凱特王妃誕下第三個孩子 是個小王子!


Britain"s Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William leave the Lindo Wing of St Mary"s Hospital with their new baby boy in London, April 23, 2018. Henry Nicholls/REUTERSThe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have left hospital after the arrival of their third child, a boy.英國凱特王妃23日誕下一名男嬰,這是她與威廉王子的第三個孩子。目前威廉王子夫婦已經離開醫院。The couple"s second son, who was born at 11:01 BST, weighing 8lb 7oz, is fifth in line to the throne.這是兩人的第二個男孩,出生於英國夏令時11點01分,體重8磅7盎司(約合3.8公斤),是英國王位第五順位繼承人。

截圖來自BBC網站Prince George and Princess Charlotte had visited their brother at the Lindo Wing of St Mary"s Hospital, London.喬治王子和夏洛特公主也來倫敦聖瑪麗醫院林都院區看望了小弟弟。Leaving the hospital Prince William said the couple were very happy, before holding up three fingers and joking he had "thrice the worry now".離開醫院時,威廉王子說他和凱特都非常開心,隨後伸出三根手指,開玩笑說他「現在有了三倍的煩惱」。

Well wishers of British Royal family wait outside the Lindo Wing of St Mary"s Hospital where Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a third child in London, Britain, on April 23, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]"We didn"t keep you waiting too long this time," he added.他還說:「這次我們可沒讓大家等太久。」When someone asked him whether the couple had decided on a name, he said: "You"ll find out soon enough."當有人問到夫妻倆是否已為新王子取名時,他說:「很快你們就會知道了。」Prince William and Catherine had come out of the hospital briefly to greet the crowds with their new son.威廉王子夫婦從醫院出來一會兒,懷抱寶寶與公眾會面。They then returned inside to put their newborn son in his car seat before driving away towards their home Kensington Palace.之後他們返回醫院,把寶寶放在座椅上,驅車前往肯辛頓宮的家中。Members of both families have said they are "delighted with the news" of the birth.威廉王子和凱特王妃的家人都表示「聽到王室新成員誕生的消息非常開心」。

Kensington Palace said the name of the baby would be announced in due course while a formal notice of the birth had been posted on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.肯辛頓宮表示,寶寶的名字將適時公布。白金漢宮前院也張貼了寶寶出生的正式通知。Favourite names at the bookmakers include Arthur, Albert, Frederick, James and Philip.博彩公司給出的熱門名字包括亞瑟、阿爾伯特、弗雷德里克、詹姆斯和菲利普。Prime Minister Theresa May tweeted her "warmest congratulations" to William and Catherine.英國首相特蕾莎-梅發推特說,她對威廉和凱特表示「最熱情的祝賀」。She said: "I wish them great happiness for the future."她說:「祝他們未來生活幸福。」Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn also sent his regards, tweeting: "Congratulations to Kate and William on the birth of their baby boy. I wish them all the very best."英國工黨領袖傑里米-科爾賓也在推特上送上祝福,他寫道:「祝賀威廉和凱特迎來第三個寶寶。祝他們一切都好。」凱特王妃入院時,醫院外的媒體等待區已經被圍了起來,眾多記者隨時等候新寶寶的第一次亮相。而眾多骨灰級粉絲們更是用實際行動在迎接即將誕生的王子或公主。他們已經在醫院外搭起帳篷,徹夜守候著,只為第一時間聽到新寶寶的消息。





再見 灰姑娘! 你好 凱特王妃!
英凱特王妃順利誕下男嬰 其將成第3順位繼承人

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