
When A Woman Loves A Man

作詞 : Quiz, Savan

When A Woman Loves A Man


When the stars are in her eyes當星辰在她眼裡閃耀

And the sun is in her smile太陽在她笑容中發光

The only moment in a life一生一次

That happens the same time交相輝映

Is when a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

She"ll be a mother and a child她會成為母親,或是小孩

Sacrifice her days and nights獻出她的日日夜夜

And no other will exsist不為別人

She"ll put her life in every kiss她將她的生命傾注於每個吻中

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

And you"ll be amazed at when you"re stumbling你會驚訝於當你灰心時

She"ll fight for you她會為你戰鬥

And won"t let you give in不讓你放棄

She"ll do all that she can她會為你傾盡全力

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

A soothing breeze always blows處處吹著輕風

Somebody understands another soul靈魂相互慰藉

It"s like the planets have aligned如同星宇結盟

Every sentence has a rhyme字字句句都帶著旋律

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

Oh you"ll be amazed how when噢,你會為之驚嘆

You"re needing it當你需要愛得時候

She"ll fight for you她會為你戰鬥

From the begining to the end從頭到尾

And she"ll do all that she can她會傾盡全力

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

It"s the greatest gift of all這是最好的恩賜

Knowing tht unconditionally這是無條件的

She"ll catch you when you fall當你掉落時她會抓住你

Yeah yeah yeah yeah耶~耶~耶~耶

Oooohh yeah噢~耶

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

When the stars are in her eyes當星辰在她眼裡閃耀

And the sun is in her smile太陽在她笑容中發光

She"ll be a mother and a child她會成為母親,或是小孩

But all at the same time也可以同時都是

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河

She"ll be your air她會成為你的空氣

She"ll bring you life給你帶來生命

She"ll make me sacrifice讓我不惜一切

When a woman loves a man當一個女人墜入愛河


Astrology, Sex and Great Lover
26歲女人應該明白的道理_Love is so short, forgetting is ...

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