
跟在哥哥嫂嫂身邊出席活動,也是一直被各種秀恩愛虐狗。多次 「榮登」世界級黃金單身漢排行榜的哈里王子,終身大事也是令英國上下操碎了心。


27日,英國王室終於傳來喜訊,33歲的哈里王子與非裔美籍女友——36歲的演員梅根·馬克爾(Meghan Markle)訂婚,兩人將於2018年春完婚!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle』s Engagement Announcement

Britain"s Prince Harry walks with Meghan Markle in the Sunken Garden of Kensington Palace, London, Britain, November 27, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]




英國首相特蕾莎·梅(Theresa May)也在第一時間通過推特送上祝福:

「I would like to offer my very warmest congratulations to HRH Prince Harry and Meghan Markle upon their engagement.」「我想對哈里王子和梅根·馬克爾的訂婚致以最熱烈的祝賀。」

「This is a time of huge celebration for two people in love and, on behalf of myself, the Government and the country, I wish them great happiness for the future.」




At 2pm the smiling couple made it official by posing for photographs arm in arm in the Sunken Garden.當日下午兩點,這對春風滿面的情侶在低地花園第一次正式亮相,手挽著手拍攝照片。

Harry looked nervous but happy and his fiancée stroked his arm lovingly as they spoke to reporters – with the actress calming his nerves rather than the other way round.與記者交談時,哈里看起來既開心又緊張,而馬克爾則深情地撫著哈里的手臂,反過來安慰未婚夫的緊張情緒。

哈里王子的愛情是怎麼出現的呢?他是不是也如普通人一般,看到心目中的女孩,會「一見鍾情」並緊追不捨呢? 的確如此,哈里王子就是這樣的愛上了梅根,如「天上所有的星星都排成了一行」般如此地肯定。同時,梅根能擺平一切,應對所發生的一切,讓哈里沒有負擔。

I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly — it was a confirmation to me thatall the stars were aligned.This beautiful woman literally tripped and fell into my life. I fell into her life and the fact that she will be unbelievably good at the job part of it as well is obviously a huge relief to me because she"ll be able to deal with everything else that comes with it.


I don』t think that I would call it a whirlwind in terms of our relationship, obviously there have been layers attached to how public it has become after we had a good five, six months almost with just privacy, which was amazing.

不過,對於他們倆之間的感情,尤其要克服異地戀(a long distance relationship),依然是「一日不見如隔三秋」。好在他們都能處理得很好:

But no, I think we were able to really have so much time just to connect and we never went longer than two weeks without seeing each other, even though we were obviously doing a long distance relationship. So it』s – we made it work.


Prince Harry proposed earlier this month during a "standard, typical night for us" at his home in Kensington Palace.

"It was just an amazing surprise. It was so sweet, and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee," Ms Markle said.

Prince Harry said: "She didn"t even let me finish. She said, "Can I say yes."

"Then there were hugs and I had the ring in my finger.

"I said, "Can I give you the ring?" She said: "Oh, yes, the ring." It was a really nice moment. Just the two of us."

Turning to Ms Markle, Prince Harry said: "And I think I managed to catch you by surprise as well."



The ring is – is obviously yellow gold because that』s what – her favorite and the main stone itself I sourced from Botswana and the – the little diamonds either side are from my mother』s jewelry collection to make sure that she』s with us on this – on this crazy journey together.

他還特意告訴自己的未婚妻,要一直帶著這個戒子,「make sure it stays on that finger」。

哈里王子認為自己的母親黛安娜肯定會對訂婚一事「欣喜若狂」,甚至是用be on the moon 以及 jump up and down來表示。他還表示母親一定會與梅根成為最好的朋友的。

Oh they』d be thick as thieves, without question, I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down, you know so excited for me, but then, as I said, would have probably been best friends – best friends with Meghan.So no it』s – you know it is days like – days like today when – when I really miss having her around and miss being able to share the happy news. But you know with the ring and with everything else that』s going on I』m sure she』s …I』m sure she』s with us yeah, you know, jumping up and down somewhere else.


I think everything about Harry』s thoughtfulness is – and the inclusion of that and obviously not being able to meet his mom it』s so important to me to – to know that she』s a part of this with us. And I think in being able to meet his aunts and – and also like Julia and just different people who were so important to his mom, I』m able to, in some way, know a part of her through them and of course through him. And it』s – it』s incredibly special. And you know to be able to have this which sort of links where you come from and Botswana which is important to us and it』s – it』s perfect.


They knew nothing about each other when they met他們見面時對彼此一無所知

Ms Markle credited her American background - and lack of exposure to British tabloids - with allowing her to get to know Prince Harry naturally and organically.馬克爾認為,多虧自己是美國人,在英國小報上沒什麼曝光率,才能和哈里自然而然的熟悉。

For his part, the prince had never seenSuits, the American legal drama in which Markle stars, and had never even heard of her before they met.對哈里來說,他從沒有看過馬克爾主演的美國法律劇《金裝律師》,甚至在兩人見面之前從沒聽說過她。

They were both pleasantly surprised by their blind date.這次相親讓他們都感到很驚喜。

"I was beautifully surprised when I walked into that room and saw her," he said.哈里稱:「當我走進房間看到她時,我非常驚訝。」

"I was like, "I"m really going to have to up my game here"."「我想,我現在真得加把勁兒了。」

Ms Markle is leaving her acting career


The pair also announced that Ms Markle will not continue acting.二人還宣布,馬克爾將不會繼續演戲。

"I don"t see it as giving anything up. I see it as a change. It"s a new chapter…" she said.馬克爾說:「我不認為這是放棄什麼。我把它當作一種改變。這是一個新的篇章……。」

"Now it"s time to work as a team with you," she said as she turned to Prince Harry.她對著哈里說:「現在,我要和你一起工作了。」

They talked about forging a new role for themselves as a couple, focusing on the humanitarian causes over which they first bonded.兩人表示,作為伴侶,他們要塑造新的角色,把重點放在讓兩人結緣的人道主義事業上。

The prince said Markle would easily take to the role of being a member of the Royal Family and said they were a "fantastic team".


Prince Harry proposed over a roast chicken哈里在一隻烤雞面前求婚

The couple described a quiet night at home, cooking a roast chicken together, when the prince surprised Markle by getting down on one knee.


Markle described the moment.馬克爾回憶了那一刻。

It was "just a cosy night... trying to roast a chicken and it just - just an amazing surprise."那是一個「溫馨的夜晚,我們正在做烤雞,他的舉動讓我又驚又喜。」

"It was so sweet and natural and very romantic," she said.她說:「一切都那麼甜蜜、自然而浪漫。」

And it was an instant "yes" from Ms Markle.馬克爾立刻就說出「我願意」。

"I could barely let you finish proposing, I said - "can I say yes now"?"「我幾乎等不及你求完婚,就說『我現在能答應嗎』?」




日本真子公主將與同學訂婚 男友曾獲「海王子」稱號

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