,海王星離開水瓶座,於2012年2月3日進入雙魚座,而且在你的有生之年都不會再回來了。行星離開特定的星座經常產生重大的影響,因為它進入了你的星盤中的新位置,這就是屬於你的時代之一。 海王星於1998年與他的老夥計天王星一起首入水瓶座。木星也在水瓶座,提早一年為所有噴薄而出的新發明籌措資金。九十年代末是難忘而激動人心的時代,那時網際網路剛開始為眾人所知,整個世界開始以令人興奮的方式互相溝通,其模式將永遠改變。這些都是水瓶座主管的領域,所有這些推動人類知識進步的新奇和創新的東西,從根本上改變了社會。 1997-1998年,車輪開始快速轉動,向西直到矽谷,電子行業的突破日新月異,以讓人頭暈目眩的速度將我們推向數字化的未來。說真的,海王星,天王星和木星一起引領並建立了數字時代。同時,與財務和政府、多文化公司有經濟關係和關聯的冥王星也參與其中,它精力旺盛,那時正在與水瓶座極其和諧的射手座。冥王星將水瓶在電子行業的創新革命性的帶入出版和傳播業(這是射手座以90年代末期的世界還不能想像的方式主管的領域)。 如果你是做創意的,海王星在水瓶座內的時候,空氣中充滿了神奇的氣息。海王星是創造力之星,所以在過去的14年間,你可能會感受到自己的想像力和藝術感的迸發和深度。很多次你會感覺到自己的創意如此強大可行,簡直是如有神助。 可能你不從事軟體開發、電子硬體設計、新媒體創意,或是通信,科研,醫藥,單單就是喜歡市面上速食麵世的各種電子產品。機會就在於,需要馬上使用最新的設備時,你通常會表現突出。 水瓶座也會迎來社交網路,因為你的守護星天王星主管友誼,社區,團體和電子——你可能是臉譜、推特、鄰客網的第一批用戶,現在又開始試用諸如Pintrest、Ping或Polyvore等新社交媒體了。這次又到了主管友誼的水瓶座,為世人找到以全新方式進行溝通和分享信息的方法。如我們所知,當海王星在水瓶座內的時候,成功的社交網路就進入生活了。 當然,不是所有的瓶子都對我上述的領域感興趣,但大多數人會的。因為瓶子喜愛一切新奇,新穎和創新的東西。瓶子是好奇,極其善於分析,愛交際的風象星座,你非凡的智慧將慢慢引導你去探尋還有什麼可能性(很多讀者誤以為水瓶座是水象星座,因為水瓶座的星圖中持罐人手持水罐,其實那罐中裝的是知識,持罐人正跪著將其倒入周圍的世界)。 許多瓶子都體驗到天王星的另一面——為幫助社會中被忽視、受苦,或是被剝奪了選舉權的那些人而深受感動。那些瓶子——可能就是你——以他們豐富的管理智慧和憐憫之心為非盈利組織和慈善團體工作,或是參加競選,看看社會是否喜歡這些黨派。果真如此的話,從1998年到2011年間的某些時候,某些人會為你指路,在這眾多的領域中,你會在其中之一取得領導地位。 不管這些外圍的大行星之一何時進入你的太陽星座,比如海王星是從1998年到2012年,都將成為你的時間表中的重要節點,因為你的直覺、風格和感受周圍世界的方式決定了時間表的主旨。另一些行星為你的想法和建議而來,在過去的這些年,你可能會感到有些不知所措,因為你的想法與社會的發展和觀念是如此的吻合。 作為一個瓶子,你非常自我,其實並不真正在意別人是否同意你的態度,想法或觀點。如果你的想法未被接受,你只會聳聳肩,雙手插兜走開——你一直特立獨行。不管怎樣,過去這些年得到了這麼多的支持總是讓人欣慰。你在更相信自我的年代而生,這非常可貴。這種激情不會結束——情況會不同,因為你現在就要看到努力的成果了。(註:此句與後面重複了,從前後文的意思看,似乎應刪除本句保留後面那句) 我前面講過,海王星的影響會鼓舞你更加投身於慈善團體或人道主義活動。如果這就是海王星影響你的方式,你不會停止你的工作,但在海王星待在你身邊的這段漫長年代中,從事這些工作成了你的一部分。 一些瓶子可能注意到這顆大行星在你宮內時的消極影響。對某些瓶子來說,影響有時過於溫和微小。如果你發現很難獲得動力,需要努力向目標推進,你可能屬於極少數對海王星的影響超級敏感的那類人。 海王星也掌管藥物和酒精。海王星管這些是因為它有將想法變為現實的能力。如果你在這類東西上有些問題,或者就是想通過躲入自己世界(也許是通過蟄伏)的方式來減壓,現在你可以走出來,控制藥物和酒精的使用(如果那是個問題的話),並向明確穩定的前路邁進。現在你可能會看到大變化,你能解決一個持續了很久的問題——很有可能是經濟問題(海王星是雙魚座的守護星,你的第二宮)。 當海王星在水瓶座內時,你是舵手,是劃定時代的人。歷史上,先有了古騰堡聖經,隨著印刷術的發明,我們能讀了。後來,有了收音機,我們能讀能聽了。再往後有了電視,我們不僅能讀能聽,還能看了。網際網路一出現,我們不僅能讀能聽能看,更重要的是能做出回應並進行聯繫,文明又邁進了一大步。現在圓滿了——回應成為可能了。 現在該由雙魚來創造和設計未來了。這個變化對你有利,因為你會進入更高級的相位,在那你能從所學中受益。你在更相信自我的年代而生,這非常可貴。這種激情不會結束——情況會不同,因為你現在就要看到努力的成果了。 海王星從2012年2月3日到2026年1月26日進入藝術而充滿想像力的雙魚座。以及你主管個人財務的宮內。 現在海王星進入了雙魚主管醞釀的第二宮,它會為你指明如何將你的藝術創作、經歷和造詣變成金子。海王星在過去14年間一直給你鼓勵,它們已經在你心裡。你將開動商業頭腦,推銷你的點子。瓶子們經常不看重物質,你們所有人幾乎都是這樣…金錢成了你的主要激發物,現在,只要極小的努力,大批擁躉就會涌到你門前,讓你挑出對他人有利的好點子。 木星,禮物和幸運的給予者,從2012年6月11日到2013年6月25日將進入你星盤中最有創造力的宮內,繼續發展你的創造力。每個瓶子都將受益。最先感受到的是1月20日到2月6日出生的瓶們。 如果你的生日剛才沒提到,那對你來說就是從2013年1月到6月。沒有人會被落下。 海王星比金星等級略高,將金星的美麗提至全新的高度。海王星總有點喜歡自我犧牲,它樂意如此而且十分大方。金星可能說:「咱們去掃貨吧」,而海王星會說:「咱們還是退掉一部分東西吧,這樣就能省出錢來讓可憐的人們多吃幾頓了」。當你明白什麼重要什麼不重要後,就可以在將來逐步建立與金錢的全新關係了。 在你的有生之年,還從未經歷過海王星在這個宮內,上次海王星造訪還是從1847年到1862年。這對所有星座的所有人都是全新的影響,所以我們大家都會找到好好利用它的方法。海王星喜歡待在雙魚座,不僅僅因為它主管雙魚,更因為它自己就是那個調調。海王星就要回家了。這說明海王星將在此星座內發揮其最好的影響,因為海王星在雙魚內會相當有力,與之溝通起來也清楚容易。 海王星在雙魚內有兩個非常積極的表現。作為瓶子,你總是熱衷於尋找幫助社會的方法。現在你不僅有機會選擇做到什麼程度,你還會感到這麼做非常必要。你會開好支票,志願幫忙籌集善款,並可能在慈善團體中擔任領導職務。不管善款來源於哪,你在意的慈善機構或團體都會大都因你而獲益。 我這麼說是因為海王星讓我們感同身受,心甘情願的投入時間和金錢幫助那些受苦的人。很多瓶子都樂意奉獻,這樣別人(家人,朋友,甚至是陌生人)就能受益,僅僅因為別人的需求強烈。 你還可能從自己創立的藝術機構中賺大錢——這不僅僅可能,而且相當可能,因為海王星也主管藝術。 海王星的確也有消極的影響,無論到哪,它都會帶來壓制,混淆事實,或是讓文件消失的力量。將來處理財務問題時,海王星帶來的麻煩將非常棘手。從現在起,你必須與律師一起商討未來所有的合同安排。如果沒有同律師商量過,什麼都別簽——你認為「很常規」的小合同很可能就包含會帶來財務災難的條款。你不想讓海王星發洪水吧!(實際上,想想這個,住自己房子的房主或租戶的洪水險,你可能也想要,海王星將在接下來的14年影響你主管收入和財產的第二宮)。就算你自認為是專家,你也要查看財務賬單,把你的財務管理得更好! 2月3日海王星就位:你將進入1998年到2011年播種孕育後的第二階段。那些種子將發芽並給你帶來受益。如果你科學家,你可能已經研製出了一種能治癒某種疾病的新葯,現在海王星進入雙魚座,意味著你的葯很快就會獲政府批准,上市前一路綠燈。或者,如果你是工程師,你開發的新軟體現在已經準備好發布了。如果你畫了很多新作,很快你就會開個畫廊,銷路意想不到的好。 海王星——你慢一點,還要花很長時間你才能看到這個行星的**(apbcat dnuncial?英文部分還需核對)影響,在你的第二宮內——或者很快你就能看到。不管怎樣,努力吧!成功不僅可能,而且很有可能,在2012年的第三或第四季度你就能看到。 2012年7月3日,天王星(最——終)離開,火星也會的。這使未來的財務管理變得容易些了。 從2003年到2011年,代表動蕩和改變的天王星(你的守護星)一直在你主管收入、財產和支出的第二宮內待了七年。天王星掌管突變,特別反覆無常。當你剛覺得財務受控了,就會發生一些事,讓你受點挫,沒有足夠的時間來逃離這突如其來的財務困境。多少次你可能發現了掙大錢的方法,最後卻因損失而收支相抵:天王星是意外之星。但無論天王星何時與某個憤怒的行星相遇,意外的底線就是不讓你高興。2011年3月11日,天王星離開雙魚,在你的有生之年都不會回到這一宮了。 當你馬上就要搞定的時候,僅僅幾個月後,火星就於2011年11月10日進入了你主管借貸的第八宮,並安營紮寨,難以置信的待了八個月。通常火星在每個宮內都是待七周而不是八個月。一般每個宮都歡迎火星造訪,但在第八宮或第二宮——都是財務宮——火星只管花錢,通常很快收支就不平衡了。火星在逆行,直到4月13日恢復順行時,他會變得更強大,所以直到7月13日你都得注意支出。那之後你就解脫了。 當海王星在雙魚座內,在你主管收入的第二宮內的這段時間,你得保護好自己。這是事實。即便如此,如果你處理所有財務問題時都能保持警惕,你的收入和財產就能有保障。生活就是學習的過程,我們不能預見到所有的陷阱,如果我們所有的事都能親力親為,並保持學習的熱忱,我們會更有智慧,並最終變得更強大。天王星在雙魚座的這些年,你已經學到很多了。現在,你多年來積累的實踐經驗只是其中的一部分,我覺得這對你處理海王星在雙魚座將有幫助。 土星將在天秤座待到十月,照亮你的教育/工作/學習/國外旅行宮 從2009年10月(2010年4月7日到7月21日,土星離開天秤座逆行時有個小停頓)起,教師星土星都在穿越你星盤的上部。你在接待土星造訪你星盤中的這個部分方面已經是專家了,所以接下來的數月不會有太多驚喜。 如果你在讀大學或研究生院,土星會給你帶來要求嚴格的教授,但你會記住所學並學以致用。看起來你未來的職業生涯非常激動人心,顯然你已經為某個重要的職位準備好了。 一個重要的職位將在2012年底到2013年到來,如果接受的話,你將工作很辛苦但是到2015年你會成為一名行業中堅。 如果你希望職業生涯有長足的進步,你將實現——從2012年10月,土星穿過你的天頂,進入你的第十宮:名氣和榮譽之宮,29年一次。就是我所說的「咽口水時刻」---當一生的重要職位到達,你從來未遇到過的,像盒子上漂亮的一個蝴蝶結。沒有錯---這將是要求你是非常努力工作和學習達到新的和非常不同的標準。 你將會進入新的領域,所以可能會覺得你處在底層。但並不是那樣,當然,想想你自己已經處在原領域的頂端,現在又要向更高的領域更高的頂端前進。起初,你甚至懷疑你是否能勝任這份工作,但是你有足夠的能力來搞定這次新職業的挑戰。把接下來的這段期間當成獎勵而不是考驗,因為很少人會參與到這次冒險。 你能被這份工作吸引的部分原因是它能讓你在新的領域變得有經驗。做為一個瓶子,你總是一再對周圍的世界感到好奇,你喜歡許多的智力促進(活動)。現在你將擁有這個機會並行動起來。另外一個原因是,儘管你要犧牲掉很多,要花很多時間在辦公室工作,但是一旦你搞定了這份工作,你將成為你們行業的中堅力量。這聽起來很好過,確實是這樣的,一旦你成長起來將給你帶來很多金錢和權力。 所有這些將從2012年10月5號土星進入天蠍座開始,會使你一直關注你工作到2015年9月17號。土星在你天宮圖的任何宮位出現都是個好機會,因為在我們一生中,只有2-3次的土星回歸。上次土星在天蠍座是1982年11月到1985年11月了,你可能根本記不清當時的事情,甚至你都還沒出生! 土星進入事業宮暗示著你過去的經驗都將離你遠去,現在是你瞄準新事物的時候。 土星的出現同樣暗示著你的職業生涯將重大變化,變到一個新的方向,但是將是按部就班的慢慢的變,而不是突然變。 實際上,你以前的工作正在褪色,因為你已經準備好你自己去接受這份新的職位。也有可能是,你行業的大環境,在過去幾年發生了戲劇性的變化,導致你沒有太多的選擇去做不同的事情。不管什麼原因,現在是進入新領域的時機。 不管你是幾號出生的瓶子,今年你都不會得到這份工作機會,因為土星要在很晚,2012年最後1季度才進入天蠍座。你將看到事情將在這個時候發生。 不要被生活中其他事情過度影響——當土星來叫你的時候,他希望你能集中精神。木星將在今年7月到明年7月運行到你的真愛宮,所以你將很有可能有一位愛人來分散你在工作的注意力。平衡好愛情和工作將是很關鍵的。謝天謝地,你不會做白日夢,也不會在愛情中迷失,所以只要你把工作堅持下去,你會處理的很好。記住,這趨勢在10月之前都不會開始。 如果你是自主創業的,你可能遭遇到一個反覆情況,情況顯示你還沒注意到你行業里的變化。這將喚醒你去注意,但是不要給自己增加壓力——你能搞定。如果你已經注意到變化正在發生,你可能沒想好應對策略。對每個人都是這樣,所以如果發生這種情況不要感覺不爽。你能找到一些解決方案。競爭者們想分你一杯羹,但是你不會發現有人能分到。你最好的保護方法是天天聽關於你行業的廣播新聞,參加商業展示或研討會來使你的事情不要那麼雜亂無章。在你的職業群里保持會員資格,傾聽小道消息。 聽起來很奇怪的,今年小道消息將被證明是對你最可靠的,因為小道消息是最新的,傳播過程中會是誠實的,直截了當和實用的。當一個產業要有變化時,新聞報道將預知並且做調查,你應該做同樣的調查。當競爭者瞬間凍結不知道該怎麼辦的時候,你可以走在前面。通過和一些聰明的競爭者或同盟者聊天,你能考慮一下別人相似的解決方案,你是否也能用。土星在第10宮的出現可能(我強調是可能)暗示一個新的挑戰即將來臨,但是不會超出你處理能力範圍之外。 土星做位太陽系中最勤勞的行星,要求你進步並且展示新的方法。當你面對挑戰,你起初可能想從你過去相似的經驗中找解決方案。但現在不行了,因為土星在第10宮的出現意味著客觀條件已經變了,只有新的辦法能管用了。最嚴厲的監督者,土星,將持續監督你,直到你喊「I服了U」——然後找出新方法,土星就是這樣作用的。老的方法將不會再管用。 你可能會說「哦,這太恐怖了」。不是這樣的。土星是你的朋友,他哄你向你一個新的領域進軍。最後,如果土星對你發生作用,他將給你一個競爭優勢。接下來是3媽自述:當土星經過我的第10宮時,因為我有土日合相,所以情況更嚴重。當流年土星合她本命太陽時,他開創了AstrologyZone。土星刑太陽,雖然困難,但是程度不如土星合太陽(譯者註:所以童鞋們不要覺得合相就是好相位哦~)。很簡單地說,你從一個全新的起點開始,會帶你跑的很遠。就像一開始說的,你並不知道你會走得多遠,等你走完你才知道。任何時候土星碰觸到你本命盤的重要點時,這意味著你的行為舉動,會有長期重要的潛力。 如果你在1月20號到31號出生,你將感受到這種趨勢,因為流年土星將刑克你的太陽。保持健康,因為你會很忙併且你會有很多需求,所以你的空餘時間絕對不能感冒傷風。如果可能的話,保持日常鍛煉,這會使你保持輕鬆靈活。 在下一章,我將詳述接下來在天蠍和金牛的日食,這一定會對你的職業生涯產生影響甚至可能影響你的居住狀況。 有關職業的日食,在金牛-天蠍,跨度是18個月,2012年11月到2014年5月 在一年中,日食(新月)將會帶來最有力的和戲劇性的事件,所以這就是我們為什麼要很小心地注意他們。今年你只能見到一次日食,就是2012年11月13號的友好的日食。接下來就是每過6個月一次。 當土星進入到你命盤的新區域,暗示著你不僅有一個機會去找到新職位,同時你會發現你真正想要的是什麼(如果你感覺過去從未發現的話)。一旦你發現你天生的使命,工作就不再是工作,而是遊戲。你能在將來的幾年在工作上傾盡全力,但並不是完全沒有了私生活——你完全有時間私事,感謝在你真愛宮雙子座的木星吧(會在雙子更多時間)。 所有日食不是新月就是滿月出現,2星期一次。本書的559頁我會有整篇章節討論如何處理日食,你可以去檢查。 今年你有一次影響你職業的日食,明年2次,總共5次。當這些活動在你的名望宮時,暗示著你將看見職業生涯重大的變化,並且你能利用好他們。 在3月12號冥木火大三角那天,你可能得到一個新的商業機會,但是因為水星逆行,不要做出任何決定。 以下是你2012年事業最重要的日子: 1.2012年5月12號的滿月,在你的第10宮,正負5天。那是個很好的相位,如果你在等待一個問題的答案,你將在這段時間內聽到好的結果。 2.注意8月23號到10月6號,當火星進入到你的名望榮譽宮。你將很容易得到有影響力的人的賞識。火星將會為11月到來的日食鋪路。開始參加面試,會議和展示會。提出提議。 3.11月13號天蠍座的日食(新月),在你名望宮。在它出現的一周內,你得到一份好工作的能力很強,但是也會1個月後很強,正負5天。相比於其他立刻就有效果的新月,金牛天蠍的日食發揮作用的時刻表會非常不同——金牛天蠍的日食會分3次來發揮作用。它們能在日食快要出現之前影響你,也能在幾周甚至幾個月後才影響你。大部分,超過80%的金牛天蠍的日食,會在它們出現的2周內給你帶來消息,或者日食之後的1個月。這是金牛天蠍的第一個日食,明年還有3個,後年1個。 上一段翻譯的意思不太確認,意譯的比較厲害,貼上英文原版,給大家參考。 3 .11月13號天蠍座的日食(新月),filling your tenth house of fame .Your ability to get an offer will be very strong within the week it appears,but also very strong one month to the day later,plus or minus five days .Eclipses have a very different timetable than other new moons(which usually delivers news instantly),and they are also different in that they are three times as powerful .They can affecy you near the time they appear,weeks later,or even several months later .Most---about 80%--- deliver news within two weeks of the day they appear,or one month to the day later .This will be the first eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio family of eclipses and it will arrive all by itself,like a little black sheep,this year on November 13,but there will be more next year . 特別的,2013年你會有3次在金牛天蠍的日食,2014年1次。這些日食會把你帶到職業生涯一個新的更好的狀況,同時會幫助你解決家庭內部的問題。 當木星在6月11號之前照耀在你的家庭宮,你最好在上半年做出任何不動產方面的決定(買賣租),因為行星會幫你。你在4月或5月能發現非常好的生活選項,但是請注意,你將在2013年和14年見到更多的家庭宮的舉動(詳見我的不動產,家庭章節)。 通常職業機會和住宅變遷史相關的,但是有些時候,一份更好的工作會導致你改善你的居住環境,觸發家庭的改變。(金牛座不僅守護你的家人,和你共享居住空間的人也算。所以明年你的家產和其他財產會保持穩定,但是關於你的居住條件,會有消息) 最後我將說說今年將會發生的其他日食。2012年5月20號,6月4號和11月18號在雙子射手的日食。過了這些,2013年就只有一次日食了,5月25號。這些日食對太陽水瓶很友好,你會發現在我的真愛宮章節里討論他們。 明年,金牛天蠍的日食將在2013年4月25號,5月10號,11月3號和2014年的4月29號到來。 你的守護星,天王星,2011年3月份開始到你的溝通宮,直到19年3月,將幫助你想出牛B的主意 天王星最近移動到了你的想法宮,它會給你創造性帶來一些極大地發展,諸如想法,意識,創造性和對世界的認識上。水星被稱為思考和推理的行星,天王星是水星的更高層次,能把這些帶到一個新的,更複雜的領域,關於探索甚至可能是天賦。 直到現在,數年了,當我寫作早期,天王星在雙魚座,蹂躪你的財務。在這些年裡,金錢可能是你關注的焦點(因為天王星是你的守護星,它很容易經常發生)。時好時壞的金錢運困擾你這麼久,你可能希望經濟上的挑戰永遠結束。你難以忍受的原因在於很多經濟問題不是你能掌控的,而是被迫的。現在天王星離開雙魚了,永遠不會再影響你的財務宮了。如果你沒有感覺到財務狀況緩解,那是因為火星從去年11月就在第8宮揮霍你的金錢了(我將在稍後討論火星),不過今年7月火星就離開了。事情正在大幅度的改善,你可以報以希望。當天王星離開你的財務宮進入到你的第3宮,你將進入到一個非常興奮的時期,將持續到2019年。 如果你是1.19到23號出生的瓶子,今年天王星將對你發出友好的,強力的橄欖枝。所有瓶子將從現在開始有個轉變,直到2019年,因為天王星在白羊對你的太陽有相位。整段歷程會是7年,和你本命盤其他行星有相位的話,該行星也將收到好處。天王星每年逆行5個月,因此今年天王星在白羊的1-8°,明年在3-13°,因此明年才會對1月25號到2月2號出生的瓶子投射相位。 不管你是哪天出生的瓶子,你將感受到電的火花,你的思想會被點亮10000瓦。所有瓶子都將得到天王星特別的主意,生日早的瓶子現在就能得到,所以耐心點。如果你是科學家,你將有一個重大的發現。如果你寫和生活有關的事情,你想知道哪裡去找美妙的語句,如今它們已經自己送上門,你記在紙上或熒屏上就行了。Great idea隨時會有,你最好帶上筆記本把它們記下來,因為每次突然閃現Great idea的時間間隔可能會比較長。 木星今年6月進入雙子,因此暗示著天王星7月21號進入白羊是很好的。2顆行星產生60°的相位,叫做六合,代表著機會。這個相位會產生很多令人興奮的事情,一連串的新主意,以及樂觀精神。我認為這天是今年最好的日子之一。木星和天王星只見一次面,因此這是今年唯一的一天。2年後的2014年12月25號,這2顆行星才會重新建立起好的相位。正如你所看見的,這些天比鑽石還珍貴。 天王星所在的第3宮,和說話寫作有關,同時也包含其他形式的溝通,包括銷售,市場,公關,廣告,演講,教學,翻譯,以及一部分的數字世界,像是編程和數據分析。它也是我們用於在新的媒介,社會網路,數字編程,網頁和博客寫作,現在上述任意一種都會吸引你的注意。通過天王星在3宮哄騙你前進,你當然當然會在一個新的區域發光發熱。前進吧——得到新的技術,為他乾杯。這裡的新不僅對你而言是新,對世界也是如此!如果你寫生活,在接下去的7年,你將有能力完成一本非常受歡迎的小說或劇本。天王星代表直覺,所以在接下去的歲月里,你將發現直覺對你很准。天王星代表所有未知的,未被發現的,或者沒有完全被理解的東西,所以即使你沒有證據來證明你的直覺,到時候你會看到直覺帶給你的都是好的結果。 在此期間,如果你寫工作,你可能探索到一個新的領域,發現一個新的方式或媒介來上傳你的故事。天王星本質上是一種難以控制的能量,它飄忽不定,忽左忽右。你會發現你隨時都能寫作,你想在你靈光一現的時候準備好寫作。朝九晚五的作息不適合天王星,你可能需要在家辦公來適應你的寫作需求。天王3宮時期,思想沒有限制,沒有阻礙,不能被傳統思想所限制。你將用你自己的方式來表達,來思考,通過你對自由獨立需求的漸漸增加,你將成為一個獨特的,有名的你。 不用懷疑,3宮也代表著意見和態度。如果在你成長過程中已經不知不覺的適應了父母對你的意見,或對象很重要的朋友們的意見,你可能會重新審視一下自己,找到對你最有益的立場。你將讀很多書,討論很多事情,你將享受這些會談,並且會深入思考。所有這些會開拓你的思維,激起你想要發現更多的好奇心。 天王星在火象的白羊座,和你太陽星座水瓶很和諧的一個星座,是會帶來好事的。白羊是有事業心的,具有創業精神的,勇敢的,勇於嘗試的和開創的星座。就像之前說的,木星也在距離白羊60°的雙子真愛宮。空氣使火燒的更亮,你的太陽和木星也同樣給天王星所有他需要的元素來發揮更大的作用。 2012年冥天會兩次導致社會緊張 短期快速的旅遊也會3宮代表,隨著天王星在3宮的常駐(直到2019年早期),你的生活將呈現出更多的自然光輝。你不需要計劃太多,天王3宮會讓你享受自由。如果你住在城市,並且從未有輛車,你可以長期租車,以便在旺季隨時去你想去的地方。 儘管你今年能旅行一點地方,但在6月和9月底不要出去旅遊,因為這個時候的人們將緊張和不耐煩,路上會有點小麻煩。6月24號和9月18號,你秘密宮的冥王星會對你的守護星天王星施加緊張的壓力。如果你必須自駕游(不建議),不能乘坐軌道交通,確保你的車性能正常。 在6月24號,12年到15年之間的幾個刑克之中的第一個就將到來。(12年2次,14年2次,15年1次)。如果你正在旅行,你可能會遇到機械故障,因為冥王星將對你的天王星製造故障,而天王星那時正好在你的短途旅行宮。注意,如果你和親戚一塊旅行的話,對你的影響會更大。6月24號左右也不適合簽訂合約,因為某人想強迫你同意某些你有點不喜歡的條款。你可能會投降,但我會說,請稍等,直到我把他們的所有條款和後果都看仔細再說。土星和太陽越來越近,你的健康狀況會越來越糟。避免過度工作,盡量保持在健康狀態。 9月下旬會發生這樣的事情,9月18號,一個特別緊張的時候,冥王星再次刑克天王星,而且,其他行星也卷了進來。在9月20號,水星衝天王刑冥王;9月29號白羊座的滿月將點燃你的激情感受到頂峰。這就是為什麼我所說的,不要旅行!如果我是你,我會保持冷靜,遠離怒火。除此之外,這是很糟糕的時間來簽協議。你可能也會經歷一次短暫的經濟問題,因為這時處女座的太陽也捲入了本次戰爭! 本年度比較好的日子: 1:7月21號:最有創造力的一天,偉大的,有創造性的想法隨之而來。我在之前就提到過這個日子,木星6合天王星。天王星將在溝通,思考和新發明上發光,而在第5宮,木星將帶給你創造力。因為木星從12年6月11號到13年6月25號都在雙子座,你將有一年的時間感受想法,特別是在說,寫,想方面。然後木星不是一直能和天王星產生相位,7月21號的這次6合,可能會影響你很長時間,給你所需要的幸運來開始一個項目。隨著這些相位的老去,也會從你思維里褪去。我們享受這段快樂幸運的時光會有很長時間。 2:9月29號,滿月日,我前面說了不適合旅行,但卻是個獨立寫計劃的完美時間。天王星在小的度數,滿月使天王星不穩定,但會激發天王星的創造性。畢竟,創造性的作用方向比較混亂。行星之間的刑克相位不一定會體現在你的工作上,也有可能是興趣愛好上。我覺得這些硬相位會使你的思想變得尖銳,就像刀磨一磨能變得鋒利一樣。 3:2013年4月10號在白羊座的新月。那時候,你將有5顆行星在白羊座,充滿了你的溝通宮。所以,那時候對你發生了什麼會很有趣。在接下去的一周,你的頭腦會以光速運轉。每個新月帶來14天的能量,但是前7天將是最好最有趣的。這次新月你可能會被叫去旅行。 之後有一段看不清,但從下文看,應該是著重開始寫日食了。 如果你想戀愛,你將閃戀,從最初的見面到確定關係會很快。雙子座的木星同樣對你太陽有3合的相位,在木星和太陽3合期間,會增加你國際旅行的可能性。木星的職能是在各種可能性方面開放你的思想。木星代表機會,也是和金錢有關的行星,木星可能會給你創造財富來好好把握這些機會。如果你想去國外,你應當在下半年開始制定旅行計劃。(順帶說下,就美國而言,加拿大和墨西哥也算國外了) 木星來的正是時候,你已經12年沒見過,現在木星又回來了。12年前,土星也在雙子,破壞了木星的幸運。土星的壓力負擔打敗了木星的輕鬆歡樂,你想知道是否愛情永遠無法無憂無慮。近來,在2010年底,雙子射手的日食開始浮現,6個月一次的使你重新評估你的感情生活。儘管不是所有雙子射手的日食都能影響你,只有1到2次的雙射日食對你有顯著的影響,給你帶來啟發和新的動機來換一個戀人或重新找一個。