
作品:宣州謝眺樓餞別校書叔雲Works:Farewell To Uncle Yun, The Imperial Librarian,At The Xie Tiao Pavilion In Xuanzhou作者:李白Author:LIBAI譯者:佚名Aranslator:Anonymity朝代:唐代Times:TangDynasty棄我去者昨日之日不可留亂我心者今日之日多煩憂長風萬里送秋雁對此可以酣高樓蓬萊文章建安骨中間小謝又清發俱懷逸興壯思飛欲上青天覽明月抽刀斷水水更流舉杯銷愁愁更愁人生在世不稱意明朝散發弄扁舟What left me yesterdayCan be retained no more;What worries me todayAre the times for which I feel sore.In autumn wind for miles and miles the wild geese fly.Let』s follow them with eyes and drink in tower high.Your writing』s forcible, like ancient poets, whileMine is in Junior Xie』s direct and easy style.Both of us have ambitions high;We』d bring the moon down from the sky.Cut running water with a sword, it will faster flow;Drink wine to drown your sorrow, it will heavier grow.If we despair in our lifetime of all affairs,Tomorrow let us sail away with loosened hairs.

歷史上有個人曾建議我們拋棄漢語, 全民學英文, 幸虧我們沒聽他的

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