看電影學英語 Benjamin Button 《返老還童》-Daisy: What are you looking at, Caroline?look at: 注視Caroline你在看什麼?-Caroline:The wind, mom. They say a hurricane is coming.Wind: 風 mom: 母親,媽媽 hurricane: 颶風 is coming: 將要來臨看風,媽媽。他們說要來颶風了。-Daisy:I feel like I"m on a boat...drifting.feel: 感覺 like: 和…一樣 boat: 船 drift: 漂流我覺得自己像在船上...漂著。-Caroline: Can I do anything for you, mom? Make anything easier?anything: 無論何事 make: 做,使得 easier: 更舒服我能幫你做什麼嗎 媽媽? 讓你舒服一些?-Daisy: Oh, sugar. There is nothing left to do.sugar: 親愛的 nothing: 沒有什麼事情 leave to do: 留下做某事好孩子,已經沒什麼可做的了。It is what it is. I"m finding it harder to keep my eyes open.it is what it is: 事實就是如此,【該來的終究要來】[it will be what it is.-from UrbanDictionary] find: 發現,發覺 harder: 越來越困難 keep: 保持 open: 睜開該來的終究要來,我越來越睜不開眼了。 My mouth"s full of... cotton.mouth: 嘴巴 full of: 充滿了,全都是 cotton: 棉花我嘴巴里都是…棉花的味道。- Dorothy: There, there, miss Daisy. You will scratch yourself to ribbons.miss:小姐 will: 將要 scratch: 抓,抓痕 yourself: 你自己 ribbon: 撕碎好了,好了,Daisy小姐。你要把自己抓成碎條了。-Caroline: Do you want any more medication, mother? Doctor said you can have as much as you want.want: 要 more: 更多的 medication: 藥物治療 doctor: 醫生 as much as: 盡…那樣多媽媽,你要不要在用點葯?醫生說你想用多少都可以。- Dorothy: No need for anybody to suffer.need for: 需要 anybody: 任何人 suffer: 遭受,忍受這樣就不用在受罪了。-Caroline: A...friend told me that... she never had a chance to say goodbye to her mother. I wanted to...friend: 朋友 never: 從不 chance: 機會有個…朋友和我說…她不曾有和母親說再見的機會。我想說…-Daisy: It"s OK.沒關係。-Caroline: I wanted to tell you... how much I"m gonna miss you. Mom.how much: 多少,多麼(愛你) gonna=have got to: 必須 miss: 想念我想和你說…我會非常想念你的,媽媽。-Daisy: Oh, Caroline.噢,Caroline。-Caroline: Are you afraid?afraid: 害怕你害怕嗎?-Daisy: I"m curious. What comes next. They built that train station in 1918.curious: 好奇的 built: 建造 train station: 火車站 train: 火車 station: 站,車站我很好奇,接下來會怎樣。那座火車站是1918年建造的。Our father was there the day it opened.the day: 那一天,發生重大事件的那一天開張的那天爸爸也去了。He said that... a tuba band was playing. tuba: 銅製管樂器 band: 樂隊 play: 表演他還說..有銅管樂隊的表演。They had the finest clockmaker in all of the South to build that glorious clock.finest: 好的,出色的 clockmaker: 鐘錶匠 all of the: 所有的,在…地區所有的 glorious: 雄偉的 clock: 鐘錶他們請了南方最好的鐘錶匠來建造這座雄偉的大鐘。His name was Mr Gateau. Mr Cake.那人名叫Gateau先生。蛋糕先生(法語里"加托"為蛋糕之意)。He was married to a Creole of Evangeline Parish and they had a son.Marry: 娶了 Creole: 克利奧爾人的, 克利奧爾語的Evangeline Parish: 伊文捷琳縣(位於美國路易斯安那州中西部的一個縣)。son: 兒子他娶了伊文捷琳教區的一個克里奧耳(法國後裔)人。他們有一個兒子。Mr Gateau was from birth absolutely blind.birth: 出生 absolutely: 絕對的,完全的 blind: 瞎,失明的Gateau先生天生是個瞎子。When their son was old enough, he joined the army.when: 當…時候 their: 他們的 old enough: 足夠大 enough: 足夠 join: 參加,加入 army: 軍隊他們孩子長大後參了軍。They prayed God would keep him out of harm"s way.pray: 祈禱,禱告 God: 上帝 keep sb out of: 遠離 harm: 傷害 way: 方法他們祈禱上帝保佑他遠離傷害。For months, he did nothing but work on that clock.month: 月 did nothing but: 只,僅僅 work on: 從事…幾個月來 他一心做那座大鐘 其餘什麼也不管。One day a letter came.letter: 信有一天,來了一封信。Mr Gateau, done for the night, went up alone to bed.done: 完成了,做好了 went up: 去做 alone: 獨自Gateau先生做完當天的工作一個人去睡了。And their son came home.然後他們的兒子回來了。They burried him in a family plot.buried: 埋葬 family: 家族 plot: 墓地他們把他埋葬在家族的墓地里。where he would be with them when their time came.would be: 將要成為…的 time: 時間,影片指他們百年歸西的時間在那裡,等他們百年後可以一家團聚。Mr Cake worked on his clock, laboring to finish.labor: 工作,勞動 finish: 完成,完工蛋糕先生繼續做那座鐘,辛苦工作,直至完成。It was a morning to remember. to remember: 紀念那是一個值得紀念的清晨。Papa said there were people everywhere.Papa: (兒語)爸爸 everywhere: 到處,無論何處爸爸說到處都是人。Even Teddy Roosevelt came. even: 甚至 Teddy Roosevelt:泰迪.羅斯福(美國第26任總統)甚至連(總統) Teddy Roosevelt都來了。-Man: It"s running backwards!running backwards: 倒著走鍾是倒著走的。-Gateau: I made it that way. So that perhaps the boys that we lost in a war.made: 使 that way: 以那種方式 so that: 以便,這樣 perhaps: 也許 lost:失去的,遺失的 in the war: 在戰爭中 war: 戰爭是我讓他倒著走的,這樣也許我們在戰爭中失去的孩子們might stand and come home again.might: 也許 stand: 站立 come home: 回到家裡 again: 再次就能死而復生回家來。Home to farm, work, have children, to live long, full lives.farm: 墾種 have children: 生兒育女 live long: 長久活下去 full lives: 充實的回來種地工作,生兒育女,長久充實的活下去。Perhaps my own son might come home again.own: 我自己的也許我自己的孩子也會再次回家來。I"m sorry if I offended anybody.if: 如果 offend: 冒犯 anybody: 重要人物,任何人假如有什麼冒犯,抱歉。I hope you enjoy my clock.hope: 希望 enjoy: 享受,喜歡我希望你們喜歡我的鐘。-Daisy: Mr Cake was never seen again.never: 從不 seen: 看到蛋糕先生從此就消失了。Some say he died of a broken heart.died of: 死於 broken heart: 傷心 heart: 心有人說他傷心而逝。Some say he went to sea...went to sea: 出海 went to: 去有人說他出海了...- Dorothy: Excuse me, do you mind if I make a call?mind: 介意 make a call: 打個電話抱歉 我能不能去打個電話?Somebody"s watching my little boy.somebody: 某人,有人 watch: 看 little boy: 小男孩,口語中常指自己的兒子我兒子請人照看著呢。-Caroline: Sure當然。I hope I haven"t disappointed you.disappointed: 失望希望我沒有讓你失望。-Daisy: You couldn"t disappoint me.could: 可能,可以你怎麼會讓我失望呢。-Caroline: Well, I...可是...I know I don"t have much to show for myself.know: 知道 show: 表現 myself: 我自己我知道自己沒能做什麼。-Daisy: The suitcase.旅行箱。There"s a diary.diary: 日記裡面有本日記。-Caroline: This?這本?-Daisy: Could you read it to me, dear?read: 讀 dear: 親愛的親愛的,可以念給我聽嗎?-Caroline: Is this what you wanna do?wanna=want to do 想做某事這是你想要做的事嗎?-Daisy: I tried to read it a hundred different times...tried to: 嘗試 hundred: 形容次數之多我試著讀了無數次了...-Caroline: Mom, it"s not exactly...媽媽 這其實不算是...-Daisy: Just the sound of your voice, darling.sound: 發出聲音 voice: 聲音只要你的聲音就行了 孩子 -Caroline: OK.好吧。It"s dated "April 4th, 1985."date: 日期上面的日期是1985年4月4日It says, "New Orleans."這上面說是"新奧爾良"。This is my last will and testament.last will: 臨終遺囑 testament: 遺言這是我的遺囑也是最後的遺言。I don"t have much to leave,leave: 留下我沒什麼可留下的。few possessions, no money really.possession: 財產 money: 金錢 一無所有也沒有錢。I will go out of this world the same way I came in,same way: 相同的方式我如何來 如何走。alone and with nothing. All I have is my story.alone: 獨自的 story: 故事 all: 所有的,所擁有的赤條條來去無牽掛 我所有的就是我的故事。I"m writing it now while I still remember it.writing: 寫下來 remember: 記得 while: 當…的時候 still: 仍然我要趁著現在還記得 把它寫下來。My name is Benjamin. Benjamin Button.我的名字是Benjamin Benjamin Button。And I was born under unusual circumstances.born: 出生在 under: 在…下 unusual: 不尋常的 circumstance: 年代我出生在一個不尋常的年代。-Benjamin: The first world war had ended.first world war: 第一次世界大戰 ended: 結束第一次世界大戰剛結束。I"ve been told it was an especially good night to be born.especially: 特別,尤其 good: 好時機有人告訴我,那晚是出生的好時機。-Man A: We won the war!win: 贏了 war: 戰爭我們贏了!-Thomas: What are you doing here?你在這兒幹什麼?-Doctor A: Thomas...Thomas...I"m afraid she"s gonna die. 恐怕她撐不下去了 -Thomas: What?什麼?That"s enough! All of you! Get away from her!get away: 逃脫,離開夠了! 你們所有人! 都離她遠遠的!I came as quickly as I could.quickly: 儘快 as..as..像..一樣 could: 可以我已經儘快趕來了。The streets are filled with people.street: 街道 fill with: 充滿,擠滿街上擠滿了人-Benjamin』s mother: Thomas, promise me he has a place...promise: 承諾,允許 place: 容身之所Thomas答應我,給他一個容身之處...-Thomas: Yeah.好-Benjamin: She gave her life for me.她為我獻出了生命。And for that, I am forever grateful.grateful: 感激的 forever: 永遠為此 我將永遠感激在懷。-Woman: Mr Button...!Button先生…-Doctor A: Thomas! Thomas!Thomas! Thomas!Thomas, where are you going?Thomas你要去哪?-Police: Hey, what are you doing there!? What do you have there?喂 你在幹什麼! 手裡拿的什麼?-Queenie: The air is sweet.air: 空氣 sweet: 甜的,清新的空氣真好。-Mr Weathers: You look very handsome tonight, miss Queenie.handsome: 漂亮 tonight: 今晚 miss: 小姐你今晚美極了Queenie小姐。Handsome as I ever seen you.和我每次見到你一樣美。The brown matches your eyes.brown: 棕色的 match: 相稱 棕色和你的眼睛如此相稱。-Queenie: Oh, hush!噢 閉嘴!You ain"t no slouch yourself.slouch: 沒精打採的樣子,耷拉你自己可也不差-Mr Weathers: Hambert"s back in town. He came home legless...back: 回來 town: 鎮上,鄉村 legless: 無腿的Hambert回來了他沒了雙腳...but...he"s home... I know you was sweet on him one time...sweet on: 中意,喜歡 one time: 一段時間可...還是回來了...我知道你一度很中意他...-Queenie: Sweeter than I should been...than: 比 should been: 本該如此有點太過中意了...-Woman A: Miss Simone messed herself.messed: 將...弄糟 herself: 她自己Miss Simone尿褲子了!-Queenie: Sweet Jesus! She got to stop doing that, or it"s diapers for her.Jesus: 耶穌,老天爺 stop doing: 停止做某事 or: 或者,接下來 diaper: 尿片,換尿片老天爺! 她要是再這樣下去就給她穿尿布了。I"ll be right there! 我就來!-Man: C"mon,來嘛-Woman A: Queenie"ll be right there!Queenie就來!-Mr Weathers: it"s awful nice out here.awful: 十分 nice: 很好 外面那麼舒服Come out back for a moment, take your mind off things.come out: 出來 a moment: 一下 mind off: 忘記 things: 事情出來歇一下,別想那些事情。What in God"s name...!?什麼鬼...!?-Queenie: Oh, the Lord done something here...!Lord: 主啊,上帝噢 老天爺作怪了...-Mr Weathers: I hope I didn"t hurt it none, steppin" on it like that.hurt: 傷害 none: 一點也不我希望剛才一腳沒傷著他。We best leave that for the police.police: 警察 還是把它留給警察好。-Queenie: Oh, baby.噢 寶貝!-Man: I"ll go.我去找警察-Queenie: It"s for sure nobody wanted to keep it. Come on, baby.nobody: 沒有人 keep: 收留肯定沒有人想收留他 來吧 孩子-Woman: Quennie! Quennie!Quennie! Quennie!-Queenie: Hold your water!給我憋住!(口語)water暗指之前尿床的小孩I"ll be back.馬上回來!-Woman A: She went and messed herself all over again...她沒憋住 又弄了一身...-Queenie: Jane Childress, start her a bath.start: 開始 bath: 洗澡Jane Childress給她洗個澡And mind your own business, Mrs Duprey.own business:俚語,指屬於自己的事情 business: 事務還有你Duprey太太,管好你自己。You"ll be messing yourself soon enough.soon: 很快的,即將馬上就輪到你尿褲子了。-Mrs Hollister: Somebody stole my necklace.somebody: 有人 stole: 偷走 necklace: 項鏈有人偷了我的項鏈。-Queenie: OK, Mrs Hollister, I"ll be right with you.好Hollister太太 我馬上來幫你Go on back upstairs.upstairs: 樓上先回樓上去。You are as ugly as an old pot, but you still a child of God.ugly: 醜陋的 pot: 罐子 still: 仍然 child of: …的孩子你丑得像老樹皮可也一樣是上帝的孩子。-Jane Childress: Queenie, she won"t go take a bath without you.without: 沒有,除了Queenie她一定要你陪才肯洗澡。-Queenie: Mercy... I"ll be right there!mercy: 饒恕饒了我吧...我馬上過來!You just wait right here for me, okay?wait: 等待你就在這兒乖乖等我 好嗎?-Mrs Hollister: My sister gave me those pearls. I can"t find them anywhere.sister: 姐姐 pearls: 珍珠 anywhere: 任何地方我姐姐給我的珍珠項鏈,怎麼也找不到。Somebody"s been stealing my jewelry.jewelry: 珠寶 stealing: 偷竊有人偷了我的珠寶-Queenie: They are right here, Mrs Hollister. See?項鏈就在這裡Hollister太太。看?Right around your pretty white neck. Now come on.around: 壞繞,周圍 pretty: 漂亮的 white: 白皙的 neck: 脖子就在你白皙漂亮的脖子上,現在趕緊上去吧。-Doctor Rose: Your heart is not strong.strong: 強大,健康你的心臟不好。You want to avoid any undue stimulation.avoid: 避免 undue: 過度的 stimulation: 激動最好避免過度激動。I trust you ladies will help me out with that?trust: 相信 help out: 幫助解決難題我就交給女士們來幫我看著他了?I"ve never seen anything like it, nearly blind from cataracts.like: 像這樣的.. nearly: 幾乎,接近於 cataracts: 白內障我還從沒見過這種事情,因白內障接近失明。I"m not sure if he can hear, bones indicate severe arthritis.sure: 確定 hear: 聽覺 bones: 骨頭 indicate: 顯示,象徵 severe: 劇烈的,嚴重的 arthritis: 關節炎不確定是否有聽覺,骨骼關節有嚴重風濕。His skin has lost all elasticity and his hands and feet are ossified.skin: 皮膚 lost: 失去 elasticity: 彈性,彈力 feet:: 腳 ossified: 鈣化皮膚完全失去了彈性,手腳嚴重鈣化。He shows all the deterioration,deterioration: 退化他全身機能都出現了退化the infirmities not of a newborn, but of a man well in his eighties on his way to the grave.Infirmities: 虛弱的狀態 newborn: 新生兒 eighties: 八十多歲 grave: 棺材這種虛弱狀態,與其說像新生兒 倒不如說像個80多歲一隻腳踏進棺材的老人。-Queenie: He"s dying?他會死嗎?-Doctor Rose: His body"s failing him before his life"s begun.failing: 拋棄 before: 在…之前生活還沒開始他的身體就要拋棄他了Where did he come from?他是哪兒來的?-Queenie: It"s my sister"s child.我一個姐妹的孩子。From Lafayette. She had an unfortunate adventure.unfortunate: 不幸的 adventure: 歷險從拉法葉來的 她遭遇了一場不幸的歷險Poor child, he got the worse of it. Come out white.poor: 可憐的 worse: 更壞的,更差的 white: 白種人可憐的孩子,他是最遭孽的那個 偏偏是個白種。-Doctor Rose: There are places for "unwanted" babies like these, Queenie.unwanted: 沒必要的Queenie有地方專收留這種"留不得"的孩子No room for another mouth to feed here.feed: 靠…為生 mouth: 嘴巴這兒沒法再多一張嘴了The Nolan Foundation, despite their good intentions,despite: 雖然 intentions: 意圖雖然出於好意,但Nolan基金thinks this place is a large nuisance as it is. A baby...nuisance: 討厭的東西把這裡當麻煩了,而且的確也夠麻煩,一個嬰兒...-Queenie: You said he don"t have long.你說他活不長了。-Doctor Rose: Queenie, some creatures aren"t meant to survive.creatures: 生物 meant: 意味著,註定的 survive: 生存下來Queenie有些生物註定活不下來的。-Queenie: No, this baby here is a miracle, that"s for certain.miracle: 奇蹟 certain: 一定的不 這孩子是上天的奇蹟 這是一定的。Just not the kind of miracle one hopes to see.just not: 只不過只不過不是我們期待的那種奇蹟而已Now listen! Listen up here! We gonna have us a visitorvisitor: 客人大家聽著! 聽好了! 我們有個客人that"s gonna be staying with us for a little whilestay with: 合住 little while: 一段時間.要和我們住一段時間My sister had a child, but she couldn"t see right by it. So...我妹妹生了個孩子可是她沒法養他所以...He"s known as...他的名字是...Benjamin.BenjaminBenjamin... He"s not a well child,Benjamin...這孩子身體不好so we"re gonna have to take good care of him.good care of: 小心照顧,好好細心照顧我們得小心照看他。-Old woman: I had ten children, there"s not a baby I can"t care for.我有過十個孩子呢 這世上沒有我照看不了的小孩Let me see him.讓我看看他Oh, God in heaven, he looks just like my ex husband.ex husband: 前夫 噢上帝他跟我的前夫一模一樣-Queenie: Look, he"s prematurely old.prematurely: 過早的,早熟的他早衰Doctor Rose said he ain"t got much more time on this earth.earth: 世上Rose醫生說他在這世上的時間不會很長-Old man: Join the club.歡迎加入行將就木俱樂部。-Old women: Smile!笑了!-Mr Weathers: Hambert sends his remembrances to you.remembrances: 問候 sends: 傳達Hambert要我問候你Are you right out of your mind?out of mind: 不經過思考你犯糊塗了嗎?I know you ain"t got all the parts it takes to make one of your own,one: 指代孩子我知道你沒法要個自己的孩子but this ain"t yours to keep, may not even be human kind.human: 人類 kind: 種類可這也不是你的孩子說不定連人都不是-Queenie: Mr Weathers, come back here!Weathers先生 回來!Please.