日食讓你前進和發現真理,掃清殘渣,改變錯誤的想法。它們最大的作用就是使你前進。你可能會回想過去幾次的雙射日食給你帶來了什麼,因為你將有4次的雙射日食,3次在2012,1次在2013年。所有日食將被定向到你的感情關係和社會生活。之前的幾次雙射日食分別是 1:2010年12月21號:雙子座的滿月,大多數人覺得這次日食和伴侶關係是緊張的; 2:2011年6月1號,雙子座的新月,大多數人尋到了親密的愛情; 3:2011年6月15號,射手座的滿月,把友情照亮,也有可能是愛情。事情發展來到了高潮; 4:2011年12月25號,射手座友好的新月,把大家注意力放到更多的社交關係和友情; 5:2011年12月10號,雙子座緊張的滿月(意思就是指有緊張相位,90或180°相位),著重體現愛情。大多數人發現了這是緊張的日食。 一些星座的日食觸發事件只要1,2周時間,有些要1個月以後的前後五天。我在本書的559頁起寫了關於日食的完整的章節。如果你曾經在我網站上讀過,你可能會為我重寫重編的這個章節感興趣。你將得到許多的工具來理解日食。當你讀過你的章節(你的章節取決於你的上升星座),你可能會很想看它,我加了很多新的信息在裡面。 2012年的雙射日食要比以前的都友好得多,將有3次機會需要你注意,落在你的社會家庭,包括代表真愛的太陽第5宮(雙子座)和代表希望和願望的真愛第11宮(射手座)。6月份木星進入雙子座,點亮你的真愛宮,會使本來有差異的人之間達成充滿承諾和歡樂的共識。去年,當雙射日食開始的時候,關於你的愛情生活,你有過一些艱難的想法,你不得不考慮終止一些不太滿意的戀愛關係,包含暗戀。日食的作用就是呈現出虛弱的戀愛關係,促進你要麼修復關係,要麼徹底拋棄關係。任何事情你感到「失去了」將很快被拋進歷史,更好的關係將替代原先的。老天希望你在人世上好好使用你的時間。 在另一方面,如果在日食期間什麼也沒有發生,那說明你的戀愛關係已經很穩定了。我需要解釋清楚的是即使這樣你仍然能看見雙射日食的效果,仍然會給你許多的戀愛機會,只是你不去選擇而已。木星在這些日食中相當活躍,尤其是5月20號和11月28號。如果你的戀愛關係已經很穩定,你將擁有很多的機會來使關係更進一步,因為木星的緣故。如果你想要個小孩,因為被祝福的真愛宮不僅代表愛情,還代表懷孕。如果你在難孕,趕緊去找醫生,因為2012年6月開始就是你治療的絕佳機會!現在開始,我們討論每個雙射日食,你將會知道為什麼你有這麼多的理由可以興奮和樂觀。 現在你可以更好地了解你自己,在木星的幫助你,你會有富裕的愛情生活,比你之前曾經擁有和失去過的都要好。2012年5月20號,在雙子座的日食,這次日食是愛情運最好的日食之一。他保護你,幫你開始新的生活,因為所有的日食都是像這樣幫你開一扇廣闊的門來開始新的篇章。金星今年將有很長一段時間在雙子座,也就是在你的真愛宮。在這次日食期間,金星將在5月15號到6月27號逆行,所以如果你想和誰進一步發展關係,放緩一些。 金逆期間,如果某個意中人旅行了或是暫時失去聯繫,這其實是在幫你穩定這段關係,建議等到金星順行了再開始約會。關於這次的日食,還有很多好處。5月20號的日食,把水星帶了進來,並且水星就在木星旁邊!Well,Well,沒有比這更好的情況了! 水星不僅僅守護雙子座,還守護著你的真愛宮,所以你有可能獲得兩份愛情。水星和木星相會在你最隱私的宮位,12宮,這暗示著會有一個朋友為你安排的意外驚喜,會玩的很開心!雙子座是一個「兩個人的星座」,在古代有「雙」的含義,所以你可能遇到兩段新的戀情! 與此同時,你的創造能力將顯現出來,所以如果這消息對你很重要,你必須騰出時間來做你的項目。如果你已婚,木星5宮將給你很多的時間陪伴你的父母和孩子,這段時間會很甜蜜。你可能和你的家庭成員來個愉快的假期,完全的享受它,特別是在7月第3個禮拜。如果你想要個孩子,4月21號後的2星期,或5月20號之後的1個月都可以開始嘗試。這次新月期間,你可能會完成一個你之前開始實施的和家庭有關的項目。事物的自然發展先給你的鳥巢裝上羽毛,再帶給你愛情,今年你做任何事情都會很順利。 如果你出生在1月20號左右,5天以內的瓶子,你將最先感受到這次日食帶來的影響,並且從中獲益。 2:2012年6月4號在射手座的滿月。 這次滿月將帶來一段友誼或社交活動。如果你正在做一件關鍵的事情,在你的時間表裡,今天可能是你最重要的交易點,因為日食正試圖給這件大事情畫上句號。你可能去參加一個好朋友的婚禮,會和很多人友善的聚在一起,甚至是一起參加歡樂的聯誼會。這次日食期間,你的舉動會有長期的影響,因為水星,金星和太陽6合土星。你將意識到事情到了最後的階段,會使你有一點不滿足。雖然如此,關於未來的生活你仍然很淡定。這個時候,你很清楚自己想要的是什麼,你想要的對所有方面都是有積極影響的。這次日食會有一些混合的影響,你如何經歷事件主要還是取決於你的本命盤。這次日食是關於友誼的,但是隨著火星的來臨,你可能會和某位朋友爭吵。或者,你正開心的處在戀愛中,準備和朋友們參加社交活動,但是家庭成員(很有可能是父母中的一位)會持有反對意見,破壞掉這件事。所以這段時期你要做好萬全的準備來提高事情發生的可能性。我提前告訴你,是要你做好準備,一旦出現這種情況,不要手足無措。讓我們期待事情不要像這樣發展。 讓我們回過頭來看看這次日食積極地影響,會有很多。天王星,你的守護星(比其他不是水瓶座的要好很多),將和本次日食3合,會給你帶來幸運和金錢。但是天王刑冥王,火星也跑過來湊熱鬧,因此雖然你的個人生活是充滿活力的,但你可能擔心在工作上來自某位VIP客戶的壓力以及最近的開銷。7月3號火星就離開你的財務宮了,到時候你就能很輕鬆的把開銷降下來了。 如果你在2月2號前後4天出生,你會最明顯的感受到本次日食帶來的影響。 3:2012年11月28日在雙子座的滿月日食 這次日食將明確你對一段新關係或正在進行的關係的感受,因為它將點亮你的真愛宮。這又是一次非常好的日食,因為他再次靠近木星(就像5月20號那次日食)。某個關於愛情的狀況將明確的變好。你可能聽到愛人或父母懷孕的消息。天王星,你的守護星,在你星盤最有利的位置,給你的愛情帶來各種各樣的好處。同時,火星冥王合在摩羯將給土星發出很友好的信號。這意味著如果你在幕後寫一份手稿,一個研究計劃或一份任命,你的最高領導可能會留下很深刻的映像,有創造力的項目將進行的非常非常順利。 記下這些7月21號到8月1號之間關於愛情的大好日子: 1.7月21日:五星級的日子,幸運的木星和每分鐘都讓人驚奇的天王星將有個很友好的相位。這是個給自己放個假,到人多的地方happy一下的好時機,別離家太遠,開始這段命中注定的戀愛吧! 2.7月25號,水星3合天王星,非常適合短途旅行。如果你已婚,帶上你的配偶開始一段非常浪漫之旅吧。雖然水星逆行,但只要你小心點,就會萬事大吉。注意再次確認像是往返時刻表,票和行李之類的事情。我整個水逆期間都在外面旅行。 3.7月26號到31號,你的守護星天王星捲入了水星和木星,其他的好事將會發生,是旅行的極佳時機。除此之外,8月1號月亮在水瓶座滿月,把一段關係推向圓滿。隨著木星在你的真愛宮照耀太陽,很難想像你這段日子會不好過。 這告訴我們7月最後1周和8月早期是戀愛運勢非常好的,尤其是和你的另一半旅行(或者,單身的或缺少另一半的,可以去海濱或一些度假勝地,有可能使你遇到新的另一半)。我希望水星沒有逆行,我建議8月4號會是非常適合婚禮的日子(是的,非常適合結婚的日子)。雖然8月8號水星才順行,水逆期間不適合婚禮(水逆期間你不用簽婚禮有關的合同就行了,你可以提前到7月14號之前簽合同),你仍然可以使用這段甜蜜的時光。7月底8月初也是慢慢接近(tender closeness)的好時機,天王星6合太陽,木星在你旅遊宮問候火星。計劃一個旅行,並且花些時間夢想你的未來。如果你夢想的未來是比較現實的話,你將能實現。 4.10月6號到11月16號,當火星經過射手座的時候,你將有更多樂趣,因為朋友將在此階段給你很多樂趣。早些時候的8月23號到10月6號,工作佔據了你所有的時間和精力,你需要這段時間來放鬆你自己,護理一下頭髮。如果你關心過我的占星日曆,你會發現11月6號到26號水星逆行,正好在這段社交時期內。本次誰逆影響效果加強,你可能花時間去重新聯繫某位失去聯繫很久的朋友。不論你如何看待這個,10月和11月上半月應該有很多樂趣。 看一看火星,火星在任何特定的年份都是有啟示作用的。你的財務問題是時候畫上句號了。年底的12月25號火星進入水瓶座,給你最後的控制直到13年2月1號。你不會忘了木星有超過半年的時間都在豐富你的戀愛運勢,直到2013年6月25號。火星走到水瓶座會使你更有魅力,你很有可能引起妹紙們的騷動。做好歡慶2013的準備吧,因為你將有很多這樣的歡樂。你將遠離討厭的經濟問題,愛情在慢慢發芽,你的信心和樂觀將一點點的變遷。這是最好的方法來結束2012,迎接2013! ___________ Summary This coule be a tuning poing year,when things begin to improve on quite a grand scale for you .your greatest opportunity will come in regard to your love life,which will grow and provide happiness on a level you』ve simply not seen in recent years . That trend,coming to you as a gift from Jupiter,will start up in June and continue until June of 2013 . To get the most from Jupiter,you will have to do your part by showing the universe your willingness to want love and to receive love .If you are single and not dating, you must circulate . You may assume you know the profile of the person you would most like to meer,but may be surprised later to learn the love of your life is nothing like you expected . The more open and accepting you are of a variety of people, the more likely you will meet the person fate has singled out as 「」just right」 for you. your living situation seems poised for a wonderful revamp and upgrade, and if you are making changes, don"t settle for anything less than your dream situation. If you want to move, you are likely to find a large, airy space with plenty of sunlight, big closets, and even possibly a view, especially if you initiate your actions in late April or early May. Similarly, if you have had worries that revolve around real estate, you can get the support you need from banks and other influential people at that same time. The eclipses that are going to start up in 2013 will allow you to continue to improve your housing/home/family situation through early 2014, but some of your best options will come now, prior to the time Jupiter will leave Taurus in mid-June. This year and next will be notable too for the new ideas that Will well up in you, and that you will communicate exceptionally well. Uranus, your ruler, is now in a fire sign that only will make your air-sign element shine brighter. With Jupiter supporting Uranus on July 21, the only time these two will converse, you"ll feel confident about offering up leading edge ideas that are so strong they can get you the funding you need to make them a reality. There seems to be a real willingness to take risks, for you"re rightly feel-ing confident and strong. Money has been a pounding concern over the past several years,but conditions were not always working in your favor, keeping you in a position of continually putting out fires, rather than giving you the luxury of growing your money to where you feel it should be by now. That now changes, for you bid goodbye to Uranus inn Pisces last March, the main culprit that caused havoc in your finances since 2003. It is true that you may have to get used to Neptune in your financial sector, but that influence should be easier td controls, and if you remain present and alert in all dealings, you should fare well .Anything having to do with the arts could bring you quite a profit. Your health Will improve with Jupiter in such elegant angle to your sun from his perch in Gemini, from mid-June 2012 to mid-June 2013. gun Will also likely travel internationally at some poim in this coming year (during those same June to June dates) and enjoy your trip to the hilt. Until now, money management and career concerns have limited your movements, but by June, life will take on a more brilliant luster, and you will have much more fun in store. There Will be two points in 2012 when Pluto will put pressure on Uranus" the planet that is your ruler, and that would not be the time to plan your Journey. This will come on June 24 and September 18. Influences like these are mainly generational and diffused over all of society, rather than felt in a direct and personal manner, but You may notice pressure. These would not the best times to travel, negotiate, or sign contracts. In all, it will be a time to watch and wait, for if you are patient, you can initiate ventures when you"ll be able to corral more support. When it comes to career, the big news will begin in October , when saturn sets out in Scorpio to ready you for more responsibility, and power. Changes will begin so quietly and gradually, you may not notice much happening at first, as it will take time for Saturn to begin his program for you. Your first indication that career change is afoot will likely come in the form of a major career offer in late 2012 or early 2013. You"ll immediately know that this is the one offer you"ve long awaited and will be worth the hard work, concentration, and effort it will require you to put in to turn this opporttity to a success. Saturn, the great taskmaster-teacher planet, will tutm you for almost three years and bring an older person to guile you . This period will last until September 2015. By the end of that time ,you will establish yourself on a whole new level, garnering respect and admiration from peers and VIPs alike. Eclipses that are starting up at nearly the Same time, in November 2012 and due to fall in the same tenth house of career , will work with Saturn to accelerate your professional progress dramatically . Because the november 13 eclipse is so very friendly, you are likely to be in a whole new place by the time 2012 is over . You have s much to celebrate,dear Aquarius .The good old days were nor thar good when you reflect back,were they?In recenr years,you simply have not had your share of luck,but now you will .a new day is dawning,with fresh opportunities and a chance to show everything that you have to offer the world . You could not ask for anything more! ---------------- 詳細運勢開始: AQUARIUS You will be thrilled with the way 2012 works for you!This is no ordinary year!At long last,the planets are rotating into positions that will bring you real progress and much joy .Career and financial matters have consumed much of your time in recent years,which,chances are , made life seem all too serious and lacking in fun .You likely didn』t have much time or energy left to think about getting the spice back in your romantic life,but happily ,all that will change now . 你會很驚奇2012年給你帶來的不尋常!接下來,行星會位於帶給你進步和喜悅的位置上。過去幾年你的事業和資金問題花費了你很大精力,使你人生好像很乏味沒什麼樂趣。你可能沒有時間和精力去思考自己的浪漫。但幸運的是,這些不愉快將會統統改變。 Thanks to a rare and beneficial orbit of Jupiter ,the coming year will give you a exceptional chance to develop a richly textured,satisfying private life .First,you will have an oursranding opportunity to create a living arrangemenr that matches all thar you』ve long hoped it to be .There must have been reasons you did not do this previouslu,possibly because you did not have the time or money to divert to domestic matters . 感謝木星在難得的有益的位置上。接下來的一年會給你一個特殊的機會去發展有質感的滿意的生活。第一,你將有一個傑出的機會創造一種你一直嚮往著的生活。你以前沒有這樣做一定有你的原因,可能因為你沒有時間和金錢來改變你的家庭事務。 Now,all conditions will be right and come togerher in one beautiful package to give you a lucky break .Jupiter is making this an excellent time to buy,sell,renovate,update,repair,or change your space in any way . The face that this generous planet is in Taurus,ruling flowers and greenery,makes this an ideal time to do extensive landscaping , thich,with Jupiter so near,means it would Turn out beautifully . Start looking at estimates now with the aim of launching your plan in late April, after Mars goes direct . 現在,成熟的條件將會很湊巧的在一個帶給你幸運的包裹中。木星帶來了一個很好的時間購買,出售,改造,更新,維修,或以任何方式改變你的空間。 