



In the following pages I have given some valuable hints to those who are able to invest their money and take their dividends. They will be able, with the assistance of my book, to buy cheaply and to clear out before prices recede from the highest. It is not to be supposed that I give away any of my keys which constitute the "Arcana," and which can only be had under agreement of a binding nature, but the reader will be able to take advantage of genuine information contained in the pages of "The Law of Values," at whatsoever time he is in a position to put money in a lock-up investment. Of the actual working value of this system there can be no doubt whatsoever, for illustrations are given showing the application of the principles involved to the actual state of the markets according to official returns. With these figures there can be no cavilling, and when it is further shown that the samefactors are repeatedly followed by the same effects, not in one part of the world only, but in every part whose financial interests are represented on the Stock Exchange, there can be only one conclusion, and that undoubtedly will be in favour of Astrology as the master-key to safe and profitable investment.

This is my second contribution to Astrology as a financial science, and I have been induced to write the book in the belief that the sooner we bring the science down from the clouds, where would-be Esotericists have incontinently hurried it, the sooner it will be gain a proper recognition in a practical world. Later, when it is found by the man in the street to have a body and consistency, and that it can talk his own language, doubtless he will be the readier to admit that it has also a soul and can be studied from an entirely different point of view with equal benefit to the intellectual and spiritual man as it has proved useful to the material and physical man. Thepoint need not be laboured. To those who profess Astrology I would say, feed those who are in the nursery, give them a material grip on the practical side of things, and keep your academics for the forum. What is the binomial theorem to children who can only appreciate what they can see and handle? There is an orderly process of development in thought which should be followed in all our schools, and which passes from science to philosophy, and from philosophy to ethics.

Science is what we know about a thing, philosophy is what we think about that which is known, and ethic is the effect of that thought upon our conduct. Before we can profitably make an Esotericism of Astrology, we have to prove that it is a science. It is claimed for Astrology that it is the science of foreknowledge, and the man who cannot turn it to account when he has proved its scientific integrity is not worth troubling about.

I have written this book for intelligent and practical men of the world, who are, or will some day be, in a position to employ money, and I have given rules and proofs such as will enable anybody to employ their means to the best advantage. These preliminary notes will prepare the reader for the study of the book itself.







The apparent cause of all fluctuations in the value of any security or commodity whatsoever, is the balance of supply and demand. The non-apparent and primary cause is the response of terrestrial nature to planetary influence. In this statement I am suggesting the operation of a cosmical law of planetary interaction, a concept that is entirely agreeable to the doctrine of the solidarity of the universe. If crops fail, whether they be wheat, cotton, coffee, or tea crops, the values of such supplies as are in sight are naturally increased, and similarly a depreciation occurs when crops are abundant.


But when we come to enquire as to the failure of crops or their plenitude, we have to look further than the earth in which they were sown or the air by which they were blighted or vitalized, as the case may be. We have, in fact, to refer to planetary interaction and those cosmical laws by which the integrity of the system is maintained.


The obvious law of action and reaction, which is referred to as responsible for the stability of the universe, but which in fact has been latterly referred to as the unstable equilibrium – a paradoxical phrase – is to be seen at work in the Stock andShare Market as surely as it is in the universe at large.


Let us take it as a working hypothesis that the planets act and react upon one another, producing a variety of perturbations and reactions, not only in the bodies themselves, but in the atmospheres surrounding them, and in that more tenuous and subtle medium which is called spatial ether, which is continuous of the intermolecular ether permeating the earth and all planetary bodies from centre to periphery. Then it will follow that even the brain and nervous system of man are subject to the stimulus of etheric vibration, and thus to planetary action. With this working hypothesis it will be possible to show reason for man』s invariable response to the immediate action of the planets in their various geocentric relations, their conjunctions and oppositions, and their occursions to the various signs of the zodiac.


Before we can rightly estimate the effects of these interplanetary relations, however, it will be necessary to make some research, first of all to determine what countries or interests are related to the several signs of thezodiac, and next to ascertain the influence of the various planets in these signs.We are fortunately in possession of a fair amount of traditional knowledge on both these points, sufficient to enable us to bring the matter to an empirical test.


Proceeding along these lines, we find that the twelve signs of the zodiac are related to various territories already defined and well-known to the ancients. Claudius Ptolemy, who was one of the earliest, if not, indeed, the first of geographers in Europe, delivered certain descriptive charts delineating the countries known to him and indicating the zodiacal sign to which each territory responded. The sign-rulership of various old countries has been traditionally handed down to us, and other parts of more recent development have been empirically referred to their respective signs. Thus we know that the following countries are ruled by the signsagainst which they are set: --


Aries:England, Denmark, Judea, Peru, Germany.


Taurus:Ireland, Persia, Italy, Chili.


Gemini:Wales, United States of America, Egypt.


Cancer:China, Holland, Africa.


Leo:France, Australia.


Virgo:Turkey, Uruguay.


Libra:Argentine Republic, Japan, Austria.


Scorpio:Morocco, Brazil.




Capricorn:India, New Zealand, Mexico.






There are, of course, many other countries under each of these signs, some of which are under scrutiny and test, others of no great political or commercial importance being omitted. The above will, however, serve for the purpose of the present exposition of the Law of Values.


When, therefore, certain planets transit these signs, or form important configurations therein, or when the eclipses fall in them, the countries related to those signs undergo political changes which affect the stability of the markets they control. In a subsequent chapter this will be fully explained and dealt with in a practical manner.




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