求你You never know what"s comin" for you.come in: 進來,電影指命運會給你什麼命運難料-Benjamin: It seemed I"d found a home.seemed: 看起來看來我找到家了-Caroline: Is any of this true?true: 正確的這些都是真的嗎?-Daisy: You have such a lovely voice.lovely: 美妙的 such a: 這樣你有著最美妙的聲音。-Caroline: Mom, there"s an ancient streetcar token.ancient: 古老的 streetcar: 電車 token: 車票媽媽,這裡有張古董電車票。That clock just kept going,大鐘繼續走year after year after year...日復一日,年復一年...-Benjamin: I didn"t know I was a child.我不知道自己是個孩子-Old man B: Same old crap every day.crap: 廢話,糞便每天都吃一樣的垃圾。-Benjamin: I thought I was like everyone else there.我以為我和這裡的人一樣。An old man in a twilight of his life.twilight: 黃昏的 也是一個步入暮年的老人。-Queenie: Stop bangin" that fork. It"s used for eating, not for playin" with.bang in: 重擊,發巨響 fork: 叉子 used for: 用於不許摔叉子,那是用來吃東西的,不是玩具。And use your napkin, please Mr. Benjamin.napkin: 餐巾 還有麻煩你圍上餐巾Benjamin先生-Woman A: Queenie!Queenie!-Old man C: Hey, boy!喂 小子!-Benjamin: I always had a healthy curiosity.healthy: 旺盛的 curiosity: 好奇心我一直保持著旺盛的好奇心What was up the street, or around the next corner?corner: 街角街上有什麼下個街角又有什麼?-Queenie: Benjamin! That is dangerous. Come back over here!Benjamin! 太危險了回來這裡!Stay put, child!待著別動,小鬼!-Benjamin: I loved her very much. She was my mother.我深愛著她,她就是我的母親Momma... momma!媽咪...媽咪!Some days I feel different than the day before.different: 不同的有時候我覺得自己一天天不同了-Queenie: Everybody feels different about themselves one way or another.themselves: 我們自己每個人都覺得自己這裡或那裡有所不同But we"re all goin" the same way.same way: 相同的方向可是我們都走往同樣的方向Just taking different roads to get there, that"s all.roads: 道路 get there: 到達 that』s all: 僅此而已,只不過只不過走的路不一樣而已You"re on your own road, Benjamin.你在走你自己的路Benjamin。-Benjamin: Momma, how much longer I got?媽咪,我還能走多久?-Queenie: Just be thankful for what you"re given.thankful: 感激 given: 賜予只要感激上天已經賜予你的就好了You already here longer than you supposed to.supposed: 期望 longer: 更長,更久你在人間已經待得比期望的久了-Benjamin: Some nights, I"d have to sleep alone.sleep: 睡覺 alone: 一個人有些晚上,我得一個人睡I didn"t mind. I would listen to the house breathing.didn"t mind: 不介意 listen to: 聽著 breathing: 呼吸我不介意我可以聽著整座房子的呼吸All those people sleeping.聽著左右那些人的酣睡。I felt safe.safe: 安心,安全讓我覺得安心。It was a place of great routine.routine: 規律 great: 極其的這裡的生活極有規律Every morning at 5:30 no matter the weather,no matter: 無論每天早上5:30 風雨無阻General Winslow, US army retired, raised the flag.retired: 退役 raised: 上升 flag: 旗幟美軍退役軍人文思樂將軍都會升旗。Mrs Sybil Wagner, once an opera singer of some note,opera: 歌劇 singer: 演員 note: 注意,值得注意的曾經頗有名望的歌劇演員Sybil Wagner夫人well, she sang Wagner.嗯她總是唱(德國歌劇家)瓦格納的作品-Queenie: Alright, c"mon.來,加油We gotta put some life into these old sticks for you.life: 活力 sticks: 桿我們得給你這倆老腿注入點活力Get you walkin". Come on.walkin: walk in 走起來讓你走起來來-Benjamin: No matter the season, supper was served promptly at 5:30.season: 季節,一年四季 supper: 晚餐 served: 可作…用,招待,供應 promptly: 準時的不論春夏秋冬,晚餐總是在5:30準時開始。Mol-asses..米-唐-水...-Mr Weathers: Molasses.糖漿-Benjamin: Molasses糖漿-Mr Weathers: I learned to read when I was five.我五歲學會讀書的。My grandfather was a dresser for a famous actor.dresser: 服裝師 famous: 著名的 actor: 演員我祖父是一個著名演員的服裝師。He brought home every play for me to read.play: 劇本 他每每把劇本帶回來給我看。Kind keepers of my weak decaying ageweak: 衰弱 decaying: 衰退,腐朽 decaying age: 老人看守我這衰弱老頭子的好心人。(選自莎士比亞《亨利六世》上篇第二幕)let dying Mortimer here rest himself.dying: 垂死的 rest: 歇會 let: 讓…讓垂死的摩提默在這兒歇一歇吧。Even like a man new haled from the rack.haled: 長期監禁 rack: 使…痛苦長期監禁讓我的四肢痛楚不堪So fare my limbs with long imprisonment.limbs: 肢 so fare: 彷彿 imprisonment: 監禁彷彿剛從刑架上下來一般And these gray locks, the pursuivants of death,gray: 灰色的 locks: 鎖定 pursuivants: 苦難的而苦難歲月給我的這滿頭白髮argue the end of Edmund Mortimer."argue: 預示著 the end of: 結束,這裡指死期預示著Edmund Mortimer默死期不遠" ("亨利六世"台詞)You thought I was plain ignorant, didn"t you?plain: 簡單的 ignorant: 對…無知,愚昧你以為我大字不識一個,是不是?The actor my grandfather worked for was John Wilkes Booth.actor: 演員 worked for: 為…工作僱傭我爺爺的那個演員就是John Wilkes BoothHe killed Abraham Lincoln.他殺了Abraham LincolnYou never know what"s coming for you.命運難料-Benjamin: On saturday nights, momma would make me go to church.church: 教堂每星期六晚上媽媽都會帶我去教堂-Queenie: Benjamin!Benjamin!-All: Amen! 阿門! Healing Through Faith.healing: 有治癒作用 faith: 信仰信仰治癒一切-Pastor: What can I do for you, sister?我能為你做什麼嗎,姐妹?Her parts are all twisted up inside,twisted up: 苦惱,疲憊不堪 inside: 在內部 parts: 器官她身體內部器官有問題she can"t have little children.她生不了孩子Lord, if you could see clear to forgive this woman her sins.clear: 清楚,清晰 forgive: 寬恕 sins: 罪行主啊,如果你能聽見,寬恕這個女人的罪吧so she can bear the fruit of the womb.bear: 生子女 fruit of the womb: 子女,後代 womb: 子宮讓她能夠開花結果Out damnable affliction! Praise God!damnable: 可詛咒的,該死的 affliction: 痛苦,苦難 praise: 稱頌苦難退散! 稱頌主吧!Hallelujah!哈利路亞!And what』s this old man』s irradiation?irradiation: 難言之隱這位老先生又有什麼難言之隱?-Queenie: He"s got the devil on his back,devil: 魔鬼 on back: 在…背上,在…頭上魔鬼騎在他的頭上trying to ride him into the grave before his time.Ride into: 進入 grave: 墳墓 before his time: 在他死期之前想提前把他趕進墳墓里去Out, Zebuchar! Out, Beelzebub!滾開蒼蠅王! 滾開墮落天使!How old are you?你幾歲了?-Benjamin: Seven, but I look a lot older.七歲,不過我看起來要老得多-Pastor: God bless you. He"s seven!上帝保佑他只有七歲!Now, this is a man with optimism in his heart!optimism: 樂觀的這才是一個心態積極向上的人! -All: All right!對。-Pastor: Belief in his soul!belief: 信仰 soul: 靈魂一個靈魂中刻著信仰的人-All: Yes!對。-Pastor: We are all children in the eyes of God!在主的眼中,我們都是孩童!-All: Yes!對。-Pastor:We are gonna get you out of that chairchair: 輪椅. get out: 解放我們要把你從輪椅中解放出來!And we"re gonna have you walk.我們會讓你走起來!-All: It"s all right.沒事的-Pastor: In the name of God"s glory, rise up!in the name of: 以…的名義 rise up: 站起來以上帝的榮耀為名,站起來吧!-All: Come on!加油!-Pastor: Come on, man!加油 夥計!Now God is gonna see you the rest of the way.rest of the way: 余途,剩下的路途接下來的路就放心交給主吧。He"s gonna see this little old man walk主會保佑這個小老頭走下去without the use of a crutch or a cane.crutch: 拐杖 cane: 手杖不用拐杖支撐地走下去。He"s gonna see that you walk from faith and divine inspiration alone!walk from: 走下去 divine: 神聖的 inspiration: 啟示 alone: 獨自他會看著你靠著信仰和神靈啟示一個人走下去。Now walk.現在走吧Don"t touch him!touch: 觸碰別碰他!Rise up, old man!站起來,老夥計!Rise up like Lazarus!像拉薩魯斯(聖經中麻瘋乞丐)一樣站起來!I said rise up!我說站起來!Yes!對了!Say hallelujah!說,哈利路亞!Walk. Walk on.走吧,向前走-Benjamin: Now, when I look back on it, it was miraculous.look back on: 回想起來 miraculous: 奇蹟現在回想起來,那確實是奇蹟But you know the saying:可是你得知道這樣一句話The Lord give things and the Lord take things away.take away: 索取主之所予,為主之所取-Pastor: Praise be to the Lord on the highest...!向主致以最崇高的...!-Benjamin: There was so many birthdays.birthdays: 生日我們要過那麼多次生日。So we wouldn"t run out, we would spare the candles.run out: 過不完 spare: 浪費 candles: 蠟燭永遠也過不完,我們就不會浪費蠟燭了。-Old man C: Queenie, you know I don"t like birthdays and I don"t like cake.Queenie你明知道我不喜歡過生日,也不喜歡蛋糕-Benjamin: And death was a common visitor. People came and went.common: 經常的 visitor: 拜訪者,拜訪死神經常會來拜訪,有人來就有人走You always knew when someone left us.如果有人離開一定會感覺到的There was a silence in the house.silence: 寂靜屋子裡會有一股死寂[Sybil Wagner 1847-1925.]Sybil Wagner,生於1847,死於1925-Benjamin: It was a wonderful place to grow up.wonderful: 極好的,十分好的 place: 地方 grow up: 成長這是個成長的好地方I was with people who had shed all the inconsequences of earlier life.shed: 脫落,放下 inconsequences: 包袱 earlier life: 前半生我身邊的人都已經拋下了前半生的包袱Left wondering about the weather,wondering about:: 對…感興趣 weather: 天氣只關心明天的天氣the temperature of a bath,temperature: 天氣洗澡水的溫度the light at the end of the day.還有夕陽的美麗For everyone that died, someone would come to take their place.take sb place: 某人取代某人的位置每當有人去世就會有新的人來取而代之-Mr Oti: I"ve been married five times.times: 次數我已經結過五次婚了My first wife and I are captured by neighbor tribe of cannibals.first: 第一個 captured: 抓取 neighbor: 鄰居,附近 tribe: 部落 cannibals: 食人族我和第一個老婆被附近的食人族抓了。We escaped across the river.escaped: 逃亡 across: 穿過 river: 河流我們穿過河逃亡My wife, she can"t swim, so, sadly, she eaten.swim: 游泳 sadly: 不幸的 eaten: 被吃了我老婆,她不會游泳,真不幸,給吃了My second wife steps on a cobra and dies.second: 第二個 steps on: 踩到 cobra: 眼鏡蛇我的第二個老婆踩到了一條眼鏡蛇死了It was very bad luck to be married to me.luck: 幸運 to be married me: 嫁給我我是克妻命-Mr Weathers: That"s Mr Oti. He"s an acquaintance of an acquaintance of mine.acquaintance: 熟悉的 mine: 我的那是Oti先生,他是我一個熟人的熟人-Mr Oti: The next summer I"m captured...next: 接下來 summer: 夏天 接下來的夏天,我和... He"s a pigmey.他是俾格米人…with six others by Baschiele tribe....其他六個人一起被巴邪婁部落抓去了to a very strange american man.那些事非常強壯的美國男人。I hear you"re not so old as you looking.聽說你沒有看起來的那麼老。You just foolin" everybody.fool in: 愚弄,騙人你只是在騙人。What"s the matter, did you get Madjembe?怎麼回事? 得了Madjembe?-Benjamin: What"s madjembe?Madjembe是什麼?-Mr Oti: Worms.一種蟲子。-Benjamin: I don"t think I have worms. This is just how I am.I don"t think: 我不這樣認為應該不是蟲子的關係我天生就是這樣-Mr Oti: Come, let"s get a cold root beer.cold: 冰鎮的 root beer: 沙士汽水來去喝杯冰鎮沙士汽水。-Queenie: I found medication under your pillow.medication: 藥品 under: 在…底下 pillow: 枕頭我在你枕頭底下找到葯了-Benjamin: I"m not supposed to. It"s dangerous.我不可以去太危險-Mr Oti: Who said that? Come on, little man.誰說的? 來吧小不點Hurry up.快點Halt, please!停車!Then I am in the monkey house at Philadelphia Zoological Park.monkey house: 猴館 Philadelphia Zoological Park: .費城動物園然後我被關在費城動物園的猴館裡。Three thousand people show up my first day.show up: 參觀 thousand: 三千 第一天就有三千個人來看我呢。Look.看-Benjamin: What"s it like living in a cage?cage: l籠子 living in: 在…生活住在籠子里是什麼感覺?-Mr Oti: It stinks.臭死了。But the monkeys, they do some tricks there.tricks: 搗蛋,調皮不過那些猴子都是些搗蛋鬼I throw a spear...spear: 魚叉我要扔魚叉...Wrestle with Kowali, she is orangutan.wrestle: 搏鬥 orangutan: 蘇門答臘猩猩要和Kowali搏鬥她是一隻蘇門答臘猩猩When I"m not playing with the monkeys,playing with: 玩耍我不和猴子戲耍的時候they want me to run to the bars in my cage, with my teeth.bars:馬齒齦,鋼筋 run to: 衝到 teeth: 牙齒他們就要我衝到自己籠子的柵欄前露出牙齒-Benjamin: So then what did you do?後來呢?-Mr Oti: Then I leave ZOO.我離開了動物園。Go here, go there, wander most of the time.most of the time: 多數時間這兒逛逛那兒轉轉多數時間隨便亂走-Benjamin: You were all alone?一直是一個人? -Mr Oti: Plenty of time you"d be alone.Plenty of time: 很多時候很多時候我都是一個人When you"re different like us, it"s gonna be that way.像我們這樣的異類,就是這樣子的。But I tell you a little secret. Fat people, skinny people,secret: 秘密不過我跟你說個秘密哈胖的瘦的tall people, white people... they"re just as alone as we are.tall: 高的高的白的....那些人也和我們一樣沒有伴But they are scared shitless.scared: 害怕 shitless: 屁滾尿流可他們就怕得屁滾尿流I think about the river I grew up on.我想念陪伴我長大的那條河了It would be nice to sit by my river again.sit by: 袖手旁觀 again: 再一次如果能夠再一次坐在河邊該多好。Come. I have an appointment.appointment: 約會,預約走吧我有個約會。-Filamena: There"s my little man. You ready, sugar?ready: 準備好的 little man: 小鬼我的小男人來了,你準備好了嗎,甜心?-Mr Oti: Always ready. Always ready.always: 總是什麼時候都行,什麼時候都行。Filamena, Mr. Benjamin.這是Filamena這是Benjamin先生-Filamena: It"s a pleasure to meet you, sir.很高興見到你,先生。-Benjamin: My pleasure, ma"am.ma"am: 對婦女的尊稱(夫人)-Mr Oti: You can find your own way home, can"t you?can: 可以 find: 找到 own way: 自己的方式你自己回去沒問題吧?Take the St. Charles line to Napoleon.line: 線路,線坐聖查爾斯線到拿破崙站下-Queenie: Where in God"s name have you been? Get in here!get in: 進來 God』s name: 上帝的名義老天爺你上哪兒去了? 快點進來!Youre goin" to take my breath away, you know that?breath away: 忘記呼吸 breath: 呼吸 away: 離開你差點把我嚇死,知不知道?Oh Lord, I was so worried about you.噢,上帝,我擔心得要死-Benjamin: It had been the best day of my life.best: 最好的,good的最高級這是我一生最快樂的一天-Dorothy: How"s her breathing?她的呼吸怎樣? -Caroline: Shallow.很淺。-Dorothy: They"re sayin" it will reach us in few hours.say it in 聽說 will: 將要 reach: 到 few: 極少的聽說還有幾個小時颶風就要到這裡了I gotta get my baby and take him to my sister"s.baby: 寶寶 我得去接我的寶寶送到我姐姐那裡去They say there"s nothing to worry about here in the hospital.hospital: 醫院他們說醫院裡沒有問題Nurses will be right here if you need them. Are you okay?need: 需要如果你需要 護士馬上就來 你沒問題吧?-Caroline: Yeah, I"m okay, reading...我沒事 我在讀書...-Dorothy: I shouldn"t be more than an hour.than: 比 more: 更多的 an hour: 一個小時我用不了一個小時就能回來了-Daisy: Was there just company?company: 伴隨,陪伴剛才有人來了?-Caroline: It was just Dorothy leaving.是Dorothy離開Go on, Caroline.繼續Caroline。On sundays, the families would come and visit.sunday: 星期日 families: 家屬 visit: 拜訪,探訪每到周日,親屬會過來探訪。-Benjamin: It was Thanksgiving, 1930.Thanksgiving: 感恩節那是1930年的感恩節。I met the person who changed my life forever.person: 人 change: 改變 forever: 永遠我見到了那個永遠改變我一生的人。-Mrs Fuller: Well, Benjamin...我說Benjamin...Might I say you are looking strikingly youthful?might: 可能 strikingly: 醒目的 youthful: 年輕的你是不是看起來青春煥發了? -Benjamin: Good day, Mrs Fuller.早上好Fuller太太-Mrs Fuller: A single cane, back straight as an arrow...single: 單獨的 cane: 拐杖 back: 後面,後背 straight: 筆直的 arrow: 箭只用一根拐杖,脊背直得像箭一樣。What elixir have you been drinking?elixir: 長生不老葯 drink: 喝,飲用你喝了什麼魔葯了?-Benjamin: Thank you, Ma"am.謝謝你,夫人。-Daisy: Grandma, look at me!奶奶,看我。-Mrs Fuller: That was really something! Come on over here, you.真是漂亮! 到這兒來 孩子。This is my granddaughter Daisy. This is mister...mister: 先生 granddaughter: 孫女這是我孫女Daisy這位是...I"m afraid, Benjamin, I don"t rightly know your last name.rightly: 正確的,確實的 last name: 姓Benjamin,抱歉我還不知道你姓什麼呢-Benjamin: Benjamin is fine.就叫Benjamin好了I never forgot her blue eyes.blue: 藍色的我忘不了她的藍眼睛。