You seem to have considerable family support now too, as your fourth house, so beautifully aspected, also rules help from parents . If you need help with your rent or part of a down payment on a house, it looks as though your parents may want to help you . Some Aquarians are living at home in this difficult global economy, and it looks as though you have a very loving and understanding family who welcomes your arrival . You may move, renovate, or simply do repairs, clear out clutter, paint, or buy some beautiful new pieces of furniture to make your space look so inviting you won』t want to leave! Home will be the serene place you need it to be, and you』ll be ready to breathe again . Hurry, for this trend will glow brightest in late April and early May . After you』ve feathered your nest, in mid-June you will enter into one of the most romantic periods in recent memory . Your outstanding period for love will last a staggering twelve months, until June 2013 . You』ve not seen anything as enchanting in years! Just in case you are assuming that when this phase comes to an end your relationship will end as well, no, dear Aquarius, that is not how the universe works! Cycles like these are ignition points that can lead to a much bigger role in the years to come . Last year, new eclipses in the Gemini-Sagittarius family of signs helped you to reappraise your romantic situation . Three more eclipses in this these signs are due this year (along with one more in May 2013), and together they will advance the thoughts and discussions you have been having . If you are single and not dating, but wish you were, you will be ready to find the time to socialize . You seem to have real motivation to find balance in your life . If you ever wondered if were invisible, you won』t wonder anymore-you will be in demand, getting lots of attention and enjoying the fuss . If you suspect you are currently with the wrong partner, the eclipses will do for you all that you could not do for yourself, namely, by making it crystal clear that it will soon be time to fix things or leave . For some, the weaknesses in a relationship can be strengthened, and in those cases couples therapy may be the answer . If you feel there is no hope, you will not be imprisoned in a relationship that is not progressing and only making you increasingly frustrated with your incompatibility . Eclipses bring realism and truth . You won』t have the eclipses as stand-alones, but you』ll have Jupiter, too . Jupiter in Gemini will be in your love sector and bring luck, happiness, and lots of options, so your situation may go from dark to light very quickly . Indeed, Jupiter has been linked to miracles, so never give up . Each eclipse in the series builds on the news that the eclipse before it presented to you . The first eclipse in this series appeared December 21, 2010, then came four in 2011 (June 1, June15, November 25, December 10), and three more are due in this year (May 20, June 4, and November 28), with the last one due May 25, 2013 . After that, you will be done with your transformation . Although last year』s eclipses were tough ones, the ones this year are mostly friendly, so you will find they will bring opportunity . I will discuss the eclipses in detail later in this chapter . Over the past several years, very few superb romantic aspects existed for Aquarius, so if you felt left out, trust that it was not your fault-the universe was asking you to focus on other things . Each month when I would write my monthly Astrology Zone forecast for you, I would have to search the heavens for any tiny romantic aspect I could find to report to you . The ones I would find, month after month, were small in comparison with those I could find for other signs . This always made me feel badly! Now, the universe will make a major correction for you- and you will love the change! If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who have found true love, the time is quickly approaching either to make a commitment or to find other ways to grow your relationship to an exciting more advanced stage . The universe does not like things to stagnate and will send a series of eclipses to get things moving . (Eclipses repeat in a family of signs every nine years, but are far more similar to the ones that came by 19 years earlier . The means the ones due in 2012 are closer in theme to the ones that appeared in 1993 .) During the second part of the year, you may announce your engagement or marriage . If you are already married, you may decide to have a baby, as pregnancy and birth are found in the same fifth house (the glows so brightly for you) that rules true love . A baby may be one of the gifts that the universe will make possible for you now . This will be an enormously happy period for you filled with joy and new, expansive, personal emotional experiences . You will be feeling optimistic and eager to explore new realms . Attached and happy couples may now decide to buy a house, take an important trip together, or collaborate on a business idea (in addition to or in lieu of having a baby) . Eclipses demand progress by asking us to show a clear sign of intent . Things will move alone quite rapidly in the second half . You may also see an exciting development at the very friendly new moon solar eclipse May 20 . That eclipse will act as an advance publicist to the approaching visiting dignitary, Jupiter, due to arrive in your love sector on June 11 this year . Things will just be starting up in May, and by the full moon lunar eclipse (both in your house of true love) on November 28, you may be in a whole new place of the mind and heart, possible in time to make celebratory announcements at holiday time . If you have children, as a married or single parent, at least one (or all) of your children will make you proud and happy in this banner year for emotional closeness with the ones you love . All during Jupiter』s visit, your children will be protected . If you are going through a hard time (say, you have to move to a new city, or you』re in the process of a divorce), it seems you will do all the right things to ascertain your children』s well being, for you outlook is good for a fine outcome . Their fine schoolwork will reflect a fairly easy adjustment . If, under other circumstances, one of your children needs special help or lessons, you will find the right teacher/tutor for that child . The three new eclipses in the Gemini-Sagittarius series of 2012 will hasten your personal development . Aquarians of every marital status will benefit . The eclipse on June 4 will be more about friendship than love, but your romantic life might also feel the ping of energy that often spills over from one house to another, more specifically, the house standing exactly opposite on the horoscope wheel . Your most important eclipses will be the ones that occur May 20 and November 28, which may deliver news immediately or approximately a month to the day later . Some eclipses deliver news even a bit after that . You may want to read the whole chapter I have written in this book called 「How To Deal With Eclipses」, which begins on page 559 . In your career, you will have big, exciting news too, conveniently coming later, in the fourth quarter of the year . (This way you can focus on love and your housing /property/family situation first!) You biggest professional gains will come in October and beyond when Saturn crosses the very top of your horoscope in a monumental move that happens every 29 years . On October 5, 2012, Saturn will move into your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement, to stay for the better part of three years . Saturn will solidify your past career gains and ready you for a new top position, the likes of which you only used to dream about . Saturn』s appearance indicates you are ready for much more professional responsibility and respect in your field . You may be ready to step up to more of a leadership position or do something new, like write your first book . This all means that soon you will be offered a new position that will allow you to prove yourself in a new arena or in a new way . You can choose if you want to take up the challenge or decline it – the choice will be yours . If you choose to work in the new spot being offered , it will take you two to three years to master it fully,and it will require an all-or-nothing devotion .The backend rewards will be considerable and worth any sacrifice you』ll need to make . rewards will not be forthcomming during the learning period,bur rarher after Saturn leaves .That is,By Sepermber 2015 you will have become a force to be reckoned with in your field .You will have an older,more experienced person nearby to help you learn th ropes,so you will nor have to fo this alone ,although that mentor,supervisor,or thacher will set the bar high,if you srick to her program,you will nor have to do this alone .Although that mentor,supervisor,or thacher will ser the bar high,if you stick to the program ,you will exceed your own and other』s expectations . Your new career responsibilities may come up at the solar eclipse November 13 .If for any reason it does not,keep alert in six months,near May 2013 or possibly a full year later,November 2013 . Chances are,you will continue to take on more as you go along,too,and by the time Saturn Leaves Scorpio in 2015,you will have elevated your status in a way thar preciously would have been impossible for you to do . Over the tw past years,Saturn has been in your academic/publishing area(ninth house),so you may have been studying hard in college or graduate school (days or nights) for an advanced degree, or concentrating on finishing a manuscript,thesis,research studa,or other concept .If this describes you,you will soon see that all your hard work was worthwhile .Now you will find yourself standing at the head of the pack . During the first nine months of the year , Saturn will finish up his visit to your area of higher learning . if you were in college during the second half of 2009, or during 2010 r 2011, you likely found the professors to be tough,but you learned from them in ways you had never learned from other instructors.It』s possible you found some thing else about the experience to be difficult: You may have had to move away from a sweetheart or combine a day job with evening study at the university . all this hard work will pay off,and by the time Saturn leaves Libra in October 2012, you will see the rewards. Saturn teaches us that we prize the rewards that we worked hardest to receive. In this case, you were working toward increasing your mastery over your chosen specialty and understanding of the whole of life. Once Saturn leaves this sector, you will immediately feel the rewards . If you have been in college, you will move into a new realm , leaving the world of theory for the world of practice . This is all part of the cosmic plan, and while you will need to make an adjustment , you』ve prepared for it. If you work in a creative field , this year you will shine . Jupiter will sprinkle its amazing plant nutrients on your creative efforts, add the result will be a metaphorical profusion of bright and beautiful flowers of every variety and color, with their pretty 「faces」 as big as dinner Plates . Concentrate hard on your creative projects, for you will astound your colleagues with the sophisticated artistic work you turn out in 2012. Indeed, Jupiter in Gemini will not only bring you love, but also a way to express your abundant creativity , from mid-year onward into the first six months of 2013,whether you work in the creative arts or other fields. You may be a writer, a scientist or biologist, a software engineer,mathematician or a lawyer—anyone can engage in creative thinking . Your mind will be thinking in new ways that will make all sorts of disparate commetions and produce ideas that will bring wonder to clients, bosses, friends, and most of all,you . Jupiter usually brings profit to what it touches; so you can expect money to flow from the ideas you materialize this year,too. We are never bystanders to the gifts the universe provides,but rather, we must show our intent by mastering and ditecting the energy we are given. Harness this year』s energy in away that seems especially right for you. Just as it is unlikely you will ever meet anyone new if you stay locked inside your home , it is also unlikely you』ll create anything special if you don"t try. People who are neither smarter nor more talented than you created the world in whice you grew up. With effort, you can change the world by thinking differently from everyone else. In your career, you will come to the attention of many who matter, and in love, you will have thebest chance you"ve ver had to meet the right one for you . Have faith, dear Aquarius eGive your dreams a big boost . This year is a standout year, where anything is possible. Real Estate is Golden for You until June 11,2012,Thanks to Rare Visit of Good Fortune Jupiter As the year begins, Jupiter, the planet that loves to spoil you with good fortune, will move at top speed in your fourth house of home and fanuly and will make you