
What does a high quality online course look like?

Whatdoes a high quality online course look like?

This site is designedto answer the question being asked: What does a high quality online courselook like? It is ourhope that instructorsand instructional designers will use this site to learn more aboutthe Rubric for Online Instruction,and be able to view examples of exemplary courses that instructorshave done in implementing the different components of the rubric.

Learner Support & Resource

Online Organization & Design

Course contains extensive information about being an online learner and links to campus resources. It also provides a variety of course-specific resources, contact information..More Course is well-organized and easy to navigate. Students can clearly understand all components and structure of the course. The syllabus identifies..More

Instructional Design & Delivery

Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning

Course offers ample opportunities for interaction and communication student to student, student to instructor and student to content. Goals are clearly defined and aligned..More

Course has multiple timely and appropriate activities to assess student readiness for course content and mode of delivery. Learning objectives, instruct..More

Innovative Teaching with Technology

Faculty Use of Student Feedback

Course uses a variety of technology tools to appropriately facilitate communication and learning. New teaching methods are applied and innovative enhance..More

Instructor offers multiple opportunities for students to give feedback on course content. Instructor offers multiple opportunities for students to give feedback on..More


PHEBE Music:What Now—Rihanna
What Is E

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