-Mr Weathers: Good people, supper is served.supper: 晚餐 serve: 為…服務大家,開晚餐啦。-Daisy: Did you know turkeys aren"t really birds?turkey: 火雞 bird: 鳥,鳥類 really: 真實的,確實的你知道嗎,火雞並不是鳥。-Benjamin: Why do you say that?為什麼這麼說-Daisy: They"re in the pheasant family.pheasant: 野雞它們屬於野雞類,養在農家裡的They can hardly fly. Sad, don"t you think? Birds that can"t fly.fly: 飛 sad: 可憐的它們幾乎不會飛,真可憐,是不是? 不會飛的鳥。-Mr Oti: I like birds that can"t fly. They are so delicious.delicious: 美味的我喜歡不會飛的鳥,它們美味極了。-Daisy: That"s cruel.cruel: 殘忍的真是殘忍。-Queenie: I have something to tell you all.我有事要宣布。While we"re giving thanks for God"s blessings...bless: 保佑在我們向主感恩的日子裡。I"ve had a miracle happen.happen: 發生有個奇蹟發生在我身上了。The Lord saw fit to answer my prayers.answer: 回應 prayer: 祈禱主終於決定回應我的祈禱了。-Benjamin: What does she mean "answers her prayers"?mean: 意思她說"回應她的祈禱"是什麼意思?-Daisy: She"s gonna have a baby, silly.silly: 傻得她有了小寶寶了,傻瓜。That"s what my momma said when I was gonna have a baby brother.momma: 媽媽 brother: 兄弟我有弟弟那次媽媽就這麼說的。But he didn"t live long.可惜...他沒活多久。Cause he didn"t breathe right.cause: 因為 breathe: 呼吸因為他呼吸不對-Mrs Fuller: ...when he got his beautiful hind legshind: 常指動物的腿(後面的) legs: 腿...那時他擁有了美麗的後腿just as big God Ngog had promised.promise: 許諾就像諾格大神許諾的那樣。You can see that it"s five o"clock,你會發現正好是5點beacause big God Ngog"s clock says so.because: 因為因為諾格大神的鐘是這麼走的Isn"t that something?有趣吧?-Daisy: Again. Read it again.在讀一篇-Benjamin: Read it again, please.請在讀一遍-Mrs Fuller: Alright. But afterwards, you must go to bed.afterwards: 然後,後來的好吧,不過過後就得睡覺了。-Daisy: I promise.我保證。-Mrs Fuller: Old Man Kangaroo...kangaroo: 袋鼠袋鼠老先生...-Daisy: Are you sleeping?sleep: 睡著你睡著了嗎?-Benjamin: Who is that?是誰啊?-Daisy: It"s me, Daisy.是我,Daisy-Benjamin: Hi!嗨-Daisy: Come out!出來。-Benjamin: Where are we going?我們要去哪裡?-Daisy: Come on. Right in here.過來這裡。Here, you light itlight: 點蠟燭來,點蠟燭。-Benjamin: I"m not supposed to play with matches.suppose to: 想做 play: 玩,遊戲 matches: 火柴我不可以玩火柴。-Daisy: Don "t be a chicken. Light it!chicken: 懦弱別跟個膽小鬼似的,快點!I"ll tell you a secret if you"ll tell me one.secret: 秘密我告訴你一個秘密。你也要跟我講一個。-Benjamin: Okay.好。-Daisy: I saw my momma kissing another man.kiss: 親吻我看見媽媽親另外一個男人Her face was red from it.face: 臉,臉頰 red: 紅色她臉紅了Your turn.輪到你了-Benjamin: I"m not as old as I look.我沒有看起來那麼老-Daisy: I thought so.我猜到了。You don"t...you don"t seem like an old person. Like my grandma.seem like: 看起來像你...看起來不像個老人 不像我奶奶那樣-Benjamin: I"m not.我本來就不是-Daisy: Are you sick?sick: 生病你生病了嗎?-Benjamin: Well, I heard momma and Tizzy whisperwhisper: 悄悄話我聽見媽媽和Tizzy的悄悄話and they said I was gonna die soon, but...他們說我很快就會死的不過...Maybe not.也許不會。-Daisy: You"re odd.odd: 奇怪的你很奇怪You"re different than anybody I"ve ever met.ever: 曾經你和我見過的任何人都不一樣May I?可以嗎?-Benjamin: Okay.好。-Mrs Fuller: What are you doing under there?under: 在…下面你們在這下面幹什麼?You come right out here and get back up to bed.馬上給我出來,滾回床上去It"s after midnight!midnight: 午夜都已經過午夜了!You are not to be playing together.together: 一起你們在不準一起玩-Daisy: Yes, ma"am.是的,奶奶-Mrs Fuller: Now you get back to your bed, little lady.現在就回床上去小小姐You"re too young to be wandering around at night on your own.wandering: 漫遊,閑逛你還太小不該晚上一個人出去And you ought to be ashamed of yourself.ought: 應該,應當 ashamed: 羞愧,慚愧你該為自己感到慚愧-Queenie: You are a different child. A man child and...你是個不同的孩子一個像大人的孩子...Baby, people are gonna to understand just how different you are.understand: 理解,明白寶貝人們會明白你有多麼與眾不同的-Benjamin: Why chose me, mama?chose: 選擇為什麼是我呢媽媽?-Queenie: Come here.來God is busy...busy: 忙,慌亂主忙中出錯了...Go to bed here, and behave yourself.behave: 表現,守規矩上床睡覺去,乖乖聽話Go. Sleep pretty.去吧,睡香香-Daws: Did I ever tell you I have been struck by lightning for seven times?strike: 目瞪口呆 lightning: 雷劈我告訴過你我給雷劈過七次嗎?Once when I was repairing a leak on the roof.repair: 修補 leak: 漏 roof: 屋頂 once: 有一次一次我在修補屋頂Once I just crossed the road to get the mail.cross: 通過,穿過 road: 馬路,道路 mail: 信件一次我正過馬路去拿信件-Benjamin: I"ll never foregot her blue eyes.我永遠忘不了她的那雙藍眼睛-Caroline: Mom, did you get媽媽,你知道that this Benjamin loved you when the first time that he saw you?love: 愛 first time: 第一次這個Benjamin對你一見鍾情嗎?Not many people experience that.many: 很多 experience: 經歷有這種經歷的人可不多I"d make it go on.我繼續念下去It"s going to the next page.page: 頁寫到下一頁了-Benjamin: When that baby came, things were different.things: 事情當孩子出生的時候,一切都不同了Babies were born. People die.有人出生,有人死去A lot of folks have been doing that or else.folks: 人們 else: 另外 a lot of: 很多許多人不是這樣就是那樣-Mr Oti: I"ve come to say goodbye. I"m going away.我是來說再見的,我要走了-Benjamin: Going? Where?走了? 去哪裡?-Mr Oti: I haven"t figured that out there, but I will send you a postcard when I get there.figured out: 想好 postcard: 明信片 get there: 達到我還沒想好,不過到了那裡我會給你寫明信片-Benjamin: What about your friend? The tall lady?那你的朋友呢? 那個高個子小姐?-Mr Oti: We"re not friends anymore.anymore: 現在我們不是朋友了That"s what happens with tall people sometimes.有時候和高個子就是這樣-Benjamin: Well... goodbye.那麼...再見I spent a lot of time by myself that year.spent: 花費(時間,金錢) myself: 我自己那一年我經常一個人待著-Old women A: Hello?有人嗎?Hi. 你好 I"m moving in today.move: 搬動我今天搬進來-Queenie: Welcome. We"ve been expecting you.expect: 預料歡迎到來,我們正等著你呢Can you please show her up to Mrs Rousseau"s old room?帶她到樓上以前Rousseau太太的房間去I"m sorry, but we usually don"t allow dogs in the house.allow: 允許 usually: 通常,一般情況下對不起,我們通常不許在屋裡養狗-Old women A: Well, she"s old as the hills, she"s almost blind.hills: 丘陵 blind: 瞎的,盲的 almost: 幾乎她也是把老骨頭了,眼睛都差不多瞎了She won"t be a bother much longer.bother: 麻煩她也麻煩不了多久的-Queenie: Well, alright, as long as she stays out from underfoot.alright: 好吧 as long as: 只要 stay out: 呆在外邊 underfoot: 礙事的好吧,只要它別礙手礙腳就行All right, this way, Ma"am.夫人,這邊請-Benjamin: As hard as I try, I can"t remember her name.try: 嘗試 remember: 記得我怎麼努力也記不起她的名字Mrs Lawson, or Mrs Hartford, or maybe it was Maple?是Lawson太太Hartford太太還是姓Maple?It"s funny how sometimes the people we remember the leastfunny: 好笑的 sometimes: 有時 people: 人們 least: 最後的真好笑,有時我們最沒有印象的人make the greatest impression on us.greatest: 最好的 impression: 影響力反而對我們影響最大I do remember she wore diamonds.diamonds: 鑽石我倒是記得,她戴著鑽石And she always dressed in fine clothing as if she"s going out.always: 通常 dress: 穿著 fine: 好看的 clothing: 衣服衣著總是光鮮得像要出門見客Although she never did and nobody ever came to visit her.although: 雖然 did: 特指上句的going out,出門 nobody: 沒有任何人雖然她從來沒出過門也從來沒有訪客She taught me to play the piano.play the piano:彈鋼琴 piano: 鋼琴她教會我鋼琴-Old women A: It"s not about how well you play,關鍵並不是你彈得怎樣it"s how you feel about what you"re playing.feel: 感覺而是你覺得自己彈得怎樣Try this.來試試You cannot help but put yourself into the music.yourself: 你自己 music: 音樂 help: 幫忙,幫助你會不禁讓自己和音樂融為一體-Benjamin:There were many changes. Some you could see, some your couldn"t.change: 變化我有了許多變化,有些看得見有些看不見Hair started growing in all sorts of places.hair: 毛髮,頭髮 start: 開始 growing: 生長 sorts of places: 各處毛髮在全身各處長出來Along with other things.other: 其他的 along: 一起的還有其他的東西也長了I felt pretty good, considering.consider: 考慮事實上,我感覺非常好-Daisy: Oh, darlin", the pain.pain: 疼痛喔,親愛的,好痛。-Caroline: Alright mom, I"ll get the nurse.nurse: 護士知道了,媽媽,我這就叫護士-TV Presenter Plus Katrina: Look at this eye.看看這颱風眼This is a major hurricane.major: 嚴重的 hurricane: 颶風這場颶風嚴重了Weather Plus Katrinaweather: 天氣,天氣預報-Nurse: Not doing too good?不太舒服,是嗎?Nobody seems to know whether to stay or leave.whether: 是否,不管(還是)沒人知道是該留下還是離開I"m gonna ride it out.ride: 乘,騎我可打算開車走There, that should make things much easier.easier: 更舒服來這樣應該就舒服多了Have you had a chance to say your goodbyes?chance: 機會你已經道過別了嗎?My father waited 4 hourswait: 等待我爸爸走的時候等我弟弟for my brother to get here from Boger City.city: 城市 get here: 到達從波格趕過來,等了4個小時Couldn"t go without him.見到他才肯閉眼She seems like a sweet woman.她看來是個和藹的人-Caroline: Yeah.對I haven"t had as much time with her...我陪她的時間不夠..-Nurse A: Are you busy?你有空嗎?Excuse me走開一下-Caroline: Sure.沒問題-Benjamin: Queenie would let me go with Mr Daws to Poverty Point,poverty point: 貧民角 poverty: 貧民 point: 角Queenie允許我跟Daws先生去貧民角to watch the boats go up and down the river.boat: 船隻 watch: 看 go up: 上升,提高 down: 下降 go up and down: 來來往往看著沿河船隻來來往往These were hard times.hard: 艱難那時的光景很艱難-Daws: Did I ever tell you I was struck by lightning seven times?我和你說過沒? 我給雷劈過七次?Once when I was in the field just tending to my cows.when: 當…的時候 field: 地 tending: 田間管理 cows: 奶牛有一次我在地里照看奶牛-Captain: My fourt" hand didn"t show up.show up: 到場我還缺一個人Anybody wanna make 2 dollar for a day"s work around here?dollar: 美元有沒有人想干一天活賺兩美元的?-Man D: What"s the matter?怎麼回事?-Captain: Nobody wants to do an honest day"s work for an honest day"s pay?honest: 老實的 work: 工作 pay: 付款沒人想實實在在地幹活拿工資嗎?-Man D: He never pays.他從不給工資-Captain: Nobody wants the job?job: 工作沒人要幹嗎?-Benjamin: I do.我要。-Captain: You got your sea legs, old man?sea legs: 不暈船你不暈船吧老頭?-Benjamin: I think.我猜不暈-Captain: That"s good enough for me.那就行了Get your ass on board, we"ll sure as hell find out!ass: 驢,傻瓜 board: 船甲 hell: 地獄,見鬼 find out: 發現滾上船去吧,上了船自有分曉!CHELSEA NEW ORLEANS LA切爾西號,路易斯安那州新奧爾良-Benjamin: I was as happy as I could be.happy: 開心我開心得不行-Captain: I need a volunteer!volunteer: 自願效勞來一個人!-Benjamin: I would do anything.anything: 任何事情我願意做任何事情Yes, captain!是的,船長-Captain: Scrape off all this bird shit.scrape: 擦 scrape off: 擦掉 shit: 糞便把那些鳥屎擦了-Benjamin: Right away, sir.我馬上就去擦,先生I was actually goin" to be paid for something I would"ve done for free.actually: 本來的 free: 免費我本樂意免費乾的活,實際上卻得到報償His name was Captain Mike Clark.他的名字是Mike Clark船長He"d been on a tugboat since he was seven.tugboat: 拖船 since: 在…起他從七歲起就上拖船了-Captain: Get movin"!快一點!Come here.來這邊Could you... still get it up?still: 仍然 get up: 起來你那個...還站得起來不?I...do every morning.每天早上...都會站起來The old pole? The hard"n?pole: 柱,桿那根老棍子? 還能硬?-Benjamin: I guess.guess: 猜想我猜是-Captain: When was the last time you had a woman?last time: 最近的一次你上次抱女人是什麼時候?-Benjamin: Never.沒有-Captain: Never?沒有?-Benjamin: Not that I know of, sir.據我所知沒有,先生-Captain: Wait a minute!minute: 分鐘等等!You mean to say, you"ve been on this earth for how many years,mean: 意思 earth: 存在 year: 年你是說,你已經活了那麼多年and you never had a woman?可是從來沒有過女人?Damn! That"s the saddest thing I ever heard in my life.damn: 該死的 heard: 聽說的見鬼! 這是我這輩子聽過最悲慘的事了Never?從來沒有?-Benjamin: No沒有-Captain: Then, by Jesus, you are comin" with me.那,以上帝的名義,你得跟我一起來What did your father do?你爸爸是做什麼的?-Benjamin: I never met my father.我從沒見過他-Captain: You lucky bastard!bastard: 私生子你這幸運的雜種!All father"s gonna do is hold you down.hold down: 壓迫老爸永遠都只會壓迫Out on my father"s boat, working da two-a-days.我早就上我老爸的船做工,每天忙得像條狗一樣This little fat bastard, "tug Irish" they call him.tug: 用力拉 Irish: 愛爾蘭那個死胖子別人都叫他"愛爾蘭拖船工"I finally get up the nerves and tell him:finally: 最終的 nerves: 神經緊張的 tell: 說終於我鼓起勇氣去和他說I don"t wanna spend da rest of my life on a goddamn tugboat!goddamn: 被詛咒的 rest: 休眠,終止我才不要一輩子耗在這見鬼的破拖船上You know what I"m sayin"?你知道我在說什麼嗎?You don"t wanna spend the rest of your life on a tugboat.你不要一輩子耗在拖船上Absolutely, damn right!absolutely: 完全的完全正確,真他媽的對And you know what my father says to me?然後你知道我老爸對我說什麼嗎?He says: "Who the hell do you think you are?"他說 "你他媽的以為自己是誰?"What the hell do you think you can do?你他媽的以為自己能幹什麼?I tell him:我告訴他Well, if you"re askin"...好吧既然你問了...I"m ganna be an artist.artist: 藝術家我要做個藝術家He laughs... "An artist?"laugh: 笑他笑起來 "藝術家?"God meant for you to work a tugboat just like me.God meant: 註定的 tugboat: 拖船你註定要和我一樣在拖船上工作And that"s exactly what you"re gonna do.exactly: 確切的這就是你要乾的事Well, I turned myself into an artist.turned: 轉型 turn into: 變成好吧我還真成了藝術家A tattoo artist!tattoo: 紋身文身藝術家!I put on every one of these myself.這些每一個都是我自己紋的You have to skin me alive to take my art away from me now!alive: 活的,有生命的 take…away: 拿走,帶走 art: 藝術現在你想奪走我的藝術,就得先活剝了我When I"m dead, I"m gonna send him my arm.send: 送去等我死了我就把我的手給他送去That one.one: 特指某一個這一隻Don"t let anyone tell you different!別讓任何人攔你的路!You gotta do what you"re meant to do.你就得去做你該做的事情And I happen to be a god-damned artist!而我恰好就是個該死的藝術家-Benjamin: But you"re a tugboat captain.可你是個拖船船長-Lady: Captain Mike, we"re ready for you and your friend.ready: 準備 friend: 朋友Mike船長,我們在等著你和你的朋友呢-Captain: Go, old timer. Break your cherry.old timer: 老前輩 break: 打破 cherry: 櫻桃來吧,老夥計,破處吧Hello, ladies!女士們,你們好啊!-Benjamin: Hi.你們好-Lady A: He gives me the willies. That is not for me.willies: 使人害怕和不安他讓我覺得噁心,我才不要呢-Lady B: How are you tonight, grandpa?tonight: 今晚今晚感覺怎樣,老爺爺?-Benjamin: It was a night to remember.這是個值得紀念的夜晚-Lady B: What are you, Dick Tracy or something? I"ve got to rest.rest: 休息你什麼人哪,易容警探嗎? 我得歇一歇-Benjamin: I can"t.我不能Thank you.謝謝-Lady B: No, thank you. Have a nice night.不用謝了,晚安-Benjamin: Will you be here tomorrow?tomorrow: 明天你明天還在這裡嗎?-Lady B: Every night but Sunday.Sunday: 星期天-Benjamin: It sure made me understand the value of earning a living.understand: 理解,明白 value: 意義 earn: 賺錢這肯定幫我理解了賺錢的意義Things money can buy you.money: 金錢 buy: 買明白有些東西可以用錢買到-Thomas: It"s nasty out. Can I offer you a ride somewhere?nasty: 髒的 offer: 允許 這兒偏得很我可以載你一程嗎?-Benjamin: That"s awfully kind of you, sir.awfully: 非常 kind: 好心的您太好心了,先生-Thomas: My name is Thomas. Thomas Button.我叫Thomas. Thomas Button.-Benjamin: I"m Benjamin.我叫Benjamin-Thomas: Benjamin... it"s a pleasure to know you.pleasure: 高興的Benjamin...很高興認識你Would you like to stop somewhere and have a drink?stop: 停下,停留去哪兒喝一杯怎麼樣?