lucky as a Leprechaun in matters related to housing, home/property, and family-related matters. Jupiter first entered this sector of your chart in June 2011 and was just unpacking his bags when almost immediately (at the end of August last your) he went retrograde. If you were trying to move or buy or sell property, Jupiter"s turn to weak and ineffectual, a condition that went on for months, had to have been frustrating. Happily, Jupiter normalized his orbit on December 25, just prior to the start of 2012. If you felt you couldn"t get your home related matters settled in the way you wanted them to be last year, you will be quite heartened by the lucky breaks you"ll get the first half of 2012. As you begin this year, Jupiter will be ready, willing, and able to help you make your home your favorite haven to tetum to each night . Jupiter needed time to work his way back up to top speed in the first quartet of 2012. Like a little groggy 171- he needed lots of coffee to get up to where he had been before he started hibernating in retrograde . By the new moon April 21 , plus two weeks, you should be ready to make a big decision about a major home-related action. All the pieces of your home-related plan should fall into place At and the new moon, April 21, and in the weeks that follow all the way to May 13 . You may have been thinking of making major changes last year but it looks as though other priorities took center stage , and you may have had to sideline home and real estate plans. Now you find you are in the best period of the decade to act. There will be no reason to put things off any longer. you need not have large plans such as to move, buy, sell, or renovate, to take advantage of Jupiter"s golden vibratons this year . If you always wanted a beautiful new desk or couch, you may find one in a listing of someone who has to move across the country and will saxrifice a beautiful, almost-new piece of furniture for a song You can get very lucky when Jupiter comes calling. Jupiter will be helpful during the whole first part of the year, from January 1 to June 11, but after that, these golden vibrations will fade. The right opportunity will emerge, as this is an exceedingly rare trend, and will not repeat until May 2023 to April 2024.. Family support of your ideas will be very strong for you in the first half of the year. If you need a loan for a down payment on a house, you might want to ask your parents for help. If the economy has made paying your rent difficult, you might want to move back home for a few months until you get on your feet . IN this case , with Jupiter in such a wonderful place in your chart, your parent would likely welcome you back, especially if you ask duripg the first half of the year! In a year like this, you will need to keep a sharp eye on what I call "trap door" dates that will exist very close to the best ones . have a look at the next section for your best ,and worst, dates to acr.Remrmber, too, that you must read your rising sign forecast as well . If you have Pisces rising, your opportunities in real estate will quadruple. Ideal Dates for Nome-Oriented Actions Will Be in Late April/Early May When Venus, Mars, and Mercury are Retrograde This is a great year for moving , renovating, or desingning your home. But you will have to avoid certain periods. 1. Avoid Mercury retrograde from March 12 to April 4, July 14 to August 8 ,and November 6 to 26.lt is unlikely you will be buying anything during the July or November will perids , as there is little emphasis on home and family in your chart, but 1 added these dates in cases you have other things going on in your chart that I cannot see . It" s very important to keep an eye on Mercury retrograde for any kind of permanent or long-range purchases(a house,furniture,electronics). (Fur more information, you may want to see the entire chapter 1 wrote on Mercury retrograde in this book . You can find it beginning on page 543.) 2. Avoid Mars retrograde from January 23 to April 13,When Mars is retrograde, furniture can become damaged when in transit or moving. It is also not the time to begin endeavors that require strenuous physical labor, like renovations or moving . Mars provides the energy and motivation and, when retrograde,things seem a bit lackluster. 3. Avoid Venus retrograde from May 15 to June 27. Venus rules your solar 11"111 house of home, so choices made from a design standpoint may not please you later. We need beauty in our lives, and when the color of the bathroom tiles are wrong or when the color of the rug we chose for the living morn is not pleasing we feel unsettled. Your, best days for real estate decisions: 1. The new nation April 21 lus two weeks: This new moon is so special, it would be a shame not to use it! pluto will be very encouraging, so if you have to tear out or put up walls or completely redo the basement (areas Pluto rules ), you will have an open road. You can also get good financing at this time, for Mars working closely with Pluto, will be super-friendly, too. 2. Watch the Luckiest Days of Year May 12-13; Add May 10 and 11, too! On these days, the Sun and Jupiter will have their annual meeting, and this time they chose to meet in your fourth house of home and family. What a wonder-day! If you don"t want to buy, sell, or lease a house, this would also be an ideal weekend for a family reunion or celebration. Now, Venus is about to retrograde shortly thereafter this great day (May 15), so I would like to you to make your big decision about a purchase, sale, or addition of new furniture on May 10;11,12, or 13. The exact meeting of the Sun and Jupiter will take place on May 12 in the United States. I would like you to get all decisions done by May 13, a Sunday, no later. Days leading to a fantastic aspect are always stronger than those moving away from one. 3. The full moon, October 29, in your house of hon* and family: Saturn will oppose this full moon, however, adding heaviness to any real estate situation you will be thinking about doing at the time. Your career will bring added responsibility this month, so this many not be the best time to make a big decision about property , a renovation, or new furniture. I chose not to put this full moon in the "avoid" category , but I did consider doing so. I will leave things to you. still, I am voered. Venus rules Taurus, so we need to look at conversations Venus will have at the time. Venus will be directly opposed to Uranus, indicating things could go wrong at the last minute. As you see , you will do better earlier in the year . This is a heavy full moon. If you do move, you will stay in your new location a long time , whick might be good news. Neptune Leaves Aquarius, Marking the End of a Fourteen-Year Era, 1998 to 2012 Neptune is one of the heavy, major planets that move slowly along the outer rim of our solar system. Neptune remains in one sign a very long time, for it takes this important planet 168 years to circle the Sun. This year, Neptune exits Aquarius, enter Pisces on February 3, 2012, and will never return to your sign in your lifetime. Often, the departure of a planet from a certain sign can have as great an impact as its entry into a new place in your chart, and this is one of those times for you. Neptune first entered Aquarius in 1998 along with his buddy Uranus. Jupiter, also in Aquarius, had arrived a year earlier to set up the financing for all the new inventions bubbling up. The end of the 1990s was a memorable, exciting period to be alive, for the Internet was starting to become known among masses of people, and the way the entire world would start to communicate with one another would change forever in exciting ways. These are areas Aquarius rules, all things new and innovative that advance the knowledge of mankind forward in ways that fundamentally change society. In 1997 and 1998, the wagon wheels began rapidly rolling west to Silicon Valley, and electronic breakthroughs arrived nearly every day and pushed us forward at dizzying speeds toward a new digital future. Indeed, together Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter ushered in – and established – the digital age. At the same time, powerhouse Pluto, a planet that has financial connections and associations with governmental and multi- cultural corporations, was then in Sagittarius, a sign that blends beautifully with Aquarius, and had a part t play, too. Pluto took the Aquarian innovations in electronics to revolutionize publishing and broadcasting (areas Sagittarius rules in ways that back in the late 1990s the world still couldn』t imagine. If you work in a creative field, there was a magical feeling in the air when Neptune was in Aquarius. Neptune is the planet of creativity, so during the past 14 years, you may have discovered the rage and depth of your imagination and artistic style. At times, you may have felt that your ideas were so strong and workable that they were practically being channeled through you from a divine source. If you don』t work in software development, design electronic hardware, create art in new media, or work in communications, science, or a phase of medicine, then it is likely you simply enjoy all the new electronic gadgets that were quickly appearing on the market. Chances are , you are usually ahead of the curve when it comes to making quick use of the newest and latest devices. Social networking comes under Aquarius too, because Uranus, your ruler, rules friendship, communities, groups, and electronics- you may have been the first to try Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and now may have begun to investigate new social media from like Pintrest, Ping, or Polyvore. Again, it fell to Aquarius, the sign ruling friendship, to find ways for people of the world to connect and share information in new ways. Successful social networking as we know it sprang to life while Neptune was in Aquarius. Not all Aquarians have interest in the areas I have discussed, of course, but most do, because inside the heart of an Aquarian is the love of all that is new, original, and innovative. Aquarius is a curious and highly analytical, communicative air sign, and your razor sharp intelligence continually leads you to want to know what elseis possible. (Many readers mistakenly assume Aquarius is a water sign because of the jugs the water bearer carries in Aquarius』 motif, but inside those jugs is knowledge that the bearer, kneeling, pours into the ether surrounding the Earth). Many Aquarians use another side of Uranus – the side that is deeply moved in helping those in society that have been over looked, who suffer, or who have been disenfranchised. Those Aquarians – and that may be you – use their considerable managerial smarts and compassionate heart by working for not-for-profit organizations and charities, or by running for political office to see that these groups are cared for by society. In this case, sometime during the years 1998 to 2011, others likely came to you for direction, and you took on a leadership position in one of these areas. Whenever one of the big outer planets enters your Sun sign, as Neptune did from 1998 to 2012, it becomes a major point in your timeline, for your instincts, style, and way of interpreting the world around you sets the tenor of the times. Others come to you for your opinion and advice, and over the past years, you may have felt a little bewildered at how perfectly your views fit in with the progress and opinions. As and Aquarian, you are such an individualist that you really don』t care whether or not others agree with your attitudes, ideas, or options. If your ideas are not accepted, you just shrug your shoulders, put your hands in your pockets, and walk away-you will always march to a different drummer. Still, it had to be gratifying to get so much support over the past years. You emerge from this period much more confident in your own visions, and that』s valuable. This excitement won』t end-it will just be different because you are now about to see material gain from