【A Hundred Blessings】Mirabai Ceiba (密羅·跋伊和木棉樹)(德國/墨西哥)(2010)☆☆☆☆☆----外國歌曲
專輯名稱:A Hundred Blessings|專輯藝人:Mirabai Ceiba|唱片公司:Spirit Voyage Records音樂風格: New Age,Yoga Chant | 發行日期: 2010年03月18日 | 資源品質: MP3/156MB專輯曲目
01. Mirabai Ceiba - A Hundred Blessings
02. Mirabai Ceiba - Sa Ta Na Ma
03. Mirabai Ceiba - Pavan Guru
04. Mirabai Ceiba - Aadays Tisai Aadays
05. Mirabai Ceiba - Ra Ma Da Sa
06. Mirabai Ceiba - Joy Like Spring
07. Mirabai Ceiba - Prithvi Hai
08. Mirabai Ceiba - Gobinday
09. Mirabai Ceiba - Despierta
10. Mirabai Ceiba - Even As Night
專輯簡介This album marks an artistic leap for Mirabai Ceiba. When they approached we firstdiscussed this album, they were driven by a great wish to create an album that wouldcapture the essence and spark of their live performances.They had also been devotedfans of producer Jamshied Sharifi"s work for years and had wanted to find some wayto work with him. As a record label, it was a deeply fulfilling process to be able toconnect Mirabai Ceiba"s hopes with the masterful artistry of Jamshied"s creativity.Theyfound an incredible studio called the Clubhouse in Rhinebeck, New York where theywere able to play with an accomplished team of technicians and musicians all pulledtogether by Jamshied Sharifi.A Hundred Blessings has been another incredible process of deepening our creativerelationship with the sound current of Gurmukhi mantras and spiritual poetry.We praythat the music can serve those sacred words to reconnect us to the universal soul andawaken our hearts to the source of love, endless blessings and happiness which dwellwithin all of us. The process of recording and creating came along with Angelika"ssecond pregnancy. Being pregnant is like reestablishing the spiritual links to MotherEarth and the creation of life which we found to be an immense inspiration.
藝人簡介Mirabai Ceiba-密羅·跋伊和木棉樹是一個由多國藝術家組成的音樂團體. 成員包括來自德國東部的吉他手兼歌手馬庫斯·西別爾,豎琴、鋼琴演奏家Angelika Baumbach-安格莉卡·鮑姆巴赫則是出生在美國亞利桑那州圖森,成長在墨西哥的一個小村莊。說到Mirabai Ceiba 這個名字的由來,是受到印度和拉丁美洲土著的雙重影響。Mirabai(1498-1547)是印度教一個頗為神秘的歌手。她的歌主要是從個人的角度看世界,表達了個人對永生的渴望,希望自己能如(印度)訖哩什那神一般存在。而對安格莉卡和馬庫斯來說,Mirabai這個名字代表著探索精神,一種對宗教的虔誠信仰以及啟發他們有所創造的精神力。Ceiba則是拉丁美洲獨有的一種神聖之樹,它可以不受阻礙持續生長直到成為一棵參天大樹。安格莉卡和馬庫斯這樣說道:「用Ceiba這個詞的寓意就在於,希望我們的音樂能夠像木棉樹一樣,牢牢紮根在大地母親的土壤里, 卻能以最茂盛的生命力延伸到廣闊天空的各個角落去. 」Mirabai Ceiba-密羅·跋伊和木棉樹這個音樂組合融匯了一系列溫柔而獨具特色的精神音樂,他們用豎琴,鋼琴和吉他琴混合交織的美妙聲音, 放佛要帶領你進入鬱鬱蔥蔥的廣袤天地. 他們的現場音樂會更是充分體現了「大愛」二字,試圖將音樂作為一種世界通用的語言,來促進世界各國人民在文化和傳統等各方面的團結與和平.安格莉卡和馬庫斯經常在一起創作世界音樂新的類型與風格, 比如用英語和西班牙語的原創歌曲, 來反映美國原住民的生活習俗。安格莉卡的豎琴和鋼琴以及馬庫斯的吉他,為這兩種人聲的結合做了完美的鋪墊. 他們亦幻亦真的演繹如行雲流水般浪漫和純凈,且蘊含豐富的意境、高深的音樂素養和神聖的精神. 他們的音樂給予聆聽者一種靈魂的安慰,也可以說是心靈的祝福,讓你我在安詳寧靜的聲音中感知自我內心的本質所在。
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