-Benjamin: All right.好的-Waiter: Good evening.晚上好What will it be, sir?要點什麼嗎?先生-Benjamin: I"ll have whatever he"s having.不管什麼,無論什麼-Thomas: A Sazerac for both of us. With whiskey, not brandy.both: 兩者都 whiskey: 威士忌 brandy: 白蘭地薩澤拉雞尾酒一人一杯摻威士忌不要白蘭地You don"t drink, do you?你不喝酒,是嗎?-Benjamin: It"s a night for firsts.firsts: 初次的今晚是初次紀念日-Thomas: How"s that?為什麼這樣說-Benjamin: I"ve never been to a brothel, eitherbrothel: 妓院 either: 兩者之中任何一個妓院我也是第一次去-Thomas: It"s an experience.experience: 經歷大開眼界了-Benjamin: Certainly is.當然了There"s a first time for everything.任何事情都有第一次-Thomas: Sure enough.沒錯-Waiter: Your drinks.兩位的酒-Thomas: I don"t mean to be rude...but your hands, is that painful?rude: 粗魯的 painful: 疼痛我希望不會太冒失了...不過你的手會疼嗎?-Benjamin: I was born with some form of disease.disease: 疾病我生下來就有病-Thomas: What kind of disease?什麼病-Benjamin: I was born old.我生來就很老-Thomas: I"m sorry.真遺憾-Benjamin: No need to be. Nothing wrong with old age.need: 需要 wrong: 錯誤 age: 年紀不用遺憾,老又不是錯-Thomas: My wife passed away many years ago.pass away: 逝世 ago: 在….之前 wife: 妻子我妻子多年前就死了-Benjamin: I"m so so sorry.真是十分遺憾-Thomas: She died in childbirth.childbirth: 分娩她死於分娩To children.致孩子們-Benjamin: To mothers.致母親What line of work are you in, Mr Button?您是做什麼工作的,Button先生?-Thomas: Buttons.紐扣Button"s Buttons. There isn"t a button we don"t make.make: 製作Button紐扣行,沒有我們不能做的紐扣Our biggest competition is B.F. Goodrichcompetition: 競爭對手我們最大的競爭對手是B.F. Goodrichand his infernal zippers.infernal: 口語里指可惡的,壞透的 zipper: 拉鏈和他那討厭的拉鏈-Waiter: Would you gentlemen like anything else?gentlemen: 紳士兩位還要什麼嗎?-Thomas: One for the road, Benjamin?再來一杯送行Benjamin先生?-Benjamin: Only if you let me pay for it, Mr Button.only if: 除非除非你讓我來付這杯的酒錢Button先生-Thomas: So, what line of work do you do?你又是干哪一行的?-Benjamin: I"m a tugboat man.我是個拖船工-Thomas: I enjoyed talking to you.enjoy; 喜歡,享受…的樂趣 talk: 聊天和你聊天很高興-Benjamin: I enjoyed drinking with you.和你喝得很高興-Thomas: Benjamin... would you mind if, time to time, I stop by and say hello?time to time: 不時的Benjamin.如果你不介意我可以不時來看看你嗎?-Benjamin: Anytime. Good night, Mr Button.anytime: 隨時隨時都可以,晚安,Button先生-Thomas: Good night, Benjamin. Drive off.drive: 開車晚安Benjamin開吧-Queenie: Where have you been?你去哪兒了?-Benjamin: Nothing. I met some people and listened to music...listen: 聽,聽見沒什麼,我見了些人,聽了些音樂...-Queenie: Oh, sweet Jesus, boy!Jesus: 上帝啊噢,天哪,小子!-Benjamin: Growing up is a funny thing. Sneaks up on you.funny: 有趣的 growing: 成長 sneak: 鬼鬼祟祟的成長是種奇怪的事情,偷偷摸摸地就發生了One person is there and then suddenlysuddenly: 突然的本來是這個人然後突然somebody else is taking their place.就變成另外一個人了She wasn"t all elbows and knees anymore.elbow: 肘,肘部 knee: 膝蓋,膝部她不再橫衝直撞了-Daisy: Benjamin! Come on.Benjamin! 過來-Benjamin: Okay.來了I loved those weekends when she"d comeweekend: 周末我最愛她會來and spend the night with her grandmother.spend: 花費(時間,金錢,精力) night: 夜晚和奶奶一起過夜的周末Daisy! Daisy!Daisy! Daisy!You wanna see something?something: 東西想不想看一樣東西?You gotta keep it a secret.keep: 保持 secret: 秘密不過你得保密Get dressed. I"ll meet you out back.get dress: 穿衣服穿好衣服我在外頭等你Come on!快點!Can you swim?swim: 游泳你會游泳嗎?-Daisy: I can do anything you can do.anything: 任何事情你會的我都會。-Benjamin: Put this on. We gotta hurry.hurry: 趕快的,焦急的穿上我們得趕快了Chelsea切爾西號-Daisy: Is he okay?他還好嗎?-Benjamin: Captain!船長Captain Mike!Mike船長!Morning, captain. Can you take us out?早安,船長,可以帶我們出航嗎?-Captain: Do you know what day it is?你知道今天星期幾嗎?-Benjamin: Sunday.星期天-Captain: You know what that means?mean: 代表你知道這代表什麼嗎?It means that I was very drunk last night.drunk: 喝醉的 last night: 昨晚這代表我昨晚喝醉了-Benjamin: You"re drunk every night.你每天晚上都喝醉的-Captain: Is that a girl?那是個丫頭?-Benjamin: A close friend. I want to show her the river.一個很親密的朋友,我想帶她出海-Captain: I"m not supposed to go joy-ridin" with civilians.civilians: 平民我可不能帶平民遊船I could lose my license.license: 執照會丟掉執照的What are you waiting for?你們還在等啥?She put in for repair. A wounded duck.repair: 修補 wounded: 受了傷的 duck: 鴨子她送來修時是只受傷的小鴨子She"s flyin" now!現在又飛起來了!-Daisy: I wish we could go with them.wish: 希望 go with: 一起真希望我們可以跟他們一起走-Caroline: Did you say something, mom?你說什麼了嗎,媽媽?It"s getting really bad.getting: 越來越… bad: 壞的,糟糕的看樣子很嚴重啊Can you hear me, mom?聽見我說話嗎媽媽?-Daisy: Time just speed out of me.speed: 迅速時間從我身邊慢慢流逝-Caroline: Things were changing quickly.quick: 快的,迅速的 things: 一切事物一切都在飛速變化-Old women A: I don"t know how it"s possible, but you seem to have more hair.possible: 可能的 more: 更多的 hair: 頭髮,毛髮真不知道這怎麼可能,你好像長頭髮了-Benjamin: What if I told you that I wasn"t getting older,如果我說我沒有和別人一樣變老but I was getting younger than everybody else.而是越變越年輕呢?-Old women A: Well, I"d feel sorry for you.那...我為你感到難過To have to see everybody you love die before you do.before: 在…之前不得不看著每一個你愛的人死在你之前It"s an awful responsibility.awful: 極其 responsibility: 責任這是太過沉重的責任-Benjamin: I"ve never thought about life or death that way before.Life or death: 生死之前我還從沒那樣想過生死的事-Old women A: Benjamin, we"re meant to lose the people we love.lose: 失去Benjamin我們都註定要失去所愛之人的How else would we know how important they are to us.important: 重要的 how else: 否則否則怎會明白他們有多重要-Benjamin: And one fall day, a familiar visitor came knocking on our door.familiar visitor: 常客 familiar: 常見的 knock: 敲打,敲門 door: 門然後秋季的一天那個常客又來敲門了You wanna go with me to the drugstore?drugstore: 藥店你要跟我一起去藥店嗎?She taught me how to play the piano.piano: 鋼琴 play the piano: 彈鋼琴-All: Amen!阿門-Benjamin: And she taught me what it meant to miss somebody.miss: 想念也教了我什麼是想念Let"s go.我們走吧I had gone to a brothel; I had my first drink,brothel: 妓院 我去過了妓院,喝過了酒Said goodbye to one friend and buried another.buried: 埋葬和一個朋友道了別,又埋葬了另一個朋友In 1936, when I was coming to the end of the 17th year of my life,coming: 快到1936年,在我快到生命中的第十八個年頭I packed my bag and said goodbye.pack: 收拾 bag: 包包,行李我收拾好行李和家裡說再見I knew, life being what it was,我明白人生終有盡頭時I"d probably never see them again.probably: 大概我多半不會再見到他們了-Queenie: Good luck to you, son.luck: 幸運的 son: 兒子祝你好運,孩子-Benjamin: Thanks.謝謝I love you, mom.我愛你,媽媽-Queenie: I love you too, baby.我也愛你,寶貝I want you to say your prayers every night, hear?prayers: 禱告我要你每天晚上都禱告,聽清楚了沒?Be safe!safe: 安全安全第一!-Daisy: Benjamin!Benjamin!Where are you going?你要去哪裡?-Benjamin: Off to sea.出海I"ll send you a postcard.postcard: 明信片我會給你寄明信片的From everywhere.每到一處-Daisy: Write me a postcard from everywhere.Write: 寫,寫信 everywhere: 任何地方每到一處就要給我寫張明信片Can you imagine?imagine: 料想你想得到嗎?He sent me a postcard from everywhere he went.sent: 寄他每到一個地方就給我寄張明信片Every place he worked.每個他工作過的地方Newfoundland, Baffin Bay, Glasgow, Liverpool, Narvik...紐芬蘭,巴芬灣,格拉斯哥,利物浦,納爾維克...He had gone with that captain Mike.他跟著Mike船長去的-Benjamin: Captain Mike had contracted for three years with Moran Brotherscontracted: 契約的Mike船長和Moran兄弟拖運救助公司Tug and Salvage. The old ship had been refittedtug: 用力拉 salvage: 海上營救 refit整修簽了三年合同,那艘老船新裝了with a diesel engine and a new sea winch.diesel: 柴油 engine: 引擎 winch: 絞車一個柴油引擎和海上絞車We went around Florida and up the Atlantic seaboard.seaboard: 沿海地區我們繞過佛羅里達,沿著大西洋海岸北上We were a crew of seven now. Captain Mike and me,crew: 全體船員現在船員有7人我Mike船長the cookie, Prentiss Mayes from Wilmington, Delaware.cookie: 精明強幹的人(尤指男人)來自特拉華州威靈頓的廚子Prentiss MayesThe Brody twins, Rick and Vic who got along fine at sea,twins: 雙胞胎 fine: 很好Brody雙胞胎Rick和Vic倆人在海上相安無事but for some reason, once they were on dry land,dry land: 乾旱地區 dry: 乾燥但不知為什麼,只要一踏上陸地couldn"t stand the sight of each other.sight: 視野 each other: 彼此就沒法容忍對方了-John Grimm: You know?你知道嗎?One in every eight boats never returns...return: 返回每八艘船里就有一艘再也回不來-Benjamin: There was John Grimm, who sure fit his name.還有人如其名的"掃興John Grimm "-John Grimm: ...all hands lost at sea....全員死在海里-Benjamin: From Belvedere, South Dakota.他來自南達科他州的望樓And Pleasant Curtis from Nashville,還有納什維爾來的Pleasant Curtiswho never said a word to anyone, except himself.except: 除了…之外他只和自己一個人說話-Daisy:I wrote him constantly.constantly: 不斷的我一直給他寫信I told him I had been invited to audition in New York City,我告訴他我接到了美國芭蕾學校的邀請for the School of American Ballet.ballet: 芭蕾,芭蕾舞要我去紐約面試-Teacher: Please stay. Thank you. Thank you.留下,謝謝,謝謝You can stay.你留下-Daisy: I was relegated to the "corps". Another dancing gypsy.relegated: 使降級 corps: 軍團 another: 另外的 dance: 跳舞 gypsy: 吉普賽人我被分去了"兵團" 又一名舞者誕生了-Captain: Benjamin, how is it when you showed up,Benjamin為什麼你來的時候you were no bigger than a bollard with one foot in the grave.bollard: 攬柱 grave: 墳墓還沒纜樁高一隻腳踏進墳墓的樣子Now... either I drink a helluva lot more than I think I do,either: 兩者之中任何一個 helluva: 很大的 more than: 超過現在...要不是我不知不覺喝多了or you sprouted! What"s your secret?sprouted: 萌芽,發了芽的要不就是你竄個子了! 你怎麼做到的?-Benjamin: Well, Captain...船長...you do drink a lot.你確實喝多了We stayed in a small hotel with the grand name, "The Winter Palace."hotel: 酒店 grand: 華麗的 winter: 冬天 palace: 宮殿我們住的那家小酒店有個華麗的名字"冬之殿"-Captain: You have no idea what you"re talking about.idea: 主意,思想你不知道自己在說啥The hummingbird is not just another bird.hummingbird: 蜂鳥蜂鳥可不是普通的鳥Its heart rate is 1,200 beats a minute.heart rate: 脈搏 rate: 頻率 beat: 心臟跳動 minute: 一分鐘它的脈搏每分鐘有1200下Its wings beat 80 times a second.wings: 翅膀 second: 秒它每秒可以扇翅80下If you was to stop their wings from beatin,如果不能扇動翅膀they would be dead in less that ten seconds.less: 更少的不用十秒,它們就會死了This is no ordinary bird, this is a frikkin" miracle!ordinary: 普通的 miracle: 奇蹟這可不是普通的鳥兒,這是一種奇蹟!They slowed down their wings with moving pictures,slowed down: 使慢下來 moving pictures: 電影有人用電影慢鏡頭放它們翅膀的動作and you know what they saw? Their wingtips are doing...wingtip: 翼尖猜猜他們看到什麼? 翅膀的尖端畫出一個...You know what the figure "8" is the mathematical symbol for?figure: 數字 mathematical: 數學 symbol: 符號你知道"8"字形是什麼數學符號嗎?Infinity!無窮盡!-Benjamin: Everybody, no matter what differences they had,no matter: 無論無論每個人有什麼不同的地方Languages, the color of their skin, had one thing in common:language: 語言 color: 顏色 skin: 皮膚 common: 共有的語言也好,膚色也罷,卻都有一個相通之處They were drunk every single night.single: 單個的他們每天晚上都是醉醺醺的-Walter Abbott: Could you hold the lift, please?hold: 按住 lift: 電梯請按住電梯好嗎?Thank you very much.非常感謝-Benjamin: Her name was Elizabeth Abbott.她的名字是Elizabeth AbbottShe was not beautiful. She was plain as paper.beautiful: 漂亮 plain: 感嘆她並不漂亮,長得樸素得像一張白紙But she was pretty as any picture to me.可對我來說比任何一張圖畫都美麗-Elizabeth Abbott: What are you looking at?你在看什麼?If you must know, we have a long standing agreementagreement: 習慣如果你非要知道,我們長久以來的習慣never to go to bed sober. Isn"t that right, honey?sober: 沒喝醉的 honey: 親愛的就是不醉不歸,是不是,親愛的?-Walter Abbott: Whatever you say, darling.隨你怎麼說,親愛的-Benjamin: Her husband was Walter Abbott.她丈夫名叫Walter AbbottHe was Chief Minister of the British Trade Mission in Murmansk.chief: 首席的 minister: 部長 trade: 貿易 mission: 任職他是英國駐摩爾曼斯克貿易代表團的團長And he was a spy.spy: 間諜他是個間諜-Walter Abbott: Are you okay, darling?你還好嗎?親愛的-Elizabeth Abbott: Oh yes.哦,沒事I broke my heel off one of my shoes.heel: 後跟我有一隻鞋的鞋跟斷了I"m not in a habit of walking about in my stocking feet.habit: 習慣,嗜好 stocking: 長襪穿著長筒襪到處亂走可不是我的習慣-Benjamin: They were long days there.這邊的白天很長And even longer nights.even: 甚至夜晚更長One particular night, I was having trouble sleeping.particular: 特別的 trouble: 困難的某天晚上我睡不著I"m sorry.對不起I couldn"t sleep.我睡不著I was gonna make some tea. Would you like some?tea: 茶我想泡杯茶你要來杯嗎?-Elizabeth Abbott: No, thank you.不用了謝謝-Benjamin: Milk? Honey?加奶? 加蜂蜜?-Elizabeth Abbott: A bit of honey, please.a bit of: 一點-Benjamin: I hope you like flies in your honey.我希望你喜歡蜂蜜里的小飛蟲-Elizabeth Abbott: Oh, perhaps not.perhaps: 或許或許不是Maybe... better to let it steep a littlesteep: 泡是不是...再浸一下比較好?-Benjamin: Steep?浸-Elizabeth Abbott: Soak.浸泡I don"t know, I mean... there"s a proper way of making tea.proper: 適當的 make tea: 泡茶我不知道,我是說...泡茶有泡茶的方法-Benjamin: Where I"m from, people just want it to be hot.hot: 燙的在我們那兒,人們只要茶是滾燙的就行了-Elizabeth Abbott: Well, quite right.那也對Are you a seaman?你是海員嗎?-Benjamin: Sailor.水手-Elizabeth Abbott: I hope I"m not being impolite, but I have to ask:impolite: 失禮的我希望不會太失禮,不過我還是得問一下Aren"t you a little old to be working on a boat?你這把年紀還在船上工作?-Benjamin: There"s no age limit, as long as you can do the work.limit: 限制這一行沒有年齡限制只要你幹得動-Elizabeth Abbott: And you have trouble sleeping? Thank you.你經常睡不著? 謝謝-Benjamin: I didn"t think I did. I usually sleep like a baby.usually: 通常的我想不是通常我睡得像嬰兒一樣香Something kept me up.有些事讓我睡不著-Elizabeth Abbott: My father, in his eighties,我父親八十多歲的時候he was so convinced he"s gonna die in his sleep,convinced: 有堅定信仰的他堅信他會在睡覺時死去he limited himself to having afternoon naps.aftermoon: 下午 nap: 打盹他限制自己只在下午打盹He was so determined that he was gonna cheat death.determined: 堅決的 cheat: 欺騙下定決心要騙過死神-Benjamin: Did he?成真了嗎?-Elizabeth Abbott: Did he what?什麼成真了?-Benjamin: Die in his sleep?他是在睡眠中去世的嗎?-Elizabeth Abbott: He died sitting in his favorite chair,favorite: 特別喜歡的他死時就坐在他最愛的椅子里listening to his favorite program on the wireless.wireless: 無線電 program: 節目聽著他最愛的廣播節目He must have known something.他肯定早就知道了My husband is British Trade Minister,我丈夫是英國的商貿代表and we"ve been here for fourteen months.我們來了十四個月了-Benjamin: Good God!天哪-Elizabeth Abbott: We were supposed to go to Peking.我們本來要去北京But it never seemed to work out.可總是不能成行Have you been in the Far East?far: 遙遠的 east: 東方你到過遠東嗎?-Benjamin: No. I"ve never been anywhere, really. I mean outside harbors.harbors: 港口不我還真是哪兒都沒去過只除了港口-Elizabeth Abbott: And where is it that you"re from?