your efforts. As I mentioned, Neptune』s influence may have encouraged you to become more involved with charities or humanitarian efforts. You won』t stop your work, if this is how Neptune influenced you, but rather, doing this work has become part of you during that long period Neptune spent at your side. Some members of your sign may have noticed a downside to having this massive planet in your sign. For some Aquarians, the influence can sometimes be a little too soft and a little too dreamy. If you found it hard to get your motivation in gar and push hard toward goals, you may have been among the few who have super-sensitivity to this planet』s effects. Neptune also rules drugs and alcohol. These substances are assigned to Neptune because of this planet』s ability to alter one』s view of reality. If you had problems with any of these types of substances, or simply felt a distinct need to escape pressures by retreating into a world of your own (perhaps by hibernating), now you will be able to venture out, control your use of those substances (if that had been a problem), and move forward to a clear and stable future. You may now see a big difference, where you are able to settle a situation that has gone on for a very long time-most likely financial. (Neptune is the natural ruler of Pisces, your solar second house). Yet, while Neptune was in Aquarius, you were at the helm and defined a period of mankind. In history, first there was the Gutenberg Bible, and with the birth of publishing, we could read. Later, there was radio, and we could read and hear. After that there was television and we could read, hear, and see. Once the Internet was born, we could read, hear, see and most importantly, respond and connect, a huge step for civilization. Now the box was complete-response was possible. Now the crown is transferred to Pisces to innovate and design a future. The change may actually benefit you, for you will move into a more advanced phase, where you will profit from all that you learned. You emerge from this period much more confident in your own visions, and that』s valuable. This excitement won』t end-it will just be different, and best of all, you will be able to see material gain in coming years from your ideas and efforts. Neptune Moves to Artistic, Imaginative Pisces from February 3, 2012 to January 26, 2026 and into Your House of Personal Finances Now that Neptune has moved to the second phase of gestation, to Pisces, it will show you how to spin your artistic creations,experiences, and accomplishments into gold.You won』t lose the encoutagement Neptune gave you during the pass 14 years, for those exist . within yom. Rather, you will build your business savvy that will help you market your ideas. Aquarians often non-materialistic; Rarely will You all.. money to become your main motivator , but now , with the smallest effort , a parade of supporters may come to your door and allow you to .cull your ideas In others profitably. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will be positioned in the most creative house of your char from June 11, 2012 to June 25 , 2013, and will continue to grew your c eulivity. Every Aquarian will benefit. First to feel this vibration will he those Aquarians with birthdays that fall from January 20 to February 6. If your birthday is not named. your time will come from January to June 2013. No one will be left out . Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, taking the beauty of Venus to a whole new realm. There is always a bit of willing sacrifice in Neptune. done joyously and generously. Whereas Venus might say, "Let"s go shopping," Neptune says, "Let"s go back to the shops to return a few things so we can take money to provide extra meals to the poor.」 You may now very gradually devdlop a Whole new relationship to money in the future, as you decide what is important and what is not.. You"ve never experienced Neptune in this house in your lifetime, as the last time Neptune visited Places it was 1847 to 1862 . This is a new influence for everyone of every sign, so we all will be finding ways to take advantage of il. Neptune likes to be in Pisces, far it is the sign it rules, so in that sense. Neptune will be coming home. This nations Neptune will exert its finest influence in this sign , for Neptune is strong in Pisces and will communicate clearly and easily. There are two possible,very positive manifestations of Neptune is pisces. As an Aquarius. you are always interested in finding ways to help humustunity. Now you will have not only an opportunity to do so,on any level you choose, but you may feel a driving need to do so .You may write the check and volunteer to help raise the money needed, and perhaps do so by taking on a leadership position in the charity . No matter how the money arrices , the charity or the froup you care about will benefit in great part because of you . I say this because Neptune asks us to be empathetic and to give freely of our time or money to help those who suffer . Within many freely of our time or money to help those who suffer. Within many Aquarian is the willingness to sacrifice so that someone else (a family member, friend, or even a complete stranger) can benefit , simply because their need is great. You may also Stan to make good money from an artistic venture that you created—that is not only possible, box also likely, for Neptmc also pules all of the arts. Neptune does have a downside in that he can bring cmdusion wherever he goes and would have the power to obfuscate facts or mke paperwork simply disappear. When dealing with financials matters in the future, the veil that Neptune can put over financials can become very problematic. You must, from now on, work with a lawyaon all your future contractual arrangements.Don』t even think about signing anything without one-that small contract that you think is 「just routine」 probably has a clause ,lust could cause a financial catastrophe . You don"t want to invite Neptune"s flood! (Actually, think about this you may want to get homeowner"s or renter』s flood insurance too, with Neptune influencing your second house of income and possessions for the next 14 years.) You need to read financial statements and ger better at financial manegement, even fi you think you』re a whiz now! With NeptnneinPlaces as of February 3:You will move into the second stage of gestation of the seeds you planted between 1998 and 2011. Those seeds will start to sprout and bring you profits and scientist . If you are a scientist and you have worked on a new frug to cure a certain disease, the move of Neptune into Pisces may now mean your drug will soon be given gnvemmam aproval and the green light m move to market. Or, if you are an engineer,new software that you created will now come ready to launch . If you have paintnl a hotly of new work, soon you may have a gallery opening and see a bonanza of sales. Nepwne -,"lowly. u, it may take a lung time for you to see the apbcat dnuncial affects of this plane, in your second house –or it could happen instantly.Either way, keep working! Success is not only very possible but likely , something you may see as soon as the third or fourth quarter of 2012. Uranus (Finally) Has Left the Building By July 3,2012, Mars Will Too, Making Financial, Easier to Control in the Future For seven years, from 2003 to 2011, you hosted the plants of volatility and change-Uranus (your rating planet)-in your second house of earned income, possessions, and spending. Uranus rules sudden change, as this planet is known to be wildly erratic.Just when you felt your finances were under control, something would happen that would give you another setback, and you did not have much time to work out the sudden financial jam in which you found yourself. While at times you likely found ways to make a large sum, those periods may have been offset by losses: Uranus is the planet of surprise. but whenever Uranus ran up against an angry planet, the surprise to your bottom line was not welcome Uranus left Pisces on March 11, 2011. and will not be back to this section in your lifetime. Just when you were getting things sealed Mars moved into your eighth house of credit and loans only a few months later ,on November 10. 2011. and set up shop to stay for a staggering eight months. The usual period for Mars to remain in any one house is seven weeks. not eight months. Mars is usually welcome in any house he visit, But in the e eighth or second houses-both financial—Mars』 focus on spending usually forces up balances rather quickly . Mars has been retrograde, and once he gose direct on April 13 ,. He wii be stronger ,so watch spending from then uutil July 3 After that , you are done. It is true that you will still have to protect yourself from the veil of Neptune in Pisces in your second house of income for some time (extending 14 years). Even so, if you stay alert in all financial dealings,you can keepYour income and assers secure , Life is a learning experience, and while we car" t imagine all the pitfalls we will encounter, if we stay present in all dealings end tie eager to learn ,our wisdom grown and we become stronger as a result, yon have gained so much from the years that Uranus spent in Pisees-the practical sense you gained during those years are part of now , and , I feel will help you when dealing with Neptune in this house. Saturn to Remain in Libra until"October, Highlighting Your Education and Work/Study/Travel Abroad " Teacher-planet Saturn has been moving through the upper echelons of your chart since October 2009 ( with a small break when this planet moved retrograde out of Libra from April 7 to July 21 , 2010). By now you are an expert at hosting Saturn in This part of your chart ,so the coming months should not bring many surprises. If You arenow in college or graduate xschool,Satrn gave you very tough professors, but you will retain what you learned and find practical ways to use the information you were taught.It appears what is to come in your career is very exciting,for you are apparently preparing your self well for an impressive position in 待續………… ------------------- 關於職業的開始: 來自親愛的(日瓶月羊升金牛 童鞋) A serious career offer may arrive late 2012 into 2013--if accepted you will work hard but become an industry Force by 2015 一個重要的職位將會在2012年底到2013年到來, 如果接受,你需要努力工作,但到2015年成為產業領軍 If you hope for ? career growth,you will have it——starting from 2012年10月,當土星穿過你的天頂,進入你的第十宮:名氣和榮譽之宮,29年一次。This is what I call a "big gulp moment"---when the offer of a lifetime arrives,and all you have ever done since you were little comes together in one big,beautiful box tied with a bow .Make no mistake---this will be an important offer .It will come with the requirement that you be open to working extremely hard and learning to reach new and very different standards than you have in the past . 如果你希望職業發展?你將擁有它-從2012年10月,當土星穿過你的天頂,進入你的第十宮:名氣和榮譽之宮,29年一次。就是我所說的「咽口水時刻」---當一生的重要職位到達,你從來未遇到過的,像盒子上漂亮的一個蝴蝶結。沒有錯---這將是要求你是非常努力工作和學習達到新的和非常不同的標準。 The realm you are about to enter will be new,so in some ways you may feel as though you are starting at the bottom .You aren"t,of course,so think of yourself as being on a high peak on a very tall mountain range,and from that perch you will begin your ascent to an even higher peak .At first,you may even wonder if you are up to the task,but you are capable of mastering this new career challenge .Think of the coming period not as a test but as a reward beacuse very few are invited on this adventure . 你將會進入新的領域,所以可能會覺得你處在底層。