


譯者:李蘇苑& 趙萌萌



Two-year-olds should learn to code, says computing pioneer


本文選自 The Guardian| 取經號原創翻譯



Early start would encourage women to become programmers and reduce gender stereotyping, argues Stephanie Shirley


Children as young as two should be introduced to the basics of coding, according to one of Britain』s most eminent computing pioneers.


Dame Stephanie Shirley, whose company was one of the first to sell software in the 1960s, said that engaging very young children – in particular girls – could ignite a passion for puzzles and problem-solving long before the 「male geek」 stereotype took hold.


「I don』t think you can start too early,」 she said, adding that evidence suggested that the best time to introduce children to simple coding activities was between the ages of two and seven years. 「Most successful later coders start between five and six,」 she added. 「In a sense, those years are the best for learning anything … and means that programming hasn』t become set in your mind as geeky or nerdy.」

「我認為越早開始學習越好,」 她說,有證據表明,孩子接觸簡單編程活動的最佳年齡階段是2-7歲。「大多數成功的程序員是從5-6歲開始學習的,」她補充道,「從某種意義上講,那是學習任何事物的黃金年齡……也意味著那個年齡的孩子還沒形成思維定式,不覺得編程是書獃子學的」。

Shirley』s comments came as A-level results last week revealed a striking gender divide in computing, with only 9.8% of those taking the subject at A-level being girls.


A-Level(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ):英國高中課程,是英國全民課程體系,是英國普通中等教育證書考試高級水平課程,也是英國學生的大學入學考試課程。其課程結構包括,基礎數學,進階數學,物理學,商科,經濟學和計算機科學。A-level課程包含70多門供學生選擇,一般學生選擇3至4門來學。

Shirley also called on tech companies, such as Google and Facebook, to introduce anonymous recruitment to help address the lack of female programmers. Only 20% of Google engineers are female (the statistic is roughly matched across the industry) and one recent report showed male founders are nearly twice as likely to attract venture capital funding.


「Once you have an imbalance, the leaders of today define the leaders of tomorrow,」 said Shirley. 「It』s instinctive to recruit in your own image. I think some of this will continue until we actually learn to anonymise some of our relationships and computers help in that.」


Programmers, she argued, should be assessed on skill, just as secretaries were once given typing tests. 「You don』t send a photo, you don』t give a name, you just look at the achievements of the person as a selection process,」 she said.


She describes the recent internal memo by a former Google engineer as 「so patronising」 and 「utterly unacceptable」 and added that a failure to tackle the gender gap had led to 「very macho」 cultures in some tech companies, from which women felt excluded.


Shirley contrasts this with the ethos at her first company, Freelance Programmers, which in the 1960s was among the first to sell technical software packages. Out of the first 300 staff, she employed just three male programmers and the gender ratio only shifted significantly when the Sex Discrimination Act passed in 1975.

雪莉把這種文化與她第一家公司,自由程序員(Freelance Programmers)的企業精神進行了比較。上世紀60年代,自由程序員是首批銷售套裝軟體的公司之一。初創時期的300名員工中,只有3名是男性。直到1975年《反性別歧視法》通過後,公司性別比例才出現大幅變動。


「You』d think I』d be as happy as anything because I』m a bit of a feminist, but that really meant that my woman』s company had to let the men in,」 she said.


Shirley has previously spoken out about the sexism she faced in her early days working in computing and she later adopted the nickname Steve professionally because she found it easier to win contracts when people thought they were dealing with a man. 「Companies run by women still have extraordinary difficulty in getting venture capital,」 she said.


She also worries that lack of diversity in tech is leading to products that have bias programmed into them.


「An example of the industry』s masculinity is in my Apple watch,」 she said. 「This has lots of useful things such as heart rate but doesn』t help in managing the menstrual cycle.」

「科技行業就是男性的地盤,我的Apple Watch就是一個例子,」她表示,「這上面有很多有用的東西,比如心率監測,但卻不能監測經期」。

Since retiring, Shirley has devoted much of her time and fortune to philanthropic causes linked to autism – her late son Giles was severely autistic.


She argues that technology such as robots and artificial intelligence holds huge potential for helping children with autism function in the world and connect more readily with those around them.This view runs counter to the fears of some that the increasing use of robots could leave some sectors of society, the elderly, for example, cut off from human contact.


Such technology is already being tested at Priors Court in Berkshire, a residential school for autistic children that Shirley founded.

相關技術在伯克郡的Priors Court早已投入測試。Priors Court是雪莉專為自閉症兒童創建的寄宿學校。

「We use a little robot for very simple things,」 she said. 「To teach eye contact. To move quietly around and not to dash around in all directions. The reactions of pupils to the robot are extraordinary, partly because it』s not threatening,」 she added. 「The robot is patient and can repeat without getting, 『Oh God, is this child never going to get it.』」



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