你是從哪來的?-Benjamin: New Orleans, Louisiana新奧爾良路易斯安那的那個-Elizabeth Abbott: I didn"t know there was another.我不知道還有別的新奧爾良-Benjamin: And she told me about all the places she had been.她和我說了她到過的那些地方What she had seen.見過的那些風光And we talked till just before the dawn.dawn: 黎明我們一直聊到將近黎明And we went back to our rooms, to our separate lives.separate: 分開然後各自回房過各自的生活But every night, we"d meet again in that lobby.lobby: 會議休息室可是每個夜晚,我們都在休息室會面A hotel in the middle of the night can be a magical place.middle of the night: 午夜 middle: 中間的,中部的 magical: 魔力的,魔法的午夜的酒店透著一種魔力A mouse running and stopping.mouse: 老鼠 run: 跑老鼠跑跑停停A radiator hissing. A curtain blowing.radiator: 散熱器 hissing: 發嘶嘶聲 curtain: 窗帘 blowing: 吹風,鼓風散熱器嘶嘶作響,窗帘颯颯飄動There"s something peaceful, even comforting,peaceful: 和平的,安靜的 comforting: 令人欣慰的這是一種寧靜甚至愜意的感覺knowing that people you love are asleep in their beds,當你知道所愛的人在酣睡中where nothing can harm them.harm: 傷害不會受到任何傷害Elizabeth and I would lose track of the night,track: 足跡,痕迹我和Elizabeth會忘記時間的流逝till just before daybreak.daybreak: 拂曉,黎明直到將近黎明-Elizabeth Abbott: I think I may have given you the wrong impression.impression: 印象我也許給你留下錯誤的印象了-Benjamin: I beg your pardon?beg: 請求 pardon: 再說一遍什麼意思?-Elizabeth Abbott: Well, married women don"t customarilycustomarily: 習慣上怎麼說,已婚婦人不該sit around in the middle of the night with strange men in hotels.strange: 陌生的半夜三更和酒店裡的陌生男人坐在一起-Benjamin: I wouldn"t know what a married woman does and doesn"t do.我不知道已婚婦人該或者不該做什麼Good night!晚安-Caroline: Murmansk.摩爾曼斯克(俄國唯一的出海口)I"ve met somebody and I"ve fallen in love. Mom?fallen in love: 墜入情網 fallen in: 塌陷,下沉我碰上了一個人墜入情網媽媽?-Daisy: That was over 60 years ago.那是60多年前的事情了-Caroline: Did you love him, mother?你愛他媽?媽媽-Daisy: What does a girl know about love?我一個小丫頭哪懂得愛情?-Postcard: I am working in the Russian Fort of Murmansk. It"s very cold here.cold: 寒冷的我在給摩爾曼斯克的俄國堡壘幹活,這裡非常冷-Benjamin: I"m not dressed我都沒打扮-Elizabeth Abbott: You look splendid just as you are.splendid: 極好的你如平常一樣好看Don"t waste any time bothering about the wine or the cheesewaste: 浪費(時間,精力等) bother: 煩勞,打擾 wine: 酒 cheese: 乳酪在摩爾曼斯克別浪費時間在紅酒in Murmansk, cause they are really completely ordinary.cause: 因為 completely: 完全的 ordinary: 日常的,普通的和乳酪上這些都實在太普通了But the caviar and the vodkacaviar: 魚子醬 vodka: 伏特加但是魚子醬,伏特加are sublime and plentiful.sublime: 驚嘆的 plentiful: 豐富的那是無上極品,供應充足So...所以...Savor it... and don"t eat it all at once.savor: 食慾 at once: 立即好好品嘗...別一下吃下去Because that way, there"s nothing left to enjoy.enjoy: 樂趣因為那樣就沒有任何樂趣了Now take a little swallow of vodka while it"s still in your mouth.swallow: 吞現在趁還在嘴裡的時候含一口伏特加Nazdrovia.乾杯(俄語)You haven"t been with many women, have you?你沒過幾個女人,是不是?-Benjamin: Not on sundays.就星期天沒有-Elizabeth Abbott: And you"ve never had a girlfriend before, have you?girlfriend: 女朋友你還沒交過女朋友吧?-Benjamin: No ma"am.沒有,夫人-Elizabeth Abbott: When I was nineteen, I attempted to becomeattempted to: …的企圖 attempt: 試圖我十九歲那年曾經試圖成為the first woman ever to swim the English Channel.English Channel: 英吉利海峽第一個游過英吉利海峽的女人-Benjamin: Really?真的?-Elizabeth Abbott: But the current that day was so strong that...current:: 海流 strong: 強大的可那天的海流太強了...for every stroke I took, I was pushed back two.stroke: 游發 push: 推我每向前游一下,就給推回去兩下I was in the water for 32 hours.我在水裡待了32個小時And when I was two miles from Calais,mile: 里在我離(法國港口)加來還有兩里的時候it started to rain.rain: 雨卻下起了雨When I couldn"t go any further,當我再也無法前進I stopped.我停下了I just stopped.我就停了And everybody asked me would I try again.try: 嘗試 again: 在一次然後每個人都問我會不會再試一次?Why wouldn"t I?為什麼不會?I never did. As a matter of fact,fact: 事實上我再也沒試過,實際上I"ve never done anything with my life after that.自那以後我一直一事無成Your hands are so coarse.coarse: 粗糙的你的手真是粗糙I can feel the wind in your cheeks.wind: 風兩頰刻滿了風霜I"m afraid it"s the witching hour.witching: 有魔術的恐怕午夜當真是魔法時刻-Benjamin: It was the first time a woman had ever kissed me.第一次有女人親吻我It"s something you never forget.真是永生難忘的記憶-Elizabeth Abbott: Benjamin!Benjamin!-Benjamin: You make me feel younger.你讓我感覺自己年輕了-Elizabeth Abbott: You make me feel years younger too. I wish I was.你也讓我覺得年輕了好幾歲我希望是真的呢So many things I"d change. I"d undo all my mistakes.change: 改變 mistakes: 錯誤我可以改變那麼多事,我會糾正所有的錯誤-Benjamin: What mistakes?什麼錯誤?-Elizabeth Abbott: I kept waiting, you know.wait: 等待我一直等啊等啊你知道Thinking that I"d do something to change my circumstances.circumstances: 環境想著我總會做一些事來改變我的環境Do something.做一些事Such an awful waste, you never get it back.awful: 可怕的 waste: 浪費真是太浪費了,你永遠無法挽回Wasted time.蹉跎了的歲月you"re never to look at me during the day.during: 在…期間,當…之時你絕不可以在白天看我And we"re always to part before sunrise,part: 分開, sunrise: 日出我們總得在日出前分手and we will never say "I love you".而且我們永遠不會說"我愛你"Those are the rules.rules: 規則這些是規矩Are you cold? 你冷嗎?-Benjamin: I"m freezing.freezing: 冰凍的快凍僵了She was the first woman that ever loved me.她是第一個愛過我的女人-Caroline: Want me to skip some?skip: 跳過要我跳過一些嗎?-Daisy: No, glad he had somebody to keep him warm.warm: 溫暖不,很高興曾有人溫暖過他-Caroline: I couldn"t wait to see her again.我等不及再次和她見面-Benjamin: We saw each other every night. We always used the same room.same: 相同的我們每天晚上都見面總是在同一個房間But each time seemed new and different.new: 新鮮的 each: 任意一個 each time: 每次可每次都彷彿新鮮的經歷-Benjamin: Come here. Elizabeth... Good night. 「Until one night.」來這兒!Elizabeth…晚安!直到一天晚上。-Broadcast: Yesterday, December 7th 1941, the day which will live in infamy.infamy: 聲名狼藉昨天1941年12月7日將是恥辱的一天possibly in the near future, and possibly beyond.可能很快,可能還要等。-Arial: There"s been a change of plan, lads.lads: 小夥子們 計劃總趕不上變化,夥計們!As you may or may not know, the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor yesterday. Frank D. bomb: 轟炸你們可能已經知道,也可能不知道日本鬼子昨天轟炸了珍珠港。Roosevelt asked each of us to do our part.Frank D. Roosevelt請我們每人各出一分力。The Chelsea"s been commissioned to serve in the United States Navy.commission: 委託,授權 Chelsea號已經為美國海軍徵用,To repair, salvage and to rescue.salvage: 廢棄,搶修,救撈服務於修理,援助和搶救。Anybody doesn"t wanna go to war, now it"s the time to say so.誰不想去打仗的,現在就可以說了。Once you set foot on that boat, you"re in the Navy, friend.rescue: 援救,解救 navy: 海軍朋友,一旦你一腳踏上船,你就是海軍了。-Mayes: I"ve been meaning to talk with you, Mike.我一直想和你談談Mike。My wife"s doing poorly. I"d like to maybe see her one more time.我妻子的身體不好,我想再見她一面。-Arial: You"re free to make your way home any way you can, Mr Mayes.Mayes先生,你想怎樣回家都行。-Man A: If he"s leaving, who"s gonna cook?他走了,誰來做飯?-Man B: Food poisoning is one of the leading causes of death at sea.poison: 中毒 cause: 原因食物中毒是海上最高機率的死因之一。-Man C: Right after inadequate safety equipment.inadequate: 不充分的 equipment: 設備,裝備僅次於救生器械不足。-Benjamin: I can cook, captain. Been doing it all my life.captain: 船長我能做飯,船長。我做了一輩子的飯。-Arial: Yeah, I knew it. You"re a little too old for war, Benjamin.我知道,你太老了不能打仗,Benjamin。Ah, what the hell. I"ll take any man who wants to kick the shit out of Japs and Huns.the hell: 究竟,到底 kick out of: 讓…出局管他呢,我會捎上任何想痛扁日本鬼子和匈奴蠻子的人。That"s it! Back to your gear. We"re going to war, gentlemen!gear:裝備就這樣! 各就各位!先生們,我們打仗去!-Benjamin: 「She had left a note. She wrote 『It was nice to have met you.』 And that was it. note: 便條 她留下了一個字條,寫道 "遇到你真好",沒別的了。It wasn"t the war any of us expected. We just towed crippled ships. Scraps of metal, really.tow: 拖,曳 crippled: 傷殘的 scrap: 小片,殘餘物 metal: 金屬這不是我們所預料的戰爭,我們只管拖走失去戰鬥力的船,一堆廢銅爛鐵。If there was a war, we didn"t see it. There was a man assigned to us.就算真在打仗,我們也沒有看到有個人分派到我們那。The Chief Gunner loved the Navy. But most of all, he loved America.」assign: 分配,指派 一個機槍兵長,熱愛海軍,但最重要的,他熱愛美國。-Dennis: There is no other country in the world! When you spell A.M.E.R.I.C.A, you"re spelling freedom.freedom: 自由世上再沒有別的國家了!當你說"美利堅合眾國"時,你其實指的是自由。-Benjamin: 「His name was Dennis Smith and he was a full blooded Cherokee.blooded: 純種的他叫Dennis Smith純種的切諾基人。His family had been Americans for over 500 years.」他的家族在美國已經有500多年的歷史了。-Dennis: These pacifists. They say they won"t fight on conscience.pacifist: 和平主義者 conscience: 良心這些和平主義者說他們不會昧著良心打仗。Where would we be if everybody decided to act according to their conscience? according to: 按照,根據如果人人都憑良心做事,我們今天又會怎麼樣…-Navy A: Keep it down, would you chief!chief: 首領小聲點好嗎?兵長。-John: Hey... I"ve been watching you. You seem trustworthy.trustworthy: 可信賴的喂…我一直在觀察你,你似乎是個可靠的人。If something happens to me, could you see that this gets to my wife?如果我有什麼不測,你能幫我把這個交給我老婆嗎?-Benjamin: 「He had given me all of his pay. Hadn"t spent a dime of it.」dime: 一角硬幣,(美,加)的十分硬幣他把賺的錢全給了我,一分錢都沒花過。-John: I want my family to know that I was thinking about them.我想讓我家人知道我沒忘記他們。-Captain: All hands on deck! Get you asses up here, you lazy bastards!deck: 甲板 bastard: 私生子所有人上甲板!快起來!一群懶豬!-Benjamin: 「The war had finally found us.」我們最終沒有躲過戰火。-Captain: Full stop! Pleasant, get on that light.停下!Pleasant,打開大燈-Benjamin: 「A transport carrying 1300 men had been split by a torpedo. We were first to arrive at the scene.」transport: 運輸 split: 分離 torpedo: 水雷 scene: 場一艘載著1300人的運輸船被魚雷炸成兩半,我們是第一艘到達現場的船。-Benjamin: Stop the engine!熄掉引擎!-Captain: Full stop!停下!-Benjamin: 「We were the only sound.」只剩下我們船的聲音了。-Captain: Fellows!大夥!-Benjamin: 「We surely can"t count to outrun them fuckers.」count to: 依靠,指望 outrun: 超過,追趕 fucker: 傻瓜我們肯定要與那些混蛋交鋒。-Dennis: Battle stations!battle: 戰爭 station:靜止狀態戰鬥狀態!-Captain: What?怎麼了?-Navy A: Is that the last one?最後一件了?-Benjamin: Captain!船長!-Captain: They shot the hell out of my painting! Give me your hand.他們射爛我的文身了。把手給我!-Benjamin: You"ll be alright, captain Mike. Nice spot in heaven"s waiting for you. Nice spot.spot: 地點你會沒事的,麥克船長。天堂里有好位置留給你的。-Captain: You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.mad: 發瘋的 你可以像瘋狗一樣對著不如意的事情亂吠。You could swear, curse the fates, but when it comes to the end you have to let go.swear: 發誓,宣誓 curse: 咒罵 fate: 命運你可以咒罵命運不公,但當最後一刻來臨時你還是得放手而去。-Benjamin: Captain. 「1328 men died that day.船長。那天有1328人死了。I said my goodbyes to the Cherokee, Dennis Smith.我和Cherokee, Dennis Smith.了別和"掃興約翰"道了別。John Grimm who was right, he was gonna die there. I sent Pleasant Curtis" wife his money.他說得對,他會死在那裡。我把Pleasant Curtis的錢寄給了他老婆。I said goodbye to the twin, Vic Brody, and to Mike Clark, captain of the tugboat 『Chelsea.』我和雙胞胎之一的Vic Brody道了別,還和"切爾西號"的船長Mike Clark道了別。I said goodbye to all the other men, who had dreams of their own.我和其他所有帶著夢想的人們都道了別,All the men who wanted to be insurance salesmen or doctors or lawyers or Indian chiefs.」insurance: 保險 salesman: 推銷員 lawyer: 律師所有夢想成為保險推銷員和醫生,律師和印第安酋長的人們。-Navy B: This doesn"t get fixed.fixed: 固定的,不變的這個還沒修好。-Benjamin: 「Out here, death didn"t seem natural.在這裡,人都不能自然死亡。I had never seen a hummingbird that far out to sea. Before or since.hummingbird: 蜂鳥我在海里從未見過蜂鳥,一生僅此一次。And in may of 1945, when I was 26 years old, I came home.」1945年五月,我26歲,我回家了。-Queenie: I"m coming!我馬上來!-Benjamin: Queenie? Queenie? -Queenie: Yes.是的!-Benjamin: Oh, sweet Jesus! You"re home! Lord, you came back! Let me look at you!老天啊! 你回家了!上帝啊!你回來了! 讓我好好瞧瞧你!-Sister: Who"s that, mama? 他是誰,媽媽? -Queenie: Child, it"s your brother, Benjamin.傻孩子,他是你哥哥Benjamin。-Sister: I didn"t know he was my brother.我不知道他是我哥哥。-Queenie: There"s a shit load of things you don"t know.a load of: 大量你不知道的事情多著呢。Finish sweeping, wash your hands and help me with the table. C"mon!sweep: 打掃趕快拖完地,洗乾淨手,來幫我擺餐具。Turn around. Oh, you look like you"ve been born again!turn around: 轉身,轉變 轉過去,你看起來脫胎換骨啊!Younger than the springtime. I think that preacher laid the hands on you gave you a second life.preacher: 牧師比你小時候更年輕了,我想那位牧師給你行的按手禮讓你重獲新生。I knew it the moment I saw you, you were special.我看到你的第一眼就知道你與眾不同。I tell you what, my knees are sore cause I"ve been on them every night asking the Lord, I say God, bring him home safely.knee: 膝蓋 sore: 疼痛的,痛心的 我的膝蓋疼得要命,因為每天晚上我都跪著向上帝祈禱,希望你平安歸來。Remember what I told you?記得我怎麼給你說的嗎?-Benjamin: You never know what"s coming for you?命運難料!-Queenie: That"s right. Sit down. Did you learn anything worth repeating?repeat: 重複,反覆說得對!快坐下!有什麼值得聊聊的經歷嗎?I sure saw some things. Oh, you"ve seen some pain. Some joy too?我確實經歷不少事情。你經歷了不少痛苦有歡樂的事嗎? -Benjamin: Sure, sure I did.是啊!是的!-Queenie: Yeah, that"s what I wanna hear. Look at you... 我想聽聽!看看你…-Benjamin: Where"s Tizzy?Tizzy在哪?-Queenie: Oh, baby! Mr Weathers died in his sleep one night last april.哦!寶貝!Weathers先生去年四月在睡夢中去世了-Benjamin: Mama, I"m so sorry. 媽媽,我很難過! -Queenie: Don"t you worry about that, baby. Well, there"s only one or two of them left now. 別擔心,寶貝。現在你認識的只有一兩個剩下了,They"re all just about new. I guess they"re waiting their turn like everybody else.其餘都是新來的。每段人生都有終點,I"m so glad you"re back home with me.你能回來我太高興了。Now we"re going to find you a wife and a new job.現在我們要給你討個老婆,找份新工作。Come and help me with this table. Benjamin!來幫我擺餐具!Benjamin,You"re wasting your time, baby. She"s stone deaf.waste: 浪費 stone deaf: 完全聾的你在浪費時間,寶貝!她什麼都聽不到!You"ll be staying in what was Mrs DeSeroux"s old room. You"re too big to be rooming with anybody else.room with: 和…同住一個房間你住在以前瑟斯夫人的房間,你和別人合住的話太擠了。-Queenie: 「It"s a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same. Smells the same. Feels the same.」funny: 有趣的,滑稽的回家的有趣之處是一切看起來,聞起來,感覺起來都沒有改變。-Old Man: Did I ever tell you I"ve been struck by lightning 7 times?strike:(自然力或超自然力)擊毀,摧毀 lightning: 閃電 我有沒有告訴過你我被雷劈中過七次?Once when I was sitting in my truck, minding my own business.truck: 卡車 mind: 介意有一次我正坐在卡車裡專心開車。