但並不是那樣,當然,想想你自己處在頂端的感覺, Part of the reason you will be attracted to this offer is that you will get experince in a new realm .As an Aquarius,you are continually curious about the world around you,and you like a lot of intellectual stimulation .Now you will have that and move .The other reason you will be attracted to this new position is that despite the sacrifices you will have to make in terms of more time spent at the office,once you master this job,you will establish yourself as a major force in your industry .This sounds too good to pass up, and it is, and with it will come the money and power that is part of it . All this will be brought to you by 土星進入天蠍座,to begin on 2012,10,5,and will continue having you focus on your career for the better part of three years until 2015,9,17 .The appearance of 土星 in any house of the horoscope is a monumental occasion because in our lifetime, we only get two to three visits of this planet to each part of the horoscope .This is true because it takes Saturn 29 years to circle the Sun,travleing through all 12 houses of the horoscope .The last time Saturn was in Scorpio was from 1982 .11 to 1985 .11,so you may not recall that phase too clearly,or you may not been born yet! The fact that Saturn is entering your professional house suggests your past experience has brought you as far as you can go and it"s time for you to aim toward something new .Saturn"s rare appearance also suggests your career will shift significantly now in a new direaction but will do so gradually,not suddenly . Indeed,your old life is now starting to fade from view as you ready yourself to accept this new career post .It"s possible,too,that conditions in your industry will have changed so dramatically over the past few years that you don"t have much of a choice but to do things differently .No matter the reason---it is time to move into new realms . Regardless of when your Aquarius birthday falls,in January or February,you may not be offered the post this year,as Saturn will only enter Scorpio rather late in the year,in the last quarter of 2012 .Things may come up instead in 2012,so you will have to see . Don"t become overly distracted by other life events---when Saturn comes calling,he wants you to concentrate .Jupiter will be in your true love sector from June 2012 until June of 2012,so you will likely have a loving person in your life to provide a lovely counter-balance to what is going on at work .Keeping a nice blend to your life will be the key .Thankfully,you are not given to flights of daydreaming and getting lost in love,so as long as you stay present with all your facilities at work,you will do fine .Remember this trend won"t start until October . If you are self-employed,you may encounter a reversal that shows you that you had not been paying attention to changes in your industry .That will be a wakeup call,but don"t stress about that---you can catch up .If you were paying attention to shifts taking place,you may not have thought that anything you read applied to you .This happens to everybody,so don"t feel badly if this should occur .You can find some solutions .Competitors can try to take a piece of your pie,but you won"t find one who can match your wits .To protect against being broadsided by events,your best protection is to read and watch broadcasts contunually about the industry and go to trade shows and seminars .Keep up your membership in professional groups,and keep listening to casual street talk . As odd as it sounds,street information may turn out to be the most reliable to you this year,for it will be very up-to-date,and in its own way will be honest,straightforward,and practical .When changes start to occur in an industry,the press will sense it and begin doing research,and you should be doing the same thing .While competitors are momentarily frozen and unsure which way to go,you can gain the lead .By talking with smart competitors and allies,you can get a feel for the direction some brave souls are taking,and you can see if a similar solution would apply to you .Saturn"s appearance in your tenth house might(and I underscore might) indicate a challenge is coming up,but it is not more than you can handle . Saturn,as one of the most industrious planets in the solar systme,demands that you see progress and show an experimental approach .When faced with changing conditions,you may at first neach into your old bag of tricks to find a formula that once worked under similar conditions in the past .They won"t now,however,because Saturn"s very appearance in your tenth house in and of itself indicates conditions are dynamically changing and only a new approach will work .Taskmaster Saturn will keep twisting your arm until you cry "uncle"---and become experimental,for that is how he works .The old solutions won"t work anymore . You may be sitting there saying,"Well,this sounds terrible!" .Not so .Saturn will be your friend by coaxing you to march to a new beat .In the end,if you work with Saturn,he will give you a competitive edge .When I had your very same aspect,Saturn in the tenth house,it was even more severe,as Saturn was conjunct with my Sun in that housem and that is when I started Astrology Zone .(This is not the case for you,but rather you have Saturn square your Sun,which is difficult,but not quite as hard as a conjunct Sun) .Very simply,you are starting off on a whole new path now,one that will take you far .Like the first steos of any journey,you don"t know precisely how far you will go,but only will you know by looking back in hindsight .Anytime Saturn touches an important point in your chare,it means that your actions have weight and long-range potential . If your birthday falls in January(20-31),you will feel this trend first beacuse Saturn will be making a square to your Sun .Keep your health strong,as there will be many demands on your time and you will be busy,so in your spare time you won"t want to be nursing a cold or flu .If possible,keep ip your exercise routine beacuse it will keep you limber and released In the next section,I will discuss the coming family of eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus,Which absolutely wull have an effect on your career and possibly your living situation . Career-related Eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio to Span Eighteen Months 2012 .11 to 2014 .5 Eclipses are the most powerful and dramatic events that will come up in the course of a year,so that"s why we nned to watch them carefully .You will see only one eclipse in this series this year,and it will be a friendly solar eclipse,due 2012,11-13 .There will be more to come,arrving every six months . With Saturn moving into this new area of your chart,it shows that you will have a chance not only to find a new position,but also to settle on a true vocation if you feel you have not found yours yet .Once you find what you were born to do,work will not seem like work,but play .You will be able to give your heart and sould to your career in the future years,although not to the complete exclusion of a personal life---you will have time for that too,thanks to Jupiter in Gemini working on your love life(more on that later) . All eclipses fall on either a new moon or a full moon,two weeks apart .I have a whole chapter in this book called "How to deal with Eclipses" that you may want to check out .It begins on page 559 . You only have one eclopse this year and two(of five)next year that will affect your career .With all this activity in your house of fame,it appears you will see important shifts in your career,and you can take advantage of them . You may be offered a new business idea near March 12,2012 when Pluto and Jupiter are in a sensationally strong angle,but have to hold things up due to Mercury in retrograde . Here are your most important dates for your career in 2012: 1 .2012 .5 .12的滿月,in your tenth house of career success,with an area of influence of plus or minus five days .It"s beautifully aspected,so if you"ve awaited an answer to a question,you may hear the result at this time . 2 .注意 8 .23到10 .6,when Mars in Scorpio will tour your house of professional fame and honor .You"ll easily get the eye of influential people .Mars will lay the groundwork for what"s to come in terms of the solar eclipse in November .Start having interviews,meetings,and presentations .Send proposals . 3 .11 .13,天蠍座的日食(新月),filling your tenth house of fame .Your ability to get an offer will be very strong within the week it appears,but also very strong one month to the day later,plus or minus five days .Eclipses have a very different timetable than other new moons(which usually delivers news instantly),and they are also different in that they are three times as powerful .They can affecy you near the time they appear,weeks later,or even several months later .Most---about 80%--- deliver news within two weeks of the day they appear,or one month to the day later .This will be the first eclipse in Taurus-Scorpio family of eclipses and it will arrive all by itself,like a little black sheep,this year on November 13,but there will be more next year . Specifically,you will have three more eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio in 2013 and one in May 2014 .These eclipses will work to evolve you into a new and better situation in your career,and also will help you solve home and other domestic/family questions . With Jupiter shining in your home sector this year prior to June 11,2012,you might be wise to make any reak estate decisions(to buy,sell or rent)in the first half of this year while this benefic planet can help you .You will find your very best living options in April or May,but keep in mind that you will see more activity in your home sector in 2013 and 2014 .(See my section on real estate,home and family elsewhere in this chapter .) Often career opportunities and a residential move are linked,but other times a better job leads to an upgrade in standard of living,triggering the changes at home .(Taurus also rules your family and people with whom you share your space,so next year it may be that your physical home and other property stay stable,but there is news concerning your living situations .) Later I will speak about the other eclipses that will occur this year in Gemini-Sagittarius,due May 20,June4,and November 18,2012 .After this,there will be only one more in this particular series:May 25 2013 .These eclipses are mainly friendly to your Aquarius Sun,and you will find my discussion about them in my section on romance,fun,and friendships . Next year,the eclipses in Taurus-Scorpio will arrive on April 25(to highlight your career),May 10(your home)and November 3,2013(your career),and the following year,on April 29,2014(your home,for the last time) . Your Ruler , Uranus,settled in to your communications house in March 2011,to stay to March 2019,and will help you trigger brilliant ideas Uranus recently moved into the part of your chart ruling your mind, and this could set in motion some wonderful developments in your creativity in the way you think, perceive, create, and make logical sense of the world and you. Mercury is called the planet of thinking, and reasoning ,and Uranus, the "higher octave」 of Mercury,is capable of bringing these qualities into a new and more sophisticated realm, that of original discovery and even possibly genius. Until now, for years, as I wrote earlier, Uranus has been in Pisces, creating havoc in your financial affairs. During those years, money may have become a main concern for all you wanted to do, (Because Uranus is your ruler, it can easily become a centeerpiece or engine that often runs much of your chart.) Diffculties with managing an erratic money flow lasted so long, you may have wondered if your financial challenges would ever end. It was made even harder to endure because many of the problems you faced were not of your own making, but were forces operating on you. Conditions began to change for the better the instant Uranus left Pisces on March 11, 2011, never to be back to this financial part of your chart again. If you didn"t feel financial relief, it was because Mars-temporarily in another financial part of your chart-has been stirring the pot since November 2011 (1 will discuss bad-boy Mars later), but will soon normalize by the time you make it to July 2012.Things are looking up for you in a big way, and you can bank on that. With the planet of brilliance-Uranus-now setting up residence in the area of your chart ruling communication, not finances,you are about to enter into a very exciting