
15 Google Interview Questions That Made Geniuses Feel Dumb谷歌面試:讓天才們無語15個問題


  Google used to have really embarrassing hiring practices.


  It would hardly look at applicants who hadn"t gone to an Ivy League school, MIT, Cal Tech, or Stanford.


  It also actually used to ask executives and engineers in their mid-30s about their college GPAs.


  The worst thing Google HR would do was ask applicants insanely difficult "brain teaser" interview questions.


  Gayle Laakmann McDowell, a former Google software engineer and author of The Google Resume, says the company has finally "banned" most of these awful hiring practices.

  前谷歌軟體工程師Gayle Laakmann McDowell,也是《谷歌簡歷》的作者,稱谷歌現在已經禁止了類似荒誕的面試了。

  Of the brain teasers, she says: "If an interviewer were to ask a candidate a brain teaser, despite the policy, the hiring committee would likely disregard this interviewer』s feedback and send a note back telling the interviewer not to ask such silly questions."


  How bad were these "silly questions" that Google had to outright ban them?

  Pretty bad.

  Seattle job coach Lewis Lin put together a list of 140 questions his clients were asked by Google. Here are 15 BANNED Google Interview Questions That Will Make You Feel Stupid

  那麼,這些問題到底有多荒謬呢?真的夠糟糕的!西雅圖的職業導師Lewis Lin通過調查搜集了140個類似的問題,下面是最為荒謬的15個:

  1、How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?


  2、How much should you charge to wash all the windows in Seattle?


  3、In a country in which people only want boys every family continues to have children until they have a boy. If they have a girl, they have another child. If they have a boy, they stop. What is the proportion of boys to girls in the country?


  4、Design an evacuation plan for San Francisco


  5、Why are manhole covers round?


  6、How many piano tuners are there in the entire world?


  7、How many times a day does a clock』s hands overlap?


  8、Explain the significance of "dead beef"


  9、A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?


  10、You need to check that your friend, Bob, has your correct phone number,but you cannot ask him directly. You must write the question on a card which and give it to Eve who will take the card to Bob and return the answer to you. What must you write on the card, besides the question, to ensure Bob can encode the message so that Eve cannot read your phone number?

  你需要核實你的朋友Bob是否有你的電話號碼,但是你不能直接問他。你必須寫一張紙條交給Eve,讓Eve把紙條交給Bob,然後Eve把答案拿回來告訴你。那麼,你要在 紙上寫什麼才能保證Bob讀懂你的意思,但是又不能讓Eve看到你的電話號碼?

  11、You"re the captain of a pirate ship and your crew gets to vote on how the gold is divided up. If fewer than half of the pirates agree with you, you die. How do you recommend apportioning the gold in such a way that you get a good share of the booty, but still survive?

  你是一艘海盜船的船長,由你來分配贓物,底下的船員進行投票。如果分贓的方法不能得到一半以上的人的認同,你就會死掉。那麼, 你怎麼分配這些贓物既可以讓你 分到大蛋糕又可以活命?

  12、You have eight balls all of the same size 7 of them weigh the same, and one of them weighs slightly more. How can you find the ball that is heavier by using a balance and only two weighings?


  13、You are given 2 eggs。You have access to a 100-story building. Eggs can be very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may not even break if dropped from 100th floor. Both eggs are identical. You need to figure out the highest floor of a 100-story building an egg can be dropped without breaking. The question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to break 2 eggs in the process.

  你有兩個外表一模一樣的雞蛋,一個普通雞蛋很容易碎,另一個則很硬,可能從100層的高樓墜下也不會碎。那麼,你怎麼測試出硬雞蛋最高可以承受多少層樓的高度? 測試的時候只允許打碎兩個雞蛋。

  14、Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew.


  15、You are shrunk to the height of a nickel and your mass is proportionally reduced so as to maintain your original density. You are then thrown into an empty glass blender. The blades will start moving in 60 seconds. What do you do?


  作者:Nicholas Carlson




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