-Benjamin: 「You realize what"s changed, is you. And late one morning, not long after I"d been back...」realize: 察覺,領悟 你會認識到唯一改變了的是你自己。一天早上,我回來不久以後…-Daisy: Excuse me, is Queenie here?打擾一下,Queenie在嗎?-Benjamin: Daisy? It"s me, Benjamin.Daisy?是我,Benjamin!-Daisy: Benjamin? Oh my God! Of course it"s you! Benjamin! How are you? Benjamin?我的上帝啊!是你啊,Benjamin!你還好嗎?It"s been such a long time! There"s so much I wanna know! When did you get back?好久沒見了! 我有好多事情想知道! 你什麼時候回來的?-Benjamin: I got back few weeks ago.幾周以前。-Daisy: I spoke to Queenie, she said you were in the war, somewhere at sea, we were so worried about you.be worried about: 為…擔憂我和Queenie聊天,她說你出海去打仗了,我們很擔心你。-Benjamin: I"m okay. Well, look at you. You are so lovely.我沒事的。看看你,多麼可愛啊!-Daisy: You stopped writing.你沒再寫信。-Caroline: When I had left she was a girl. And a woman had taken her place.take one』s place: 代替我離開的時候她還是個孩子,現在已經是個女人了。She was the most beautiful woman I"ve ever seen.他是我見過的最美麗的女人。-Daisy: Beautiful.美麗的。-Caroline: The most beautiful.最美麗的。-Daisy: You remember grandma Fuller? 你還記得Fuller奶奶嗎? -Benjamin: Sure I do.當然記得。-Daisy: She passed.她去世了。-Benjamin: I heard that, I"m sorry.我聽說了,很難過。-Daisy: I just can"t believe we"re both here. Must be fate... no, no, what did he call it? 真不敢相信我們還能重逢,命運使然。不,不,他怎麼說的? Kismet. Do you know about Edgar Cayce, the psychic?kismet: 命運,天命 psychic: 心靈天命!你知道Edgar Cayce。-Benjamin: I don"t believe...我不知道…-Daisy: He says that everything is predetermined, but I like to think that it is fate.predetermine: 預先決定他說萬事萬物是早已被定好的,但我覺得就是命運。-Benjamin: I"m not sure how it works, but I"m glad it happened.我不知道到底命運如何運作,但我感謝它。-Daisy: Have you been to Manhattan? It"s right across the river from me.你去過曼哈頓嗎? 我就在河對岸住。I can see the Empire State Building if I stand on my bed. What about you, where"ve you been?across: 橫過,穿過 empire: 帝國 如果我站在床上還能看見帝國大廈。你呢? 你都去過哪裡? Tell me everything.都告訴我!Last time you wrote, you said you"ve been to Russia. I always wanted to go to Russia. Is it as cold as they say?上次你寫道,你去了俄國。我一直想去俄國,是不是如傳說中那麼冷?-Benjamin: Twice as cold.twice: 兩倍兩倍的冷。 -Daisy: My goodness! We always said you were different. I think you really are.work out: 算出,解決我的天啊!我們總說你與眾不同,我現在真的這麼覺得。You wrote that you met somebody. Did it work out?你寫信說你遇到一個人,結果呢?-Benjamin: It ran its course. Hey, do you remember this?run its course: 自然地發展順其自然了。嗨,記得這個嗎?-Daisy: This is the picture of Old Man Kangaroo at 5 in the afternoon.kangaroo: 袋鼠這是袋鼠老先生下午5點的圖片。-Benjamin: Would you like to have dinner?想吃晚飯嗎?-Daisy: Did I tell you that I danced for Ballenchine? He"s a famous choreographer. He said that I had perfect line.choreographer: 舞蹈指導 line:外形我有沒有告訴過你我給巴倫切跳過舞?他是著名的舞蹈指導老師,他說我的身材很完美。In a rehearsal once, a dancer fell. And he just put it right into the production.rehearsal: 綵排 production: 作品 有次綵排,一個舞者摔倒了,他卻直接把這加進了作品裡。Can you imagine that in a classical ballet? A dancer intentionally falling?imagine: 想像,猜想 classical: 經典的 intentionally: 故意地你能想像在傳統芭蕾舞里舞者故意摔倒嗎?There"s a whole new word for dance now, it"s called abstract. He"s not the only one though,abstract: 抽象的 現在舞蹈界有個新名詞「抽象」,他不是唯一一個。there"s Lincoln Kirstein, and Lucia Chase and Agnes Demille...還有Lincoln Kirstein (著名舞者),還有Lucia Chase,Agnes Demille…she has just torn up all those conventions, all that straight up and down stuff...tear up: 取消(契約、協議、合同等) convention: 協定,慣例 straight up and down: 直上直下她打破了所有的老套,所有直上直下的動作。-Benjamin: And she told me about this big new world. Names that didn"t mean a thing to me.她給我講述這個全新的世界,那些人名對我沒有任何意義,I didn"t really hear very much of what she was saying.我其實沒有太注意她說的話。-Daisy: It"s new and modern and it"s American. They understand our vigor and our physicality.modern: 現代的 vigor: 精力這是美式全新的現代化舞蹈,他們理解我們的精神和思想。Oh my God, I"ve just been talking and talking.天啊,我一直在一個人說個不停。-Benjamin: No, no, I"ve enjoyed listening. I didn"t know you smoked. 不,不,我很喜歡聽。我還不知道你抽煙。 -Daisy: I"m old enough. I"m old enough for a lot of things.我已經夠年齡了,我已經夠年齡做很多事了。In New York we stay up all night. Watch the sun come up over the warehouses. stay up: 熬夜 warehouse: 倉庫 在紐約,我們天天晚上通宵。看著日頭從倉庫上升起,There"s always something to do. I have to go back tomorrow.總有事情可做。我明天就得回去。-Benjamin: So soon? 這麼快? -Daisy: Wish I could stay. Dancers don"t need costumes or scenery anymore.costume: 服裝,戲服 scenery: 布景 我也不想走。舞蹈演員已經不再需要服裝和布景,I can imagine dancing completely naked.naked: 裸體的我能想像裸舞是什麼樣子。Have you read D.H. Lawrence? His books were banned. The words are like making love. ban: 禁止,取締 你讀過D.H. Lawrence的書嗎? 他的書曾是禁書,所有的語言都像是在做愛。In our company, we have to trust each other.在我們的舞蹈團里要互相信任。Sex is a part of it. I know a lot of the dancers are lesbians.lesbian: 女同性戀者 性愛也是其中一部分。我知道很多舞蹈演員都是女同性戀。There was one woman who wanted to sleep with me. Was that upsetting you?upset: 使…心煩意亂,使…不舒服曾經有個女的想和我上床。讓你很生氣? -Benjamin: Which part?哪一部分?-Daisy: Somebody wanted to sleep with me?有人想和我上床?-Benjamin: You"re a desirable woman, I would think most of them would wanna sleep with you.desirable: 令人想要的你很有魅力,我想很多人都想和你上床。-Daisy: Let"s go back to the house. Or we can get a room somewhere. We can lay down your jacket.lay down: 放下咱們回屋子裡吧,或是我們去哪裡開個房間,或是把你的外套鋪在地上。-Benjamin: I don"t know, Daisy... It"s not that I wouldn"t like to. I think I"d just disappoint you.disappoint: 使…失望我不知道,Daisy…不是我不想,只是覺得我會讓你失望。-Daisy: Benjamin, I"ve been with older men.Benjamin,我和更老的人都做過。-Benjamin: You go back to New York in the morning, you should be with your friends. You"re only young once. 你明早回紐約,你會和你的朋友們在一起。人只會年輕一次。-Daisy: Oh, I"m old enough.我已經夠年齡了。-Benjamin: Daisy, just not tonight, is all. We can go hear some music.Daisy,只有今晚不行。我們可以去聽聽音樂。「Our lives are defined by opportunities. Even the ones we miss.」define:說明(事物)的性質(或本質) opportunity: 機會我們的生活取決於機遇,甚至是錯過的機遇。-Daisy: You look so handsome, so distinct.distinct: 獨特的你很英俊,與眾不同。-Nurse: They"re saying the hurricane is gonna miss us. Blow right on by.hurricane: 颶風 他們說颶風不會吹過來,會剛好繞過我們。-Caroline: Oh, that"s great. 太好了! -Daisy: I"ll stay under the blankets with mother. She said nothing... Benjamin?blanket: 毛毯我還是睡在毯子里和媽媽一起。她什麼也沒說…Benjamin?-Benjamin: 「Things were becoming different for me. My hair had very little gray and grew like weeds.gray: 灰色的 weed: 雜草我仍然在變,我的白髮越長越少,頭髮越長越密;My sense of smell was keener, my hearing more acute.keen: 敏銳的 acute: 敏銳的我的嗅覺開始變得敏銳;聽力也變得靈敏;I could walk further and faster. While everybody else was aging, I was getting younger. All alone.」 Come in.我走得比以前更遠更快了。別人在衰老,而我卻變得年輕,像個異類。進來!-Button: Benjamin! Do you remember me?Benjamin! 記得我嗎?-Benjamin: Sure I do, Mr Button. What happened to you? 當然記得,Button先生。你怎麼了?-Button: Darn foot got infected. Welcome home, my friend.darn: 該死 infect: 傳染,感染腳受了感染。歡迎回家,我的朋友。-Benjamin: I see you"re still drinking your Sazerac with whiskey.你還是在喝薩澤拉雞尾酒摻威士忌。-Button: I"m a creature of habit.creature: 人我的習慣是不少啊。-Benjamin: Still visiting the house on Bourbon Street?還去波爾本街的房子嗎?-Button: Not for a long time. Interesting times, though.很久沒去了。美妙的時光…We went from making 40 thousand to nearly a million buttons a day.nearly: 幾乎,差不多我們從日產四萬粒紐扣,到現在的將近百萬,We employed ten times the number of people.employ: 僱傭僱傭了10倍的人手。We were operating around the clock. Damn shame. The war has been kind to the button industry.operate: 操作,運轉 around the clock: 晝夜不停地 industry: 工業,產業日夜不斷地幹活。真是羞愧,戰爭沒有影響到紐扣行業。You know... I"m sick. I don"t know how much longer I have.sick: 有病的你知道的,我病了,不知道還能活多久。-Benjamin: I"m sorry to hear that, Mr Button.聽你這麼說我很難過,Button先生。-Button: No... I don"t have any people. I keep to myself. I hope you don"t mind, but whenever possible, I"d enjoy your company.mind: 介意 company: 交際,陪伴不用難過…我沒有親人,孤身一人。希望你不介意,但是無論何時我都希望你能加入我們。-Benjamin: I"ll certainly do what I can.certainly: 當然我肯定會盡自己所能。-Button: Benjamin, do you know anything about buttons? Button"s Buttons has been in our family for 124 years.Benjamin,你了解紐扣嗎?巴頓紐扣在我們家族已經有124年歷史了。My grandfather was a tailor. He had a small shop in Richmond.tailor: 裁縫師我祖父是位裁縫,他在里士滿有家小店。After the Civil War, He moved to New Orleans where my father had the wisdom to make our own buttons.wisdom: 智慧內戰後,他搬到了新奧爾良。我父親在那用聰明才智開發了紐扣事業。So, with his help, the tailor shop grew to this. And today, I can"t sew a stitch.sew: 縫紉 stitch: 針步在他的幫助下,裁縫店壯大到現在的規模。而我對針線活一竅不通。-Benjamin: That"s very, very interesting. You sure have done well for yourself. So... what can I do for you, Mr Button?很有趣!你幹得不錯!我能如何為你效勞,Button先生?-Button: Benjamin, you are my son. I"m so sorry I"ve never told you before.Benjamin,你是我兒子。我很抱歉從來沒有告訴過你。You were born the night the Great War ended. Your mother died giving birth to you.give birth to: 生你在一戰結束那晚出生,你母親生你時去世了。I thought you were a monster. I promised your mother I"d make sure you were safe. monster: 怪物 promise: 承諾我以為你是個怪物。我答應你母親保證你的安全,I should never have abandoned you.abandon: 放棄我不應該拋棄你。-Benjamin: My mother?我母親?-Button: This is our summer house on Lake Pontchartrain.這是我們在坡澈爾春湖邊的夏屋。When I was a boy I loved to wake up before anyone else, run down to the lake and watch the day begin.我小時候喜歡第一個起床跑到湖邊看日出。It was as if I was the only one alive. I fell in love the first time I saw her. as if: 好像感覺只有自己一個人活著。我對她一見鍾情,Your mother"s name was Caroline Murphy. She worked in your grandfather"s kitchen.你母親叫Caroline Murphy,她是你祖父的廚娘。She was from Dublin. In 1903, Caroline and all her brothers and sisters came to live here, in New Orleans.她來自愛爾蘭都柏林。1903年Caroline和她的兄弟姐妹一起來到新奧爾良定居。I"d find excuses to go down to that kitchen, just so I could look at her. excuse: 借口我得找各種借口去廚房,只為了看看。April 25th 1918, the happiest day of my life. The day I married your mother.1918年4月25號,我人生最幸福的一天,那天我和你母親完婚。-Benjamin: Why didn"t you just tell me?你之前為什麼不告訴我?-Button: I plan on leaving everything I have to you.我計劃把我的一切都留給你。-Benjamin: I have to go.我要走了。-Button: Where? 去哪? -Benjamin: Home.回家。-Queenie: What is he thinking?他在想什麼? He thinks he can just show up and everything"s supposed to be fine and dandy.show up: 露面 suppose to: 猜想 dandy: (口)極好的他想就這樣露個面,然後就萬事如意,Everybody"s supposed to be friends.四海之內就皆兄弟了?He got another thing coming, that"s for sure. God be my witness, he got another thing coming!witness: 證人他想都別想。我保證,上帝作證,他想都別想!He left us 18 dollars that night you were found. 18 ratty dollars and a filthy diaper!ratty:[俚語]破爛的 filthy: 骯髒的他拋棄你的時候只留下18塊破破爛爛,18塊和一塊臭尿布!-Benjamin: Good night, Mom. 晚安,媽媽。 -Queenie: Good night, baby.晚安,孩子。-Old Man: Did I ever tell you, I was struck by lightning 7 times?我有沒有告訴過你,我被雷劈過七次?Once I was walking the dog down the road. I"m blind in the one eye, can"t hardly hear.blind: 瞎的 hardly: 幾乎不有次我正在路上遛狗,我一隻眼睛瞎了,而且幾乎聾了。I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere, I always lose my line of thought. But you know what?我會平白無故地抽搐,總是忘記自己想說什麼。但你知道嗎?God keeps reminding me I"m lucky to be alive. Storm"s coming.twitch: 抽搐,抽動 storm: 暴風雨上帝一直在提醒我,我能活下來是多麼幸運。風暴即將來臨。-Benjamin: Wake up. Let"s get you dressed.get dressed: 穿衣服醒醒!穿上衣服!-Arial: 「You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.你可以像瘋狗一樣對著不如意的事情亂吠,You can swear and curse the fates, but when it comes to the end you have to let go.」swear: 發誓,宣誓 curse: 詛咒,咒罵 你可以咒罵命運不公,但當最後一刻來臨時,你還是得放手而去。-Queenie: That sure is a beautiful service. He"ll be burried right next to your mother.service:宗教儀式[常用複數]禱告儀式這葬禮辦得真得體,他會被葬在你母親身邊。-Benjamin: You"re my mother.你是我母親。-Queenie: My baby.好孩子。-Benjamin: 「I"ve never seen New York.」 Excuse me, I"m a friend of Daisy"s. 我從未去過紐約。抱歉,我是Daisy的朋友。 -Woman: Right this way. Daisy!這邊請,Daisy!-Daisy: Yes! I"m in the wardrobe! Is somebody looking for me? Benjamin!wardrobe: 衣櫃 look for: 尋找在! 我在換衣間里!有人在找我嗎?Benjamin!-Benjamin: Hi.嗨!-Daisy: What are you doing here? 你來這裡幹什麼? -Benjamin: I thought I"d come visit. Spend some time with you if I could.我是來看看你的,可能的話和你聊聊天。-Daisy: I wish you would have called. You took me by surprise.by surprise: 出其不意地你要是提前打電話就好了,你嚇了我一跳。-Benjamin: Are you still mad? mad: 生氣的 還在生我的氣? -Daisy: No. Thank you, they"re lovely.不,花很漂亮。-Benjamin: I couldn"t take my eyes off of you. I thought you were mesmerizing.mesmerize: 迷惑你的表演把我完全吸引住了。我像是中了催眠術。-Daisy: Thank you. That"s very kind of you to say. I better get changed.謝謝,你這麼說我很高興。我得去換衣服了,A group of us are going to a party. Would you wanna come?我們要去一個派對,你想一同來嗎?-Benjamin: Somebody told me about a restaurant I thought you might enjoy. I made a reservation. Just in case.restaurant: 餐館 reservation: 預訂 in case: 以防萬一我聽說了一間你可能會喜歡的餐館,我預定了桌子,以防萬一。-Daisy: It"s just that all the dancers go out after the show.可是所有演員表演後都要一起出去玩的。You"re welcome to come with us. I"ll get changed, alright?歡迎你一同來,我去換衣服了,好嗎?This is David. He dances with the company. This is Benjamin. I told you about him.這是大衛,他也在舞蹈團跳舞。這是Benjamin,我跟你提到過。-David: Oh yeah... how are you doing?哦,是的。你好。-Daisy: I"ll go get you a drink.我去給你拿杯喝的。So, you were a friend of her grandmother"s? Or something like that?這麼說你是她祖母的朋友?還是什麼?-Benjamin: Something like that. 差不多算是吧。 -David: Excuse me.抱歉!-Daisy: Hey! I had no idea you were coming! Lord, Benjamin... What did you expect?have no idea: 不知道 expect: 預期,盼望嗨!我不知道你會來!天啊,Benjamin…你想怎樣?What, you want me to drop everything? This is my life. Hey, going downtown? Come on.drop: 放棄 downtown: 市中心怎麼,你想讓我放棄這一切? 