period, to last until 2019. If your birthday falls from January 19 to 23, Uranus will beam a very friendly, strong, electrical current directly to you this year.Every Aquarius will get a turn at this energy from now until 2019 as Uranus orbits deeper into the degrees of Aries. The whole journey of this planet will take seven years, tact other planets in your chart may benefit,too. Uranus retrogrades once each year for five months, therefore this yeas Uranus will move from 1 to 8 degrees, and in 2013 it will move from 3 to 13 degrees, highlighting birthdays that fall from January 25 to February 2. No matter when your birthday falls, you will feel the electric sparks that will be in the air now, and your mind will be lit with 100000 watts of light. All Aquarius will get the special attention of Vranus that the early-born Aquarians are getting now, so be patient. If you work in the sciences, you may make an important discovery . if you write for a living, you may wonder where you are finding the superb words that are coming to you and that you are putting down on paper (or onto your screen). Flashes of insight will be so powerful that you may want to carry a small notebook to keep track of your ideas, for you may feel some are quite special and wormy of development. The fact that Jupiter will move into Gemini this year in June, and signal Uranus in Aries on July 21 is remarkable. You may want to put a big circle around July 21. These two planets will create an aspect of 60 degrees, called a "sextile," indicating "opportunity." This is the kind of aspect that sparks a lot of excitement, a flurry of new ideas, and reason for optimism. I consider this particular day one of the brightest features of the year. Jupiter and Uranus will only meat once, so this is a standalone day in 2012. It will take two years for these same planets to set up another heavenly aspect on September 25, 2014. As you see, these days are more rare than diamonds. The third house, the place Uranus will be far you, is associated with writing and speaking, but also includes other facets of communication, including sales, marketing, publicity, advertising,lecturing, teaching, translation, and part of the digital world,including code writing and digital design. It"s also the.place in the chart Where the written word resides that we use in new media,social networking ,digital code writing, websites; and blogs,any one of which may attract your attention now. you certainly will be blazing new trails in a complerely new area with this genius planet at your side coaxing you forward. Go With this- learn about new tecchnology, and drink it in ecthusiastically. The "new " will be new to you, but also new to the world. If you write for a living, in the coming years you will Capable Of writing a novel or screenplay of enormous Popularity.Uranus rules intuition. so in coming months and Years, you find it to be an unwaveringly correct guide for you. Uranus rules all that is unknown, not yet discovered, or not yet fully understood so although you may have no factual reasons to trust Your intuition, in time you will see it yields the best results. During this transit, if you write for your work you may delve into a new realm and develop a new style, vehicle, or media to transmit your stories. Uranus is essentially a rebellious energy,one that is erratic and alternating, like alternating current in electricity You may find writing has to take place at all hours, and YOU will want to be ready when you are hit with an idea. Working 9 to 5 likely won"t fit in with this trend, so you may need a home office to accommodate your writing needs. With Uranus in the third house,the mind wants no limitations, no barriers, and cannot be bound by tradition or cultural attitudes. You will think for yourself and express yourself in your own way, and through your increasing need for independence and autonomy, you will come into your own and be celebrated for all that is uniquely you. Not surprisingly, the third house also encompasses the area of opinion and attitude. If you had unconsciously adapted the opinions of your parents as you grew up, or of your friends who are important to you, you may start to take a second look at your stance to find the root of your beliefs. You"ll be reading More and discussing more, and you will enjoy all this conversation and deep thinking. And all this will spark insights that will further fuel your curiosity to find out more. The fact that Uranus is in fire-sign Aries, a sign that blends so well with your air-sign Aquarian element, is a blessing. Aries is enterprising, entrepreneurial, courageous, experimental, and pioneering. As said before, Jupiter; the great benefic,will also be in air-singsip Gemini, in your creative house. Air makes fire burn more brightly,so your sun and Jupiter will be giving Uranus all it needs to grow into a bonfire. Pluto Uranus Cause Societal Tensions Twice in 2012 Short ,quick travel comes under the same house as communication,and with Uranus lighting this house for several more years (until early 2019), your life will take on a more spontaneous luster. You won"t have to plan so much, and you will enjoy the freedom this new placement of Uranus will give you. If you live in the city and have never had a car ("too impractical"), you may do a longterm lease in warm seasons to allow you to pack and go as the spirit moves you. Although you may travel quite a bit this year, a time to avoid is the end of both June and September when people will be on edge and road rage could be a problem. Pluto will be putting intense pressure on your ruler, Uranus, from a hidden part of your chart on June 24 and September 18. If you absolutely have to drive (not recommended) and cannot take to the rails, be sure your car is in top working coed On June 24, the first square of several will appear between now and March 2015. (There will be two in 2012, two in 2014, and one in 2015.) If you travel now, you may have mechanical Problems, as Pluto will be setting up obstacles to Uranus , and Uranus will, at the time, be based in you shortdistance travel sector. Keep in mind that when your ralef is involved, it affects you more than most. The, time near June 24 would not be a time to sign contracts either, as someone will be applying undue force on you to agree to terms that you not like one bit. You may simply cave in but I Would um r oend that, not" unless you』ve carefully looked at all clauses and their ramifications. Saturn and the Sun will not be getting along either. so your health may suffer. Avoid overwork, and do all you can to stay strong. Here is what I see at the end of Septemtcr, an especially tense time . On September 18, Pluto will again square Uranus, bud by then ,there will be other angry planets to join in the melee with Pluto and Uranus. On September :20, Mercury will oppose Uranus and square Pluto. The following week on September 29. The full moon in Aries on September 29 will ignite passions and feelings to way over the top. You see why I Say. don"t travel! If I were you. I"d keep my head down and out of the line of fire! Additionally, this would be a terrible time to sign an agreement. You may also experience a temporary financial problem because of the Sun in Virgo. also being drawn into the fray at this time. You Nave Some Wonderful Days ahead as well 1. July 21: Best day to be inspired and to cone up With great , creative ideas. I mentioned this date earlier, when Jupiter will signal Uranus. Uranus will spark communication, thinking, and innovation, and in the fifth house, Jupiter will spark your creativity. Because Jupiter will remain in Gemini from June 11,2012 to June 25, 2013, you will have a year of sensation ideas,particularity in the areas of writing, speaking, and thinging. While Jupiter won"t be in conversation all that time with Uranus, the memory of thus meting, July 21, may stay with YOU a very long time and give you the lucky break you may need to begin a project . These aspects have Mmling -they are to made to be experienced and then fade from your thoughts. We carry those memories of happy,lucky days for a very long time. 2. September 29, 2012 :This full moon is the day I wrote that is too unpredictable for travel, butt it might be a perfect time to be working alone on a writing project. Uranus will be within tiny degrees of this, full moon. making it volatile,but this would foster creativity. After all, creativity feeds on chaos . The hard square (90-degree) angles some planets will have to other planets may work in your favor . I feel those tough aspects might just sharpen you mind in the same way a whetstne sharpens a blade 3.April 10 , 2013: Keep your eye on this new moon next year, At that time, you will have five planers in Aries ,all filling your house of communication. so it will be interesring what happens to you then! Your mind will be moving at the speed of light in the week that follows. All new moons bring 14 days of energy.bur the first seven days wilt be your best and most interesting. You may be called on to travel on this new moom. 455頁 下版面看不清 energy, so if you want love, you may experience all the phases of love quite quickly, from the very first meeting to the "let』s be exclusive」 stage. Jupiter in Gemini will also be in perfect angle to your Sun,boosting the probability that you will travel internationally during the phase Jupiter is with you. His job is to open your mind to all sorts of possibilities, and when he presents opportunity, being the planet associated with money, he will likely create the means to take advantage of those options, too. If you"ve been thinking of going to a foreign country, you should look into travel packages in the second half of 2012. (By the way, a nearby friendly foreign country, such as our bordering countries that we have in the US, Canada or Mexico, would count as foreign, too.) Jupiter is coming at the right time, too. You"ve not seen Jupiter in this area of your chart since 2000-2001, an interval of 12 years, and back then, Jupiter"s visit was marred by a suffocating closeness to duty and work-oriented Saturn, also in Gemini for part of that time. Saturn"s weighty presence flattened Jupiter"s buoyant lightness and left you to wonder if love would ever feel carefree for you. Recently, in late 2010, the eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius started to emerge and came by every six months to coax you to reappraise your emotional life. While not every eclipse in a series is directed toward you, it was likely one or two in the series had a noticeable effect, bringing enlightenment and a new motivation for you to change either your present relationship or find a new one. Eclipses do whatever they need to do-bring forth information and truth , clear out debris, or change misconceptions. Their most important job is to get you moving forward. You may want to think back to the eclipses you』ve had so far in this series because you have four more to go (three in. 2012 and one in 2013). All will be directed toward your romantic relationships and social life. The previous eclipses in Gemini-Sagittarius were: 1. December 21,2010:a full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini , accenting love . Generally , most people found this eclipse tense. 2. June 1, 2011: a new moon solar eclipse in Gemini that most people found friendly, accenting love. 3. June 15,2011: a tense, full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius highlight a friendship, but also love. Things were coming to culmination. 4. November 25,2011: a friendly new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius,which put the spotlight on more socializing and friendship. 