申請旅遊簽證 | Immigration New Zealand

欲入境紐西蘭旅遊、訪問的中國公民需要持有旅遊簽證。Chinese citizens wishing to visit New Zealand as a tourist require a visitor visa.



Immigration Online


  • 有一張銀聯、銀聯、維薩卡或萬事達卡
  • 以PDF的形式提供您的文件材料
  • 書面申請旅遊簽證


    中國遊客簽證申請 (INZ 1188) PDF 456KB國遊客補充申請表 (INZ 1027) PDF 306KB


    訪問簽證(少於6個月)材料清單 。 PDF 604KB





    在中國大陸地區申請旅遊簽證的費用為RMB 1,120 元,涵蓋;

  • 申請費RMB895元
  • 服務費RMB225元。
  • 在中國香港地區遞交申請的費用為1,305港幣,包括

  • 申請費1,035港幣
  • 服務費270港幣。
  • 如果您要求通過郵寄的方式返還您的護照(不親自前往申請中心取證),請交納郵費。


  • 如果親自前往簽證中心遞交,可以現金的方式支付
  • 如果通過郵寄申請,可以銀行轉賬。
  • 與家人一起旅遊




  • 居住在北京、天津、河北、山西、陝西、內蒙古、遼寧、吉林、黑龍江、山東、西藏、甘肅、青海、寧夏、河南、新疆的申請人,請遞交至北京紐西蘭簽證申請中心;北京紐西蘭簽證申請中心
  • 居住在重慶、四川、貴州、雲南的申請人,請遞交至 成都紐西蘭簽證申請中心成都紐西蘭簽證申請中心
  • 居住在上海、浙江、安徽、江西、江蘇、福建、湖北、湖南的申請人,請遞交至上海紐西蘭簽證申請中心;上海紐西蘭簽證申請中心
  • 居住在廣東、廣西及海南的申請人,請遞交至廣州紐西蘭簽證申請中心;廣州紐西蘭簽證申請中心
  • 居住於香港或者澳門的申請人,請遞交至香港紐西蘭簽證申請中心。香港紐西蘭簽證申請中心

  • Applying for a visitor visa online

    An online Chinese language visitor visa form is now available. Applying online can be faster and more convenient.

    Immigration Online

    Note that to apply online you must:

  • Have a UnionPay, Visa or Mastercard
  • Provide your documents in PDF format
  • Applying for a visitor visa using paper

    Chinese citizens who intend to visit New Zealand as a tourist and stay for less than six months are required to fill out two forms:

    China Tourist Visitor Visa Application (INZ 1188) PDF 456KBSupplementary Application Form for Chinese Visitors, Students and Workers (INZ 1027) PDF 306KB

    In addition to these forms, you need to supply other documentation in support of your application. Please refer to the Visitor visa (less than six months) checklist for information.

    Visitor visa (less than six months) checklist PDF 604KB

    Lodging your application

    Once you』ve completed these forms and collated your supporting documentation, you are ready to lodge your application.

    You can submit your application either in person or by post.

    How much does an application cost?

    The cost of a visitor visa if you are applying in China is RMB 1,120, which is made up of:

  • an Application Fee of RMB 895
  • a Service Fee of RMB 225.
  • If you are applying in Hong Kong, the cost of a visitor visa is HKD 1,200, which is made up of:

  • an Application Fee of HKD 1,035
  • a Service Fee of HKD 270.
  • Courier fees are also required if you want your passport couriered to you rather than collecting it. from our Visa Application Centres

    Application, Service and courier fees can be paid:

  • in cash, if submitting the application in person
  • by bank transfer, if submitting the application by mail.
  • Travelling with family

    If you are travelling with your partner and dependent children, they can be included in the same application form and only one application and service fee is required for the whole family.

    Where should I submit my application?

    Find your location in the lists below to find out where and how you can lodge your visitor visa application:

  • If you live in Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjian, Shandong, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Henan or Xinjiang, submit your application to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Beijing.New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Beijing
  • If you live in Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou or Yunnan, submit your application to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre in Chengdu.New Zealand Visa Application Centre in Chengdu
  • If you live in Shanghai, Zhejian, Anhui, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, submit your application to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Shanghai.New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Shanghai
  • If you live in Guangdong, Guangxi or Hainan, submit your application to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Guangzhou.New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Guangzhou
  • If you live in Hong Kong or Macau, submit your application to the New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Hong Kong.New Zealand Visa Application Centre, Hong Kong
  • 推薦閱讀:

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    TAG:旅遊 | 簽證 | 申請 | 旅遊簽證 |