這是我的生活。喂,去市中心嗎?來吧!Have a good time. There"ll be musicians, interesting people...開心一下,會有很多音樂家,有趣的人…-Benjamin: You don"t have to do that. It"s my fault.fault: 過失 你不必這樣,是我的錯。I should have called. I thought... I"ll come here and sweep you off your feet, or something.sweep off: [口語]使著迷我應該打電話的,我以為…我來會讓你傾心於我什麼的。-David: Daisy, come on! Daisy,快點! -Daisy: I"ll be right there.我馬上過去。-Benjamin: He seems nice. Do you love him?他看起來不錯,你愛他嗎?-Daisy: I think so.我想是的。-Benjamin: I"m happy for you. Maybe I"ll see you at home.我為你高興,回家再見吧!-Daisy: Okay.好吧。-David: I enjoyed the show!表演很精彩!-Daisy: He came to tell me his father had died.他來告訴我他父親去世了。-Caroline: You couldn"t have known.你那時不知道。-Daisy: I was 23. I just didn"t care.我當時23歲,我不在乎而已。-Caroline: What did you do next? 你接下來做了什麼? -Daisy: Some photographs, I think. Front of my bag.photograph: 相片 一些照片,在我包的前袋。I was as good a dancer as I was ever gonna be. For five years I danced everywhere. London, Vienna, Prague...我的舞跳得很好,跳了五年,四處表演。倫敦,維也納,布拉格…-Caroline: I"ve never seen these. Mom, you never talked about your dancing.我從沒見過這些照片。媽媽,你從未提起過跳舞的事…-Daisy: I was the only American to be invited to dance with the Bolshoi.invite: 邀請我是唯一被邀請去和和波舍依(著名芭蕾舞團)一起跳舞的美國人。-Caroline: It was glorious.glorious: 輝煌的真是輝煌啊!-Daisy: But Benjamin was never far from my thoughts. And I"d find myself saying: Goodnight, Benjamin.但我從未忘記過Benjamin。我有時會自言自語:晚安,Benjamin。-Caroline: Goodnight, Daisy. 晚安,Daisy。 -Daisy: He said that?他這麼說的?-Caroline: Life wasn"t all that complicated. If you want, you might say I was looking forsomething.」complicated: 複雜的生活本沒有那麼複雜。如果你想,你可以說我只是在尋找什麼東西。-Queenie: Benjamin, Mrs La Tourneau just passed.Benjamin,La Tourneau夫人剛剛去世了。-Postman: Mr Benjamin Button? Benjamin·Button先生? -Benjamin: That would be me. Miss Daisy Fuller.是我。Daisy Fuller小姐。-Nurse: Just a minute. Please, have a seat. 等一下!請坐! -Benjamin: Sure. 「Sometimes we are on a collision course and we just don"t know it. collision: 碰撞好的!有時我們會發生碰撞,只是我們不知道。Whether it"s by accident or by design, there"s not a thing we can do about it.by accident: 偶然 by design: 有意地 無論是無意還是有意,我們都無法改變命運。A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping.一位巴黎的女士正準備去購物。But she had forgotten her coat, and went back to get it.可她忘了拿外套,便回去取。When she had gotten her coat the phone had rung, so she had stopped to answer it and talked for a couple of minutes.她拿到外套時,她的電話響了,所以她停下來接了幾分鐘電話。While the woman was on the phone, Daisy was rehearsing for performance at the Paris Opera House.當女人接電話時,Daisy正在巴黎大劇院綵排;And while she was rehearsing, the woman, off the phone now, had gone outside to get a taxi.rehearse: 預演當她在綵排時,那位女士掛了電話出去準備叫一輛計程車。Now a taxi driver had dropped off a fare earlier, and had stopped to get a cup of coffee.And all the while Daisy was rehearsing.drop off:[口語](讓…)下車 fare: 車費有位計程車司機剛剛放下一位乘客,然後停車去買咖啡。而與此同時,Daisy一直在綵排。And this cab driver who had dropped off the earlier fare, and had stopped to get the cup of coffee, had picked up the lady who was going shopping, who had missed getting the earlier cab.pick up: (車、船等)中途搭人(或貨) cab: 出租汽車 而這位剛剛放下一位乘客又停車買了咖啡的司機載了那位要去購物卻錯過了前一輛計程車的女士。Taxi had to stop for a man crossing the street, who had left for work 5 minutes later than he normally did,計程車為了讓一位男士過馬路而停下,而這位男士比平時晚了五分鐘上班,because he forgot to set his alarm. While the man, late for work, was crossing the street, Daisy had finished rehearsing and was taking a shower.alarm: 鬧鈴 shower: 陣雨,淋浴因為他忘了調鬧鈴。當這位上班遲到的男士在過馬路時,Daisy剛剛結束了綵排正在洗澡。While Daisy was showering, taxi was waiting outside a Boutique for the woman to pick up a packageboutique: 專賣流行衣服的小商店 package: 包裹 Daisy洗澡的同時,計程車在一家精品店外面等待那位女士取東西,which hadn"t been wrapped yet because the girl who was supposed to wrap it had broken up with her boyfriend the night before, and forgot.wrap: 包 suppose to: 本該,應該 但東西還沒有打包好,因為打包的女孩前天晚上和男友分手後忘記打包了。When the package was wrapped, the woman, who was back in the cab, was blocked by a delivery truck.block: 阻塞 delivery truck: 送貨卡車打包好後,女士回到車上,卻被一輛運貨車堵住了路。All the while Daisy was getting dressed. The delivery truck pulled awayand the taxi was able to move.pull away: 把…開走這時,Daisy正在梳妝打扮,貨車開走了,計程車也能走了。While Daisy, the last to be dressed, waited for one of her friends who had broken a shoelace.shoelace: 鞋帶 Daisy這時是最後一個收拾好的,然後在等待鞋帶斷了的朋友,While the taxi was stopped, waiting for a traffic light, Daisy and her friend came out the back of the theater.theater: 劇院當計程車停了下來等待紅燈時,Daisy和朋友正從劇院後門出來。And if only one thing had happened differently, if that shoelace hadn"t broken,if only: 要是…多好哪怕只有一件事發生得不一樣,如果那根鞋帶沒有斷;or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier, or that package had been wrapped and ready, because the girl hadn"t broken up with her boyfriend,如果運貨車早開走幾秒鐘;如果女孩沒有和男友分手;or that man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier,如果商品被及時打包好;如果那位男士調了鬧鐘並早起五分鐘;or that taxi driver hadn"t stopped for a cup of coffee, or that woman had remembered her coat and had gotten into an earlier cab,如果計程車司機沒有停車去買咖啡;如果那位女士沒有忘拿外套並上了前一輛計程車,Daisy and her friend would have crossed the street.那麼Daisy和她的朋友就能穿過馬路。And the taxi would have driven by. But life being what it is, a series of intersecting lives and incidents, out of anyone"s control,intersect: 貫穿,交叉 incident: 事件,插曲 out of control: 失控 而計程車也能好好開過去。但生活就是生活,充滿一連串的交錯和意外,不受任何人的控制。that taxi did not go by, and that driver was momentarily distracted. And that taxi hit Daisy.momentarily: 暫時地,隨時地 distract: 轉移,分心計程車沒能好好開過去,而司機一時分心計程車撞到了Daisy。-Woman: Daisy! Help!Daisy! 救命啊!-Benjamin: 「And her leg was crushed.」 Daisy...她的腿被撞斷了。Daisy…-Daisy: Who told you? 誰告訴你的? -Benjamin: Your friend wired me.wire: 發電報你朋友給我拍了電報。-Daisy: Very kind of you to come all this way to see that I was alright.你大老遠來看我,真謝謝你。-Benjamin: You"d do the same for me.換作你也會這樣做的-Daisy: My God! Look at you. You"re perfect. I wish you hadn"t come. I don"t want you to see me like this.我的天啊!看看你,你棒極了!我希望你沒來,我不想讓你見到我變成這樣。-Benjamin: 「Her leg had been broken in five places. And with therapy, and time, she might walk again.她的腿碎成了五塊,治療上一段時間,她可能會再次行走。But she"ll never dance.」therapy: 療法,治療可是再也不能跳舞了。-Benjamin: I"m gonna take you home with me. I wanna look after you.look after: 照看,照顧我會帶你回家照顧你。-Daisy: I"m not going back to New Orleans.我不要回新奧爾良。-Benjamin: Then I"ll stay here in Paris.那我就呆在巴黎。-Daisy: Don"t you understand? I don"t want your help.你不明白嗎? 我不需要你的幫助。I know I"m feeling sorry for myself, but I don"t want to be with you. I tried to tell you that in New York, but you don"t listen.我知道我為自己難過,但我不想和你在一起。我在紐約試著告訴你,但你就是不聽。-Benjamin: You might change your mind.你會改變想法的。-Daisy: We are not little children anymore, Benjamin. Stay out of my life.我們不再是小孩子了,Benjamin,不要出現在我的生活中。I was awfully cruel. He didn"t understand that... I couldn"t have him see me like that.anymore: 不再 awfully: 可怕地,非常地 cruel: 殘忍的,冷酷的 我很殘忍。他並不明白,我不能讓他看到我變成這樣。-Caroline: I didn"t leave right away. I stayed in Paris for awhile to look out for her.我沒有馬上離開,我在巴黎待了一段時間照顧她。-Daisy: I never knew that. Darling, could you get the nurse? I taught myself to walk again. I took the train to Lourdes.nurse: 護士我從不知道這些。親愛的,能不能叫一下護士?我自學重新走路,我坐了去魯爾茲的火車。-Nurse: Let"s take a look. That"s normal. Pulse rate is slowing. She is gonna struggle to breathe. Will you be alright?pulse: 脈搏 struggle: 努力看看,一切正常。脈搏有些慢,她呼吸得很費勁。你沒事吧?-Caroline: Yeah. Alright, he says: "I went back home..." And then there"s lot of pages torn out.沒事。他說「我回到家了…」然後很多頁被撕掉了。I listened to the sound of the house. I think I"ve read that. He spilled something on it, tear out: 撕下,扯下 spill: 溢出,灑 我傾聽房子的低鳴,我想我已經讀過了。他往上面塗了什麼,so it"s hard to read, mom. Something about "sailing". Does that make sense?sailing: 航行,啟航 make sense: 講得通,有意義很難看清楚。一些關於"航海"的事情,有印象嗎?-Benjamin: 「I learned to sail on an old boat of my father"s from the Lake House.我學會駕駛父親放在湖邊夏屋那的老帆船。I can"t lie, I did enjoy the company of a woman or two. Or maybe three.」enjoy: 喜歡 the company of: …的陪伴我不想撒謊,我很喜歡有一兩個女人陪伴,或是三個。Don"t bother, Sam. It"s just gonna be there again tomorrow. Mama. 「And in the spring of 1962, she came back.」bother: 煩擾別費心了,Sam,今天掃了明天照樣落滿地。媽媽!1962年春天她回來了。-Daisy: You wanna know where I"ve been? 想知道我去哪兒了嗎? -Benjamin: No.不想。-Queenie: How come you didn"t write or nothin"? Just disappearing like that.disappear: 消失你怎麼不寫信也不聯絡我們?像是憑空消失了一樣。-Daisy: It was something I needed to do for myself.有些我要自己做的事情。-Queenie: I never took you to be the selfish type. I sure hope I"m not wrong. I"m usually not wrong about people.selfish: 自私的我從沒有覺得你自私,我希望我沒看錯。我一般看人不會走眼。-Benjamin: Good night, Momma. 晚安,媽媽! -Queenie: Good night, baby. Now have fun.晚安,孩子!來慶祝一下吧!-Daisy: You haven"t said two words. 你怎麼不說話了? -Benjamin: I don"t wanna ruin it.ruin: 破壞我不想破壞氣氛。-Daisy: Sleep with me. 和我一起睡吧。 -Benjamin: Absolutely. 「I asked her to come away with me. We sailed into the Gulf, along the Florida Keys.」absolutely: 絕對地,完全地 come away: 離開,脫開當然。我叫她和我一起走。我們駕船去了海灣,沿著佛羅里達海岸。-Daisy: I"m so glad we didn"t find one another when I was 26.我真高興我26歲時沒有與你一起。-Benjamin: Why do you say that? 為什麼這麼說? -Daisy: I was so young. And you were so old. It happened when it was supposed to happen.suppose to: 應該,本該我太年輕了,而你又那麼老。該發生的總會發生。-Benjamin: I will enjoy each and every moment I have with you.我會珍惜和你在一起的每一分一秒。-Daisy: I bet I can stay out here longer than you.bet: 打賭我打賭我堅持不動的時間更長。-Benjamin: Bet you can"t.我打賭你堅持不住。-Daisy: You barely have a line, a crease. Every day I have more wrinkles. Not fair.barely: 僅僅,勉強 crease:(尤指臉上的)皺紋 wrinkle: 皺紋 fair: 公平的你幾乎沒有皺紋,而我每天都會多一條皺紋,這不公平。-Benjamin: I love your wrinkles. Both of them.我喜歡你的皺紋,兩邊眼角的都喜歡。-Daisy: What"s it like, growing younger?變年輕是什麼感覺?-Benjamin: Can"t really say. I"m always looking out of my own eyes.說不出,我總是以自己的視角看世界。-Daisy: Will you still love me when my skin grows old and saggy?saggy: 鬆懈的,下垂的我又老又長滿皺紋的時候,你還會愛我嗎?-Benjamin: Will you still love me when I have acne? When I wet the bed? When I"m afraid of what"s under the stairs?acne: 粉刺 wet: 使…弄濕我長青春痘的時候,你還會愛我嗎?當我尿床的時候呢?當我害怕樓下有鬼的時候呢?-Daisy: What? What are you thinking?什麼?你在想什麼?-Benjamin: I was thinking how nothing lasts. And what a shame that is.shame: 羞愧,遺憾的事我在想沒什麼是永恆的,多麼可惜啊!-Daisy: Some things last.有些東西是永恆的。-Benjamin: Goodnight, Daisy. 晚安,Daisy。 -Daisy: Goodnight, Benjamin.晚安,Benjamin。-Caroline: Mom? When did you meet dad? 媽媽?你什麼時候遇到父親的? -Daisy: Some time after that.那之後不久。-Caroline: Did you tell him about this Benjamin?你告訴他這個Benjamin的事了嗎?-Daisy: He knew enough, darling.該知道的他都知道了,親愛的。-Benjamin: Momma! Queenie!媽媽!Queenie!-Carter: Hallo?誰啊?-Benjamin: Hi, Mrs Carter. It"s Benjamin. Where is everybody?Carter夫人,我是Benjamin,大家都去哪裡了?-Carter: Oh, Benjamin. Queenie died. I"m so sorry.Benjamin Queenie去世了,我很遺憾。-Man: So sorry for your loss. She was a great woman.loss:損失,傷亡節哀順變,她是位偉大的女性。-Benjamin: 「We buried her beside her beloved Mr Weathers.bury: 埋葬 beloved: 心愛的 我們把她葬在了她的摯愛Mr Weathers身邊。And so we might have memories of our own, we sold my father"s house on Esplanade.」memory: 記憶我們有了自己的回憶,我們賣了父親在廣場上的房子。-Woman: It"s a wonderful old place, darling. I think we"re going to be so happy here.這老房子多麼棒啊,親愛的!我們會在這裡幸福生活的。Oh, what a long family history you have.你的家史真悠久啊!-Benjamin: They come with the house.和這房子一樣悠久。-Woman: We have to see the master suite.master: 主人的,主要的 suite: 隨員,套房我們得去看看主卧室。-Benjamin: 「We bought ourselves a duplex.」duplex:【建築學】(公寓套房)二聯式的,佔兩層樓的我們買了間複式公寓。-Daisy: I loved that house. It smelled like firewood. Don"t stop, darlin".firewood: 火柴,木柴我很喜歡那棟房子,聞起來有木柴味。別停下,親愛的!-Benjamin: 「It was one of the happiest times of my life. We didn"t have a stick of furniture. a stick of: 一根,一塊 furniture: 傢具 這是我人生最幸福的時刻。我們沒有任何傢具,We would have picnics in the living room. We ate when we felt like it. Stayed up all night when we wanted. picnic: 野餐 stay up: 熬夜我們會在客廳野餐,我們餓了就吃飯,想幾點睡就幾點睡。We vowed never to fall into routine, to go to bed or wake up at the same time.vow: 發誓 routine: 例行公事,常規 我們發誓永遠不過規律的生活,每天睡覺起床的時間都不一樣。We lived on that mattress. Our neighbor, Mrs Van Dam, was a physical therapist. We lived four blocks from a public pool.」mattress: 床墊 therapist: 臨床醫學家 block: 街區 pool: 池,水塘我們生活在床墊上。我們的鄰居Van Dam夫人是一位理療師。我們住的地方離公共泳池有4個街區。-Benjamin: You might have got a few more years out of it.你可能還需要幾年才能忘掉過去。You chose to do something so special, unique, that there was only a short window of time you could do it.unique: 獨特的你選擇了做獨一無二,卻又曇花一現的事情。So even if nothing ever happened, you"d still be right here where you"re now.even if: 即使所以即使什麼也沒有發生,你今天仍然要退出。-Daisy: I just don"t like getting old. They put too much chlorine in here.chlorine: 氯我只是不想變老。他們在水裡加太多消毒水了。I promise you, I"ll never lose myself to self-pity again.self-pity: 自怨自艾我保證,我再也不會自怨自艾了。-Benjamin: 「And I think right there and then, she realized none of us is perfect forever. there and then: 當場,當即 realize: 了解,察覺 我想此時此刻,她明白了。沒有人能夠永遠完美,She found her own peace. She opened a studio and taught young girls how to dance.」studio: 工作場所,畫室她終於找到自我價值了。她開了一家舞蹈室,教女孩們跳舞。-Daisy: Come back the other way. Excellent!excellent: 優秀的從另一邊轉過來,太棒了!-Student: Good night!晚安!-Benjamin: You certainly are beautiful to watch.certainly: 當然你看起來很美。-Daisy: Dance is all about the line. Line of your body. Sooner or later you lose that line, and you never get it back. I figure...sooner or later: 遲早 figure: 認為,領會到舞蹈的看頭就是曲線,身體的曲線。