5. December 10, 2011: a tense, full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini accented love and romance. Most people found this a tense, eclipse. Some eclipses deliver their news within the week or ,two that they arrive; others do so one month to the day later, plus as minus five days. I have written an entire chapter on eclipsesn which you can find elsewhere in this book beginning on page 559. If you"ve ever read this material on my website, you may be interestd to know I completely rewrote and revamped it for this book. You will get lots of tools to understand eclipses. After you read your chapter (and your chapter pertaining to your rising sign), you may want to look at it. I added a lot more information. The eclipses of 2012 will be far friendlier than the ones that came by last year. There will be three for you to watch that will fall in Your social houses, including your solar fifth how of true love (Gemini) and your solar eleventh house of hopes and wishes (Sagittarius) . (An additional eclipse in Scorpio, arriving as a solar new moon eclipse, will announce a new series of signs, Taurus-Scorpio, that are rolling in , to be seen in more force next year. This eclipse will affect Your career, and I discuss that friendly November 13 eclipse in the action on career, along with my discussion of Saturn in Scorpio.) The fact that Jupiter is also moving into Gemini this year, in June, to light your house of true love , will make all the difference between a life that seems "just okay" to one that is filled with promise and happenss You"ve done some hard thinking about your romantic life last year, when the 2011 eclipses started up, and you had to think about ending unsatisfying relationships, both platonic and romantic. The job of an eclipse is to show up weak links and to Motivate you either to fix things or abandon the relationship complete .Anything you feel you "lost" will soon recede into history and will be replaced with a better alliance. The universe wants you to use your time well on earth. On the other hand, if the eclipses had little or nothing to change,you can safely feel your relationship is stable. I should qualify that statement by saying that you will still have to see what these new eclipses in this series will bring this year, but chances are, you will like them, for Jupiter will be very pronunent in these eclipses, especially on May 20 and November 28. If your relationship is strong, you will find ways to make more of that re-lationship, for Jupiter will see to that! If you hope to have a baby,the part of the chart that is being showered with blessings rules not only love, but also conception and pregnancy. If you have had problems with conception, be sure to see a doctor soon, for your chances are soon to improve, beginning in June 2012! Now, let"s discuss each eclipse and you will see why you have such reason to be excited and optimistic. You know yourself better now, and with Jupiter helping you,you have a richer romantic life due, far better than what you had , and possibly lost. May 20, 2012, a new moon solar eclipse in Gemini: This eclipse is one of the loveliest eclipses of the year. It win work to protect you and help you start a new life, for all solar eclipses begun new chapters by opening a door wide. Venus will spend a very 1ong time in Gemini this year, and that means spending much time in your fifth house of true love. At the time of this eclipse, Venus will be retrograde (May 15 to June 27), so if you find someone whom you』d like to know better (and in the weeks to follow ), take things slowly. With Venus retrograde from May 15 to June 27, if the person you like is traveling or temporarily not available, that"s actually going to help the relationship-I like starting to date seriously after Venus goes direct. There are some big advantages associated with this eclipse, too . This Nlay 20 eclipse is in Gemini, bringing Mercury into the conversation ,and when we look at Mercury"s orbit, it is found orbiting next to Jupiter. Well, well, it doesn"t get much better than that! Not only does Mercury rule Gemini, but this planet also rules yourho house of true love, so you are getting a double-header here! Mercury ad Jupiter will meet in your most private, hidden part of your chart, the twelfth house, so this suggests you may have a blind date that a friend sets up for you at this time that works out very well ! Gemini is a "double-bodied sign" as the ancients used to say—the sign of twins-so you may meet two new romantic partners, not one! At the same time, your creativity will bloom, so if that"s important news to you, you must absolutely set aside time to work on your project. If you are attached, Jupiter in your fifth house will give you more time to spend with your partner and children, and that time will be very sweet indeed. You may decide to take a vacation with your sweetheart/spouse/family and enjoy it to the fullest, especially in the third week of July . If you hope for a baby , start to try at the fertile new moon, April 21 plus two weep, or at this eclipse May 20 plus one month. At the time of this eclipse, you may be finishing up a homerelated project that you started earlier. Good! The natural progression of things is to feather your nest first, and then invite love in . this yeat you seem to be doing everything reght. If your birthday falls on January 20; plus five days ,you will feel the effects of the eclipse the most; and benefit the most from it ,too. 2. June 4,2012, a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.This full moon will bring a friendship or social event toculmination. If you are going to a key event, it seems to be an important market point in your timeline, as eclipses tend to bring important events to fruition. You may go to a dear friend"s wedding or other event that brings many friendly people together in a happy, event that brings many friendly people together in a happy , celebratory, and social way. Your actions will have long-range effects at this eclipse, as Saturn is in solid angle to Mercury, Venus, and the sun.You will seem to be aware this is the last chapter of a phase, and that may make you a bit wistful or sad. Even so , you will also be philosophical about what comes up-life is marching ou, You seem to be very sure about your own mind at this tune, which is a very positive side to all of this. This eclipse has a somewhat mixed outlook, and how you Will experience events will depend in large part on your personal blend of natal planets in your birth chart. The eclipse is about friendship, but with Mars about to act up, it is just as possible that you might have a falling out with one friend. Or, you may be happy and in love, ready to socialize with friends, but family obligations or opposing opinions of a family member (most likely a parent) may mar events.I am so sorry even to have to raise the possibility that you would have any considerations like this at this time, June 4. I feel I need totell you in case this happens to you, so that you don"t feel broadsided by events. Let"s hope this is not how things play out. Let"s go back to the positive side of this eclipse, which are many. Uranus, your ruler (worth more here than for others who are not a member of your sign), will be in perfect angle to this eclipse bringing money and luck. Uranus will, however, be at a difficult angle to Pluto, and Mars will be cranky; and taken together, it seems that although your personal life will be lively; You may worry about pressure from a VIP in your career and about recent spending. Mars won"t be in your financial house much longer-he leaves July 3, so after that you should find it much easier to keep spending down. If your birthday falls on February 2, plus or minus four days, you will feel the effects of this eclipse the most. 3.November 28, 2012, a full moon lunar eclipse in Gemini. This eclipse will crystallize feelings that pertain to a new or ongoing relationship, for it will light your fifth house of true love. This is a far better eclipse-it comes very close to Jupiter again (like what happened May 20). It seems a love situation is about to crystallize beautifully .You may hear about a pregnancy at this eclipse (Yours, or your partner』s ). Uranus, your ruler, will be in the ideal place in your chart to bring all sorts of benefits to the moon and Jupiter-lovely! Meanwhile, Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn will signal Saturn in a very friendly way. This suggests that if you have been Working behind the scenes on a manuscript, a research project, or assignment, an older person at the top is likely to be impressed Creative projects will go very, very well. Puta Big Gold Star on These Dates for Romarfte AND Travel from July 21 to August l, 2012 1. July 21: A five-star day, when a lovely aspect will occur between good fortune Jupiter and surprise-a-minute Uranus. It would be a superb time to take a spontaneous vacation to a luxury resort, not too far from home, and have that fateful meeting 2. July 25: Mercury will trine Uranus (in Leo-Aries}. Travel will be divine! If you are attached, bring your partner for a very romantic getaway. Even though Mercury will be retrograde, if you"re careful when planning, you"ll be fine. Be sure to doublecheck things like arrival and departmen departure times, your tickets, and what you pack.I travel all the time with Mercury retrograde. 3. July 26 to 31: Many other good things will be happening involving Uranus, your ruler, along with Mercury and Jupiter , and they all point to a wonderful time to travel. On top of this , a full moon is due in Aquarius on August 1, bringing a relationship to fullness. With Jupiter in your house of love speaking to the sun, it would be hard to imagine a more heavenly period. This tells me that the last week of July and early August could be a romantic time for you, especially if you travel with your partner (or, lacking a partner, going to a seashore or Other resort might cause a meeting with a new partner.) I wish Mercury were not retrograde, or I would recommend the weekend o f August 4 as a perfect date to wed. (Yes, it will be that special!) Mercury will go direct on August 8, so although this period will not be ideal for a wedding (not unless you can sign the wedding contract much earlier, prior to June 14), you can still use this sweet period. The last week of July and early August will still be a time of tender closeness. Uranus will be beautifully oriented toward the Sun, and Jupiter will send greetings to Mars in your travel sector. Plan a trip and together spend some fun time dreaming about your future. If you can both see the future in your minds, eye, you will be able to make it a reality. 4. October 6 to November 16: You"ll have more fun when Mars tours Sagittarius, for friends will have a much larger pressence in your life during this phase. Earlier, from August 23 to Qctcber 6, you"ll find that career takes all your time and concentration, so you will need this time to relax and let your hair down. If you have been making notes on my Year Ahead 2012 Astrological Wall Calendar, you may see that November brings Mercury retrograde from November 6 to 26,:overlapping part of this most social period. This time Mercury retorgrade will be a plus, for you "11 have time to reconnect with friends that you』ve not seen in a long time.No matter how you look at this, October and the first half of November should be fun! Look to Mars Will End the Year ith a Flourish Perfect! A look at Mars, path is always revealing in any given year. You begin the year dealing-or possibly wrangling-with financial matters that may at times feel endless. Mars ends the year moving into Aquarius on December 25, giving you ultimate control until February 1, 2013. Iet"s not forget that you get an entire six months more of Jupiter in Gemini to enrich your romantic and emotional life until June 25, 2013. Having Mars in your sign will make you more attractive and more likely to cause a stir. Get ready to celebrate the arrival of 2013,, because you will have so much to rejoice. you will get to leave those financial issues behind, love will be breezing in your window, and little by little, your confidence and optinlism will grow stronger. That"s a great way to end 2012 and welcome 2013 in anyone"s book!


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