

Lesson 13 A new dress一件新連衣裙●Listen to the tape then answer this question. What colour is Anna"s hat?聽錄音,然後回答問題。安娜的帽子是什麼顏色的?LOUISE: What colour"s your new dress?ANNA: It"s green.ANNA: Come upstairs and see it.LOUISE: Thank you.ANNA: Look! Here it is!LOUISE: That"s a nice dress. It"s very smart.ANNA: My hat"s new, too.LOUISE: What colour is it?ANNA: It"s the same colour. It"s green, too.LOUISE: That is a lovely hat!●New Word and expressions 生詞和短語 colour [?k?l?]n. 顏色 green [ɡri:n]adj. 綠色 come [k?m]v. 來 upstairs [??p?st??z]adv. 樓上 smart [smɑ:t]adj. 時髦的,巧妙的 hat [h?t]n. 帽子 same [seim]adj. 相同的 lovely [?l?vli]adj. 可愛的,秀麗的參考譯文 路易絲:你的新邊衣裙是什麼顏色的?安 娜:是綠色的。安 娜:到樓上來看看吧。路易絲:謝謝。安 娜:瞧,就是這件。路易絲:這件連衣裙真好,真漂亮。安 娜:我的帽子也是新的。路易絲:是什麼顏色的?安 娜:一樣的顏色, 也是綠的。路易絲:真是一頂可愛的帽子!本課重點句型:What colour"s your...? What colour is it?Lesson 14 What colour"s your…? 你的……是什麼顏色的? ●Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 聽錄音並回答問題。●New words and expressions 生詞和短語 case [keis] n. 箱子 carpet [?kɑ:pit] n. 地毯 dog [d?ɡ] n. 狗 ●Written exercises 書面練習 A  Rewrite these sentences. 模仿例句將下列各組句子合二為一。 Example: This is Stella. This is her handbag. This is Stella"s handbag. 1 This is Paul. This is his car. 2 This is Sophie. This is her coat. 3 This is Helen. This is her dog. 4 This is my father. This is his suit. 5 This is my daughter. This is her dress. B  Write sentences using"s his or her. 模仿例句提問並回答,選用名詞所有格形式"s或代詞所有格形式his或her。 Example: Steven/umbrella/black What colour"s Steven"s umbrella? His umbrella"s black. 1 Steven/car/blue 2 Tim/shirt/white 3 Sophie/coat/grey 4 Mrs. White/carpet/red 5 Dave/tie/orange 6 Steven/hat/grey and black 7 Helen/dog/brown and white 8 Hans/pen/green 9 Luming/suit/grey 10 Stella/pencil/blue 11 Xiaohui/handbag/brown 12 Sophie/skirt/yellow

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