早晚你會身材變形,再也恢復不回來了。我想…You were born in 1918, 49 years ago. I am 43. We are almost the same age. We"re meeting in the middle.你生於1918年 49年前。我現在43歲,我們幾乎一樣大。我們在中年相遇。-Benjamin: We finally caught up with each other. Wait. I want to remember us just as we are now.catch up with: 追上 我們終於年紀般配了。等等!我想記住我倆現在這一刻。-Daisy: I am pregnant. You know, I swear the nurse slipped and said it was a boy. But I think it"s a girl.我懷孕了。我確信護士看錯了,她說那是個男孩,但我覺得是個女孩。I know you"re afraid.pregnant: 懷孕的 swear: 發誓 slip: 犯錯我知道你很害怕。-Benjamin: I"m not hiding it. 我沒有掩飾。 -Daisy: What"s your worst fear?fear: 害怕你最怕什麼? -Benjamin: Baby born like me.寶寶長得像我小時候。-Daisy: Then I will love it all the more.那我就更愛它了。-Benjamin: Okay. How can I be a father when I"m heading the other direction?direction: 方向,指導 好吧。如果我變小孩了還怎麼當爸爸?It"s not fair to a child. I don"t wanna be anybody"s burden.burden: 負擔,重載這對孩子不公平,我不想當任何人的累贅。-Daisy: Sugar, we all end up in diapers. I"m gonna make this work. I want this, and I want it with you.diaper: 尿布甜心,我們老了也要用尿片的。我要生下它,我想和你一起養孩子。-Benjamin: I want you to have everything you want, all of it. I"m just not sure how to reconcile this...reconcile: 使能適應我想讓你得到一切你想要的,我只是不知道怎麼適應。-Daisy: Would you tell a blind man he couldn"t have children? You be a father for as long as you can.as long as: 只要你會告訴一個盲人他不能有孩子嗎?只要你還活著,你就能當爸爸。I know the consequences. I"ve accepted that.consequence: 後果 accept: 接受我知道會有什麼後果,我已接受事實。Loving you was worth everything to me. I have to go pee.pee: 小便,尿尿愛你對我來說就是一切。我得去上廁所。-TV: The oldest woman to ever swim the English Channel arrived here today, in Calais,游過英吉利海峽的最高齡的女子今天到達了加來。-Benjamin: Keep it!不用找了!-TV: having made the swim in 34 hours, 22 minutes and 14 seconds.完成了34小時22分鐘14秒的游泳,68 years old Elizabeth Abbott, arrived at 5:38 GMT,68歲的Elizabeth Abbott于格林威治時間5:38到達。exhausted but happy. Mrs Abbott, how would you sum up in words this achievement?exhausted: 筋疲力盡的 sum up: 總結,概括 achievement: 成就雖然精疲力竭但滿是歡欣。Abbott夫人,你怎麼總結你的成就?-Abbott: I suppose... anything is possible.suppose: 認為我想,一切皆有可能。-Daisy: Are you ready?準備好了嗎?-Benjamin: Yeah. 「In the spring, on a day like any other...」好了。那個春天普通的一天…-Benjamin: I"ll be back in an hour! Honey!我一小時後就回來!親愛的!-Daisy: Gotta call the ambulance! The baby is coming.ambulance: 救護車快叫救護車!我要生了!-Benjamin: Operator, I need an ambulance!operator: 操作員,話務員接線員,幫我叫救護車!-Docter: Everyone"s fine. She"s a perfectly healthy baby girl.母子平安,生了個漂亮的小女孩。-Daisy:Honey...親愛的…-Benjamin: 「She gave birth to a five pound four ounce baby girl.」 Did you count the toes? She"s perfect.count: 計算她生下了一個5磅4盎司(摺合2.4公斤)重的女孩。你數腳指頭了嗎?她真漂亮!-Daisy: And we named her for my mother, Caroline.name: 命名,稱呼我們以我母親的名字命名她Caroline。-Caroline:This Benjamin was my father? And this is how you tell me? Excuse me.這個Benjamin是我父親?你用這種方式告訴我?抱歉!-TV: ...all the conditions are there for the major storm, possibly even up to a category 5.condition: 情況,條件 category: 類別,級別為了迎接暴風,一切準備就緒,強風可能會達到5級。-Nurse: Hey, I know it"s hard. You can"t smoke in here.我知道你不好受,但這裡禁止吸煙。-TV: Nobody can tell you exactly where it"s gonna hit...exactly: 確切地,準確地沒人知道暴風會襲擊哪裡…-Caroline: You grew as the doctor had promised, normal and healthy.promise: 承諾,允諾你正如醫生說的一樣成長著,正常而健康。-Benjamin: You"re gonna have to find a real father for her.你得為她找個真正的父親。-Daisy: What are you talking about?你在說什麼?-Benjamin: She"s gonna need someone to grow old with.她需要一個陪她長大的人。-Daisy: She"ll learn to accept whatever happens. She loves you.她會接受一切。她愛你。-Benjamin: Honey, she needs a father, not a playmate.playmate: 玩伴親愛的,她需要一位父親而不是玩伴。-Daisy: Is it me? 是我的緣故嗎? -Benjamin: Of course not.當然不是。-Daisy: Is my age beginning to bother you? Is that what you"re telling me?bother: 擾亂是我的年齡困擾著你嗎? 你是這個意思嗎?-Benjamin: You can"t raise both of us. 「It was your first birthday. We had a party for you. raise: 養育你不能同時養我們兩個。那是你一歲生日,我們為你開了一個派對,The house was filled with children.」 How are you? 滿屋子都是小孩。你好啊! -Man: Hey, man. Before you turn around, they"ll be in high school, dating.turn around: 轉變,逆轉嗨,一轉眼他們就上高中了,約會了。-Benjamin: 「I sold the summer house on Lake Pontchartrain. I sold Button"s Buttons.我賣了坡澈爾春湖邊的夏屋,我賣了巴頓紐扣工廠,I sold my father"s sailboat. I put it all into a savings account.sailboat:(比賽、休閑用的)帆船 account: 賬戶 我賣了父親的帆船,我把錢都存在一個賬戶里,And so that you and your mother might have a life,」這樣你和你母親就能生活下去…-Caroline: I left, before you could ever remember me. I left with just the clothes on my back.我在你記得我之前就離開了,我什麼也沒有拿就走了。I don"t want to read this now. Can you just tell me where he went?我現在讀不下去了,你能告訴我他去哪裡了嗎?-Daisy: I don"t really know.我也不知道。-Caroline: It"s for me. 1970. I was two. Happy birthday. I wish I could"ve kissed you goodnight.這是給我的。1970年,我兩歲。生日快樂,我希望能吻你說晚安。They are all for me. Five: I wish I could"ve taken you to your first day of school.這都是給我的。五歲的時候,我希望你第一天上學我能送你。Six: I wish I could"ve been there to teach you to play the piano.piano: 鋼琴 六歲,我希望能教你彈鋼琴。1981, I was thirteen: I wish I could"ve told you not to chase some boy.chase: 追逐1981年,我13歲了。我希望我能告訴你有些男孩子不要追。I wish I could have held you when you had a broken heart. I wish I could have been your father.我希望在你傷心時能攬你入懷,我希望做你的父親。Nothing I ever did will replace that.replace: 取代我經歷過的一切都不能取代你的地位。I guess he went to India. For what it"s worth, it"s never to late, or in my case, too early, to be whoever you want to be.我想他去了印度。不管結果如何,做你想做的事情永遠都不嫌晚,而我則永遠都不嫌早。-Benjamin: 「There is no time limit, start whenever you want. You can change or stay the same.沒有時間的羈絆,隨時都能開始。你可以改變也可以不變。There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it.rule: 慣例,規則沒有什麼硬性規定,我們可能做得很好,也可能很糟。我希望你能充分利用時間。And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. startle: 吃驚希望你能看到令你吃驚的東西,希望你感受到從未有過的感覺,I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you"re proud of.point of view: 觀點 希望你遇到持有異解的人,希望你能過上自豪的生活,If you find that you"re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.」如果你發現生活不如意,我希望你有勇氣從頭再來。-Daisy: He had been gone a long time. I"ll see you next Thursday.他離開很久了。下周四見。-Student: Good night, Miss Daisy. 晚安,Daisy小姐。 -Daisy: Good night, sweetheart. I"m sorry, we"re closing. Can I help you?晚安,寶貝。對不起,我們關門了。有什麼能幫您的嗎?Are you here to pick somebody up? Why did you come back?你是來接小孩的嗎?你回來幹什麼?-Caroline: Mom? Mom! You ready yet? Mom, what"s wrong?媽媽?媽媽!準備好了嗎?媽媽,出什麼事了?-Daisy: I was just hearing a very sad story about a mutual friend, who I hadn"t seen for a very long time.mutual: 共同的我剛聽說一個好朋友遇到了慘事,一個很久不見的老朋友了。-Benjamin: Caroline, this is Benjamin. You knew him when you were just a baby.Caroline,他是Benjamin,你還是個嬰兒的時候就認識他。-Caroline: Hi. 嗨! -Benjamin: Hi.嗨!-Robert: Hey! I"m sorry, I thought you were done.嗨!抱歉,我以為你已經收工了。-Daisy: Oh, this is a friend of my family"s, Benjamin Button. This is my husband, Robert. 這是我家的朋友,Benjamin Button。這是我丈夫,Robert。 -Robert: How do you do?你好!-Benjamin: Pleasure.pleasure: 高興,愉快幸會!-Robert: It was very nice to meet you. We"ll be in the car, darling.很高興見到你!我們車上等你,親愛的!-Daisy: Alright. 好的!-Caroline: Bye.拜!-Daisy: I"m just locking up.lock up: 上鎖鎖了門就過去。-Benjamin: She"s beautiful, like her mother. Does she dance? 她很漂亮,和她母親一樣,她會跳舞嗎?-Daisy: Not very well.不太會。-Benjamin: I guess that"d be from my side of things.我想是因為遺傳到我了。-Daisy: She"s a dear sweet girl. She seems a little lost. But then, who isn"t at twelve?她是個體貼的女孩,她對人生有些迷惑。話說回來,誰12歲時不迷惑呢?There"s a lot of her that reminds me of you. My husband, he"s a widower ... was a widower.remind: 使想起 widower: 鰥夫她有很多東西讓我想起你。我丈夫是鰥夫…以前是。He"s an incredibly kind, bright, adventurous man. He"s been a terrific father. incredibly: 難以置信地 bright: 陽光的 adventurous: 愛冒險的他非常友好,開明,富有冒險精神。他是位很好的父親。 -Benjamin: Good.太好了!-Daisy: You"re so much younger.你又年輕了不少。 -Benjamin: Only on the outside.只是外表而已。-Daisy: You were right. I couldn"t have been raising both of you. I"m not that strong.你說得對!我養不起你們兩個,我沒那麼厲害。So, where are you staying? What are you gonna do?那你現在住在哪裡?你打算怎麼辦?-Benjamin: I"m staying at the Pontchartrain hotel on the avenue. I don"t know what I"m gonna do.avenue: 林蔭道,大街我住在大街上的坡澈爾春旅館。我也不知道該怎麼辦。-Daisy: They"re waiting.他們在等我。-Caroline: I remember that. That was him.我記得,是他。-Nurse: Hurricane"s changed direction. It"s gonna make a landfall some time soon.hurricane: 颶風 landfall: 到達陸地颶風改變了方向,即將在此登陸。-Caroline: Am I supposed to do something?我應該怎麼做?-Nurse: Arrangements are being made to move people, but it"s up to you.arrangement: 安排 up to: 由…決定撤離人群的安排下來了但走不走由你們決定-Caroline: No, no, we"re staying.不,不,我們留下。-Nurse: I"ll let you know if anything changes.有變化我會通知你們的。-Caroline: That night, while I was sitting and wandering why I came back at all,wander: 彷徨那晚,當我坐著胡思亂想著為什麼我要回去時,there was a knock at the door.傳來敲門聲。-Benjamin: Come in. Are you alright?請進!你還好嗎?-Daisy: I"m sorry, I don"t know what am I doing here. Nothing lasts.抱歉,我不知道我在這裡做什麼。沒有什麼是永恆的。-Benjamin: I never stopped loving you.我永遠不會停止對你的愛。-Daisy: Benjamin, I"m an old woman now.Benjamin 我已經是個老女人了。-Benjamin: Some things you never forget.有些事你永遠忘不了。-Daisy: Goodnight, Benjamin.晚安,Benjamin。-Benjamin: Goodnight, Daisy. 「And as I knew I would I watched her go.」晚安,Daisy。我知道我會看著她離去。-Caroline: That"s the last thing he wrote.這是他最後寫的話了。-Daisy: Some time after your father passed, there was a call.你爸爸去世後不久,來了一個電話。Hello? Yes, speaking. I"m sorry, I don"t understand. It"s the corner house.pass: 消逝你好,我是抱歉,我不明白…是街角那間屋子。-David: Come on in!請進!-Daisy: I"m Daisy Fuller. 我是Daisy Fuller。 -David: I"m David Hernandez with the Orleans Parish dept of Child Welfare Services. dept: 部我是David Hernandez,在新奧爾良兒童福利部門工作。He was living in the condemned building. The police found this with him, this address, condemned:充公他住在被充公的房子里,警察在他身上發現了這個地址,it"s got your name in here a lot. He"s in a very poor health. He was taken to the hospital. 上面有很多你的名字。他身體狀況很差,已經被送去醫院了。He doesn"t seem to know who or where he is. He"s very confused.seem to: 似乎 confused: 困惑的他似乎不知道自己是誰,身處何方,很迷茫。-Woman: I was telling Mr Hernandez that Benjamin is one of us.我在告訴Hernandez先生 Benjamin是我們的一分子。If he needs a place to stay, it"s alright. He can stay here.如果他需要住處,他可以住在這裡。-Daisy: Benjamin. You play beautifully.Benjamin,你彈得很好。-Woman: He doesn"t seem to like to be touched.touch: 觸及他似乎不願意被人碰。-David: He goes in and out of states of recognition.recognition: 認知 他已經認不出人了。The doctors said if they didn"t know any better it is the beginnings of dementia.dementia: 痴呆醫生說他們也不知道為什麼,這是老年痴呆症的前期癥狀。-Daisy: Do you remember me? I"m Daisy.你記得我嗎?我是Daisy。-Benjamin: I"m Benjamin.我是Benjamin。-Daisy: It"s nice to meet you, Benjamin. Do you mind if I sit with you? I would love to hear you play.mind: 介意很高興見到你,Benjamin。介意我坐在你旁邊嗎? 我想聽你彈琴。- Benjamin: Do I know you?我認識你嗎?-Daisy: And every day I would stop by to make sure he was comfortable.stop by: 過訪 make sure: 確保 comfortable: 舒適的每天我都去看他,確信他平安無事。-Benjamin: Don"t think that I don"t know what you"re doing! You"re all fucking liars!liar: 說謊者別以為我不知道你在幹什麼!你是他媽的騙子!-Woman: He doesn"t believe he just had his breakfast.他不信他剛吃過早餐。-Daisy: Why don"t we see if we can find something else for you to do.我們不如給你找別的事情干。-Benjamin: I have a feeling there"s a lot of things I can"t remember.我有種感覺,我有很多回憶,但都想不起來。-Daisy: Like what, sugar?比如什麼呢,甜心?-Benjamin: It"s like... there"s this whole life I had, and I can"t remember what it was.比如...我曾經有過的生活,而我卻記不起一點一滴。-Daisy: It"s okay. It"s okay to forget things.沒事的,忘記沒什麼。Many times he would simply forget who or where he was. It wasn"t easy. Benjamin!simply: 僅僅有很多次他會忘記自己是誰,身處何方。這不容易。Benjamin!-Benjamin: I can see everything! I can see the big river!我能看到一切! 我能看到一條大河!-Daisy: That"s right. You can see everything, sweetheart.說得對,你甚多都能看到,寶貝。-Benjamin: I can see the graveyard where mama"s buried and other people.graveyard: 墓園我能看到葬著媽媽和其他人的墓園。-Daisy: I want you to come down! 我希望你下來! -Benjamin: What if I can fly?如果我能飛呢?-Daisy: I knew a man who could fly. Come down and I"ll tell you all about him.我認識一個會飛的人。下來,我給你講他的故事。Somebody go up there. He was five when I moved in. Nearly the same age I was when I had met him.誰上去啊!我搬進來的時候他5歲,我就是在五歲的時候認識他的。This is the picture of Old Man Kangaroo at 5 in the afternoon, when he got his beautiful hind legs.這是袋鼠老先生下午5點的圖片,那時他擁有了美麗的後腿。The days passed, and I watched as he forgot how to walk. What"s my name? How to talk.kangaroo: 袋鼠 hind: 後部的時光流逝著,我看著他忘記了如何走路。我叫什麼名字?忘記怎麼講話。I"m Daisy. Can you say Daisy? In 2002, they put up a new clock in that train station. put up: 舉起,建造 station: 車站我叫Daisy,你會說"Daisy"嗎?2002年,火車站裝了新的鐘。And in the spring of 2003, he looked at me, and I knew that he knew who I was.在2003年春天,他看著我,我知道他認出我是誰了。And then he closed his eyes as if he would go to sleep.然後他閉上了眼睛,安詳地去了。-Caroline: I wish I had known him.我希望我認識他。-Daisy: Now you do.現在你認識了。-Caroline: Mom, I think I should go see what"s going on.媽媽,我想我應該去看看外面的情況。-Daisy: Goodnight, Benjamin.晚安,Benjamin。-Benjamin: 「Some people are born to sit by a river. Some get struck by lightning.有些人生下來是為了坐在河邊,有些人被雷劈中,Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons.有些人有音樂天賦,有些人是藝術家,有些人會游泳,有些人會做紐扣,Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people... dance.」have an ear for: 對…聽覺靈敏 artist: 藝術家 有些人看過莎士比亞的劇,有些人適合做母親,還有些人會跳舞。
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